Minigame Midnight Assassins


Ueki Fan (Ueki is watching you)
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Midnight Assassins

You are going to pick a Ninja and kill all other Ninjas using your abilities and (human)skills.
The time is frozen at 00:00 AM (midnight) so your vision will be low at all times.
Speed and stealth are the keys to ownage here.

In 15 minutes you are going to roam around the landscape to search for your foes while staying alert.
Ambushing(and getting ambushed) is something that will happen very often here, so it'll be exciting.

Each Ninja has Wind Walk, Evasion, one out of three types of Ward, a method of scouting, and a method of killing.
Each Ninja is specialized in one of three aspects: Offense, Scout, or Trickery
Yes, as you might have guessed, there are three types of Ninja to pick from.

The Ninjas have 5 HP and 25 damage, which means this is a one-hit-kill type of game.
So... stealth is of the essence here....

Latest version: v1.00
I need Replays in: Warcraft3 TFT v1.21
My email (if needed): [email protected]
-- Epicwar:


Wind Walk? What the hell? Everyone's invisible! I can't look for them!
Fortunately, all Wind Walk lasts for 1.5 seconds and gives max movespeed with 5-second cooldown.

Ugh, Evasion? In a one-hit-kill game?
Yes. Your opponent can be very lucky, but so can you.

That's it? That's so... boring....
Exactly. I'm still looking for a way to make this more replay-worthy.

Wow, I've been looking for this type of game!
Good. I hope you'll enjoy this.

What's that Rune doing there at the center of the map?
It 'activates' something....


1. Every Ninja has its own unique Ward (this is the Hunter)

2. The ability to gradually reveal the map (by the Mage)

3. The Warden can summon Scout Wolves (to Patrol, actually)



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The Evolved Panda Commandant
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lol, I love Assassins and Ninjas! W00T! :D

But those games with one hit survival and things are always so cheap. There's always one person who knows what to do for everything to matter what (but I still beat them with mah ninja skills :)). It'd be more balanced if it was like 2 or 3 hits. In real life, there's only a chance that you die in one hit to a sword. If you are a ninja, you're most likely stronger and have the willpower of keep fighting! :D

Maybe you could make this with the normal average ninja games, but boosted up. Like how's this:

Everyone has a Combat Sense ability. For 3 seconds, everyone is slowed down (like time slow) by 50%. There is a 25 second cooldown.
How To Use It: When you see someone, that way, you can use your manual skills better, and it's like in real life when you have heightened combat senses.

Also, Evade ability. It's a manual-activated spell, that when used, it makes you have a 75% success rate (any percent you want and/or can upgrade) to evade all attacks in 1 second, with a cooldown of 4 seconds. Unlike those manual-activated evades where it's just invunerability of phase shift, it's like a real evasion, but sometimes you fail. So you could do it like by giving the caster evasion X level of (Evade) for Caster for 1 second and then take it away. It would be hard to use it at the exact moment they attack, so that's why you have Combat Sense.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Anyway, good luck with this! I'll be waiting... :thup:


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Perhaps make a location/s where you are given bonuses or items or something extra. It'll give more opportunities to ambush, and somewhere players can go, so they're not always roaming randomly.


Ultra Cool Member
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The terrain doesn't seem to suit the assasins though...
Add houses in par with Silent's suggestion?

Yet to try with my circle of friends yet... will do soon, hopefully tonight. :)


Ueki Fan (Ueki is watching you)
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thewrongvine said:
There's always one person who knows what to do for everything to matter what

Eh... explain? :confused:

> normal average ninja games

Those are some bad words I'd like to avoid....

If everyone has that Combat Sense ability, everyone will be slowed down when they meet each other...
There's a nearly-instant Wind Walk already. You can try predict when the attack will meet and 'dodge' it by going invisible (and it also has a 'small' chance of failing) Of course, it won't work with those with True Sight.

Sil3nt said:
Perhaps make a location/s where you are given bonuses or items or something extra. It'll give more opportunities to ambush, and somewhere players can go, so they're not always roaming randomly.

Yeah, I've been thinking of it, too.
But making an Item Shop will make everyone go there and set traps there....

Plus, boosts are not really needed here.
-- I still want to keep the concept of one-hit-kill, so HP/armor/damage/stats items are not needed
-- No spell require Mana, so Mana items are not needed
-- I want the Ninja-Hunter to be the fastest killer, so attack speed items are not needed
-- Critical, Bash, Poison, Slow orb-effects are not needed since you kill them in one hit

Choices of items are really limited here, I can only think of movement manipulating items.

Kenoriga said:
The terrain doesn't seem to suit the assasins though...

True... Lordaeron Summer is ugly, and I use that tileset in all maps I've created
But then, changing it to, let's say, the heavily-green Ashenvale.
It will be strange to have a thick forest near a barrens area, won't it?

Houses? What kind of houses?

Thanks for the comments though.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Well, is it going to be 12 players? If it's under 8 people, it will be a max of only 24 seconds, 1 less than the 25 second cooldown, so that's OK. :p

Maybe you could make it last like 1.5 - 2 seconds, and make the cooldown longer; or you could make it not for the whole map, and just like 400 around the caster.

lol, I'll try to convince you again. :D 1 hit-kills can get a bit imba after the game gets known. "There's always one person who knows what to do for everything to matter what". Whoops, I mean "No matter what". :D Like, once someone plays it a couple of times and gets the hang of it, a pro-gamer can basically own anyone because he knows exactly what to do, when to do it, etc. Even if you have fast reflexes, someone that knows the game more could just do something you don't know about. How about 2-3 hits? That way, like in real life, sometimes, you get lucky for your 2nd chance. Most fighters don't die in 1 hit, considering you're a ninja.

But anyway, how do you like my "Real-Time Evade" thing, where it's not some Instant Survival thing for 1 second like invunerability?



Heavy is credit to team!
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Luck based evasion is just a failure in this kind of game...
Luck is an imbalance you don't need - why add it?


Don't Ever Categorize Yourself.
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it is like saying....

Ninja Gaiden or Assassin's Creed...

of course assassin's Creed ( for me) :)

assassin should have leap attack

and ninja(the enemy of assassin not the one above)... just go hide under a rock.

mehh....all characters were ninjas...


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Luck based evasion is just a failure in this kind of game...
Luck is an imbalance you don't need - why add it?

What does that mean? Do you agree with me or not... but I agree, luck based evasion is imbalanced, which is why I said there shouldn't be the passive evasion thing.

But still, in real life, like 50% fighting is luck. But since it's a game, it can never be fair (since in real life, if you're unlucky, you can't whine "no fair!"... you're dead :p)


Don't Ever Categorize Yourself.
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heheh... can we have a skill:

a ninja throws a shuriken.. probably a Fumi Shuriken...its bigger.

this skill is target to a point

the the ninja launches a dummy unit(sliding) towards the position with expiration trigger

now within 100range of the shuriken.. someone should die... if someone get hit..

range of 3 seconds.

shuriken model.. would probably glave throwers missile art.


Real Life = Chess


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Say wut? :confused:

:D Don't understand what you said except for the Fuma Shuriken. Hmm... I have an expasion of that idea. A fuma shuriken would go further than 1 target but not a straight line (so not shockwave, etc.), and it doesn't have to be triggered like that... um, anyway, a shuriken when thrown also has angle and stuff, it doesn't always just go straight in a line cutting everything in its path. So you could create a dummy that has the Glaive ability (that allows it to cut behind where it shoots so it has a backwards AoE (from melee)), and when it shoots, it shoots at the target point killing enemies in a 100 area, and then the Glaive ability gives it say 400 back AoE. So it's like an aimed shockwave that doesn't just imba line kill.

Just an idea... sounds dumb. :D


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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hahaha.. this part is imba already xD

Fuuma shuriken FTW

How is 100 area imba? You have to aim it yourself, so it only damages in the circle, not in a line. :D

Yours is a whole line of 100. :p Mine's just:

<Ninja> ------ [X]xxxx

The --- is like where you don't hit, since it only starts lining where you target point at, and the [X] is the 100 area, that kills, and the extra xxxx stuff is the glaive skill, where the Fuuma shuriken is still going and killing, but losing its speed and flight and stuff.


Heavy is credit to team!
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What does that mean? Do you agree with me or not... but I agree, luck based evasion is imbalanced, which is why I said there shouldn't be the passive evasion thing.
I just said the % chance evasion is shit in this kind of game. How to solve it is another question.

btw: what's so special about this map? There are alrdy some like this.


New Member
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you should increase the % in evasion. or make a skill like wow called cheat death.

terrain. make the terrain have effect on units.

example: make it that when a unit is in a bush it gets shadomeld, or increase stealth. or when a unit is standing beside trees the attacker has a chance to miss. or if a unit stands on water its stealth decreases and stuff. make it like prince of persia :D


Ueki Fan (Ueki is watching you)
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Whoa, so many replies in two days :D


Well, there's no game that can be understood in one time trying, is there?

Why evade an enemy attack when you can just kill him?
I mean, if you know an enemy is approaching you, why try and bet your luck to evade his attack (it doesn't always work anyway)
Why not just try and kill him instead?
That's more certain.


The chance is quite low, so usually you won't depend on this.
And it won't be fun if you can just WW and backstab someone (almost certainly killing him)
And on reality, Ninjas have reflexes :)
(although actually we should sacrifice reality for balance...)


Killing from afar is highly discouraged.
I prefer it to be melee combat, where you need strategies to certainly kill your target (except to Evasion) since if you fail once, there's a high risk that you will get killed back.

Sensing devices... well, it could some kind of Map Pinging item.
(pings the location of the Ninjas)
Good suggestion. Will be made when I have decided how the shopping should work.


Special... well, basically, none :frown:
Except the concept of spamming Wind Walks to either backstab or confuse your enemies.
I think this can be a good time-killer. It's a minigame anyway....


No, increasing % of Evasion is very discouraged.
Giving terrains some effects will encourage players to camp....

Thanks for the comments guys, I appreciate them.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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@ DarkRae :)D) "Why not just kill him" - he can think the same thing. ;) Defense is the best offense. So if both of you think that (meaning there is no evasion type of thing), then it's all charge at each other and see who has the higher luck for killing.

With the activated Evade skill that gives you 75% chance to evade attacks in 1 second, it's skill for your timing, along with a bit of luck.

But your choice. :p

For long range killing, how about something like the attack of a catapault. Not with just like shockwave, but it only hits in the small AoE of like 50 where you aim, and the projectile would have like a .35 arc and 500 movespeed. Maybe a shuriken projectile, and that would fit perfectly because shurikens are small and don't cut in a line, just where you aim it. The range could be like 1,000, since it's slow moving and has a small AoE. That would be fair imo.

Question: Is there a passive evasion skill? I find that cheap!

Is it going to be FFA? There should be terrain advantages, but there are like creeps guarding it. For example, there would be a hill, but at the top, 3 bandits gaurd it, and every 120 seconds, they respawn. Enemies can still get up there with strategy and tactics - running up, throwing a shuriken to distract, wind-walking at the last second, go behind, and kill.

--- --- ---

You have a lot of comments because so many of these past maps fail becasue it's unbalanced. :) If it depends too much on player skill, 50% people don't have it and complain. If it depends too much on luck, 50% people have skill and complain. :p So try to even it out.


Don't Ever Categorize Yourself.
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hehe lol, I never suggested that the shuriken should kill all units in a line.. or misunderstood..

i only want that shuriken to hit/kill "1" target.. that it hits.. friend or foe just to be funny.

75% dodge...somehow too much...

and active-able dodge.. how about the delayed people T-T


New Member
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would this work?

mmmm I still think the terrain combat system idea would be good. why not make them not permanet and make the effects last for like 10secs only, that way people wont camp.

If people are just going to be stealthed all the time then make items that lets you see invisable units for a short time in an area.

Also, why not put some items that spawn randomly in random areas that give players a temparary buff like speed increase, evasion 30%, damage increase,
mana increase and maby some invisable traps or some sentry wards.

by doing that this will decrease the amount of time that people will have to look for one another and this will add some strategy by letting the players guard some key areas(like shops)

Hay and wile im at it, why not make an item that fools players. like items that look like other items or items that make an image on a spot that canot move.

what im trying to say is to make items that make the game more strategical and less time trying to find each other like marco polo. This also makes the game not relie on skill to much. but does not elimanate it. It makes the game less pradictable and more random. kind of like a samarie fighting a medevil swordsman, instead of a swordsman fighting a swordsman. :thup:
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