First JASS trigger, need help finding the problem.


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UPDATE: Really weird effect from the activating trigger, seems to make every spell target the center of the map.

Note: not trying to create a sliding system, just trying to get used to JASS.

The problem I'm encountering is when I try to trigger the unit to slide, what ends up happening is the unit slides 1 step toward the center of the map, no matter where I target the spell, then the sliding ends (unit even gets unpaused, etc.). Are the variables somehow being screwed up?

Trigger to activate sliding:
  • Slide1
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Slide1 (Druid)
    • Actions
      • Unit - Pause (Triggering unit)
      • Unit - Turn collision for (Triggering unit) Off
      • Set NumSlider = (NumSlider + 1)
      • Set SlideCaster[NumSlider] = (Triggering unit)
      • Set SlideDistanceMin[NumSlider] = 50.00
      • Set SlideSpeed[NumSlider] = 600.00
      • Set SlideToPoint[NumSlider] = (Target point of ability being cast)
      • Set SlideTreeKill[NumSlider] = True

The messy JASS code.
// These globals are actually declared via the Variables editor in WE.
// Just putting them here so JassCraft doesn't freak out.
    integer udg_NumSlider //Default 0, keeps count of how many units are sliding
    group udg_SlideDamaged = CreateGroup() //Default empty, for damage function
    boolean array udg_SlideEffectAllies //Default false, for damage function
    boolean array udg_SlideEffectAll //Default false, for damage function
    boolean array udg_SlidePoolShot //Default false, for damage function
    boolean array udg_SlideTargetDamage //Default false, single target damage
    boolean array udg_SlideTargetKnockback //Default false, single target knockback
    boolean array udg_SlidePointDamage //Default false, aoe damage at destination
    boolean array udg_SlideRadiusDamage //Default false, aoe damage while sliding
    boolean array udg_SlideTreeKill //Default true, destroys trees while sliding
    boolean array udg_SlideDamageOnce //Default false, for damage function
    boolean array udg_SlideSuicide //Default false, for damage function
    unit array udg_SlideCaster //Default null, the unit that does the sliding
    unit array udg_SlideToTarget //Default null, used if the sliding is homing toward a unit
    location array udg_SlideToPoint //Default null, used if the sliding is going to a point
    real array udg_SlideSpeed //Default 200, the speed that the sliding goes
    real array udg_SlideEffectRadius //Default 0, radius of damage/knockbacks if applicable
    real array udg_SlideDamage //Default 0, amount of damage done
    real array udg_SlideDistanceMin //Default 0, how far from the target point the sliding unit will stop at
    real array udg_SlideDistance //Default 0, keeps track of how far the unit has slid, used for further knockbacks if applicable

// Kills trees.
function Trig_SuperSlide_TreeKill takes nothing returns nothing
    call KillDestructable(GetEnumDestructable())

// When a sliding finishes, all variables are flushed and the sliding unit fixed up.
function Trig_SuperSlide_Finish takes integer b returns nothing
    call PauseUnit(udg_SlideCaster<b>, false)
    call SetUnitPathing(udg_SlideCaster<b>, true)
    call ResetUnitAnimation(udg_SlideCaster<b>)            
    set udg_SlideCaster<b> = null
    set udg_SlideToTarget<b> = null
    set udg_SlideTreeKill<b> = true
    set udg_SlideSpeed<b> = 200
    set udg_SlidePoolShot<b> = false
    set udg_SlideEffectRadius<b> = 0
    set udg_SlideEffectAllies<b> = false
    set udg_SlideEffectAll<b> = false
    set udg_SlideDamage<b> = 0
    set udg_SlideDistanceMin<b> = 0
    set udg_SlideDamageOnce<b> = false
    set udg_SlideSuicide<b> = false
    set udg_SlideTargetDamage<b> = false
    set udg_SlideTargetKnockback<b> = false
    set udg_SlidePointDamage<b> = false
    set udg_SlideRadiusDamage<b> = false
    call RemoveLocation(udg_SlideToPoint<b>)

// Deals damage and causes additional knockbacks.
function Trig_SuperSlide_DealDamage takes nothing returns nothing
    local location castpoint
    local location targetpoint
    local real angle
// Makes sure the damage/knockback won&#039;t affect the sliding target, structures, or corpses.
    if (IsUnit(GetEnumUnit(), udg_SlideCaster[bj_forLoopAIndex])) then
    if (IsUnitType(GetEnumUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE)) then
    if (GetUnitState(GetEnumUnit(), UNIT_STATE_LIFE) &lt;= 0) then
// Whether allies, enemies, or both are affected can be edited.
    if (IsUnitAlly(GetEnumUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(udg_SlideCaster[bj_forLoopAIndex]))) then
        if (not udg_SlideEffectAllies[bj_forLoopAIndex]) then
            if (not udg_SlideEffectAll[bj_forLoopAIndex]) then
    elseif (udg_SlideEffectAllies[bj_forLoopAIndex]) then
        if (not udg_SlideEffectAll[bj_forLoopAIndex]) then
// Preliminary setup.
    set castpoint = GetUnitLoc(udg_SlideCaster[bj_forLoopAIndex])
    set targetpoint = GetUnitLoc(GetEnumUnit())
    set angle = AngleBetweenPoints(castpoint, targetpoint)

// Checks to see if the chained knockbacks are active.
    if (udg_SlidePoolShot[bj_forLoopAIndex]) then
        set udg_NumSlider = udg_NumSlider + 1
        call PauseUnit(GetEnumUnit(), true)
        call SetUnitPathing(GetEnumUnit(), false)
        set udg_SlideCaster[udg_NumSlider] = GetEnumUnit()
        set udg_SlideToPoint[udg_NumSlider] = PolarProjectionBJ(castpoint, (udg_SlideDistance[bj_forLoopAIndex] / 2), angle)
        set udg_SlideSpeed[udg_NumSlider] = udg_SlideSpeed[bj_forLoopAIndex] / 1.5
        set udg_SlidePoolShot[udg_NumSlider] = true
        set udg_SlidePointDamage[udg_NumSlider] = true
        set udg_SlideEffectRadius[udg_NumSlider] = 100
        set udg_SlideEffectAllies[udg_NumSlider] = true
    call RemoveLocation(castpoint)
    call RemoveLocation(targetpoint)
// Deals damage.
    call UnitDamageTarget(udg_SlideCaster[bj_forLoopAIndex], GetEnumUnit(), udg_SlideDamage[bj_forLoopAIndex], true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_HERO, DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)

// Checks to see if the sliding unit is meant to die after contact (i.e. missile effects).    
    if (udg_SlideSuicide[bj_forLoopAIndex]) then
        call KillUnit(udg_SlideCaster[bj_forLoopAIndex])

// Checks to see if the target should get temporary immunity after taking damage.
    if (udg_SlideDamageOnce[bj_forLoopAIndex]) then
        if (IsUnitInGroup(GetEnumUnit(), udg_SlideDamaged)) then
        call GroupAddUnit(udg_SlideDamaged, GetEnumUnit())

// Main function.
function Trig_SuperSlide_Actions takes nothing returns nothing

// Declaring some variables easier to write than udg_SlideCaster[bj_forLoopAIndex].
    local integer a
    local integer b
    local unit caster
    local unit target
    local location castpoint
    local location targetpoint
    local location movepoint
    local group damagegroup = CreateGroup()
    local real angle
    local real distance
    local real distancemin
    local real speed
    local real damageradius
    local real damage

// Makes sure the arrays don&#039;t get maxed out. Pushing them back by 1000.
    if (udg_NumSlider &gt; 2000) then
        set a = udg_NumSlider - 1000
            exitwhen a &gt; udg_NumSlider
            set b = a - 1000
            set udg_SlideCaster<b> = udg_SlideCaster[a]
            set udg_SlideToTarget<b> = udg_SlideToTarget[a]
            set udg_SlideToPoint<b> = udg_SlideToPoint[a]
            set udg_SlideTreeKill<b> = udg_SlideTreeKill[a]
            set udg_SlideSpeed<b> = udg_SlideSpeed[a]
            set udg_SlidePoolShot<b> = udg_SlidePoolShot[a]
            set udg_SlideEffectRadius<b> = udg_SlideEffectRadius[a]
            set udg_SlideDamage<b> = udg_SlideDamage[a]
            set udg_SlideDistanceMin<b> = udg_SlideDistanceMin[a]
            set udg_SlideDamageOnce<b> = udg_SlideDamageOnce[a]
            set udg_SlideSuicide<b> = udg_SlideSuicide[a]
            set udg_SlideTargetDamage<b> = udg_SlideTargetDamage[a]
            set udg_SlideTargetKnockback<b> = udg_SlideTargetKnockback[a]
            set udg_SlidePointDamage<b> = udg_SlidePointDamage[a]
            set udg_SlideRadiusDamage<b> = udg_SlideRadiusDamage[a]
            call Trig_SuperSlide_Finish(a)
            set a = a + 1
        set udg_NumSlider = udg_NumSlider - 1000

// This part SHOULD make a unit slide forward. Want to use a global counter here due to other functions.
    set bj_forLoopAIndex = 1
        exitwhen bj_forLoopAIndex &gt; udg_NumSlider
// First part takes effect if the unit is meant to slide to a target (homing).
        if (udg_SlideToTarget[bj_forLoopAIndex] != null) then
// Most globals should be fairly obvious. udg_SlideEffectRadius affects knockbacks and damage.
            set caster = udg_SlideCaster[bj_forLoopAIndex]
            set target = udg_SlideToTarget[bj_forLoopAIndex]
            set speed = udg_SlideSpeed[bj_forLoopAIndex]   
            set damage = udg_SlideDamage[bj_forLoopAIndex]
            set damageradius = udg_SlideEffectRadius[bj_forLoopAIndex]
            set castpoint = GetUnitLoc(caster)
            set targetpoint = GetUnitLoc(target)
            set distance = DistanceBetweenPoints(castpoint, targetpoint)

// DistanceMin refers to where a normal slide will end in comparison to the target.
            set distancemin = udg_SlideDistanceMin[bj_forLoopAIndex]
            set angle = AngleBetweenPoints(castpoint, targetpoint)

// If either caster or target is dead, the sliding ends automatically.
            if (GetUnitState(caster, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) &lt;= 0) then
                call Trig_SuperSlide_Finish(bj_forLoopAIndex)
            if (GetUnitState(target, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) &lt;= 0) then
                call Trig_SuperSlide_Finish(bj_forLoopAIndex)
// If the caster arrives at the target, do stuff.            
            if (distance &lt; distancemin) then
// If set to damage the target, deal damage.
                if (udg_SlideTargetDamage[bj_forLoopAIndex]) then
                    call UnitDamageTarget(caster, target, damage, true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_HERO, DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
// If set to knock the target back, do it here.
                if (udg_SlideTargetKnockback[bj_forLoopAIndex]) then
                    set udg_NumSlider = udg_NumSlider + 1
                    call PauseUnit(target, true)
                    call SetUnitPathing(target, false)
                    set udg_SlideCaster[udg_NumSlider] = target
                    set udg_SlideToPoint[udg_NumSlider] = PolarProjectionBJ(castpoint, (udg_SlideDistance[bj_forLoopAIndex] / 2), angle)
                    set udg_SlideSpeed[udg_NumSlider] = speed / 1.5
                    set udg_SlidePoolShot[udg_NumSlider] = true
                    set udg_SlideEffectAllies[udg_NumSlider] = true
// If set to damage all units near the target, do it here.
                if (udg_SlidePointDamage[bj_forLoopAIndex]) then
                    if (damageradius &gt; 0) then
                        set damagegroup = GetUnitsInRangeOfLocAll(damageradius, movepoint)
                        call ForGroup(damagegroup, function Trig_SuperSlide_DealDamage)
                        call DestroyGroup(damagegroup)
// Ends the sliding.
                call Trig_SuperSlide_Finish(bj_forLoopAIndex)
// If nothing ends the sliding by now, try to keep sliding along...
            set movepoint = PolarProjectionBJ(castpoint, speed/20, angle)
// Unless the terrain is impassable.
            if (not IsTerrainPathableBJ(movepoint, PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY)) then
                call Trig_SuperSlide_Finish(bj_forLoopAIndex)
// Destroys those pesky trees in the way. This is set to false for projectiles.
            if (udg_SlideTreeKill[bj_forLoopAIndex]) then
                call EnumDestructablesInCircleBJ(damageradius, movepoint, function Trig_SuperSlide_TreeKill)
// Nothing stopping the sliding? Move one more step forward.
            call SetUnitPositionLoc(caster, movepoint)
// Adds to the total distance already travelled, this is used to determine how far chain knockbacks go.
            set udg_SlideDistance[bj_forLoopAIndex] = udg_SlideDistance[bj_forLoopAIndex] + (speed / 20)
// This option allows damaging and knocking back things along the way while sliding.
            if (udg_SlideRadiusDamage[bj_forLoopAIndex]) then    
                if (damageradius &gt; 0) then
                    set damagegroup = GetUnitsInRangeOfLocAll(damageradius, movepoint)
                    call ForGroup(damagegroup, function Trig_SuperSlide_DealDamage)
                    call DestroyGroup(damagegroup)
// Sliding isn&#039;t finished yet, but local variables have to be removed.
            set caster = null
            set target = null
            call RemoveLocation(castpoint)
            call RemoveLocation(targetpoint)
            call RemoveLocation(movepoint)
            call DestroyGroup(damagegroup)
// This next portion is almost an exact same copy as the above, except it&#039;s sliding to a point.
        elseif (udg_SlideToPoint[bj_forLoopAIndex] != null) then
            set caster = udg_SlideCaster[bj_forLoopAIndex]
            set speed = udg_SlideSpeed[bj_forLoopAIndex]   
            set damage = udg_SlideDamage[bj_forLoopAIndex]
            set damageradius = udg_SlideEffectRadius[bj_forLoopAIndex]
            set castpoint = GetUnitLoc(caster)
            set targetpoint = udg_SlideToPoint[bj_forLoopAIndex]
            set distance = DistanceBetweenPoints(castpoint, targetpoint)
            set distancemin = udg_SlideDistanceMin[bj_forLoopAIndex]
            set angle = AngleBetweenPoints(castpoint, targetpoint)
            if (GetUnitState(caster, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) &lt;= 0) then
                call Trig_SuperSlide_Finish(bj_forLoopAIndex)
            if (distance &lt; distancemin) then
                if (udg_SlidePointDamage[bj_forLoopAIndex]) then
                    if (damageradius &gt; 0) then
                        set damagegroup = GetUnitsInRangeOfLocAll(damageradius, movepoint)
                        call ForGroup(damagegroup, function Trig_SuperSlide_DealDamage)
                        call DestroyGroup(damagegroup)
                call Trig_SuperSlide_Finish(bj_forLoopAIndex)
            set movepoint = PolarProjectionBJ(castpoint, speed/20, angle)
            if (not IsTerrainPathableBJ(movepoint, PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY)) then
                call Trig_SuperSlide_Finish(bj_forLoopAIndex)
            if (udg_SlideTreeKill[bj_forLoopAIndex]) then
                call EnumDestructablesInCircleBJ(damageradius, movepoint, function Trig_SuperSlide_TreeKill)
            call SetUnitPositionLoc(caster, movepoint)
            set udg_SlideDistance[bj_forLoopAIndex] = udg_SlideDistance[bj_forLoopAIndex] + (speed / 20)
            if (udg_SlideRadiusDamage[bj_forLoopAIndex]) then    
                if (damageradius &gt; 0) then
                    set damagegroup = GetUnitsInRangeOfLocAll(damageradius, movepoint)
                    call ForGroup(damagegroup, function Trig_SuperSlide_DealDamage)
                    call DestroyGroup(damagegroup)
            set caster = null
            call RemoveLocation(castpoint)
            call RemoveLocation(targetpoint)
            call RemoveLocation(movepoint)
            call DestroyGroup(damagegroup)
        set bj_forLoopAIndex = bj_forLoopAIndex + 1

// Setting up/executing the trigger every 0.05 seconds.
function InitTrig_SuperSlide takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_SuperSlide = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerRegisterTimerEventPeriodic( gg_trg_SuperSlide, 0.05 )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_SuperSlide, function Trig_SuperSlide_Actions )
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