Why do they h8 wow?

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TH.net Regular
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I disslike wow for these reasons:

1. I think that it is a disgrace to the warcraft-series, since they started as RTS and I think that they should stay that way, it could be nice with something like diablo like in the warcraft series tho.

2. It costs per month. I think that a game should be a 1 time payment, not a "pay or you can't play".

3. It has grown to big, honestly the whole wow thing is just so damn exadurated, "it's addicting, no it's not", "wow kills people, no it does not" "blabla blabla".

4. Wow is a very repetitive game, I have tried it and did not like it at all, you get a quest, run for 10mins to kill one or more monsters and then you have to run for 10mins again to finish the quest. To me that is just plain booring:(

5. There is no real player-skill involved, it is just pressing a enemy and click a few buttons and the game handles the rest:( That is okay in an fps, not in an rpg. Not even diablo works exactly that way, there you have to dodge and click to kill your enemies.
I like games such as oblivion or fps games beacuse their are the players skill involved a little more direct, you actually have the choise when to hit the enemy and you can affect when to hit or miss in a more direct way.

6. The name world of warcraft, it sounds like something out of harry potter:(

7. To be honest, the graphics sucks, even for the standard of the year it was released:( It's like playing warcraft 3 with a bit higher res:nuts:

conclusion: WoW is one of the worst games ever released onto the world:(
It's right down there with creatures and hexen:thdown:

Totally Agreed :)


TH.net Regular
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offtopic: had to double post, since it wudnt allow me to edit (never happend to me before)

on-topic: just wanted to say that i have played wow :)
but i havent played Wotlk


Evil always finds a way
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Wait, so if they make it a MMO, it's a disgrace, but if they make it a slightly different type of MMO, its nice? I think this just means you don't like most MMOs, but do like the Diablo games. Which is fine and all, but you should just say it outright.

I tried to say that, not easy trying to translate the swedish over to english all the time:p And diablo is not an MMO, it is a plain multiplayer capable RPG game:p And I'm not even sure that it fits into that categori either, since it is usually called a hack and slash;)

What you're paying for here is longevity. If you think about it, you buy a game, and you play it for maybe a few weeks tops, then you're done with it. Some games more, some less. With WoW, the price is like buying a new game every 4-5 months, and if you're playing it that long, you're getting a much better deal with WoW than if you just bought a new game each month. Of course, if you don't enjoy it in the first place, then it doesn't help for sure, and some games definitely give more bank for their buck, but those are few and far between, at least for me. (cooincidentally, the only one so far really is Warcraft 3, ironically. Team Fortress 2 is coming close, though)

That is bullshit. I don't know how you do it, but I buy a game to play it, and then I don't mean just play it thru the campaign and then throw it away:eek: 4-5months? When I played it was a monthly fee:(

This is indeed a problem, before you get to max level, there's really not much to the game. It does get better at that point, though. Fortunately Blizz has been making it faster and faster to reach max-level, but it still takes a while. They've also gotten better at making fun quests to do, for example outland is better than old world, and northrend is better still. But, of course, you have to go through the earlier, more repetitive quests before you can get to the good stuff. Eh, what can you do.

Explanation on what you mean with "the good stuff" please?
I don't see it less repetitive to just run around and do this:
select enemy, click your spells, select next enemy, click your spells, and so on... If your lucky you get a new item somewhere, then you jerk off and it's the end of that story.

This is true...up until you hit level 80 and start doing end-game content. Or be a healer that isn't 5 levels higher than he needs to be. Or a tank at any level. Maybe not the most challenging game ever, but certainly more complicated than Diablo or Oblivion. (ie, find your most powerful attack and spam it)

The first sentence is somewhat true. The last is a big lie, beacuse that is basically what all games are based on. Find the best attack possible and use it, no matter what type of game, or even in real combat;)
Oh, and there is one thing that those games compare to as to wow, you have the choise to dodge an attack if you want, that can't be done in the same extent in wow;)

The graphics are quite well done, I'd say. I actually prefer the graphics of WoW to most modern games. Sure, the pixel count isn't exactly impressive, but HOW blizzard used those pixels is what sets it apart. Quality over quantity, my friend.

Of course, it's not the best graphics out there either, EvE online for example blows it out of the water, especially with the recent overhaul.

Finally something true:thup: But I would never compare an old game to newer games, I like to compare them to games that came out about the same time. There it does fail big-time:p But it is a bit understandable since it is an MMO, that probably lowers the graphic-standards a little to make it playable at all, since there tend to be a lot of people and big worlds;)

This is your opinion, so I can't really say you're wrong, but I just can't see this as anything but a gross exaggeration. (some REALLY bad games have been made, and not just in the early 90s )

I can't assume anything about them since I have not played them all you know:p I can only put it down there with games that I have played;)

And also, some of the things I presented where actually facts, not oppinion based.


New Member
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I disslike wow for these reasons:

1. I think that it is a disgrace to the warcraft-series, since they started as RTS and I think that they should stay that way, it could be nice with something like diablo like in the warcraft series tho.

2. It costs per month. I think that a game should be a 1 time payment, not a "pay or you can't play".

3. It has grown to big, honestly the whole wow thing is just so damn exadurated, "it's addicting, no it's not", "wow kills people, no it does not" "blabla blabla".

4. Wow is a very repetitive game, I have tried it and did not like it at all, you get a quest, run for 10mins to kill one or more monsters and then you have to run for 10mins again to finish the quest. To me that is just plain booring:(

5. There is no real player-skill involved, it is just pressing a enemy and click a few buttons and the game handles the rest:( That is okay in an fps, not in an rpg. Not even diablo works exactly that way, there you have to dodge and click to kill your enemies.
I like games such as oblivion or fps games beacuse their are the players skill involved a little more direct, you actually have the choise when to hit the enemy and you can affect when to hit or miss in a more direct way.

6. The name world of warcraft, it sounds like something out of harry potter:(

7. To be honest, the graphics sucks, even for the standard of the year it was released:( It's like playing warcraft 3 with a bit higher res:nuts:

conclusion: WoW is one of the worst games ever released onto the world:(
It's right down there with creatures and hexen:thdown:

1: A disgrace? Lol..

2: Who cares If It cost per month? Most MMORPGS do... stop whining

3: Thats not World of Warcrafts fault.

4: Thats not even true.. I never had to run 10 minutes to kill 1 monster and then run back In 10 minutes for a quest...

5: That Is totally wrong, have you ever been Into a dungeon? Do you play a caster? A healer?

6: That Is just plain out dumb

7. To be honest, no they don't.

Conclusion: You have never played WoW and you are just saying what your friend told you.


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1: A disgrace? Lol..

2: Who cares If It cost per month? Most MMORPGS do... stop whining

3: Thats not World of Warcrafts fault.

4: Thats not even true.. I never had to run 10 minutes to kill 1 monster and then run back In 10 minutes for a quest...

5: That Is totally wrong, have you ever been Into a dungeon? Do you play a caster? A healer?

6: That Is just plain out dumb

7. To be honest, no they don't.

Conclusion: You have never played WoW and you are just saying what your friend told you.

Sorry to say this man but do you see what wow have done of you no offense but it have completely brain-washed you so you answer what blizzard want to you answer and that is the LIE.


Stops copies me!
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1. I think that it is a disgrace to the warcraft-series
A change of genre disgraces a game series?

2. It costs per month. I think that a game should be a 1 time payment, not a "pay or you can't play".
2: Who cares If It cost per month? Most MMORPGS do... stop whining
For one, I care, but it's still worthwhile - as AgentPaper said, it'd be like getting a new game every few months (although, the content patches are more like mini-expansions than new games :p)

4. Wow is a very repetitive game, I have tried it and did not like it at all, you get a quest, run for 10mins to kill one or more monsters and then you have to run for 10mins again to finish the quest. To me that is just plain booring
5. There is no real player-skill involved, it is just pressing a enemy and click a few buttons and the game handles the rest
Well, you haven't advanced far enough then - once you get to end-game content (not specifically raids, any dungeon in general), fights become much more engaging than your regular levelling grind

6. The name world of warcraft, it sounds like something out of harry potter
How does the addition of 'World of' make it sound Harry Potter-esque, since I'm guessing you don't think Warcraft III sounds like something from Harry Potter :confused:

7. To be honest, the graphics sucks, even for the standard of the year it was released
Graphics, while a nice addition, are not essential to gameplay. It does make things a bit more appealling, but player base would be fairly small if people couldn't play because their computers weren't good enough to handle it >.> Especially in Dalaran...

conclusion: WoW is one of the worst games ever released onto the world
And because it's one of the worst games, how many people still play it? Not very conclusive if the overwhelming majority thinks otherwise ;) Certainly WoW has it's failings (e.g. the boredom of levelling from 1 to 58, pre-TBC levelling was, for me, the most agonising thing to go through in WoW :p) but that doesn't mean it's a heap of sh*t.


Evil always finds a way
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A change of genre disgraces a game series?

I think that, just my oppinion, nothing else:p Can't explain it tho, guess I was tired when writing that:eek:

For one, I care, but it's still worthwhile - as AgentPaper said, it'd be like getting a new game every few months (although, the content patches are more like mini-expansions than new games :p)

I think that it is to much to ask from people to pay every month, that's one more reason why I don't like it being an MMORPG:(

Well, you haven't advanced far enough then - once you get to end-game content (not specifically raids, any dungeon in general), fights become much more engaging than your regular levelling grind

I have tried that one some instant max level free servers and did not like that either:(

How does the addition of 'World of' make it sound Harry Potter-esque, since I'm guessing you don't think Warcraft III sounds like something from Harry Potter :confused:

It's probably just me:p It just does, okay:p

Graphics, while a nice addition, are not essential to gameplay. It does make things a bit more appealling, but player base would be fairly small if people couldn't play because their computers weren't good enough to handle it >.> Especially in Dalaran...

That's true, and I pointed that out in my responce to agent papers post;)

And because it's one of the worst games, how many people still play it? Not very conclusive if the overwhelming majority thinks otherwise ;) Certainly WoW has it's failings (e.g. the boredom of levelling from 1 to 58, pre-TBC levelling was, for me, the most agonising thing to go through in WoW :p) but that doesn't mean it's a heap of sh*t.

I don't like most MMO's actually. I preffer to play a ordinary RPG, the biggest difference that I can see to an MMO and a none MMO game is that it is a mix between a game and a forum.
Wow is like taking warcraft 3 and TH and putting it together. That to me is a bit disturbing thought tho:p

I just answered the thread, why do people always go for the ones that don't like wow.

It's like the people that are nagging on me beacuse of that I smoke, I am going to do the same thing that I do to you to them:

1. Have my post harmed you physically in any way?
2. Do I force you to think the same as me?
3. Are you just plain stupid?

If you have answered no on all of the aboves, stop whining and get on with your lives:p I don't like wow for some odd reasons and you like it for some odd reasons, that's all there is to it and we just have to learn to deal with it people:p


New Member
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It's like the people that are nagging on me beacuse of that I smoke

What are you smoking? :confused: Crack? Just kidding :p anyways, some people disagree with you, some people do, most people don't though.. I just don't agree with you and I think you are totally wrong, then again we have completely different opinons.


The DIY Ninja
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Guys! Jeez! What's with the arguing?

Besides, IMHO, World of World of Warcraft is SOOO much better!


If not for the pricing, I'd play WoW. Not like all the time, but I'd play it a bit. The beginning is boring, but once you get max lvl and some good items, raids can be fun.

Those are the only downfalls to me. Price and Repetitiveness in the beginning.

I remember buying it. After I installed and was creating my account. I was like "WTF? $15 A MONTH??? WTF???" and didn't ever touch it again...

Though, I did play the free trial I got :D

Then a couple years later, I pulled it out and played on a different server.


From the depths, I come.
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That is bullshit. I don't know how you do it, but I buy a game to play it, and then I don't mean just play it thru the campaign and then throw it away:eek: 4-5months? When I played it was a monthly fee:(

Well, you don't throw it away, but once you've played it a bunch, it's less fun. And I think you play games less often than many do, or at least less than me, because a good long RPG such as the final fantasy games take a few weeks for me to finish, and usually there's not all that much re-play value. If you don't play WoW very often, then yes the pay-to-play setup isn't as good, but for some it's worth it, and for others it isn't.

Explanation on what you mean with "the good stuff" please?
I don't see it less repetitive to just run around and do this:
select enemy, click your spells, select next enemy, click your spells, and so on... If your lucky you get a new item somewhere, then you jerk off and it's the end of that story.

Good stuff being end-game dungeons, mostly, whether they be 5-man deals or 40-man, though now it'd down to 25-man at the most, it seems. At any rate, these dungeons are much, much harder than just leveling up. You really have to learn how to play your class to the absolute best it can go, and just clicking an enemy and hitting random spells will get you killed.

The first sentence is somewhat true. The last is a big lie, beacuse that is basically what all games are based on. Find the best attack possible and use it, no matter what type of game, or even in real combat;)
Oh, and there is one thing that those games compare to as to wow, you have the choise to dodge an attack if you want, that can't be done in the same extent in wow;)

HAH! A big lie, indeed. You haven't played any games with complex fighting systems, have you? WoW isn't the most complex game out there, sure, but it's definitely harder to handle than the games you listed. And you try using the tactics you use in oblivion in a real fight, and I'll watch you get your ass handed to you by a 10-year old. Not than any other game would help you out with that, but "spamming your biggest attack" is not what they teach you in any fighting style.

As for dodging, that does exist in a limited fashion. Especially lately, just sitting behind a boss doing as much damage as you can will also get you slaughtered. They throw things at you that you must dodge, there's all sorts of little minions going around killing your friends, or worse healing the boss for massive amounts, which you have to kill ASAP.

If you want proof, check out a site like Elitist Jerks to see how complicated it can get to build your character and optimize your damage or healing, and WoWhead to see some of the strategies for the various fights.

I can't assume anything about them since I have not played them all you know:p I can only put it down there with games that I have played;)

That's fair enough. You'd probably rank it higher if you had gotten to the end-game content, but perhaps still not high enough to warrant that amount of time spent, eh?


Avoid, if at all possible.
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I don't get certain people here. They argue that the game requires no skill at all, but that just means that you haven't really played any 80 high-end content.
Just because you "click some buttons".
That is like saying that Warcraft 3 is ez-mode because you just click some buttons, and out of nowhere some units come and kill other units. D:

And the argument that never fails, If a game isn't succesful when it has ~9 million (if not more) players, what is?


TH.net Regular
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I don't get certain people here. They argue that the game requires no skill at all, but that just means that you haven't really played any 80 high-end content.
Just because you "click some buttons".
That is like saying that Warcraft 3 is ez-mode because you just click some buttons, and out of nowhere some units come and kill other units. D:

And the argument that never fails, If a game isn't succesful when it has ~9 million (if not more) players, what is?

well, maybe it reqs a little bit skill, but saing wc3 doesnt? well, its a strategy game, with much strategy, atleast if you play the origional maps :)


From the depths, I come.
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well, maybe it reqs a little bit skill, but saing wc3 doesnt? well, its a strategy game, with much strategy, atleast if you play the origional maps :)

WC3 does take more skill, than WoW, that was the point of his argument. You can say "All you have to do is go click a mob, click your spells, and then you win", but that means about as much as saying that in WC3 all you do is click to create units and then send them at the enemy. Technically it's true, but if you only put that much thought into it, you're going to lose/die.

Still, while games like WC3 do take more individual skill, WoW (and similar games, of course) does take a certain amount of coordination. It's not uncommon for end-game raiding guilds to run themselves like a military. Only the very absolute best are even considered to be taken along, they plan out each fight far in advance, and they carefully choose which classes they bring to make sure they're doing the best they can.

Of course, that's not to say WoW is incredibly hard or anything, and there's certainly harder MMOs to master, (FFXI comes to mind) but saying it takes no skill at all is just silly.

As for the "There's lots of people playing it!" argument, that is a perfectly valid argument, if you're trying to prove that the game is successful and popular, and that it's a really fun game to play for lots of people. If you're trying to use that to prove to someone that they specifically would like WoW, then it's a fallacy. (Basically, it means WoW is a good game, but not necessarily a good game for you)


Frog blast the vent core!
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Forgive my language, but this thread has become a full out shitstorm. Someone close it, please.


TH.net Regular
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Forgive my language, but this thread has become a full out shitstorm. Someone close it, please.

Well, i dont see any reason to close it..
We say what cud be better with wow, and so on
We are on topic, only one who isnt ontopic, was you, and now me :/


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World of Warcraft does take Skill!

There are many reasons why, and I will just list them as they come out of my giant brain. Or I will give examples.

Example #1. PvP. Give two people the same character, same gear, and same spec. You won't get the same results and the better skilled player comes out winner of a duel.

Example #2. Commentors have addressed the fact that World of Warcraft is a game where you target X enemy, click X spell, rinse & repeat. Incorrect. If you have been doing that, I doubt you will get very far in Arena or Raiding. You might pass as a low-end dps but try healing without Healbot.

Example #3. DPS. You can't do as much damage or kill as much without skill. Please don't try to argue that you don't need skill to kill in FPS or RPG. The case is the same with MMO(RPG)s. Wether it's ability rotation, reaction time, or just game knowledge, skill does apply.

Example #4. End-Game Content. If World of Warcraft did not require skill, why have so many people not even downed a single boss in Ulduar? It's been almost a month and I could bet that 90% of the population still have trouble with Naxx! Why is that? The hardcore players just increases their skill faster than the casual player! In a few months, ulduar WILL be pug-able and by that time, hardcore players will have increased their skill to a new level, leaving the casual player, once again, in a lower tier.

It's rare to see such a nerd rage from myself, but the ignorance in this thread is appaling.

Could I suggest you go out to the store, buy a World of Warcraft Battle Chest and 60-Day Game Card and come back, renewed, restored, and a new you?


The DIY Ninja
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The reason I don't like WoW is because it's so expensive. It's a continuous stream of money out of my pockets :( I'd probably like it better if it was just a one payment type of deal. Like Warcraft III was.
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