World of Warcaft: Farming Guide


Formerly, Ban-Lord
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World of Warcraft
[Burning Crusade Version]
Farming Guide
by ban-lord
Sagny @ Cenarian Circle



Burning Crusade version updated..

List of Changes:
Instance Solo'ing
Removed Crusader from Enchants section
Added Mongoose to Enchants section
Added Savagery to Enchants section
Monsters Chapter removed
Items Chapter removed
Burning Crusade Instances
Shadowfang Keep chapter added

Added Core of Elements to the "Items" Chapter.

This guide is not completely done at the moment.

V1 - Introduction [100%]
V2 - Item Qualities [100%]
V3 - Professions [100%]
New! ---> Burning Crusade Chapters <--- New!
BC1 - Instances [25%]
New! ---> Instance Soloing <--- New!
IS1 - Shadowfang Keep [60%]


Chapter 1

I made this to help some people make money pretty easy, if you just read some sections in it you might be able to understand some simple farming secrets, or where to farm stuff. Just read on sorry for this small chapter!

Chapter 2
Item Qualities

Before you even farm, one of the most simple things are the quality of the item. All items are given a quality, even if they are bad. There are some qualities you might want to read on farming. Lets view a list of qualities.

Gray - Gray quality items are mostly worth nothing of value to players. But alot of gray items sell for alot in stores. So it is recommended to be vendored.

White - White quality items are generally used in some sort of way.

Green - Green quality items, mostly known as "Uncommon" are in general worth something in value, they should never really be sold to a vendor that much, it is recommended to sell in the local Auction House if it is worth more than the vendors offer. Before you even put it up as an auction though, check for a current price for the item you have in the auction house, if its sold for a certain price, try lowering it by making the buyers be more attracted to a low price.

Blue - Blue quality items, mostly known as "Rare" items are sometimes worth a fair amount of money, they are sometimes worth over at least more than 5 gold. Before pricing a blue item, definately check on the prices of the same item, and put a little bit lower to attract more attention to it. But they have a very low chance to drop.

Purple - Purple quality items, mostly known as "Epic" items are almost always worth a lot of money, they are most often worth more than 30 gold. Before pricing a purple item, check for other prices, if there are no items up, check for a quick reference of pricing or download Auctioneer. These kind of items have an EXTREMELY very low chance to drop, and are only droppable for level 40+ monsters.

Chapter 3

Alot of people ask what professions are the best at making money, well I'll help. Some professions are very good at making money, like Enchanting, Skinning, Mining, and alot more.

Some professions you must know may require the second profession to be filled sometimes. Like for Leatherworking, you may want Skinning. Or for Blacksmithing, you may want Mining.

But some professions like, Enchanting, Tailoring, and some others dont need main-secondary professions. But lets get to the chase, what professions make the MOST money.


Why these professions? Well lets read it!

Enchanting - Enchanting allows you to add bonuses to armor, and weapons. These bonuses sell for a few gold sometimes, like the following:

Money Making Enchants

Mongoose - Permanently enchant a Melee Weapon to occasionally increase Agility by 120 and attack speed slightly.

Useful Enchants (Which may make money)

Agility +15 - Permanently enchant a melee weapon to grant +15 Agility.
Lifestealing - Permanently enchant a melee weapon to often steal life from the enemy and give it to the wielder.
Savagery - Teaches you how to permanently enchant a two-handed weapon to increase attack power by 70.


Skinning - Skinning is a big money maker, because this is a core-requirement for Leatherworking, Most of the leather like, Light Leather, Medium Leather, and Heavy Leather, do not sell for much, I recommend farming Rugged Leather, and Thick Leather, but what really pulls in the money are Dragonscales, the dragonscales are used mostly for Dragonscale Leatherworking. This is mostly for making fire resistance gear for hunters, and sometimes maybe rogues.

Leatherworking - Leatherworking is a big money maker, because they can make Fire Resistance gear. Fire resistance gear is recommended for Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, and Onyxia. Without Fire Resistance gear, you are most likely the first person who is going to die in your group. Leatherworkers, can create alot of fire resistance gear that rogues, and hunters can use. Rogues need alot of fire resistances because most of the fights they are meleeing and they are up close to the monster that is getting killed. So this is a big fire resistance making profession.

Mining - Mining is a big money maker, because paladins, need thorium to get their epic mount. They also can mine ores that people can use such as Elementium Ore. This ore is found in Blackwing Lair, and is mostly used for people to get their Thunderfury Sword. Which is legendary and is a very rare sword to have. Im not very knowing about Mining, so you might want to check some other guides on this profession.

Herbalism - Being an herbalist doesnt seem like much, but like skinning, it is the one of the core requirements you need to be an alchemist. What I mean is you cant be an alchemist without it. But if your an herbalist and want to make some real cash, try hunting in Felwood, and get some of the flowers there or any other place you heard has some good things to pick. I hear Felwood is the best though.

Chapter 1
[BC] Instances

In the Burning Crusade, there are alot of new instances, alot of which have decent loot to sell.

The Hellfire Citadel
RAMPARTS - This instance only gives decent loot in the Heroic mode.
BLOOD FURNACE - This instance only gives decent loot in the Heroic mode.

The Coilfang Reservoir
I have not gathered information on these instances..
(Slave Pens, Steam Vaults, Underbog)

The Auchindoun
MANA-TOMBS - This instance provides decent gear, but much better in Heroic mode.
AUCHENAI CRYPTS - I have not gathered information on this instance.
SHADOW LABYRINTH - This instance provides excellent BoE (Bind on Equip) items that drop. (Known drops: Blinkstrike) <--- Improve this list

Tempest Keep
THE MECHANAR - This instance provides excellent BoE (Bind on Equip) items that drop.
THE ARCATRAZ - This instance provides excellent BoE (Bind on Equip) items that drop.
THE TEMPEST KEEP - This instance most likely provides decent gear, but nobody knows currently.

The Black Temple (25-man raid) - This instance most likely provides decent gear, but nobody knows currently.
Karazhan (10-man raid) - [Not Known]
Gruuls Lair (10-man raid) - [Not Known]
Magtheridon's Lair (25-man raid) - This instance most likely provides decent gear, but nobody knows currently.

Chapter 1
[IS] Shadowfang Keep

List of Drops

Assassin's Blade
Drops off of: Son of Arugal (Only thing in the game it drops off of.)
Drop Chance: 0.20%
Value: 50-150g



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Hey, this guide looks liek it could turn out pretty nice. It helped me understand what farming is so far becuase ive never farmed and i was always wondering about it. +rep

There is however ONE flaw I see. When you are listing the professions that make a lot of money, you missed one. Herbalism is one of the fastest money making professions out there. Selling herbs on AH (even low level herbs) can ake in gold faster than any other profession I know of. To have the absolute fastest money making professions you need herbalism and mining. These two together, selling the ore/herbs on AH is a huge money maker.

and 1 more thing lol...sorry. You may want to include in the enchanting profession that it also costs a lot of money in order to get the ingredients nessecsary for the enchants. So at high levels you rake in money but you also give up a lot. Thats why herbalism/enchanting professions together are really great too. Earn money while you lsoe it until you just earn tons. (when enchanting is at high level).

so you may wnat to include that in there...or not, its just a suggestion.

well...the guide looks liek its gonna be good so Good Luck to you on it. :D


Formerly, Ban-Lord
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You know what, that is true, I'll add the Herbalism thing, i completely forgot about it, and thanks about the comments man.


What about the tailoring profession? I don't know about high levels, because I haven't reached anywhere past 20 (having only just played over a week) however out of the three characters I have the tailor makes the most money. I have a Alchemist/Herbalist, a Tailor/Skinner and a Tailor/Enchantress. The last one is the one that makes the most. However somethings I've found, at least in low levels.

Herbs are not too easy to find, there is a ton of peace bloom, but you need more than that to make any potion. The only other start-of-game herb I've found is silverleaf. However one minor healing potion is worth 25c, and I forget what the cost of a vial is, but it still isn't that much profit.

Enchanting is insanely hard to become skilled at. In the early game there are not a lot of green drops, and when they do come up they are often worth a good deal of money or someone else wants to use disenchanting is painful.

Tailoring, I've found that I can quickly make money of white linen shirts, bleach and coarse thread combine to make a total cost of 31c, but you make 75c off of each shirt. Then there are linen bags which only cost 27c to make, the only problem is that it takes up 3 bolts of linen, but you make 2s. Wool bags make 3s, but aside from skinning sheep I haven't found any ways to get wool early game.

Those are all merely things that I have noted. Looking forward to more of your guide. As far as areas, when you get to it. If you are a tailor, Stone Carin Lake, where the Rogue Wizards are, forget the name of the place. At about lvl 10 or 11 they aren't that difficult to pick off and they drop linen among other things.


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Herbalism > all

Except for warlocks you definately need Tailoring to make soul shard bags ;)


all my warlocks have tailoring, but only one so far has managed to get any kind of wool for a full set of 8 slot bags. And only because I spent a fortune on the wool.


All Along the Watchtower
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Enchanting - Enchanting allows you to add bonuses to armor, and weapons. These bonuses sell for a few gold sometimes, like the following:

Crusader - Permanently enchant a melee weapon so that often when attacking in melee it heals for 75 to 125 and increases Strength by 100 for 15 sec. This enchant mostly sells for around 100g+, mostly recommended for end-game instances though.

Agility +15 - Permanently enchant a melee weapon to grant +15 Agility. This enchant often sells for 100g+, most often, hunters, and rogues get this enchant though.

Lifestealing - Permanently enchant a melee weapon to often steal life from the enemy and give it to the wielder. Often sells for 100g+

You said this was a guide to help people make gold pretty easy, now tell me, which part of acquiring these formulas is 'pretty easy' :rolleyes:

And also, something to consider would be telling people to stock up on gems for when BC comes out, because there will be a huge demand for them as people will be trying out the new profession. I've already stocked up about 50 gems in my bank ;)


You should probably add something to enchanting like "takes ages to skill up in and will cost you a fortune before you gain high skill, but after that it becomes ery profitable"
Just my opinion, as always...


You need to measure how good a farming technique in gold per hour. Those chinese gold farmers pick an area, and just keep killing monsters for known drops and getting herbs in the area. I can't remember now but I believe 20 to 30g is average but that can go a lot higher.


Aerospace/Cybersecurity Software Engineer
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When you're listing the monsters that certain items drop of off, could you please list the level of them? That way i'll know if I can farm them or not.

And you might want to reword this part:

ban-lord said:
sometimes worth over at least more than


ban-lord said:
are most often worth more than 30 gold. Before pricing a purple item, check for other prices, if there are no items up, check for a quick reference of pricing or download Auctioneer. is a very good pricing site. :)


Howdy, nice thread so far. Include a part about soloing instances, thats always good. Though I've never done so myself, blah!


The Invisible Observer
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Life stealing procs like %10 more often then Crusader, and hit for about like 30-90dmg (same ammount healed), it will proc probably one every 8 attacks on a 2second attack speed weapon.

Crusader heals more health, and causes you to do more dmg though then lifestealing, so its smarter to get two crusaders then one and a lifestealing.

Figured you could add that into the example enchantments.. Moderatly important information.


Just a little note to Jimpy's post... Crusader, lifestealing, fiery and most other weapon enchants procs of so-called PPM (procs per minute), in other words attack speed does not matter. Lifestealing has a PPM of about 4-5, crusader is much lower, 1 PPM or less (not sure). Fiery on the other hand has a pretty high PPM, about 7.


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Actually, this guide is out of date now with BC out. The way professions work changed (At least, 300+), items changed, prices changed. IMO now at 70 the only professions which make money are the gathering ones. Blacksmithing for example is mostly used to craft yourself a badass weapon/armor and then, nothing.


Formerly, Ban-Lord
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Yep, this guide is out of date right now...

i'll work on a new one sometime soon

by the way

im re-working it

so it will be changing...please start to notice some new stuff..gnite! later!


Everything is mutable; nothing is sacred
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I had about 270-ish enchanting on my Human, 49 Preist.
I could make mad money giving fiery and demonslaying enchants.
That was before BC though.


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You can still make money, but leveling enchanting from 300 to 375 costs about 1500 gold, including the gold you won't get (By selling the stuff you got by DE'ing for example).

That being said... Sure, level 70 enchants can be sold about 15 gold each :p


Active Member
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What about.....

the PLAYERS that are not 60+ 70 << LOL

Make a guide from 1-39?

Or your not Intelligent enough? because you never had a level 1-39 character. PL
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