System Timer32


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native GetMouseTerrainY takes nothing returns real
native GetMouseTerrainX takes nothing returns real

scope Dash

private struct Dash
    real dx
    real dy
    unit subject
    private method periodic takes nothing returns nothing
        call SetUnitX(subject, GetUnitX(subject) + dx)
        call SetUnitY(subject, GetUnitY(subject) + dy)
    implement T32x
    private static method create takes unit which, real speed, returns thistype
        local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
        set this.dx = speed*1000 * T32_PERIOD
        set this.dy = (1-speed)*100 * T32_PERIOD
        set this.subject = which
        call this.startPeriodic()
        return thistype
    private method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
        call this.stopPeriodic()
        call this.deallocate()

private function Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
    if ( not ( GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A002' ) ) then
        return false
    return true

private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
    local real speed = (GetUnitX(u)-GetMouseTerrainX()) / ((GetUnitY(u)-GetMouseTerrainY())
    local Slide s = Slide.create(u, speed)    

function InitTrig_Dash takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger Dash = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( Dash, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )
    call TriggerAddCondition( Dash, Condition( function Conditions ) )
    call TriggerAddAction( Dash, function Actions )


This is the error:
Member redeclared : destroy


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library foo requires TimerUtils

	private struct Data

		private integer tick=0
		private unit    killer

		private method periodic takes nothing returns nothing
			set this.tick=.tick+T32_PERIOD
				if (UnitAlive(this.killer)) then
					call KillUnit(this.killer)
					call this.stopPeriodic()

		private static method actions takes nothing returns nothing
			local thistype this=thistype.create()
			set this.killer=GetKillingUnit()
			call this.startPeriodic()

		private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
			// register a death event
			// register thistype.actions as a callback
		implement T32x // <--- that is what actually adds it




library foo requires TimerUtils

That made me lol. :p


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Ok jasshelper updated.. new problem:
Slide is not of a type that allows . syntax

I dont know how to rewrite it without . syntax..

Can you help me? :rolleyes:


Super Moderator
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This is currently inaccurate : |

[ljass]public constant real PERIOD=0.03125[/ljass] is bad.

Change it to
[ljass]public constant real PERIOD=0.031250000[/ljass]

JASS is screwy... your current value is .031250002. Adding those 0s in will give the correct value... yes, JASS reals are totally fudged up..


Godspeed to the sound of the pounding
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your current value is .031250002.

It will drift by 1 second in shy of 16 years.
Or a frame at 60fps in a bit over 3 months.
How long would it take for JASS to no longer consider the time elapsed == to the time T32 thinks has elapsed with the same number of significant digits as its current interval specification?

I suppose he might as well add a few zeroes on the number if and when he updates it for an important reason. Or would that affect performance, like longer function names do? :nuts:


vJass errors are legion
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T32 is faster than T32x because people would only call .stopPeriodic() from the .periodic method which generates function proxies that get evaluated through triggers instead of called naturally. Same problem with AIDS users who run the textmacro at the top of the struct. Implement T32 at the bottom of the struct, same with AIDS, to avoid this problem.


Good Idea™
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T32 is faster than T32x because people would only call .stopPeriodic() from the .periodic method which generates function proxies that get evaluated through triggers instead of called naturally.
Your logic is right but your conclusion is not - T32x has a faster iteration speed than T32, which occurs many times compared to the once the proxy call to .stopPeriodic() is made. That makes T32x faster in general, I'd say. Obviously there is a measurable number of ticks at which this occurs in reality, but considering these things fire 32 times per second...

Oh, except one thing:
people would only call .stopPeriodic() from the .periodic method
I strongly disagree. Combining TU and T32 to make effects last x seconds is probably a nice solution to all of this (call .stopPeriodic() from TU callback).


vJass errors are legion
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> call .stopPeriodic() from TU callback

I see the advantage of that; more optimal than comparing an array to track the duration, just kill it when the timer actually expires.

I think Nestharus is working on something that could kill TimerUtils, at least for what I use it for. Perhaps I'll find myself using two timer systems in a future script ;)


New Member
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<3 I just figured out how to use this, oh, and I have fun defending you Jesus :p, Sometimes people ridicule your systems, then I make them feel like assholes.


Change can be a good thing
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Yo HeyZeus, or someone in the know, please enlighten me

How is this faster then a struct array stack? (assuming only 1 spell, aka 1 timer)

It was always common knowledge that the struct array stack trumpt all other timer attachment like systems

but then I always had a problem with that from the get go, for instance, lets say I was one spell, one instance - the overhead for say timerUtils red data retrieval is:

where as with say a struct array stack, the overhead would be:

  exitwhen i&gt;N
  set D=struct
  // use D
  set i=i+1

for one instance of that one spell. I'd imagine the array would do more work (or take more time), where as lets say you had 8 or 10 going at once, then you can start to see the additive speed increase by eliminating the now native h2i (which maybe is fast now?) and the multiple timer events - but at what point does the overlap take place? who knows?

having said that, the loop overhead still exists in this system, as well as one trigger evaluation and then a function call for each instance (along with some other jibberish I don't get), something like this:
call TriggerEvaluate(T)
  exitwhen i&gt;N
  call useData()
  // do some more overhead jibberish
  set i=i+1

any who, where does the speed increase come from, or is it simply from less periodic timer events firing?


vJass errors are legion
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Supposedly one timer expiring constitutes the overhead of a trigger evaluation, but Timer32 also uses trigger evaluation to fire for all structs, so I also fail to notice the speed difference.

If Jesus4Lyf plans to do any updates, allowing users to have direct access to the evaluated method will allow greater control, such as declaring locals in the evaluated method instead of declaring them from the periodic method... if there are lots of local variables, it becomes more efficient to just use a single timer manually.

The module could be "StructTimer" and look like this:

module StructTimer
    private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
        call TriggerAddCondition(Trig,Condition(function thistype.periodicLoop))


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Yo HeyZeus, or someone in the know, please enlighten me

How is this faster then a struct array stack? (assuming only 1 spell, aka 1 timer)

It was always common knowledge that the struct array stack trumpt all other timer attachment like systems

but then I always had a problem with that from the get go, for instance, lets say I was one spell, one instance - the overhead for say timerUtils red data retrieval is:

where as with say a struct array stack, the overhead would be:

  exitwhen i&gt;N
  set D=struct
  // use D
  set i=i+1

for one instance of that one spell. I'd imagine the array would do more work (or take more time), where as lets say you had 8 or 10 going at once, then you can start to see the additive speed increase by eliminating the now native h2i (which maybe is fast now?) and the multiple timer events - but at what point does the overlap take place? who knows?

having said that, the loop overhead still exists in this system, as well as one trigger evaluation and then a function call for each instance (along with some other jibberish I don't get), something like this:
call TriggerEvaluate(T)
  exitwhen i&gt;N
  call useData()
  // do some more overhead jibberish
  set i=i+1

any who, where does the speed increase come from, or is it simply from less periodic timer events firing?

Well, the speed increase comes from quite a few things. First of all, the loop actually doesn't involve that much:
private static method PeriodicLoop takes nothing returns boolean
    local thistype this=thistype(0).next
        exitwhen this==0
        call this.periodic()
    return false

It just involves array look ups, variable setting, and a function call. Even for one instance, this is pretty fast. However, remember that that is not the only thing to consider. There is also the release() method (which is a lot faster than TimerUtils) and the create() method (which is also faster than creating a timer). Overall, for a standard timer utils kind of system, you would first have to use NewTimer() and then use SetTimerData(). On the loop, you would have to then use GetTimerData() per loop. In the end, you would also have to use ReleaseTimer(). Internally, those functions call other natives, while Timer32 simply sets variables and does array look-ups. So I'd say the difference would kick in even during the first instance.

However, that is when comparing to TimerUtils. When comparing it to a standard struct stack, it also has a better means of setting and retrieving data. (there are no arithmetic operations)

having said that, the loop overhead still exists in this system, as well as one trigger evaluation and then a function call for each instance (along with some other jibberish I don't get), something like this:

The system does it a little differently. Also, the number of trigger evaluations is actually 1 per loop of the timer, not 1 per instance. ;) It will evaluate all instances, yes, but keep in mind that in those cases, thistype(0).next = 0 so it will immediately exit the loop, which is hardly any overhead, even in the most extreme of cases.

All in all, this system is meant to be looked at as a big picture. One timer for everything is fast and efficient. As you get more and more instances, the efficiency of this system really starts to shine. :D It has its drawbacks, but in those cases you can use TimerUtils. This is meant for the common periodic, and in most cases will suit your needs.

Also, nice to see that you are back emjlr. ;D

Supposedly one timer expiring constitutes the overhead of a trigger evaluation, but Timer32 also uses trigger evaluation to fire for all structs, so I also fail to notice the speed difference.

If Jesus4Lyf plans to do any updates, allowing users to have direct access to the evaluated method will allow greater control, such as declaring locals in the evaluated method instead of declaring them from the periodic method... if there are lots of local variables, it becomes more efficient to just use a single timer manually.

The module could be "StructTimer" and look like this:

module StructTimer
    private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
        call TriggerAddCondition(Trig,Condition(function thistype.periodicLoop))

At that point, you should just inline T32. If you really really want control, then just inline it and use the same methods. However, the speed difference is marginal. Also keep in mind that it will generate the local variables even when there are no instances to fire, so it is not the best idea to have it like that. It can be faster, but the interface would just be weird, and not to mention user unfriendly. :p

EDIT: Nvm, I see what you mean.


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This should never be inlined unless only 1-2 resources in the entire map are using it (guess, but probably very close).


Good Idea™
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Good to see you, emjlr3. :)

PurgeandFire is on the money, here:
Even for one instance, this is pretty fast. However, remember that that is not the only thing to consider. There is also the release() method (which is a lot faster than TimerUtils) and the create() method (which is also faster than creating a timer). Overall, for a standard timer utils kind of system, you would first have to use NewTimer() and then use SetTimerData(). On the loop, you would have to then use GetTimerData() per loop. In the end, you would also have to use ReleaseTimer(). Internally, those functions call other natives, while Timer32 simply sets variables and does array look-ups. So I'd say the difference would kick in even during the first instance.

However, that is when comparing to TimerUtils. When comparing it to a standard struct stack, it also has a better means of setting and retrieving data. (there are no arithmetic operations)

The system does it a little differently. Also, the number of trigger evaluations is actually 1 per loop of the timer, not 1 per instance.
All of that is good, but the bolded part is the key. All the "struct stack loops" are added to once trigger, which gets evaluated, which is the lowest overhead you can have on a function call, off memory. One timer per loop makes overhead of the timer expiring + function call, with T32 there is only one timer firing and the function calls all come from one trigger evaluate, in other words machine code loops through the loops and calls them each instead of jass code (inside the TriggerEvaluate).

This makes the overhead lower for empty loops or loops with one instance. It was the trick I used in KT2 to make it faster than TU, but then I combined that with a stack loop which I heavily optimised. It is possible to get this faster by inlining the .periodic() method and doing it all by hand, but it is not worthwhile.

Feel free to ask more questions, always! :)

Yo HeyZeus, or someone in the know, please enlighten me

How is this faster then a struct array stack? (assuming only 1 spell, aka 1 timer)
To answer this more directly, it's probably much the same. Function call vs generally faster looping method.
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