Why do they h8 wow?

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Giving new meaning to co-op... slowly
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Yeah I probably didn't explain my feelings about the environment so well...

When I played warcraft 3 and went from environment to environment I actually felt something new... yes it's graphics aren't superb but the over-effect of everything gave the feeling of a completely different region. When I play first person shooters I find the scenery to be a key point in identifying a game... doom 3 wowed me with it's horror feel and far cry two really seemed like an african environment.

WoW is supposed to be an rpg yet the areas are so dull. When I would go exploring and find an out of the way cave I'd go in to find nothing.. except that I'd visited that pre-rendered cave in another area. When I go into a new zone I don't give a shit what different tileset they use when all of the mobs just stand around doodads waiting to be killed. In an rpg I want to see some life that really sets apart one area from the other, simple as that. I don't want to keep bumping into things I've seen before or keep bearing witness to massive amounts of unused space with trees scattered around.

...and I still stand by what I said about the player characters looking gay. When I'm choosing an avatar to represent myself I don't want to pick between a goofy-looking human with long hair or a goofy looking-human with long hair and a beard... I want something that looks cool.

Oh, one thing I forgot to mention that is incredibly shit about wow is.... wait for it.... gnomes. Why the hell did they get included as a race (aside from the retard pulling factor of trying to have something pointlessly cute) when there are so so many other races they could have pulled from warcraft. There's no way a gnome could kill an orc... even at level 80 I still think a level 1 orc should kick it's ass. Why? Well lets use this as an example -

Lets take a 5 year old and spend a year training him in martial arts. Now lets pick some random full-grown man off the street and make them fight. Who is going to win eh? Seriously a player that picks a gnome as a character because they think it's cool or funny should suffer the consequence of being beaten always. It's just lame/horrible.

....but yeah, I don't hate wow either. It's just a game that I can't enjoy from any angle no matter how hard I want to try and like it.

Chris B

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Ok, now I see where you're coming from, and I kinda agree.

As for gnomes, isn't that a bit rude too? Oh yea, all tall people go in this region. They are humans. Now all you short people, go over in this region. You'll be called Gnomes. Just seems kinda discriminating lol. But gnomes are known for intelligiance, not brute strength, which is why I kinda agree they shouldn't have been a selectable race...

Yea, dedicated people are sometimes scary. Like, some people pretty much devote their lives to WoW.....I mean, yea, it's fun, but......hmm

Of course, then there's people who will make a living off of WoW by selling gold/accounts, now that's a good way to live :p



You can change this now in User CP.
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People hate WoW because it's a fad. Think about it. If something comes up when you're with a group of friends, and that something is "I hate WoW it's motherfreaking stupid." are you going to say "No way whats wrong with WoW?" no. Well actually it depends on the circumstances but you know what I mean.


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There are some whiny fanboys who don't like to see their perfect RTS world become a more malleable MMO world, and just block out all things WoW.

There are also kids who just don't like MMOs.

And there are lore-kidz who don't like their favorite characters getting killed by players.


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I've got mixed feelings about the game, I played it from the day of release til 7 months ago.

On one hand the scenery was beautiful, and the game world sucks you in. I've got a successful military career and a beautiful girlfriend, but damn, sometimes I want nothing more than to be back in Northshire, or Redridge, or the Wetlands. Even places I hated like Netherstorm or Underbog. Just hanging out in Shatt and shooting the breeze on vent.

I owned a raid guild with some real life friends, and before I left the game we were downing Gruul and Zul'jin once a week. There's something magical about that last heroic before the big raid, teaming up with your buddies to get that last piece of gear (I was the main tank, and a damn good one), knowing it will benefit the cause.

Lots of good things to be said

But the bad... Night Elf and Gnome death knights, Blood Elves, repetitive quests, grinding, monthly fee, the playerbase, a world that's way too small, and a complete and total disregard for the lore. Plus the fact that the game is subject to server problems and lag, and you can't do anything by yourself. Wake up one morning, log on your Orc and think "Hey, I wanna go get the Bladefist"? Too bad, you'll need 4 other people, and even thought it's Kargath Bladefist the damn thing only drops 1 in a million times.

Oh yeah, and one day all your hard work will be gone when they pull the plug on the servers :D


New Member
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lol yeah thats true but i think the deaths knights look awesome!
---as noted by----
My new avatar lol
the starter dk sword is behind his head lol


CSS L4D DoD? Steam ID = w00t22
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for people who are having "health" issues, try to be like health is a reputation grind, and you must work out every other day for a couple of months to become exalted!!(skinny) and get phat loot .. :D


Avoid, if at all possible.
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You said you hate WoW before you tried it, shouldn't you then be able to answer your own question? :rolleyes:


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Well a lot of people that hate it are Warcraft fanboys. An MMORPG, in order to be successful, has to stretch the lore out, cut some things out, and leave some favorite characters dead. This pisses off some of the fanboys, who need a perfect explanation for every event in Warcraft.

There's also the "everybody plays it, now I have to find reasons not to" syndrome that others have. Some gamers like to play things that isn't known about by everyone, something they discovered themselves.

And, there are the people who expect instant action and epic dungeons the second they enter WoW, not a quiet forest killing wolves and mouse-people. Those people just dont belong in an MMORPG.


Hopeless Toby Driver fan boy
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Why would you play WoW, when you can dress up and act out Colonial timed battles?

This question stumps me everytime I think about it...


No, the reason people dislike WoW isn't because of the nerd factor. If you take a moment to step outside of your nerd enclosure, you can see games are no longer a nerd venture. I'm a massive nerd myself, but not conventionally. I'm a guy all the girls know as either the hot guy or the complete asshole, I'm also a guy that all the blokes look up to as the man... or think of me as the biggest asshole. I'm all those things and more in between..

...but fuck me, I love my games.

I don't deny it either. When I'm chatting up girls on a night out there's always the inevitable questions of 'what do you do for work? What do you for fun?'... and I don't beat around the bush, I tell them straight up. 'I don't do much and I play alot of games'. Their response isn't 'what a fucking loser' (sure my physique and wild hairstyle soften the blow but still) but generally 'oh, what games do you play?'. Ideally they want to hear you own a wii or ds, but still the fact remains - gamers aren't just the closed group of fuck-up mummy boys anymore.

So then why do people hate WoW? Hmmm it could be these reasons -

1. WoW is a well planned money making venture. Everything from the size of the environment, the location of quests to the drop rate of loot is designed to keep players playing for longer, but only just long enough so that they don't get sick of it and drop it like the sack of shit it is. It's easy for an inquisitive person to look at the game and go 'why the fuck am I paying to run 50km from this graveyard again?', but a kid who just wants to hang out with his online pals and make a name for himself will be blind to this. Possibly the kid will shout 'It's punishment for being a n00b and dying fool!'. No kid, it's not. It's punishment for being stupid enough to play a game that has a monthly fee.

2. The environments lack any depth. Not once during my brief stint of playing did I look at the area and go, 'my god, it's breath taking'. Actually, all I saw in each area was a whole lot of ground I didn't really want to travel and a bunch of xp represented by a different coloured units I had already killed for xp in the last area I was in. Not only that but player models look GAY. Sure they have more poly's then warcraft 3's yet somehow they still lack in character. Even I can't figure out why that is.

3. It's purely a grind fest. I got the game very close to it's release, merely because of the fact that Blizzard hadn't let me down before. I'd never even played an MMO in my life, yet it only took me the first 6 levels to realize quests are pointless. From there I just spent all my play time grinding xp. I didn't need guides to figure that shit out, I'd just kill something, compare how is it was to kill to other things I'd stabbed and then compared how much I could sell it's junk for. I got to level 45 after only 2 days playing time, then referred to point #1.... why the fuck am I paying for this? So I thought I'd just explore the game for a while and get lost in it's beauty and lore... and it didn't take me long to refer to point #2. After referring to point #2 it's really quite inevitable that you refer to point #1 again and decide to cancel your account. That is of course if you have any brains.

4. It doesn't require much skill to play. Yeah, I hear you all crying 'yesh it does, you're just shit at it' in your defense, but no, you're wrong. That's the beauty of it, the game is designed to give everyone a chance.... for some people it may take a bit longer but hey, don't worry son... a few more monthly payments and you'll find someone you can kill.

...and that's all there is really. Everyone is capable of killing someone in the game... whether it be because there class > the enemy class, their items are better or just because they have played long enough and read enough guides to get a good set up going for button mashing spells. The game runs at a mediocre pace with decent cool downs controlling the flow of battle.

It's really just the kind of game for the drop-kick who loves gaming but can't really win at anything. I've seen many a pro at an internet cafe (majority of which have no sense of style and have interweb forged personalities) talk about how good they are at wow, how mad all their equipment is and how powerfully sick their guild is. Then they play and I hear them mutter 'that's fucking bullshit he can't do that' every 2 minutes. Why? because they are getting ownt. Then eventually they kill someone and become king of the world again, forgetting all the moments they got shit on in an instant.

When you look at other games like melee RTS's or FPS's, you can't deny skill level sets players apart. You either have it or you don't, there's no 2 ways about it. Sure, you can get better at these games but you will eventually reach your limit. Yeah, you can argue this too.... but fuck you. It's just like sport... you could train someone more then Beckham with better facilities and coaching but at the end of the day there's no guarantee they are going to be a better soccer player. Personally, no matter how hard I try I can't play melee RTS for shit, microing resources and units n such is way beyond my mental control. However play me in CSS and my scout will eat you alive, my hand eye co-ordination and reaction time has been proven to be faster then even some people can visually register.

Ahhh fuck it, you know I could go on and on with why WoW isn't a great game but if you don't get it by now then you never will.... you'll just become another one of these people who quits it purely because they can't kid themselves anymore, then preach about how they regret it but at the same time it was fun in an attempt to fool people who KNOW all you did was waste your time and money.

no...pretty sure you're the dumbass who likes to hear yourself talk.


Everything is mutable; nothing is sacred
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I enjoyed WoW for the time I played, but quit because of boredom or, in the last instance, quit because my friend quit.


TH.net Regular
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ok wow where do i start the comunity sucks but i just ignore them gameplay it is filled with stuff anyone can play wich is good theve ballanced characters more so lets say a warrior takes on a rouge the rouge has a chance but so dose the warrior then you got to think up a stratagy then there you go theres lot of dungeons lots of raids lots of quests lots of areas and lots of things to do somday i may go farm ore or go pvp and if you notcie warcraft 3 is similar to World of warcraft got same areas same lore but if people look for it good enoth by let say doing quests and searching the web you can find so much about the lore gameplay again since some people are casual players like myself are typicly not that good but the way its set up you can kill someone your own level just got to think and react so much people are missing this when they should try to see it and enjoy the game as a game not a job just a game like halo warcraft 3 and evory other game so just sit back and enjoy it if someone calls you a loser just dont listen to them


~=Admiral Stukov=~
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Common argument and the one I always use is that the gameplay is wretched, which applies in my opinion to most mmorpg's. I don't hate people for it, but I will always consider the popularity of such games to be much more a result of addiction than fun. I've been there done that, and the best feeling I have ever had when playing an mmorpg was quitting.


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I played WoW a lot before, and I can't deny that it is fun. The problem with WoW is that you must spend so much time if you go PVE. PVP is greater in that case, but not that fun imo.

Worst is that you sometimes must hold a clock for a raid. Really annoying when i call my friend and he says: I got a raid in 10 mins, sorry. And he can't skip the raid either, because then the guild will freak out on him.

It is also easy to get addicted to WoW. Even I did, which I never thought I would (the reason to why I quit). And sometimes you press yourself to play. Lets say you are leveling with your friends - You don't want to be lvl 30 when they are lvl 40. This could be one of the things that leads to "play ONLY WoW".

And isn't WoW waste of time? You play like an idiot and know that in the end you will quit WoW. Cause it don't last forever..

I say WoW is stupid. Because it is only a game, you must pay for it, waste of time and addiction. And there are plenty of games that are greater than WoW.


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Well, i'm a pretty addicted WoW player but i don't hate WC3 at all. I'm only doing a raid or two a week or helping ym GF out while levling. Else i'm sitting and trying to learn to make custom maps in the Worldeditor. ^^

I havn't read all replies, so sorry if this is a doublepost.

Someone wrote: WoW=MMORPG - WC3=RTS wich is totally true.

But one of the main reason except the gamestyle is how easy it is to login and do something with your irl friends without need to move your ass from your chair. I think one of the main reasons is that many(not all of course) just are to lazy to do things irl. If it wasn't for my badly knee-injuries, i probably wouldn't sit here at this moment. =)


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Yes to some people WoW is addicting(not to everyone). my Brother is addicted xD

myself i used to hate WoW too. i allways used to tease my classmate for playing WoW :D but when my friend gave me a trial account i liked it and started plaing xD
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