War of the Ents


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War of the Ents - The Tale of Quel'Drassil

First off, there are a few things I would like to say.

-This was written by Knight7770 , who is here on TheHelper
-It was written for my WC3 map, War of the Ents
-I am also posting here because I know some of you literary geniuses don't bother with WC anymore, or never have - So the chances of you seeing the thread about it in the WC forums is minimal.

So, this is the current version of it:
-Last updated on Friday, February 22/08-

War of the Ents ~Story

Chapter 1
Long ago, when Cenarius first created the Ancients, he had inadvertently created another race. This race, now called the Ents, consisted of living trees; much like the ancients, except smaller and less wise. These Ents sequestered themselves in underground caverns that were under Feralas. For centuries, the Ents cultivated their unique underground society, turning it into a majestic empire of nature. They had developed massive cities made from trees and rock, and they lived in eternal peace; not knowing of any threat or demonic entity. Eventually, the Ents evolved so much that they had to leave their flowing kingdoms behind and travel upward, to the surface. When they reached the surface world, they were amazed at what they saw. Never before had they seen light, or any other life-form. Among the first of these life-forms that the Ents were to meat were the Elves of Nature. These Elves had grown closer to the natural world than any other Elven race before them. They were able to manipulate nature to their will, but they were not over-zealous, like the Blood Elves. They were a peace-loving race, and although they were bound to nature, they maintained their Elven form. The Ents befriended the Elves of Nature and learned much from the about the surface world. Together, the Ents and the Elves of Nature set off from the lands of Feralas, and they sailed into the ocean to the west. They found a large and uninhabited island, and they created a kingdom far greater than the one that the Ents had once called their home underground. From then on, the Elves of Nature and the Ents called themselves the Ents, regardless of whether they were of Elven or natural descent. The kingdom of the Ents became known as Quel’Drassil; a tribute to both Elven and natural society.

Chapter 2
The Ents led a peaceful life; they knew nothing of war or strife due to their reclusive history. The normal day of an Ent consisted of waking up, doing a minimal amount of chores, cultivating the land, and sleeping. Although this was not much, the Ents were content with their lives. However, Quel’Drassil was not truly connected. The Ents did not have a leader to unite them or guide them. They did not advance in technology as a whole, but there was never any competition between Ents; at least, there was never any actual competition. A few older Ents prophesized that someday, a great leader would arise, and unit all of Quel’Drassil. Despite these elders’ vivid tales of great, shining, leaders, no one believed that a leader could possibly unit the whole of Quel’Drassil. Still, the elders continued to weave their fantastic tales. Life for the Ents continued in its usual manner: doing the necessary tasks, the occasional advance in technology, perhaps a small meeting or event; but never anything major really occurred in Quel’Drassil. Time passed; the First and Second Wars ended, new opportunities arose for adventurers on Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, the Dark Portal was reopened; but the Ents were oblivious to all of this. This was during the earlier ages of Quel’Drassil, when there were no life-changing events. The Ents remained content with their lives, but a slight feeling of dullness always seemed to pervade Quel’Drassil.

Chapter 3
Over time, as with all civilizations, a new age came about for the Ents living in Quel’Drassil. This middle age consisted of the discovery of magic for the Ents. Their newfound power allowed them to efficiently create new buildings and devices. The daily pace of life increased; the day of an Ent was no longer simply sleeping and doing chores, it now involved more of a hustle-and-bustle type of feeling. Most daily activities were greatly improved, such as cultivating the land: it could now be done quicker and on a larger scale. All of the Ents thought that their lives could not get any better. However, even with all these changes, the Ents were still not united. Now, instead of an air of dullness, there was an even slighter air of competition arising in Quel’Drassil.

Chapter 4
One of the most powerful Ents ever to be born into the glorious kingdom of Quel’Drassil was Naine. Naine was born with a vastly powerful connection to nature itself. When Naine was born, a great fortune teller sensed his awesome power, and she came to his house. When she foresaw Naine’s glorious future, she was awe-struck. Naine was to become the first leader of the Ents! As he matured, everyone who inhabited Quel’Drassil became of the fortune teller’s divination. This prophecy came to pass when Naine was the age of 21; which was a very young age for an Ent. He became the first true king of the Ents, and he was greatly loved for his kindness and fairness. He became extremely powerful, and he protected the Ents from any potential harm, although there was hardly ever any. Although Naine was more than capable of guarding the Ents alone, he trained a small force of Ents that was capable of protecting Quel’Drassil if the need ever arose. Among the force were Elven Soldiers, Ent Warriors, Forest Lovers (who were of Elven descent), Stone Giants that Naine himself brought up from the depths of the earth, Druids that could control nature, Longbowmen, and Rangers. This force was kept secret from all of the citizens of Quel’Drassil; only Naine knew of it. Due to the group’s seclusion, it was never given a name. Naine thought that the need would never arise for this army, but each day, Naine’s ability to communicate with nature grew; and so did his mental reach across the world. He became able to sense any natural disturbance anywhere in the world, and so he became aware of the demonic threat to his people.

Chapter 5
Naine sensed an impending demonic threat to his people, the Ents of Quel’Drassil. He knew that if he did not stop it, all hope for not only the Ents, but for all inhabitants of the world, would be lost forever. Naine knew that he could not shield his people from the truth forever, and so he told them at the largest gathering ever to be held in Quel’Drassil:
“People of Quel’Drassil! I have gathered you here on this day to bring to you grave news. Quel’Drassil, and the entire world, is in terrible danger. The Inferni are coming to weave a spell of darkness and hatred across the land. These Inferni are a group of Infernals, led by the last surviving member of the Nathrezim: a powerful Dreadlord by the name of Nos’Infero. Nos’Infero plans to take his Inferni and burn all the lands of the world! However, I have been training an army of Ents that, under our sacred banner, will be able to stop Nos’Infero from scouring the land. This army, although well-trained, is not as large as I would have hoped, and so, my Ents, I come to you with a plea. My army is in need of recruits! So, if any of you wish to help stop the Inferni from taking over the world, come! Come to my palace on any day before we set out, and any day after! Come directly to me and ask, and I will accept you with open arms. Please, my Ents. The world is in need of our powers, and if it does not get what it needs, it will fall apart. Please, come to my palace and approach me. Approach me and ask entrance to my army, and you will be welcomed with honor. Please, my Ents, join our most noble cause; our Crusade to stop the Inferni from scalding the land forever.”

Chapter 6
And so, Naine was able to assemble an army of vast proportions, each soldier and archer trained to his or her full potential. They set out to Feralas, Kalimdor, where the Ents had first set foot in this world. They sailed in legions of ships, bringing with them every capable warrior that they could. Anyone who was left at Quel’Drassil was either too young or too old to be in battle, or was acting as a temporary guardian. Naine was fully intent on traveling with his vast army, but as he was leaving to board his ship, a terrible thing happened. The Inferni had landed, with Nos’Infero at the head of his army. The landing had so greatly damaged the natural balance that Naine was sent into an eternal coma. He plummeted down below the ocean; Naine, the greatest power that had ever walked the earth, had been killed by Nos’Infero. The death of Naine spread chaos throughout the ranks of his army. This army was now lead by anyone who felt he was capable, but no one could have been as capable as Naine. However, these self-appointed generals managed to keep the army held together long enough to be able to fight Nos’Infero. And so, they traveled to Kalimdor with a burning hatred inside of them. Even without Naine, the army was so great that it vanquished the Inferni and banished Nos’Infero to everlasting pain and torture beneath the sea floor. The Ents returned to Quel’Drassil, but something had come over them. The Ents were never to be the same again.

Chapter 7
The Ents, although victorious against the Inferni, had been corrupted beyond recovery. Upon their return to Quel’Drassil, they found it in ruins. The guardians that had been left in Quel’Drassil had had a seed of undying hatred sewn into their hearts, and killed anyone who was still left on the island. The returning Ents had also been eternally cursed by the Inferni, and Ents took up arms against their own kind for the first time. The only Ents that did not fall victim to the spell cast by Nos’Infero were the ones who truly followed Naine, and believed with each fiber of their beings that they could return balance to the natural world. These Ents did fight, however, they did not fight to kill, but to help save what was left of their once-glorious society. All of the Ents fought in the all-out war, including the elderly. There was no wise patriarch to guide them or stop them; no benevolent figure to provide shelter from the darkness. The Ents fought a raging war on Quel’Drassil, and even now, they are still fighting. They do not wish to stop fighting until every single one of their Ent enemies is dead. Even the Ents who were impervious to the Inferni curse believed that the world could not truly be healed until the cursed Ents were eradicated. Each faction of the warring Ents has a commander, and should you wish it, you may become a commander and decide the fate of these corrupted Ents. May nature or darkness guide you on your way to glorious victory!

C & C please! :)
Nice story.

And also...

I LOVE WARCRAFT 3! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! I OVERPLAY IT IT BLOW UP! You can see my maps in the Members Projects... all which i have given up on... lol
So how did a race of trees grow trees underground where no light could ever reach? Because last I heard, the sun has a thing or two to do with whether or not plants... you know... grow or not. But anyways...

It was a little dry. I dunno why, but I couldn't get through it, as short as it is. It seemed sort of interesting, the lore of it, but your friend's method of writing did nothing to hook me in, and I guess it just wasn't enough or somethin'. Whatever though, your map is pretty sweet, and I almost exclusively play TDs, so good job.
So how should I hook you in? :p

>how did a race of trees grow underground...
Well, here are a few possible answers:
1) Since they were magically created, they don't need sunlight to survive
2) They created artificial sunlight with magic
3) They let in some sunlight by digging small holes
4) They're too cool to need the sun
5) Because I said so
6) If the Keeper of the Grove (WC3 hero) can create Treants during the night, why should Ents need sunlight?
7) They're a hyper-advanced species and have evolved past the need for sunlight(see posts #1 and #4)
To make a good hook you must foreshadow and tease the reader. How you do this is up to you.
Its hard when you can see the ending by scrolling down ^ :p
Well, since I can't edit Halo_king116's post, I'll link the (slightly) updated version here. I hope you like it :D
I could put the last chapter of the updated version (see above post) in spoiler tags.
*Cough* Put the updated version in a while ago. With any updates just PM me and I will replace the old with the new.

And thanks all for the comments and critisism. I believe that the old WotE storyline lacked something to grip the reader, too.

Anyways, more comments are always welcome and greatly appreciated!

Have a good one. :)
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    News portal has been retired. Main page of site goes to Headline News forum now
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am working on getting access to the old news portal under a different URL for those that would rather use that for news before we get a different news view.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Easily done
  • The Helper The Helper:
    https://www.thehelper.net/pages/news/ is a link to the old news portal - i will integrate it into the interface somewhere when i figure it out
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Need to try something
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Hopefully this won't cause problems.
  • Ghan Ghan:
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I have converted the Headline News forum to an Article type forum. It will now show the top 20 threads with more detail of each thread.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    See how we like that.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do not see a way to go past the 1st page of posts on the forum though
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is OK though for the main page to open up on the forum in the view it was before. As long as the portal has its own URL so it can be viewed that way I do want to try it as a regular forum view for a while
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    It SHOULD be there so I think it might just be an artifact of having an older style.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I switched it to a "Standard" article forum. This will show the thread list like normal, but the threads themselves will have the first post set up above the rest of the "comments"
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I don't really get that article forum but I think it is because I have never really seen it used on a multi post thread
  • Ghan Ghan:
    RpNation makes more use of it right now as an example: https://www.rpnation.com/news/
  • The Helper The Helper:
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What do you think Tom?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    I will have to get used to this.
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    The latest news feed looks good

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