Arena Robot Wars - |Map of the Week #3|


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Hm no feedback? The next version will be ready for beta testing next week, I would appreciate if some people could help me test it out before the real release. If you test it without me, test it at least 3 times with 4 people minimum. Afterwards give me feedback on what's good and back, and of course if you have any other ideas for improvement.

Cheers all, I will be back next week.


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Even though I'm "Inactive" I received some time to work on the map. Several has suggested a repick device so I have now created one. I have also found a good use of the factory, it now serves as the repick tool and info supplier. In order to repick you may not have bought any spells and you can not do it in battle.

People are now revived even during battle and can while the other's keep battling look around in the shops to buy items for the next round etc. Of course they can not interfere the other's in any way. You can no longer buy items during battle, several has complained about the idea and instead you get the chance to while being "dead" in the battles.

Oh and also, if anyone has any good ideas for how to prevent people from using items when there is no battle or if your "dead" during a battle it would be sweet if you could tell me how. Items are apparently not as easy to stop from being used as normal abilities...

An AI demo will hopefully soon be released. Credits goes to darkbeer for creating it.


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Have the interests for this map faded? No one has replied in a months time...

Some new stuff I created during the weekend:
New event: "Double Damage", all damage is doubled for 40 seconds (even damage taken from fire pits etc).
New Items:
New item: "Damage Booster", increases your damage by 30% for 10 seconds. Gold cost yet unknown. Charged item.
New item: "That Hurt!", gives a 5% chance to critically hit your target with all sorts of damage. Permanent. Gold cost: 400-800.
New item: "I'm Going To Be Rich Some Day!" (Name pending^^), gives you 15% extra gold when damaging an opponent. Permanent, (upgradeable). Gold cost: 700-900.
New item: "All Your Power Belongs To Me!" (Name pending^^), gives a 5% life steal when damaging an opponent, also gives a 5% chance to slow your opponent by 30% for 5 seconds. Permanent, gold cost: 600-900.
New item: "Time And Space", you move away from time and space making you invulnerable for 3 seconds but also stuns you during this time making you unable to act. Active item, gold cost: 700.
Items changed:
Final Escape: You fade out over one second making you fully invulnerable for two seconds but unable to act. When the two seconds has passed you will teleported to a random destination within the arena walls. Active item, gold cost: 600.
Random Events changed:
Lasers: The laser is replaced with rockets for a better and more realistic feeling. The rockets will also explode and deal AoE damage on contact.
Abilities changed:
Flaming Wheel:
The fire circle now becomes twice as big, many has complained about it's slow speed and since I don't wish for any greater lag issues I have instead expanded it's size greatly.
Homing Missiles:
The missiles has now a better turn rate, it's no longer possible to just stand still and let it circulate around you. (Yet unknown spell I know, will come with the next version.)

New spell idea needed!
I'm thinking about replacing Rocket Rain, this due it's 0.2 sec lag every time it's used. (This is because I create 80 dummy units at the same time and order them to cast Cluster Rockets.)
The new spell should be no targeted (example: Fan of Knives, War Stomp, Thunderclap) and should not be an ultimate, meaning that it will have 5 levels.
What it is not allowed to do:
Make you fully invulnerable and still able to act.
Heal yourself.
Teleport you outside the arena.

Well I think that's all for now. And as always you may ask, comment, criticize as much as you want. And for the love of god, leave feedback! ^^


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No need for a new ability idea, the new spell is already created. What it is you ask, wait and see I say. ;P

I'm sorry for it to take so much time to release the new version, but it just means that I'm making it really well made without any bugs, doesn't it? ^^

No but seriously I'm actually testing it in the class for full to make sure everything is in order. It's especially the new game mode I'm worried over. Oh yeah I totally forgot to tell you about it. You can now battle each other in teams, neat huh?^^

By the way, I'm becoming so desperate for someone to host this thing for me that I will soon pay you to do it, I'm not kidding. (Well maybe I am, but still. ^^)


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Update, version 2.2 is now released

A lot of new items. Replaced Rocket Rain with Spinning Defense. Added team mode.

Is there even anyone reading this thread anymore?


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Great map! All the projectiles and random events everywhere are awesome and make the map crazy fun. Look forward to seeing new updates.


Let the game begin...
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Ah finally some feedback. ^^

Well in the latest update I have added a lot of new fun stuff. Currently I'm unsure what to add for the next one, except for new random events. I'm gonna stick with the abilities I have now, the only thing I would change about them is the bouncing glaives bouncing so it becomes realistic and if anything is unbalanced.

If you have any ideas or suggestions feel free to post them here or pm me.


Working on a Map
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Try adding more weapons for a start. Maybe a weapon shop that sells protective stuff. Like say metal pellet things that fly around you that can block stuff for you.
Now, I would also suggest some traps. Like maybe you could allow the host to choose whether they want to activate traps like the fire thing, spikes etc.
Some trap ideas:
Boobie Trap (not sure about spelling)- When someone steps on an invisible switch or something, the trap will activate. Maybe ensnare nearby units or something.
Poison Pool- During acid rain, pools of poison will be left in random spots of the arena, they erode the armour of stuff, causing them to take more damage and deal damage to them.
Spell Ideas?:
Energy Wall- Creates a wall of energy to trap enemies in the area. No one can leave the or enter the energy wall without using spells (they must jump over the wall or something). The wall acts like any other wall. Ends after a while.
Net Gun- Causes a giant net to be thrown to the target point, ensnaring everything in the area.
Exhaust Fire- Causes the exhaust pipe to overheat, causing fire to blast out from the vehicle.
Other Ideas:
Win Condition- Dealing damage is not the best way to determine who wins. Maybe each person should have a Score. You gain score for damaging enemies, killing enemies, dealing the most damage for a round, being the last survivor for the round etc. This would make better gameplay cos some people just get pure damage while others heal like crazy. In the end the guy who heals like crazy wins the round but the guy who gets pure damage wins the game, thats just weird.


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>Try adding more weapons for a start.

With weapon, do you mean ability or item? I will not add any more abilities since there are already 24 of them and that's plenty enough. With any more it will be confusing and a huge risk for the abilities to become unbalanced to each other.

>Maybe a weapon shop that sells protective stuff. Like say metal pellet things that fly around you that can block stuff for you.

I like the idea, I'm actually going to make that idea come true. :thup:

>Now, I would also suggest some traps. Like maybe you could allow the host to choose whether they want to activate traps like the fire thing, spikes etc.

The map would become boring as hell without them... It's a way to create a better atmosphere and make things happen in the game. I will add a game mode so you can remove the house robots, after several complaints... But I don't thing I will add any game mode to remove neither the fire nor the spikes.

I like the ideas, and you will see them to come true in the next update. ;)

Well, I have already said what I think about the spell part, thanks for the idea though, they might become item abilities. ;)

>Dealing damage is not the best way to determine who wins.

I'm using it because I'm sick of all the maps which depends on kills, allowing people to frag steal and claiming the kill as their own thereby winning the game... (Like the Warlock maps.)

>Maybe each person should have a Score.[...]

I like that idea, I will see what I can do to make it come true. It is indeed a better system than the current one.


Let the game begin...
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Bump, the map is hearby revived and I have already started working on the new update. People who have interest in hosting this beuty please do so and also inform me if possible, I would love to join! ;)

Suggestions for changes in any way are always welcome.

Currently I'm redesigning the codes so that a spell reflect item will work without bugs etc. If you have any thoughts around how you think this spell reflect should work please don't be afraid to post them. :)


Working on a Map
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How about when a projectile hits a person and that guy has the reflect item, the damage and w/e other stuff is negated and the guy fires a projectile of a similar type at some point, I dunno how you want the thingy to be reflected.

Another thing you might want to add is maybe some on/off skills. Stuff like Shields that reduce all damage by a % as long as it is activated and stuff. Then maybe you could have some stuff that slows them the closer they are to you as an on/off skill, then it makes you able to chase better.

Anyway, great to see you back at this, it is a wonderful map :D


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>How about when a projectile hits a person and that guy has the reflect item, the damage and w/e other stuff is negated and the guy fires a projectile of a similar type at some point, I dunno how you want the thingy to be reflected.
Well the reflect already works, I have edited most of the projectile spells to have a certain % chance to reflect all incoming spells right back to where they came from. What I'm really looking for if this should become a real spell or stay as an item, also what % chance it should be so it doesn't become too powerful.

>Another thing you might want to add is maybe some on/off skills. Stuff like Shields that reduce all damage by a % as long as it is activated and stuff. Then maybe you could have some stuff that slows them the closer they are to you as an on/off skill, then it makes you able to chase better.
Could you explain what you mean a bit further? When I turn it on it for example slows all enemies within a certain range by a certain amount for a certain time but during that time makes me lose mana, or... what should the side effect be of having it on?

>Anyway, great to see you back at this, it is a wonderful map :D
Thanks for your support. :D


Working on a Map
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Maybe the chance should differ based on the strength of the spell you deflect/block. Like if its an ultimate spell the chance should be rather low and if its a spamming spell it should be rather high (don't go above 50%). It should be an item, since no abilities are passive (I'd rather it that way :D).

And it should probably be mana lost, movement speed slow for self, hp lost and stuff. Maybe you would even want to make some on/off spell that heals you but drains your mana.

Anyway, good luck, hope to see some progress screenies soon :D. I think I can host but haven't tried for a while.


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Bump, the map is hearby revived and I have already started working on the new update. People who have interest in hosting this beuty please do so and also inform me if possible, I would love to join! ;)

Suggestions for changes in any way are always welcome.

Currently I'm redesigning the codes so that a spell reflect item will work without bugs etc. If you have any thoughts around how you think this spell reflect should work please don't be afraid to post them. :)

If you can not host, I can arrange a time to host it for you, if you want.


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If you can not host, I can arrange a time to host it for you, if you want.
Would be great! :)

Progress so far:

Abilities being removed in next version:
Iron Grip:
I'm about to replace Iron Grip since it's unbalanced, extremely hard to use on battlenet cause of delays and it's not one of my best spells really. Have no idea what to replace this with yet.

Suicide Bomber:
I have created a new spell which will replace Suicide Bomber. Suicide bomber was very hard to use and you could even kill yourself with it to prevent others from getting points from you. (Of course this can be done by running down the pit also but it's less fun.)
The new spell is a target point spell of course and shares the same tree as Arcane Bolt and Bouncing Glaive. (Screenies of it and more info will come soon.)

Too easy to escape out from danger with and barely used for damage. After some testing with my mates I decided this spell is too powerful for survival, therefor I'm replacing it with a new survival spell called Hookshot. (I'm still working on this spell but will post screenies once it's done.)

Rocket Rain:
Causes a lag spike when used since 64 dummies are created, ordered to use a spell and then removed within 0.5 seconds. Have no idea what to replace this with yet. Was thinking of something with oil, which will either make enemies slide over it or start to burn from the heat of their vehicles once they step on it. Not sure though...

Ideas for a new target point and no target spell are needed.


Working on a Map
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Iron Grip could become something like Rocket Boost. When you use it, your Robot starts to move forward and starts flying in a upper-cut kind of arc. Then you just hit stuff up XD. Or you could always replace it with some Toss kind of spell where you throw the guy a short distance or something (make it instant cast so you need skill to throw the guy into the pit).

Rocket Rain could be replaced with some Splitting Rocket thing where you fire one large rocket that splits into smaller rockets and hits the ground. But that might cause spike :S

Some ideas for target Point spells:

Satelite Beam- Summons a Satelite to fire a powerful energy beam at the target point. Has a delay before the beam fires and it does massive damage and knockback (show some special effects so the enemy knows, and if they are still dumb enough to stay there and take loads of damage).
Static Strike- Unleashes a powerful electrical strike that hits the first it touches, dealing minor damage and stunning. The shock is passed on to nearby units, dealing similar damage and stunning for a similar duration.
Burrow (lols)- Causes your robot to burrow underground and move to the target point, knocking away nearby units and causing your robot to be invulnerable during that time.

That's all for now, wish you luck~!


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Zack I like the toss idea, would fit really well in the game. I will see if I can create it later on. :)

>Rocket Rain could be replaced with some Splitting Rocket thing where you fire one large rocket that splits into smaller rockets and hits the ground.
So you send away a big rocket that goes in an arc sort of way and before it lands it releases several small rockets from itself over the area it's going to hit?

>Satelite Beam
Seems a bit too powerful, and useless if the enemies receives a warning. =/

>Static Strike
Somewhat of a stunning chain lightning?

A bit too powerful since your invulnerable during the digging time, but if nerfed I will think over it... :)

I'm almost finished with the new Hookshot ability and I promised to give some feedback didn't I? I think this picture will tell mostly everything about it. :)


Working on a Map
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Wow, that looks cool! How did you detect when you hit a wall, anyway?
Just a question, if it hits a wall, will you like, ram into enemy units on the way to the wall? If so, what will happen if you ram into something.
I just thought, what if you use that charge thing (the buff skill that allows you to ram nto stuff) will you still be able to hit enemies with that skill? Or would the buff be gone? I think keeping the buff would be cooler, it could be like *hits with hookshot*, *activates charge*, *hits enemy*, *does damage*. Then you just spam.

And finally, the pit doesn't credit anyone for the kill right? Then maybe the guy who drops into the pit should lose score or something.


Let the game begin...
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>Wow, that looks cool!
Thanks. ^^

>How did you detect when you hit a wall, anyway?
Checking if there is any pathing preventation at the current point of the chain head. This means any sort of doodad or wall that prevents you from moving through it.

>Just a question, if it hits a wall, will you like, ram into enemy units on the way to the wall?
Currently you just move through everyone you pass but it's a good idea to knock people on the way. And also, your "paused" whole using the spell so you can't use anything else while being pulled in.

>And finally, the pit doesn't credit anyone for the kill right? Then maybe the guy who drops into the pit should lose score or something.
The pit credits the last person damaging the one falling into it, atleast that's the way it should be. I dunno if this works at the moment since it was some time ago I played the map with other players.
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