

The DIY Ninja
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Throw it straight up.

The shortest complete sentence in English would depend on whether or not one is merely counting letters and/or spaces. Technically, "Go!" (with an understood "you" as the subject) is a shorter complete sentence than "I am."

Are Hobbit riddles free game now?

A windmill, or possibly a cathedral.

A feather bed is made up of soft down, while a penniless man is hard up.

o_o Got 4 out of the 4 you answered o_o'


From the depths, I come.
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A man rides into town on Friday, stays in town for 30 days, and then rides out of town on Friday again. How is this possible?

A farmer is trying to bring 3 animals to the town fair. However, there is a river in the way he must cross with a dog, a chicken, and a sack of feed. To get them across, he has to paddle his boat across the river taking them one at a time. To make matters worse, he can't trust his dog around the chicken, as it will eat it, and he can't let the chicken be alone with the feed, as it will eat it all. What order can the farmer take the animals across without mishap.


Hippopotomonstrosesquiped aliophobia
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A man rides into town on Friday, stays in town for 30 days, and then rides out of town on Friday again. How is this possible?
They're two different Fridays.

A farmer is trying to bring 3 animals to the town fair. However, there is a river in the way he must cross with a dog, a chicken, and a sack of feed. To get them across, he has to paddle his boat across the river taking them one at a time. To make matters worse, he can't trust his dog around the chicken, as it will eat it, and he can't let the chicken be alone with the feed, as it will eat it all. What order can the farmer take the animals across without mishap.
Take the chicken, then the feed, then the dog.


New Member
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A farmer is trying to bring 3 animals to the town fair. However, there is a river in the way he must cross with a dog, a chicken, and a sack of feed. To get them across, he has to paddle his boat across the river taking them one at a time. To make matters worse, he can't trust his dog around the chicken, as it will eat it, and he can't let the chicken be alone with the feed, as it will eat it all. What order can the farmer take the animals across without mishap.
Take the chicken across, go back. Take the feed across, go back with the chicken. Take the dog across, go back. Take the chicken back across.


From the depths, I come.
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Good job shimmergloom, you got it.

Neither of those are correct. Read the riddles more closely.

A) What is the farthest any man can possibly run into a forest?

B) A man is captured by trolls, and told he has to make a statement that will determine his fate. If his statement is false, he will be thrown off a cliff. If he tells the truth, he will be torn apart. After telling the trolls his statement, they had no choice but to let him go free. What did the man say?

C) While wandering the countryside, you find yourself lost. You come to a fork in the road, and you know one way is the way back home, but not which. There are 2 people on either side of the road, one who never lies and another who can never tell a truth. They know which way you need to go, but you don't know which tells the truth and which lies. What single question can you ask that will let you know where to go no matter which one you ask?

D) You have a collection of marbles, sorted into 3 jars, one with red, one with blue, and one with both. Each box is labeled as such. Unfortunately, your sister has taken revenge on you, and switched the labels so that each one is marked wrong. Without looking in the boxes, and by only taking one marble out of one of any of the boxes, how can you know how to re-arrange the labels correctly?

E) A police officer comes to a crime scene of a murder. Another man came and saw, but didn't touch anything in the room. He assumed it was suicide since the man was holding a gun. The officer checked the room and found a tape recorder. After pressing the play button, he heard, "I have nothing to live for, I can't go on any longer" and then a gunshot. He knows the voice was of the man who died, but he immediately knows that he was murdered. How?

F) A man was driving his car down the road, and got in an accident with another car. The man was fine, but there was one dead among those in the other car. It was agreed that the man was the one who caused the accident, but he was not charged with killing the dead man. Why?

G) Why is an old hundred dollar bill better than a new one?

H) Three men are sitting at a table, Mr. Red, Mr. Blue, and Mr. Green. One had on a red suit, another blue, and another green. The man in the blue suit said, "You know, it's funny. We are each wearing suits that match our names, but none of us is wearing the color he is named after." To which Mr. Green replied, "You know, you're right! That is odd." Which color suit was each man wearing?

I) Three working women have different careers. If only one of statements 1, 2 and 3 are true, can you tell whether or not Mary is a nurse?
1. This statement is only true if statement 5 is false.
2. This statement is true if statements 4 or 5, or both 4 and 5 are true.
3. This statement is false only if both statements 6 and 1 are true.
4. Mary is a nurse.
5. Karen is an artist.
6. Sarah is a photographer.

J) An old hermit lives in a hut in the middle of nowhere. The only electric appliance in his house is a refrigerator. He is leaving for a week or so, and the food currently there will last that long. However, his electricity is unreliable and the food could spoil if the refrigerator was off for too long. Without having to check the food, what can he do so that he knows if the power went out for long enough that the food would be bad when he comes back?

K) A man has to hike from his small town to a larger town to report a disaster. The hike will take 6 days, and there is plenty of food in the town. However, only 4 days worth of food can be carried. There is no way for him to carry extra food, such as a pack animal or a sled. How can he make it to the town and avoid starvation?

L) An old parchment describes the location of buried treasure: "On the island there are only two trees, A and B, and the remains of a gallows. Start at the gallows and count the steps required to walk in a straight line to tree A. At the tree turn 90 degrees to the left and then walk forward the same number of steps. At the point where you top drive a spike into the ground. Now return to the gallows and walk in a straight line, counting your steps, to tree B. When you reach the tree, turn 90 degrees to the right and take the same number of steps forward, placing another spike at the point where you stop. Dig at the point exactly halfway between the spikes and you will find the treasure." However, when he gets to the island finds the gallows missing. Is there any way he can still get to the treasure?

M) A man is playing a gambling game, where a stone is hidden under one of three cups. He looses track of which cup the ball is in, but his three friends know where it is, and each gives him a hint. He knows only one of them is telling the truth, and the other two are trying to mess him up, but not which is doing what. One friend says, "It's not under the cup on the left.", the second says, "It's under the middle cup", and the last says, "It's not under the middle one." Which cup is the ball under?

N) An eccentric king decides to play a cruel game on two of his knights. He tells them to race each other to the capital. The knight whose horse crosses the finish line first will be killed while, the other will be crowned the next king. Knowing that disobeying the king will result in death, they ride their horses to the capital, but progress is very slow, as neither wants to win the race. At one point, both knights stop at an inn where an old man gives them some advice, after which each sprints to the stables and then rides as hard as he can to the capital. What advice did the old man give them?

O) A man is telling a friend about what he did with the puppies his dog had. He said, "I sold half of them and half a puppy to an old lady, then I sold half of what I had left and half a puppy to a family, then half of what I had left and half a puppy to a young boy, and then I was out of puppies." His friend was horrified that he had cut puppies in half to sell them, but the man assured him this was not the case. How many puppies did he start with?

P) A man with 4 apples gave a whole apple to 2 fathers and each of their sons. After this, he walked away eating the remaining apple. How?

Q) There are 6 glasses lined up in a row, the first three with water, the last three empty. Moving only one glass, can you arrange them so that they alternate between filled and not-filled?

R) How many times can you subtract pi from 1 million?
(Remember to use spoiler tags for the answers!)


From the depths, I come.
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Lobster got it right, but the other answers are wrong, sorry.

Also, what is the longest word in the English language? Coined and technical terms are fine, though you can't just make one up on the spot.

Be sure to check that same post, I might add a few more riddles.


Everything is mutable; nothing is sacred
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Smiles? Supercala...you know what I mean.


Occasionally Around
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"I will die by being thrown off a cliff."
Ask one of the men, "If I asked the other man if the left road would take me home, would he say yes?" If the man says no, take the left road, otherwise take the right.
Take the marble out of the box labeled "both". Since the "both" box is mislabeled, the color marble you take out will tell you what box it really is. The box with the color you chose must therefore be the oppositely labeled single-color box, for if it were the "both" box then the third box would have a correct label. The "both" box, then, must be the box labeled as the color marble you chose.
The tape in the tape recorder would not have rewound itself to the point of the person speaking without someone else being present.
The man hit a hearse: the person was already dead.
Because it's worth $99 more.
Mr. Green is wearing red, Mr. Red is wearing blue, and Mr. Blue is wearing green (since Mr. Green and the man in the blue suit aren't the same person.)
No, it is impossible to determine Mary's profession.
If he wants the food to be bad, he could just unplug his refrigerator.
The man could hike out for one day, leave 2 days of food at a cache there, and hike back, then hike out for two days, picking up a day's worth of food at his cache on the way out, leaving a second cache of 2 days of food, then picking up another day's worth of food at his first cache on the way back. Then he can do his actual hike, picking up 2 days of food from his second cache, and reaching the larger town just as his food runs out. (People don't die of starvation in 6 days, incidentally - he should be more concerned with water than food.)
He can stand at tree B facing tree A, walk halfway to A while counting his steps, turn 90 degrees to the left, and walk the same number of steps. He should find himself at the point of the treasure.
The friend saying "It's not under the middle one" is telling the truth, therefore it's under the cup on the left.
He told the knights to switch horses.
He started with seven puppies, selling 3.5+.5 (4) to the lady, leaving him with 3, selling 1.5+.5 (2) to the family, leaving him with 1, and selling .5+.5 (1) to the boy, leaving him with none.
There was a grandfather, a father, and a grandson.
Pick up the second glass (a full one), pour the water in it into the fifth glass (an empty one), then place the glass back where it was.
An infinite number of times.


From the depths, I come.
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I, J, and R were wrong. (Still impressive, unless you just looked them up) He wants to know whether the food was still good or not when he comes back. K is correct, I suppose, though there is another way to do it, which is a bit more reliable.

And no, it's not Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.


Occasionally Around
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Regarding I....
I realize that the answer is supposed to be "Mary is not a nurse" because if you put statements 4, 5, and 6 into a grid and parse them according to 1, 2, and 3, you should find only one line where exactly one of 1/2/3 is true.


That particular line depends on statement 3 being false. Unfortunately, with the way that statement 3 is worded, it is impossible for it to be resolved. It has two parts - the inverse of "both statements 6 and 1 are true", and "This statement is false". In a condition where statement 4 and 5 are false, and statement 6 is true, statement 3 should be false. But, because of the wording, ("This statement is false if...." which, if the conditions are false, would be a true statement) it has to be true as well, and therefore is an impossibly paradoxical true/false statement. A more accurate way of saying statements 1-3 would be:

1. Statement 5 is false.
2. Statements 4 or 5, or both, are true.
3. Either statement 1 or statement 6 is false.

Regarding K....
We don't know if there is anyone else in the town able to hike with him, right?

Regarding R....
The answer is not once.

Wow... I misread J rather badly. Working on it now....


From the depths, I come.
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for K:
Well, the journey is rather important, and it's a town, so he's not alone out there exactly.

for R:
If you suptract pi (or any number but 0) from 1 million, then the number is no longer 1 million. Sure, inifinity is technically a legitimate response, but using strict literal thinking, you can only subtract pi from 1 million once, and then you can't subtract pi from 1 million again, as the number is no longer 1 million.

This is of course, assuming that there are not an infinite number of 1 millions to subtract pi from. It said, "1 million", not, "an infinite number of millions."

Perhaps I should have worded it, "a million"?

for I:
I see what you're talking about, it's similar to saying, "This sentence is false." Here, it's just going to need a little common sense to know what the statement intends.


Occasionally Around
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For K....
I based my response off of two parts, "to report a disaster" and "4 days worth of food can be carried". I inferred from those two statements that there was nobody else in good enough condition to make the hike. :rolleyes:

For R....
But there are an infinite number of 1 millions to subtract pi from... you never specified that it was in base 10. :p

As regards J....
This one is giving me a harder time than all the others combined... the only suggestion I can come up with is that he uses a clock which would stop when the power went out and keep running once it came back on, but there are two large problems with that. I think I'm on completely the wrong track.


From the depths, I come.
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For R:
I don't know how the base we are using comes into play, however the riddle requires only 1 million to subtract pi from. Like the riddle says, there is 1 million, not 3 millions, or 100 millions, or infinite millions. You could deconstruct any riddle by twisting the words however you want, but that doesn't make the answers different.:p

For J:
Remember, the refrigerator is his only electric device. So, no clocks. Wouldn't work perfectly anyways, what if the power went out for the whole time, but came on at the right time so that the clock was only off by a few minutes?


Occasionally Around
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For R:
"...there is 1 million...."

I am defeated. :(

For J:
Yeah, the lack of other electric appliances and the inability to display days were the two problems I was thinking of. I can't derail myself from a particular train of thought about how to measure how long the power is out, and I keep thinking about cups of ice, or clocks, or talking to the electric company.... Since no mention is made of what the food is, what temperature it would spoil at, or how long it would take to spoil, I'm assuming the answer is something rather different, but I can't see it yet.

Incidentally, the only one I had heard before was A, although the subject was a dog rather than a man (Dogs would get distracted too easily, I suppose).



A watch is not categorized as an appliance. In addition, many clocks and watches are not electric.


From the depths, I come.
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A watch is not categorized as an appliance. In addition, many clocks and watches are not electric.

Clever, but no.

I'll post the answer in a few days, prolly tomorrow. Figure it out before then!
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