WIP Warcraft IV

Hmmm. Quite True. Maybe we lower its power to become similar to that of whatever killed Sargarass

Nothing killed Sargeras - he is the most powerful (known) being in the Universe. If you meant Aegwynn, that was his avatar and he WANTED her to kill him, because he really just wanted to possess Medivh (who she was pregnant with at the time - pregnant badasses ftw).

Find Wirt's Leg (Not sure which campaign, Maybe Blood Elf? or find it in the editor). This is its description: 'Could it be that a portal opened up and expelled the remains of our dearest pal from the world of Diablo to here? If so, was it a player, or a Demon? Just how many worlds have the Burning Legion conquered? Could the Demons of the Burning Legion and those of Sanctuary be one and the same? The mind wobbles.'

As king said, I think that's an easter egg.

He got the artifact from them from what I understand. He sensed powerful dark magic eminating from their portals so... Hmm. Maybe the Artifact could be a piece of the void? that would be a really bad thing to touch. That could be why the Dark (Soon to be renamed) elves are not willing to use it directly. Illidan, realising it may be his last chance, would take no such precautions. Plus, he got demon powers, maybe they could super-charge the artifact and make it more powerful. Maybe thats where the demonic legion were going next, to the Dark Elf/Gangross's Land (I think we should change it to they opened a portal from one world to another and travel as nomads, looking for their original world. Thats how they came to Azeroth)

The void? You mean the Twisting Nether? How would something from the Twisting Nether be bad.

Also, the Dark Elves/Gangros travel together? And I don't mean to be rude, but Gangros isn't a great name. You should change it.

Nomadic idea is good, though. You need to add how they lost their world.

2.Well, they may have been busy conquering other worlds
3. Yeah, but it shows Kil'Jaeden knows where they are

2. They have always been busy conquering other worlds.
3. Yeah, you're right.

1. Does that mean Elune is real as well?
2. Yeah, that was more pointed to my comrade

1. No, not at all. Old Gods are just called the Old Gods. They aren't really gods in the sense that Elune is. Just extremely massive and powerful beings.
Agreed. I'm going to work on that, I'm great with stories:thup:.
Me too :)
I was thinking that this Death Knight (Jarnish) and the Paladin (Garnios) could be...Brothers
Agreed. But, I'm going to work on a background story for them. Your story for the 'shadow elves', which are likely to be renamed, will likely be kept as it explains a lot, but extra info will be added as well. The Gangross I already have a story planned for...
As said above, I'll probably use this but add a bit more detail :D
Planning to.
The Shadow Elves have already a backstory

Jeese, why do I bother rewritting what I've said before? I don't know but, as said above, I've already got some ideas for these guys.
I'm looking for a better name for these guys,throught :)
Hmmm. I've checked out your project but I don't remember the names of all the campaigns. I am thinking of changing it to something else, something to do with that evil troll from WoW maybe...
The Evil Troll have nothing to do here!
It talk about Orcs not Trolls
Yep. But I'll work on this. As said above, maybe the shadow elves join with that evill troll...
I reply :p

Yeah, I have a lot of them to fix. If I find a way to, I may fix the first post for him, it has a lot of fixing to do and, as he said, he's not that good at English. (Is He/She a he? I actually don't know. Sorry if I got that wrong.)
I'm He!
And he = Man :p

Yeah, what else could anyone really do?
I'm sure that in a Warcraft the Lich King will die.If not,then the blizzard's war4will end like this : "The lich king become imba and kill everyone.
Thanks. If I get my way, we may have 8 campaigns and Maybe split them into a normal WCIV and an expansion.
It's not really 7 campaigns since there is 2 campaign which are the continuation of 2 other campaigns :)
Note, all these ideas will be checked with Soul_Reaper first.
Of course :) :D :rolleyes:
I'm working on it...
Maybe they are escaping the BL (It logic :) ) but they're hard to catch since they can travel 1000000 km/sec :)eek: )
Working on it... Again...
Something Intrigue?Well...As said before he's the brother of the Death Knight which destroyed his town and all those he loved.But since they hidden in that cave (which contain the blade) because he was fleeing from the undeads. (I'm thinking in another non-random way)
Yes, but they have the artifact... (Or so I've been led to believe)
They're only able to master a bit of the artifact which made them capable of making such portal.

I don't think we'll make it a spoiler. Though it is tempting, We'll probably keep it secret...
Suspens is really good :)
Hmmm, so the gods are real????!!!! Woo-hoo. Oh well, it does say in the WoW manual that the Lich King is one of the most powerful things ever to exist in Azeroth (The world, no the continent)
Not TRUE gods he's maybe talking about the Olds Golds (the Faceless one in Azjol-Nerub) don't think Elune really exist...

No, I'll look into it though...)
This blade can maybe a "better versio" of Ashbringer

Thanks:D I don't think your being harsh. There are always a lot of problems with initial story lines and all suggestions (Did I spell that wrong? not sure. Will have to check) are welcome.
Of course,you're not harsh,I'm not the kind of one that say "Snif no one like my map,gonna stop..."
!! Kill the Burning Legion? Holy shit. That basically means it can destroy about anything in the Universe.
Lol!Illidan uses the artifact only to kill Kil'jaeden but not ALL the demon of the BL (it's weird then)

I thought Illidan got the artifact (and if they had the artifact, that could apparently "kill the Burning Legion" why don't they just wipe out the Gangros easy?"
The Gangros too have mastered the artifact power.Both races only mastered a bit of it.

lol... yeah the Old Gods are real. Wowwiki them. the Lich King IS one of the most powerful things ever to exist in Azeroth.
...No longer :D
Hmmm. Quite True. Maybe we lower its power to become similar to that of whatever killed Sargarass
Sargeras never died,he possessed Medivh.It was just dumb to end like that :/

1. Does that mean Elune is real as well?
2. Yeah, that was more pointed to my comrade
No...Gods is a kind of wat to talk about something STRONG
Nothing killed Sargeras - he is the most powerful (known) being in the Universe. If you meant Aegwynn, that was his avatar and he WANTED her to kill him, because he really just wanted to possess Medivh (who she was pregnant with at the time - pregnant badasses ftw).
The void? You mean the Twisting Nether? How would something from the Twisting Nether be bad.
Not sure
Also, the Dark Elves/Gangros travel together? And I don't mean to be rude, but Gangros isn't a great name. You should change it.
Of course, no./
The Gangros encountered the SE (shadow elves) when they landed in their planet and they waged wars then the Gangros fled to Azeroth.
Gangros goind to be changed
Nomadic idea is good, though. You need to add how they lost their world.
The Burning Legion? :)
I'm sorry but your posts are all way too long and I stopped reading anything in this thread.
I'm sorry but your posts are all way too long and I stopped reading anything in this thread.

Welcome to the world of lore discussion :p

Me and Shady go through hours of this discussion, and we usually start argueing if it goes over three hours. :D
You want to write the story of my mod?
What time you usually on and what time zone are you in so I can line it up? And your name too.
I was thinking that this Death Knight (Jarnish) and the Paladin (Garnios) could be...Brothers
Possible. But a bit predictable. Maybe only the Death Knight knows they are brothers as he is the eldest. We will need to expand on this.

The Evil Troll have nothing to do here!
It talk about Orcs not Trolls
The orcs are allied with te trolls. In FoD Thrall sends Rexar to get them to return to the main continent. In the WoW handbook, it says something about one of their shamans going evil and causing all the trolls to run to Orgrimmar. Just an idea though...

I'm sure that in a Warcraft the Lich King will die.If not,then the blizzard's war4will end like this : "The lich king become imba and kill everyone.
Yeah, that would really suck. I think that anyone trying to kill the LK would have to have a team helping him, that's probably why someone in WoW will eventually (Give it from 4 months to 5 years) kill him: Have a huge party of Imba Players.

Maybe they are escaping the BL (It logic :) ) but they're hard to catch since they can travel 1000000 km/sec :)eek: )
Hmmm. A bit strange. We need to give them some sort of advantage. Something other than Blizzards usual 'They become invisible' thing used for the NE and Draenei (I know I probably mispelt that) if possible

Something Intrigue?Well...As said before he's the brother of the Death Knight which destroyed his town and all those he loved.But since they hidden in that cave (which contain the blade) because he was fleeing from the undeads. (I'm thinking in another non-random way)
Hmmm. Maybe they just finished a mission from the rest of the human remainders like sabotage...

They're only able to master a bit of the artifact which made them capable of making such portal.
Yeah, thats what I was going for.

Suspens is really good :)

Not TRUE gods he's maybe talking about the Olds Golds (the Faceless one in Azjol-Nerub) don't think Elune really exist...

Lol!Illidan uses the artifact only to kill Kil'jaeden but not ALL the demon of the BL (it's weird then)
Hmmm. We need to find someway to make this choice logical.

Sargeras never died,he possessed Medivh.It was just dumb to end like that :/
Where do you guys learn this? I gotta check there before posting. Hmmm. Why is there a tomb of Sargarass then?

No...Gods is a kind of wat to talk about something STRONG
Got it

The Gangros encountered the SE (shadow elves) when they landed in their planet and they waged wars then the Gangros fled to Azeroth.
Gangros goind to be changed
I agree with the below to explain this.

The Burning Legion? :)

Hmm. What time [EST of GMT] are you on? If its when I'm on, do you have MSN, easiest way for us to discuss all the problems we're going to encounter

Nothing killed Sargeras - he is the most powerful (known) being in the Universe. If you meant Aegwynn, that was his avatar and he WANTED her to kill him, because he really just wanted to possess Medivh (who she was pregnant with at the time - pregnant badasses ftw).
As above ^^

As king said, I think that's an easter egg.
Still has some potential...

The void? You mean the Twisting Nether? How would something from the Twisting Nether be bad.
How could it Not be bad?
Also, here are two things from the Void that I think are bad: Nether Drakes and Void Walkers.

Also, the Dark Elves/Gangros travel together? And I don't mean to be rude, but Gangros isn't a great name. You should change it. Nomadic idea is good, though. You need to add how they lost their world.
Said Above. Why they travel together? Gangross had their world destroyed and have been swapping worlds ever since. They eventually ran into the Shadow Elves who have followed them as they felt that the Gangross's Entry into their world was an act of War. This alright story??

1. No, not at all. Old Gods are just called the Old Gods. They aren't really gods in the sense that Elune is. Just extremely massive and powerful beings.
Got it.
A bit early for me then, 4:28 am

What model are you planning on using for the Gangross?
Terrain or model?

The terrain for them I'm uessin will just be outland as thats where Illidan found them and the Dark Elves (From memory, correct me if I'm wrong). PM me with a description and I'll see what I can do.
No, this project isn't dead :)
I bump it to tell you that I'm looknig for a voice acotr to make me a death knight voice and nerzhul voice :)
Need a abilities idea for a DK (I need 1 Ultimate and 1 normal spell)

PS : Hope you didn't forgot we're recruiting ^^
Why no one is posting suggestion nor joining? :eek:
Please trust me and have a little faith, even a little bit, in this project. :eek:
Why no one is posting suggestion nor joining? :eek:
Please trust me and have a little faith, even a little bit, in this project. :eek:

One thing I've learnt while creating the Awakening is never to expect help from people if you have nothing to offer. It just won't happen. However, if you present to people what they can achieve and why it would benefit them, (with screenshots, information entries, concepts, ect) people will start to help out. When I was making Warcraft 4: The Awakening I never really updated, and didn't have much to offer to the public. This is why me and Shady had to merge. I had to start fresh. So this is just a tip:

Post some updates, information entries (maybe introduce some new units you believe are ready to be revealed), and post screenshots of your terrain. If you can't post anything like that at the moment then you can always just write up some lore. For example, you could write up a lore piece on how the Dark Elves came to Azeroth.

I guarantee you that people will start to post on your thread, either with questions, suggestions, or even just general support. Good luck. :)
When people see a wall of text, they'll get a little excited after reading it thinking it would be a cool game. But you got understand how many maps people show up with and are like "It's gonna be huge and awesome and badass" and then a couple weeks later nothing is heard of it again. When there is no progress to show, there's no point ramping up interest in ourselves because no one can see the interest that you have in doing it. Even if you're not great with the terrain or triggers, are least you would be trying if you were doing it yourself, which is a hell of a lot more than someone just saying "I need a terrainer and a triggerer and pretty much everything except unit creation cuz i do dat meself so they be good"
One thing I've learnt while creating the Awakening is never to expect help from people if you have nothing to offer. It just won't happen. However, if you present to people what they can achieve and why it would benefit them, (with screenshots, information entries, concepts, ect) people will start to help out. When I was making Warcraft 4: The Awakening I never really updated, and didn't have much to offer to the public. This is why me and Shady had to merge. I had to start fresh. So this is just a tip:

Post some updates, information entries (maybe introduce some new units you believe are ready to be revealed), and post screenshots of your terrain. If you can't post anything like that at the moment then you can always just write up some lore. For example, you could write up a lore piece on how the Dark Elves came to Azeroth.

I guarantee you that people will start to post on your thread, either with questions, suggestions, or even just general support. Good luck. :)

When people see a wall of text, they'll get a little excited after reading it thinking it would be a cool game. But you got understand how many maps people show up with and are like "It's gonna be huge and awesome and badass" and then a couple weeks later nothing is heard of it again. When there is no progress to show, there's no point ramping up interest in ourselves because no one can see the interest that you have in doing it. Even if you're not great with the terrain or triggers, are least you would be trying if you were doing it yourself, which is a hell of a lot more than someone just saying "I need a terrainer and a triggerer and pretty much everything except unit creation cuz i do dat meself so they be good"

Thank you for you tips :thup:
Unfortunately, I can only give view some screenies of units and their spells.
I may, if possible, post them tommorow
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    News portal has been retired. Main page of site goes to Headline News forum now
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    I am working on getting access to the old news portal under a different URL for those that would rather use that for news before we get a different news view.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Easily done
  • The Helper The Helper:
    https://www.thehelper.net/pages/news/ is a link to the old news portal - i will integrate it into the interface somewhere when i figure it out
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Need to try something
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Hopefully this won't cause problems.
  • Ghan Ghan:
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I have converted the Headline News forum to an Article type forum. It will now show the top 20 threads with more detail of each thread.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    See how we like that.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do not see a way to go past the 1st page of posts on the forum though
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is OK though for the main page to open up on the forum in the view it was before. As long as the portal has its own URL so it can be viewed that way I do want to try it as a regular forum view for a while
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    It SHOULD be there so I think it might just be an artifact of having an older style.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I switched it to a "Standard" article forum. This will show the thread list like normal, but the threads themselves will have the first post set up above the rest of the "comments"
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I don't really get that article forum but I think it is because I have never really seen it used on a multi post thread
  • Ghan Ghan:
    RpNation makes more use of it right now as an example: https://www.rpnation.com/news/
  • The Helper The Helper:
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What do you think Tom?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    I will have to get used to this.
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    The latest news feed looks good

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