System Path


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library Path /* v1.0.0.2
*   This is able to determine if a path between two points is blocked as well
*   as retrieve the shortest path between those two points in the form of a linked list.
*   */uses/*
*       */ IsPathable /*
*   struct Path extends array
*       readonly thistype next
*           -   Retrieves the next node on the path. The first node is the path head.
*           -   Sentinel: 0
*       readonly thistype prev
*           -   Retrieves the previous node on the path (previous of path head is last node).
*           -   Sentinel: 0
*       readonly integer x
*           -   Retrieves x coordinate of node
*       readonly integer y
*           -   Retrieves y coordinate of node
*       static method create takes integer startX, integer startY, integer endX, integer endY, integer pathingType returns Path
*           -   Attempts to create a path between two points {startX,startY -> endX,endY}
*           -   In this case where there is no such path, the path returned is 0.
*           -   This will return the smallest path between the two points.
*           -   This is a very heavy operation.
*       method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
*           -   Destroys a path. This is a very light operation.
*       static method isBlocked takes integer startX, integer startY, integer endX, integer endY, integer pathingType returns boolean
*           -   Determines if a path is blocked or not.
        private integer i=0         //instance count
        private integer r=0         //recycler
    struct Path extends array
        readonly thistype next      //next node
        readonly thistype prev      //previous node
        readonly integer x          //x coord
        readonly integer y          //y coord
        static method isBlocked takes integer x, integer y, integer x2, integer y2, integer pt returns boolean
            local integer c=0           //instance count of local lists
            local integer array n       //list next
            local integer array p       //list previous
            local integer array lx      //point x
            local integer array ly      //point y
            local integer array dx      //direction x
            local integer array dy      //direction y
            local thistype k=0          //current list
            local thistype m=0          //new list
            local hashtable ht          //local hashtable for seeing if a coordinate was hit
            local integer o             //open paths
            local boolean f=false       //initially found path already?
            //have to work in a 32x32 grid, so format the coordinates
            set x=(x+32)/32*32
            set y=(y+32)/32*32
            set x2=(x2+32)/32*32
            set y2=(y2+32)/32*32
            //if the start and end points are pathable, continue
            if (IsPathable(x,y,pt) and IsPathable(x2,y2,pt)) then
                set ht=InitHashtable()
                call SaveBoolean(ht,x,y,true)               //mark start point as hit
                //create first 4 path nodes branching out in 4 directions like a cross
                //from start point
                //! runtextmacro INI_PATH_NODE("32","0")
                //! runtextmacro INI_PATH_NODE("-32","0")
                //! runtextmacro INI_PATH_NODE("0","32")
                //! runtextmacro INI_PATH_NODE("0","-32")
                //if none of the path nodes were the end point, then continue
                if (not f) then
                    //if none of the path nodes were valid, end
                    set k=n[0]
                    if (0==k) then
                        call FlushParentHashtable(ht)
                        set ht=null
                        return true
                    //loop through each open path node and branch them out
                        //reset the open paths. If this hits 0, path ended up being
                        //a dead end
                        set o=4
                        //branch out
                        //! runtextmacro ALLOCATE_PATH_NODE_2("0","32")
                        //! runtextmacro ALLOCATE_PATH_NODE_2("0","-32")
                        //! runtextmacro ALLOCATE_PATH_NODE_2("32","0")
                        //! runtextmacro ALLOCATE_PATH_NODE_2("-32","0")
                        //dead end
                        if (0==o) then
                            set n[p[k]]=n[k]
                            set p[n[k]]=p[k]
                        set k=n[k]
                        //if k is at 0, then it's at the head
                        if (0==k) then
                            set k=n[k]
                            //if thee are no more lists, return blocked
                            if (0==k) then
                                call FlushParentHashtable(ht)
                                set ht=null
                                return true
                            //flip pathing
                            //goes between going straight and branching
                            set f=not f
                call FlushParentHashtable(ht)
                set ht=null
                //not blocked if at this point
                return false
            //blocked if at this point
            return true
        static method create takes integer x, integer y, integer x2, integer y2, integer pt returns thistype
            local integer c=0           //list instance count
            local integer array n       //list next
            local integer array p       //list previous
            local integer array pa      //parent list
            local integer array px      //parent x
            local integer array py      //parent y
            local integer array lx      //point x
            local integer array ly      //point y
            local integer array dx      //direction x
            local integer array dy      //direction y
            local thistype k=0          //current list
            local thistype m=0          //new list
            local thistype l=0          //list
            local hashtable ht
            local integer o             //open paths
            local boolean f=false
            //format to 32x32 grid
            set x=(x+32)/32*32
            set y=(y+32)/32*32
            set x2=(x2+32)/32*32
            set y2=(y2+32)/32*32
            //make sure start and end are pathable
            if (IsPathable(x,y,pt) and IsPathable(x2,y2,pt)) then
                set ht=InitHashtable()
                call SaveBoolean(ht,x,y,true)               //mark start as hit
                //! runtextmacro INI_PATH_NODE("32","0")
                //! runtextmacro INI_PATH_NODE("-32","0")
                //! runtextmacro INI_PATH_NODE("0","32")
                //! runtextmacro INI_PATH_NODE("0","-32")
                //if not hit end, go on
                if (not f) then
                    set k=n[0]
                    //if no branches, start is blocked off, return 0
                    if (0==k) then
                        call FlushParentHashtable(ht)
                        set ht=null
                        return 0
                    //loop through each branch and branch them
                        set o=4         //open paths
                        //! runtextmacro ALLOCATE_PATH_NODE("0","32")
                        //! runtextmacro ALLOCATE_PATH_NODE("0","-32")
                        //! runtextmacro ALLOCATE_PATH_NODE("32","0")
                        //! runtextmacro ALLOCATE_PATH_NODE("-32","0")
                        //dead end
                        if (0==o) then
                            set n[p[k]]=n[k]
                            set p[n[k]]=p[k]
                        set k=n[k]
                        //if hit head, flip pathing
                        if (0==k) then
                            set k=n[k]
                            //no lists left, all hit dead ends, path is blocked
                            if (0==k) then
                                call FlushParentHashtable(ht)
                                set ht=null
                                return 0
                            set f=not f     //alternate between straight and branch
                call FlushParentHashtable(ht)
                set ht=null
                set k=m             //correct path node (goal) is in m
                //allocate head and set it's coordinate to start point
                if (0==r) then
                    set l=i+1
                    set i=l
                    set l=r
                set l.x=x
                set l.y=y
                //allocate first node on path
                if (0==r) then
                    set m=i+1
                    set i=m
                    set m=r
                set m.x=lx[k]
                set m.y=ly[k]
                //add it to head
                set m.prev=l
                set l.prev=m
                    exitwhen 0==pa[k]       //exitwhen there are no more nodes on the path
                                            //this goes from the end back to the start
                                            //each node has a parent that it branched from
                                            //as well as a parent coodinate, which is where
                                            //it branched from the parent (since parents
                                            //move). This just loops up through the parents.
                    if (0==r) then
                        set m=i+1
                        set i=m
                        set m=r
                    set m.prev=l.prev
                    set l.prev=m
                    //store coord
                    set m.x=px[k]
                    set m.y=py[k]
                    //go to next parent
                    set k=pa[k]
                //allocate last node
                if (0==r) then
                    set m=i+1
                    set i=m
                    set m=r
                set m.x=x2
                set m.y=y2
                set m.prev=l.prev
                set l.prev=m
                //set ends of list to 0
                return l
            return 0
        method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
            //recycles entire list
            //last node points to recycler
            //recycler is set to first node
            //the list is essentially shifted in front of the recycler
            set r=this
    //this is for initializing the first branching nodes
    //! textmacro INI_PATH_NODE takes DX,DY
        //if no branch nodes have hit the end
        //and the branch point is pathable
        if not f and IsPathable(x+$DX$,y+$DY$,pt) then
            //mark as hit
            call SaveBoolean(ht,x+$DX$,y+$DY$,true)
            set k=c+1
            set c=k
            //store point
            set lx[k]=x+$DX$
            set ly[k]=y+$DY$
            //add to branch list
            set p[n[0]]=k
            set n[k]=n[0]
            set n[0]=k
            //store direction*
            set dx[k]=$DX$
            set dy[k]=$DY$
            //if the branch point was the goal, mark as goal
            if lx[k]==x2 and ly[k]==y2 then
                set m=k             //store k to m
                set f=true          //mark (ini nodes only)
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro ALLOCATE_PATH_NODE takes DX,DY
        //if the branched point was hit or the point wasn't pathable, mark as dead end
        if (HaveSavedBoolean(ht,lx[k]+$DX$,ly[k]+$DY$) or not IsPathable(lx[k]+$DX$,ly[k]+$DY$,pt)) then
            set o=o-1       //dead end counter
            //if a branch (not in same direction as current node)
            if ($DX$!=dx[k] or $DY$!=dy[k]) then
                //only branch if the branching flag is marked true
                //this is to give priority to straight paths so that
                //the shortest path doesn't end up being a spiraling mess
                if (f) then
                    //mark branch point as hit
                    call SaveBoolean(ht,lx[k]+$DX$,ly[k]+$DY$,true)
                    set m=c+1
                    set c=m
                    //store point of parent node as parent node coordinate
                    //remember that parent nodes move around!
                    set px[m]=lx[k]
                    set py[m]=ly[k]
                    //add to branch list
                    set p[n[0]]=m
                    set n[m]=n[0]
                    set n[0]=m
                    //store direction
                    set dx[m]=$DX$
                    set dy[m]=$DY$
                    //store coordinate
                    set lx[m]=lx[k]+$DX$
                    set ly[m]=ly[k]+$DY$
                    //store parent node
                    set pa[m]=k
                    //if this node hit the goal, exit loop
                    exitwhen lx[m]==x2 and ly[m]==y2
            //else if the path was straight, enter if flagged for straight paths
            elseif (not f) then
                //mark point as hit
                call SaveBoolean(ht,lx[k]+$DX$,ly[k]+$DY$,true)
                //set m to k in case this node was the goal
                set m=k
                //move the node forward
                set lx[k]=lx[k]+$DX$
                set ly[k]=ly[k]+$DY$
                //if the node hit the goal, exit loop
                exitwhen lx[k]==x2 and ly[k]==y2
    //! endtextmacro
    //! textmacro ALLOCATE_PATH_NODE_2 takes DX,DY
        //if the branched point was hit or the point wasn't pathable, mark as dead end
        if (HaveSavedBoolean(ht,lx[k]+$DX$,ly[k]+$DY$) or not IsPathable(lx[k]+$DX$,ly[k]+$DY$,pt)) then
            set o=o-1       //dead end counter
            //if a branch (not in same direction as current node)
            if ($DX$!=dx[k] or $DY$!=dy[k]) then
                //only branch if the branching flag is marked true
                //this is to give priority to straight paths so that
                //the shortest path doesn't end up being a spiraling mess
                if (f) then
                    //mark branch point as hit
                    call SaveBoolean(ht,lx[k]+$DX$,ly[k]+$DY$,true)
                    set m=c+1
                    set c=m
                    //add to branch list
                    set p[n[0]]=m
                    set n[m]=n[0]
                    set n[0]=m
                    //store direction
                    set dx[m]=$DX$
                    set dy[m]=$DY$
                    //store coordinate
                    set lx[m]=lx[k]+$DX$
                    set ly[m]=ly[k]+$DY$
                    //if this node hit the goal, exit loop
                    exitwhen lx[m]==x2 and ly[m]==y2
            //else if the path was straight, enter if flagged for straight paths
            elseif (not f) then
                //mark point as hit
                call SaveBoolean(ht,lx[k]+$DX$,ly[k]+$DY$,true)
                //move the node forward
                set lx[k]=lx[k]+$DX$
                set ly[k]=ly[k]+$DY$
                //if the node hit the goal, exit loop
                exitwhen lx[k]==x2 and ly[k]==y2
    //! endtextmacro
This solves so many problems, finally someone is skillful enough to do it. Thanks again for your obviously hard-to-do systems!

Wha'ts the distance between nodes? can these be regulated?
Currently this does breadth-first, so I don't recommend use yet.

Distance between nodes can't be regulated, it just searches for an open path.

You can also find distance between nodes via subtracting x and y coordinates and then doing rt(x^2+y^2) ^)^.
But lets say that i want to create a completely customized movement for a unit, because since 522 is the limit and systems that increase unit speed are buggy, will this system provide the necesary tools to create a path to simulate movement sliding a unit towards a path?
To increase a unit's move speed, just do the same idea as j4l did in his movement speed snippet or w/e.

You don't want to use custom path finding except for finding blocks.
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  • The Helper The Helper:
    News portal has been retired. Main page of site goes to Headline News forum now
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am working on getting access to the old news portal under a different URL for those that would rather use that for news before we get a different news view.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Easily done
  • The Helper The Helper: is a link to the old news portal - i will integrate it into the interface somewhere when i figure it out
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Need to try something
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Hopefully this won't cause problems.
  • Ghan Ghan:
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I have converted the Headline News forum to an Article type forum. It will now show the top 20 threads with more detail of each thread.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    See how we like that.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do not see a way to go past the 1st page of posts on the forum though
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is OK though for the main page to open up on the forum in the view it was before. As long as the portal has its own URL so it can be viewed that way I do want to try it as a regular forum view for a while
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    It SHOULD be there so I think it might just be an artifact of having an older style.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I switched it to a "Standard" article forum. This will show the thread list like normal, but the threads themselves will have the first post set up above the rest of the "comments"
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I don't really get that article forum but I think it is because I have never really seen it used on a multi post thread
  • Ghan Ghan:
    RpNation makes more use of it right now as an example:
  • The Helper The Helper:
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What do you think Tom?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    I will have to get used to this.
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    The latest news feed looks good

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