Other Sharpshooter Online - |Map of the Week #2|


TH.net Regular
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Hey, thanks for the quick reply... surprised someone read it all already. I need to get some rest so I will respond to it tomorrow when I get on.

But before I go I thought I should show what the main problem holding this map back is. Basically, parts of the gun will be clipped out in game. Obviously, the M249 will not be the gun of choice as it is simply a placeholder but even then it still isnt working correctly as you can see in the picture. The problem is something to do with the camera and I am trying to figure out a way to fix it.

After thinking about it for a bit, my only thought would be trying to make the distance further back, until the gun is visible completely.

Also no problem. :thup:


New Member
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As for me, looks very impresive and you've still got alike 1,1 MB of place for updates! New Thingy that will beat one of my favourite map Elimination Tournament you say? Gonna test!

After test: Kinda impresive allthough the tower looks kinda ugly ;/


(o Y o)
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Another edit- Gun model problem appears to be fixed for now. It clips out still but almost unnoticeable other than if there was a reload animation etc which hasnt been created yet.

EDIT- Wow, I viewed my video and screenshots today on an LCD and all I have to say is holy crap. It looks COMPLETELY different on my CRT. What I mean is, on my monitor it is very dark and the light shading is extremely noticeable while on the LCD screen you cant even see it at all. I will work on dimming it alot more so you will see what I see and it will look much cooler.


Hm, I may have to think about the waves for a while. How about this as an idea, instead of having bosses every XX levels, I may just have one end boss and instead have sort of minibosses or strong creatures that will occasionally spawn like abomination and maybe something like crypt fiends and gargoyles that are pretty hard to kill, not because they will have a lot of health or not, but because they will have specific abilities I will give them to make them not only stronger but actually deadly. As mentioned for the abomination, I could still make him have the meat hook and the poison cloud thing maybe but also another thing is when you kill him, he would explode and alot of small spider-like abominations which in my opinion are the coolest looking things ever will run around and attack you. I dont know what I would make as the final boss though, like whatever might be in charge or leading the undead there to end it so you can escape. That or just a last 60 minutes or whatever until dawn. The main reason I had intended to have 3-4 bosses which a few I listed was because it would have added more than just simply killing zombies that just chase you. The meat hook wouldn't be instant and unless you aren't paying attention you would be able to tell if hes about to throw it at you.

You may be right about the pistol, but when I was thinking more of one of those pirate type of pistols but anyway a shotgun is a definately, a rifle is a maybe, but the morter (rocket launcher) would be a... possibly eventually as it would be rediculously hard to design a good looking model with animations for something like that. A sniper rifle wouldnt work too great though in such an enclosed area. A melee is very likely as well, probably just a simple model knife swipe you can do that will either kill or temporarily stun the zombie or something. Again, it all depends on if the camera bug can be fixed.

While the outdoors idea would be pretty cool, I am already pushing it on the amount of stuff on the screen at once as it is. The same thing kind of goes with the basement concept. It would be cool but, you can't exactly make a floor under a floor and it may just be simply easier to just have random tentacles go through the floor once in a while. I mean itll be more funny/cool so it probably wouldn't matter as much as I thought as to why.

Also, Ill check out that Mp3 compressor thing... thanks. :) Unfortunately pulling the camera back more will end with the gun looking like its just floating around in the air. I'll continue to get it working, it mainly has to do with the angle of the camera and objects for some reason. I wish Wc3 had a draw function for 3d models, since that is what real FPS do.



Also, which one of these looks better. I can not tell as they are both completely black to me, but I can simply try to get a good idea of what others will be seeing if you could say whether A or B is better.


TH.net Regular
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Hey man im cool with whatever you do with this, even fighting one full thing of zombies and then a boss/mini bosses is fine, just as long as im gunning down undead. XD

In the screenshot B is brighter, A is incredibly dark. Hopefully that answers that, either one is fine with me, it just depends how you want your game to go I suppose.

Personally I wouldn't care about the gun disappearing partially if it's unfixable. I guarantee no one will find a map anywhere nearly as good as this for a zombie shooter game imo so whatever is or isn't in it doesn't seem to matter to me at this point lol.


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I think A is better because it's darker and it would be creepy do go around there knowing there are zombies every where.
But if you mean which is brighter than it's B


Minecraft Server OP, Inactive.
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Can I test the map?

Also, can you make it like a Left4Dead type of style? That'd would be awesome :D


New Member
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Right now, this looks a ton like Call of Duty - 5, where you shoot the Zombie Nazi's.


(o Y o)
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having alot of trouble with the models flashing in and out completely in game. just when I had fixed the clipping issue now this happens so until this is fixed, probably wont get much else done. basically, after orienting the model away from its centerpoint, it will get completely screwed up and I have no idea why. maybe ill try redoing it again later.

here was basically what the gun looks like.


  • gun.jpg
    40.4 KB · Views: 339


New Member
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Looks good. Guessing the player models will be villagers this time instead of riflemen? If not, how will each player have an FPS model without looking retarded to other players. I mean a rifleman holding a gun with a third arm holding a shotgun would look pretty ridiculous.


TH.net Regular
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having alot of trouble with the models flashing in and out completely in game. just when I had fixed the clipping issue now this happens so until this is fixed, probably wont get much else done. basically, after orienting the model away from its centerpoint, it will get completely screwed up and I have no idea why. maybe ill try redoing it again later.

here was basically what the gun looks like.

As in like, you look at a unit(or away from it), and then it begins to disappear, with only the shadow being visible?

Perhaps a screenshot of it would help, I may have encountered this problem before. (Or video if the screenshot doesn't do much.)

PS: The gun looks awesome.


(o Y o)
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assuming i get the gun to a usable state, you will only see your own gun in game. instead of normally using the rifleman and making each controlling player not able to see his own unit, it will be the opposite. the rifleman will be the gun model and there will be a dummy model of the rifleman or villager depending on what I decide. it will require two units per player to be moving at all times but it shouldnt be a real big issue.

as for the model issue, the problem was when you looked away from it, it would disappear because the center focus was offset. its just the rendering engine of warcraft 3. it no longer disappears but the gun will have no animation for a while as I am not able to do it myself completely. i can probably do a few animations but thats about it. i have added quite a few bones for arms and the gun so it should be easier to animate since it will have all the bone needs already created.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Just a quick thing I instantly realized.
A lot of computer games now use WASD for movement. So, being used to that kind of movement, I started using WASD to move and that was... weird. Because usually you either:
1) Aim with the mouse and move with the arrow keys
2) Aim with the mouse and move with the WASD keys
but when you aim with WASD and move with the arrow keys, it seems weird.
So my suggestion would be to switch them. WASD to move, arrow keys to aim.
Think about it, in normal shooters you aim with the mouse, which is opposite from the keys used to Fire, Reload, Jump, etc. So it wouldn't affect it at all having aiming with the arrow keys and moving with WASD. In fact, as I try it out in my head, I think it's easier. Might be because I'm right handed, so I aim better with that hand.

Anyways, just an opinion.



(o Y o)
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I have been working on a third person system on and off lately and I am just wondering what you guys might think of me redoing Sharpshooter Online and updating it to 2.0 as a third person shooter. Basically, I would be replacing the first person view with an over the shoulder third person view similar to games like socom. What this means is, you will be able to see your shooter, as well as have a cross hair at the center of your screen at all times other than when scoped in to snipe.

Having about the same movement wasd and arrow keys probably wont change, but since it is in third person view it (for me anyway) seems a lot easier to use than in fpv. This also allows me to put less focus on the first person view aspect (other than when sniping) that deals with filters and models and such, and focus more on gameplay. some improvements would be actual bullet tracers meaning when you shoot a bullet, you will see an actual bullet travel where you shot. also, (while this was resolved near the end of sharpshooter v1.20b, it was never implemented), cliffs are now useable in any way, as well as custom made terrain hills and such in the map editor making it MUCH easier to terrain something such as a jungle.

for the most part, I just want to know if it would be worth my time to work on a Sharpshooter Online 2.0 with third person view for easier play and faster gameplay as well as pretty much everything new other than the name and concept.

this is a somewhat rough example from an early build of how the camera will act, although there will be some kind of motion increase for rotation that will hopefully make it easier to use but will require a lot of testing.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/V_ZlRCbaP10&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/V_ZlRCbaP10&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


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I have been working on a third person system on and off lately and I am just wondering what you guys might think of me redoing Sharpshooter Online and updating it to 2.0 as a third person shooter. Basically, I would be replacing the first person view with an over the shoulder third person view similar to games like socom. What this means is, you will be able to see your shooter, as well as have a cross hair at the center of your screen at all times other than when scoped in to snipe.

Having about the same movement wasd and arrow keys probably wont change, but since it is in third person view it (for me anyway) seems a lot easier to use than in fpv. This also allows me to put less focus on the first person view aspect (other than when sniping) that deals with filters and models and such, and focus more on gameplay. some improvements would be actual bullet tracers meaning when you shoot a bullet, you will see an actual bullet travel where you shot. also, (while this was resolved near the end of sharpshooter v1.20b, it was never implemented), cliffs are now useable in any way, as well as custom made terrain hills and such in the map editor making it MUCH easier to terrain something such as a jungle.

for the most part, I just want to know if it would be worth my time to work on a Sharpshooter Online 2.0 with third person view for easier play and faster gameplay as well as pretty much everything new other than the name and concept.

this is a somewhat rough example from an early build of how the camera will act, although there will be some kind of motion increase for rotation that will hopefully make it easier to use but will require a lot of testing.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/V_ZlRCbaP10&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/V_ZlRCbaP10&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

I'm looking forward to this but there is one thing that looks weird that's when you shoot and move at the same time cause his feets doesn't move but overall it looks pretty awesome

Builder Bob

Live free or don't
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It looks very good. How it affects gameplay is hard to say without actually testing it. If you think it's easier to play there's a good chance it's better.

By the way, how do you make the model play it's walk animation while sliding sideways? Whenever I try that without the unit actually walking, the walk animation won't play.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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I think 3rd-Person is better, it lets you see behind you a bit to (sometimes if paying attention) catch people behind you.

The strafing is cool. :D

I say :thup: to this.



Starcraft II Moderator
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xxxtrickyxxx, this is what I reccomend for you: Yes, create a sharp shooter 2.0 It is in your blood. Yes, use 3rd person camera. And, as many models made by you as possible :p


(o Y o)
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I'm looking forward to this but there is one thing that looks weird that's when you shoot and move at the same time cause his feets doesn't move but overall it looks pretty awesome

this is simply something that would be fixed with some animation modifications to the rifleman model, such as a strafe left and right animation, running animation while shooting, reloading, stabbing etc.

It looks very good. How it affects gameplay is hard to say without actually testing it. If you think it's easier to play there's a good chance it's better.

By the way, how do you make the model play it's walk animation while sliding sideways? Whenever I try that without the unit actually walking, the walk animation won't play.

while controlling your movement still isnt exactly easy, i am hoping once i implement and test some kind of rotation sensetiviy, it will be easier. a possibility is building up speed as you rotate. what this would mean is, if you just want to turn a little bit, then you just tap it once or twice, but the more you tap the faster and more it will turn, but ofcourse it would have to be done so in a way you wont be slamming the turn key nonstop if you want to turn around. it will basically require alot of trial and error.

the walk animation is done using animation index scripts that are ran every time the unit is moved.

I think 3rd-Person is better, it lets you see behind you a bit to (sometimes if paying attention) catch people behind you.

The strafing is cool.

I say to this.

:p glad you guys find 3rd person view better. the ability to strafe and see more around you is definately one part that makes it easier to play.

xxxtrickyxxx, this is what I reccomend for you: Yes, create a sharp shooter 2.0 It is in your blood. Yes, use 3rd person camera. And, as many models made by you as possible

lol, it is in my blood eh? i will MOST DEFINATELY be using as many custom models as possible as long as their polygon count is relateively low as i dont want the map to require the latest video card seeing how if i make maps too eye-candy looking they are more cpu/gpu intense than crysis. 0_o

I am fully aware the current sharpshooter is actually pretty boring due to the fact i had to spend so much effort working on the first person aspect and the actual gun models/filters, so if I begin a 2.0, I want to make sure it will be fun and enjoyable. I would just like to get some opinions on what you would find fun for a third person shooter aspect. i can add more weapons with a third person setting, however i have thought to myself "does having many weapons in a map called 'sharpshooter' make any sense"? but, is everyone in the map being a sniper and possibly camping the whole time make any sense either? I am just kind of stumped on what exactly I should be doing. The FPS sharpshooter was more of a wowfactor than an actual map to enjoy unless you really liked to snipe. I want to keep sniping as one of the main points of the map, but i dont want it to turn out incredibly boring like the current map.

I would also like to point out again, that I am considering more than not a jungle/forest type environment this time. the winter theme is very boring and plain... a city would have been nice, but it is very difficult to come up with an appropriately sized town big enough to have a good sized game, but not too big it bogs down your pc. a forest/jungle is alot easier to make, and looks cool... while the framerate is still currently too low at times, it could be playable with some good terrainers and a well made environment. another plus with a jungle type map is elevation. there can be hills, cliffs, rivers, anything is now possible as long as its within the graphical processing limit. small cabins and such that would fit in could be probable as well that you can go inside and snipe through a window. i will most likely create a less than satisfactory environment for now and get everything else done and try redoing it when everything is complete or work with other users in making it.

heres kind of an example of how it might look in game. this is just randomly elevated hills and cliffs with lots of trees and some grass. the frame rate is lower than i want, but this is the result from just spamming environment doodads all over the place.



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I think it's really cool with the 3rd person camera and would be really. But there are some thing that i wonder:

Would you be able to drive vehicles?

Switch weapons?


And finally .. Do a jump ability :)
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