Spell Dragons' Horde


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Dragons' Horde



- Description:
Summons dragons which will follow the hero.
The dragons will burst a cone of freezing breath
periodically to enemies around the hero, dealing damage,
as well as slowing it.

Active Spell

- Spell's Code:
scope DragonsHorde
//**                                                                                   //**
//**                               Name : Dragons' Horde                               //**
//**                                                                                   //**
//**                               Author : --Thanatos--                               //**
//**                                                                                   //**
//**                                                                                   //**
//** Credits: PandaMine's HSAS                                                         //**
//**                                                                                   //**

//##                                                                                   //##
//##                 Change the part "= ****" with your configuration.                 //##
//##                                                                                   //##
globals                                                                                //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant integer Rawcode = 'A000'                                          //##
//## Spell's Rawcode. Base it on Vampiric Potion ('AIpv'). Change duration here.       //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant integer BuffRawcode = 'B000'                                      //##
//## The Immolation's Buff's Rawcode.                                                  //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant integer BreathRawcode = 'A007'                                    //##
//## A Breath ability. Base it on Carrion Swarm ('ACca').                              //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant integer FrostArmorRawcode = 'A002'                                //##
//## The base of slowing frost. Base it on Frost Armor ('ACfa'). Change slow duration  //##
//## here.                                                                             //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant integer DragonRawcode = 'h004'                                    //##
//## The unit used as the dragons. Should act like dummies, have Movement Speed of 1,  //##
//## or more, Movement type of flying, ability Locust ('Aloc'), and Invulnerable       //##
//## ('Avul'). (Should act like a dummy)                                               //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant real radius = 700.                                                //##
//## Radius of enemies from the dragons that shall be breathed by the dragons.         //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant real drgnSpd = 600.                                               //##
//## Movement Speed of the dragons. This may pass the Movement Speed limit.            //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant real drgnSpdDist = 300.                                           //##
//## Distance between Minimum and Maximum Movement Speed with it's default.            //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant real drgnSpdSpd = 600.                                            //##
//## Movement Speed change per second.                                                 //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant real drgnRad = 300.                                               //##
//## How far the dragons should be from the caster.                                    //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant real drgnRadDist = 150.                                           //##
//## Distance between Minimum and Maximum Range of the dragons to the caster with it's //##
//## default.                                                                          //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant real drgnRadSpd = 150.                                            //##
//## Range change between dragons to caster per second.                                //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant real drgnHgt = 150.                                               //##
//## Flying height of the dragons.                                                     //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant real drgnHgtDist = 50.                                            //##
//## Distance between Minimum and Maximum Flying Height with it's default.             //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant real drgnHgtSpd = 25.                                             //##
//## Flying Height change per second.                                                  //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant real timerPeriod = .02                                            //##
//## Period of the main timer. The best should range between .01 - .05.                //##
//## The less it is, the laggier it is. However, the less it is, the better the        //##
//## resolution is.                                                                    //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant real dmgPoint = .75                                               //##
//## Damage point of the dragons' animation.                                           //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant integer Dragons    = 1      // base                               //##
    private constant integer DragonsInc = 1      // base + level * this                //##
//## Quantity of the dragons at each level.                                            //##
//## UNLESS:                                                                           //##
//##  - Search for three "ADD HERE"s in the whole script,                              //##
//##  - It has some //! runtextmacro DragonsHorde_<A FUNCTION NAME> ("<A NUMBER>").    //##
//##  - Copy Paste a line of it, and change the number to the next number of it.       //##
//##  - Keep doing that until you reach the amount of max dragon you want.             //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant real Damage    = 20. // base                                      //##
    private constant real DamageInc = 20. // base + level * this                       //##
//## Damage of each dragon at each level.                                              //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant real Cooldown    = 1.5 // base                                    //##
    private constant real CooldownInc = 0.  // base + level * this                     //##
//## Cooldown of the dragons at each level.                                            //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant string casterEffect = "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Charm\\CharmTarget.mdl"//##
//## Special Effect that should appear when activated.                                 //##
//##                                                                                   //##
    private constant string dragonEffect = "Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\Blink\\BlinkCaster.mdl"//##
//## Special Effect that should appear when the dragons come.                          //##
//##                                                                                   //##
endglobals                                                                             //##
//##                                                                                   //##

//*                                                                                     //*
private function ActiveConditions takes nothing returns boolean                         //*
    return GetSpellAbilityId () == Rawcode                                              //*
endfunction                                                                             //*
//*                                                                                     //*

//*************************************spell's script*************************************

//! textmacro DragonsHorde_Unlimit takes DRAGON
    unit    dragon$DRAGON$
//! endtextmacro

//! textmacro DragonsHorde_GetDragon takes DRAGON
        if lDragon == $DRAGON$ then
            set eDragon = DhData.dragon$DRAGON$
//! endtextmacro

//! textmacro DragonsHorde_SetDragon takes DRAGON
                if lDragon == $DRAGON$ then
                    set DhData.dragon$DRAGON$ = eDragon
//! endtextmacro

private struct Data
    unit    caster
    integer level
    //! runtextmacro DragonsHorde_Unlimit ("1")
    //! runtextmacro DragonsHorde_Unlimit ("2")
    //! runtextmacro DragonsHorde_Unlimit ("3")
    //! runtextmacro DragonsHorde_Unlimit ("4")

private struct Dragon
    real    spin
    real    dist
    real    fly
    boolean revSpin
    boolean revDist
    boolean revFly
    real    angle
    real    cooldown
    boolean done
    real    targX
    real    targY

private struct Slowset
    unit    caster
    unit    dummy
    integer level

private struct Endslow
    trigger          endtrig
    triggercondition endcond

private function TargetFilter takes nothing returns boolean

    local Data    DhData    = GetAttachedStruct (GetExpiredTimer())
    local player  owner     = GetOwningPlayer   (DhData.caster)
    local unit    target    = GetFilterUnit     ()
    local boolean returnVal = false

    if                         GetUnitAbilityLevel (target,Dummy_Ability_Rawcode)  <= 0     then
        if                     IsUnitHidden        (target)                        == false then
            if                 GetWidgetLife       (target)                        >  .405  then
                if             IsUnitEnemy         (target,owner)                           then
                    if         IsUnitVisible       (target,owner)                           then
                        if     IsUnitType          (target,UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE)    == false then
                            if IsUnitType          (target,UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE) == false then
                                set returnVal = true

    set owner  = null
    set target = null
    return returnVal


private function FrostEnd takes nothing returns nothing

    local timer dhTimer = GetExpiredTimer ()

    local Endslow dHData = GetAttachedStruct (dhTimer)

    local trigger          DhTrig  = dHData.endtrig
    local triggercondition endcond = dHData.endcond

    local Slowset DHData = GetAttachedStruct (DhTrig)

    call TriggerRemoveCondition (DhTrig,endcond)
    call Endslow.destroy        (dHData )
    call Slowset.destroy        (DHData )
    call PauseTimer             (dhTimer)
    call DestroyTimer           (dhTimer)
    call DestroyTrigger         (DhTrig )

    set dhTimer = null
    set DhTrig  = null
    set endcond = null


private function Frost takes nothing returns boolean

    local trigger DhTrig = GetTriggeringTrigger ()

    local Slowset DHData = GetAttachedStruct (DhTrig)

    local unit    caster = DHData.caster
    local unit    dummy  = DHData.dummy
    local integer level  = DHData.level

    local unit source = GetEventDamageSource ()
    local unit target = GetTriggerUnit       ()

    local real drgnX = GetWidgetX (dummy)
    local real drgnY = GetWidgetY (dummy)

    local unit frost
    local real damage = Damage + level * DamageInc

    if source == dummy then
        set frost = CreateUnit    (GetOwningPlayer(caster),Dummy_Target_Rawcode,drgnX,drgnY,0.)
        call UnitApplyTimedLife   (frost,'BTLF',.00001)
        call UnitAddAbility       (frost,FrostArmorRawcode)
        call SetUnitX             (frost,drgnX)
        call SetUnitY             (frost,drgnY)
        call IssueTargetOrderById (frost,852225,frost)

        call UnitDamageTarget (target,frost ,0.    ,true ,false,ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL,DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL,null)
        call UnitDamageTarget (caster,target,damage,false,true ,ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS ,DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC ,null)

    set DhTrig  = null
    set caster  = null
    set dummy   = null
    set frost   = null
    set source  = null
    set target  = null

    return false

private function Effect takes nothing returns nothing

    local timer   DhTimer = GetExpiredTimer ()
    local timer   dhTimer
    local trigger DhTrig

    local triggercondition endcond

    local Data    DhData = GetAttachedStruct (DhTimer)
    local Dragon  dhData
    local Slowset DHData
    local Endslow dHData

    local unit    caster = DhData.caster
    local integer level  = DhData.level
    local boolean buffed = GetUnitAbilityLevel (caster,BuffRawcode) > 0

    local integer dragons  = Dragons  + level * DragonsInc
    local real    cooldown = Cooldown + level * CooldownInc

    local player owner = GetOwningPlayer (caster)

    local real castX = GetWidgetX (caster)
    local real castY = GetWidgetY (caster)
    local real drgnX
    local real drgnY
    local real lastX
    local real lastY
    local real targX
    local real targY
    local real diffX
    local real diffY
    local real nextX
    local real nextY
    local real angle
    local real Angle

    local real random

    local real    attack
    local real    spin
    local real    dist
    local real    height
    local boolean Spin
    local boolean Dist
    local boolean Height
    local boolean breath
    local boolean Attack
    local boolean invert

    local real diff

    local group   targets
    local unit    target
    local unit    enum
    local integer Enum

    local unit dummy

    local unit    eDragon
    local integer lDragon = 0

    local real multiplier = timerPeriod

        set lDragon = lDragon + 1
        exitwhen lDragon > dragons

        //! runtextmacro DragonsHorde_GetDragon ("1")
        //! runtextmacro DragonsHorde_GetDragon ("2")
        //! runtextmacro DragonsHorde_GetDragon ("3")
        //! runtextmacro DragonsHorde_GetDragon ("4")

        if buffed then
            if GetWidgetLife (eDragon) <= .405 then
                set spin    = GetRandomReal      (drgnSpd - drgnSpdDist,drgnSpd + drgnSpdDist)
                set dist    = GetRandomReal      (drgnRad - drgnRadDist,drgnRad + drgnRadDist)
                set height  = GetRandomReal      (drgnHgt - drgnHgtDist,drgnHgt + drgnHgtDist)
                set Spin    = GetRandomInt       (1,2) == 1
                set Dist    = GetRandomInt       (1,2) == 1
                set Height  = GetRandomInt       (1,2) == 1
                set angle   = GetRandomReal      (0.,360.)
                set attack  = 0.
                set breath  = false
                set drgnX   = castX + dist * Cos (angle * (3.14159 / 180.))
                set drgnY   = castY + dist * Sin (angle * (3.14159 / 180.))
                set lastX   = drgnX
                set lastY   = drgnY
                set targX   = 0.
                set targY   = 0.
                set eDragon = CreateUnit         (owner,DragonRawcode,drgnX,drgnY,angle + 90.)
                set dhData  = Dragon.create      ()
                call AttachStruct                (eDragon,dhData)

                //! runtextmacro DragonsHorde_SetDragon ("1")
                //! runtextmacro DragonsHorde_SetDragon ("2")
                //! runtextmacro DragonsHorde_SetDragon ("3")
                //! runtextmacro DragonsHorde_SetDragon ("4")

                call DestroyEffect (AddSpecialEffectTarget(dragonEffect,eDragon,"chest"))

                call SetUnitAnimationByIndex (eDragon,0)

                call SetUnitX         (eDragon,drgnX)
                call SetUnitY         (eDragon,drgnY)
                call SetUnitFlyHeight (eDragon,height,0.)

                set dhData.spin     = spin
                set dhData.dist     = dist
                set dhData.fly      = height
                set dhData.revSpin  = Spin
                set dhData.revDist  = Dist
                set dhData.revFly   = Height
                set dhData.angle    = angle
                set dhData.cooldown = attack
                set dhData.done     = breath
                set dhData.targX    = targX
                set dhData.targY    = targY
                set dhData = GetAttachedStruct (eDragon)
                set spin   = dhData.spin
                set dist   = dhData.dist
                set height = dhData.fly
                set Spin   = dhData.revSpin
                set Dist   = dhData.revDist
                set Height = dhData.revFly
                set angle  = dhData.angle
                set attack = dhData.cooldown
                set breath = dhData.done
                set targX  = dhData.targX
                set targY  = dhData.targY
            set drgnX = GetWidgetX (eDragon)
            set drgnY = GetWidgetY (eDragon)

            set diffX  = drgnX - castX
            set diffY  = drgnY - castY
            set diff   = SquareRoot (diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY)

            if attack > 0. and attack < dmgPoint then
                set Attack = true
                set multiplier = 0.
                set Attack = false

            if not Attack then
                set invert = diff > drgnRad + drgnRadDist
                set invert = false

            set random = drgnSpdSpd * multiplier
            if          Spin then
                set spin     = spin + random
                if  spin    >= drgnSpd + drgnSpdDist then
                    set Spin = false
            elseif not  Spin then
                set spin     = spin - random
                if  spin    <= drgnSpd - drgnSpdDist then
                    set Spin = true
            if invert or Attack then
                set angle = Atan2 (diffY,diffX) * (180. / 3.14159)
            elseif not Attack then
                set angle = angle + spin / (2. * 3.14159 * dist / 360.) * multiplier

            if invert then
                set dist = diff - spin * multiplier
            elseif not Attack then

                set random = drgnRadSpd * multiplier
                if          Dist then
                    set dist     = dist + random
                    if  dist    >= drgnRad + drgnRadDist then
                        set Dist = false
                elseif not  Dist then
                    set dist     = dist - random
                    if  dist    <= drgnRad - drgnRadDist then
                        set Dist = true

            elseif Attack then
                set dist = diff

            set random = drgnHgtSpd * multiplier
            if          Height then
                set height     = height + random
                if  height    >= drgnHgt + drgnHgtDist then
                    set Height = false
            elseif not  Height then
                set height     = height - random
                if  height    <= drgnHgt - drgnHgtDist then
                    set Height = true

            if not Attack then
                set nextX = castX + dist * Cos (angle * (3.14159 / 180.))
                set nextY = castY + dist * Sin (angle * (3.14159 / 180.))
                set drgnX = nextX
                set drgnY = nextY
                call SetUnitX         (eDragon,drgnX)
                call SetUnitY         (eDragon,drgnY)
                call SetUnitFlyHeight (eDragon,height,0.)

            set dhData.spin    = spin
            set dhData.dist    = dist
            set dhData.fly     = height
            set dhData.revSpin = Spin
            set dhData.revDist = Dist
            set dhData.revFly  = Height
            set dhData.angle   = angle

            if Attack then
                set Angle = Atan2 (targY - drgnY,targX - drgnX) * (180. / 3.14159)
            elseif invert then
                set Angle = angle + 180.
                set Angle = angle + 90.
            call SetUnitFacing (eDragon,Angle)

            if     attack >= cooldown then
                set attack = 0.
                set breath = false
                set dhData.cooldown = attack
                set dhData.done     = breath

            elseif attack >  0. then
                if attack >= dmgPoint and (breath == false) then
                    set breath = true
                    set dhData.done = breath

                    set dummy = CreateUnit   (owner,Dummy_Visibility_Rawcode,drgnX,drgnY,0.)
                    call UnitApplyTimedLife  (dummy,'BTLF',2.5)
                    call UnitAddAbility      (dummy,BreathRawcode)
                    call SetUnitX            (dummy,drgnX)
                    call SetUnitY            (dummy,drgnY)

                    call SetUnitAnimationByIndex (eDragon,0)

                    set dhTimer = CreateTimer    ()
                    set dHData  = Endslow.create ()
                    set DhTrig  = CreateTrigger  ()
                    set DHData  = Slowset.create ()
                    set targets = CreateGroup    ()
                    call GroupEnumUnitsInRange   (targets,drgnX,drgnY,9999999.,Filter(function GetTrue))
                        set target = FirstOfGroup     (targets)
                        exitwhen target == null
                        call GroupRemoveUnit          (targets,target)
                        call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent (DhTrig,target,EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED)
                    call DestroyGroup (targets)
                    set endcond =  TriggerAddCondition (DhTrig,Condition(function Frost))
                    set dHData.endtrig = DhTrig
                    set dHData.endcond = endcond
                    set DHData.caster  = caster
                    set DHData.dummy   = dummy
                    set DHData.level   = level

                    call AttachStruct (dhTimer,dHData)
                    call AttachStruct (DhTrig ,DHData)

                    call TimerStart (dhTimer,2.5,true,function FrostEnd)

                    call IssuePointOrderById (dummy,852218,targX,targY)

                set attack = attack + timerPeriod
                set dhData.cooldown = attack

            elseif attack == 0. then
                set targets = CreateGroup   ()
                call GroupEnumUnitsInRange  (targets,drgnX,drgnY,radius,Filter(function TargetFilter))
                if FirstOfGroup             (targets) != null then
                    set Enum = 0
                        set enum = FirstOfGroup (targets)
                        exitwhen enum == null
                        call GroupRemoveUnit    (targets,enum)
                        set Enum = Enum + 1
                        if GetRandomInt (1,Enum) == 1 then
                            set target = enum
                    set targX  = GetWidgetX (target)
                    set targY  = GetWidgetY (target)
                    set dhData.targX = targX
                    set dhData.targY = targY
                    call SetUnitFacing      (eDragon,Atan2(targY - drgnY,targX - drgnX) * (180. / 3.14159))

                    call SetUnitAnimationByIndex (eDragon,1)

                    set attack = attack + timerPeriod
                    set dhData.cooldown = attack

                call DestroyGroup (targets)
            set multiplier = timerPeriod
            set dhData = GetAttachedStruct (eDragon)
            call Dragon.destroy            (dhData)
            call UnitApplyTimedLife        (eDragon,'BTLF',.00001)

    if not buffed then
        call Data.destroy (DhData)
        call PauseTimer   (DhTimer)
        call DestroyTimer (DhTimer)

    set DhTimer  = null
    set DhTrig   = null
    set endcond  = null
    set caster   = null
    set eDragon  = null
    set owner    = null
    set targets  = null
    set target   = null
    set enum     = null
    set dummy    = null
    set eDragon  = null


private function Active takes nothing returns nothing

    local timer DhTimer

    local Data DhData

    local unit    caster = GetTriggerUnit      ()
    local integer level  = GetUnitAbilityLevel (caster,Rawcode)
    local boolean buffed = GetUnitAbilityLevel (caster,BuffRawcode) > 0

    call DestroyEffect (AddSpecialEffectTarget(casterEffect,caster,"origin"))

    if not buffed then
        set DhTimer = CreateTimer ()
        set DhData  = Data.create ()
        set DhData.caster = caster
        set DhData.level  = level
        call AttachStruct (DhTimer,DhData)

        call TimerStart (DhTimer,timerPeriod,true,function Effect)

    set DhTimer = null
    set caster  = null



//*                                                                                         //*
private function SpellPreload takes nothing returns nothing                                 //*
    local player neutral  = Player     (PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE)                             //*
    local unit   tempUnit = CreateUnit (neutral,Dummy_Unit_Rawcode,0.,0.,0.)                //*
    call DestroyEffect                 (AddSpecialEffectTarget(casterEffect,tempUnit,"origin"))//*
    call DestroyEffect                 (AddSpecialEffectTarget(dragonEffect,tempUnit,"origin"))//*
    call UnitAddAbility                (tempUnit,Rawcode)                                   //*
    call UnitAddAbility                (tempUnit,BreathRawcode)                             //*
    call UnitAddAbility                (tempUnit,FrostArmorRawcode)                         //*
    call RemoveUnit                    (tempUnit)                                           //*
    call RemoveUnit                    (CreateUnit(neutral,DragonRawcode,0.,0.,0.))         //*
    call RemoveUnit                    (CreateUnit(neutral,Dummy_Visibility_Rawcode,0.,0.,0.))//*
    call RemoveUnit                    (CreateUnit(neutral,Dummy_Target_Rawcode,0.,0.,0.))  //*
    set neutral  = null                                                                     //*
    set tempUnit = null                                                                     //*
endfunction                                                                                 //*
//*                                                                                         //*


function InitTrig_DragonsHorde takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer index = 0
    call SpellPreload                       ()
    set gg_trg_DragonsHorde = CreateTrigger ()
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent (gg_trg_DragonsHorde,Player(index),EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT,Condition(function GetTrue))
        set index = index + 1
        exitwhen index == 16
    call TriggerAddCondition                (gg_trg_DragonsHorde,Condition(function ActiveConditions))
    call TriggerAddAction                   (gg_trg_DragonsHorde,function Active)

- vJass version of the Dragons' Horde.
- The Default Icon DO looks better than the imported one -.-.

- Uppercase beginning for structs. -.-


  • [Spell] Dragons' Horde.w3x
    56.7 KB · Views: 399


New Member
Reaction score
I used to be with HSAS n structs,
but most of the MapMakers in my region don't have vJass...
so I can't...

Maybe I'll upload the struct version...


So many apples
Reaction score
Glad your back though ^^
From what I read through the Code, I havn't seen any leaks =)
EDIT: Also, you can make this:
set gg_trg_Dragons_Horde = CreateTrigger ()
A Local trigger =)


Also known as azwraith_ftL.
Reaction score
Love long codes.. :D They make me warm inside (I don't know why but that's what I feel o_O).
Yeah, it will be nice if you upload the vJass version too. Rly nice spell +rep for it


Learning vJASS ;)
Reaction score
But make it a local trigger isn't necessary though...
As Hatebreeder say, Kattana handle vars are outdated and slow. I saw that some of your spells were made with structs, so why don't use them?

>but most of the MapMakers in my region don't have vJass...
You should spread it ;)

Why register 15 players ? (From 0 to 16? Only 12 are playable ones..)

Very long code :p I will try to read it all and edit..


Shh I didn't edit this, go away.
Reaction score
looks as though you made an over complicated summon drake spell


never aging title
Reaction score
i looked into the map header and wondered about this

function GetTrue takes nothing returns boolean
    return true

whats the use?



function H2I takes handle h returns integer
    return h
    return 0

it is twice there one time as something and one time for handle vars, why not use it by both things you need it for?

overall nice spell, +rep for the hard work and the lots of code...


Reaction score
Umm..This has nothing to do with this thread. But since when did the jass tags have a different font?


New Member
Reaction score
I'll make the vJass version then... wait...
and I still prefer constant functions (it's more readable) to Globals for the Configuration...

EDIT: I'll use globals :p

vJass version is out...

oh my god... so long code...
EDIT: Don't use Kattana's... It's an Outdated System.
Done ;)

Glad your back though ^^
From what I read through the Code, I haven't seen any leaks =)
EDIT: Also, you can make this:
set gg_trg_Dragons_Horde = CreateTrigger ()
A Local trigger =)
Thx :D
I also thought making it a local when I made it,
But I then I thought maybe some mad gu wants to disable that trigger :D:D:D

But make it a local trigger isn't necessary though...
As Hatebreeder say, Kattana handle vars are outdated and slow. I saw that some of your spells were made with structs, so why don't use them?

>but most of the MapMakers in my region don't have vJass...
You should spread it ;)

Why register 15 players ? (From 0 to 16? Only 12 are playable ones..)

Very long code :p I will try to read it all and edit..
Done ;)
Maybe some crazy people tries to make these dragons' usable by neutrals :p

Yeah, so long, but at least easy to read :p

There must be an easier way to do this.
    call TriggerClearActions (DhTrig )
Yea, it would be so great if that function worked, but unfortunately it doesn't, so store the trigger action and remove it with:
Done ;)

i looked into the map header and wondered about this

function GetTrue takes nothing returns boolean
    return true

whats the use?



function H2I takes handle h returns integer
    return h
    return 0

it is twice there one time as something and one time for handle vars, why not use it by both things you need it for?

overall nice spell, +rep for the hard work and the lots of code...

GetTrue = someone says not to use null to replace boolexprs...
Removed H2I ;)
Thx for the Rep :p


Not approved Yet -_-
Anything to change?


master of fugue
Reaction score
Maybe remove those wtf //## comments all over the place.
and start your struct names with uppercase *sigh*.


New Member
Reaction score
ROFL //## is just a thing that box the configurations :p
why must struct starts with uppercase -_-?
to avoid conflicts with other vars?


Also known as azwraith_ftL.
Reaction score
Umm, can't test it. When I click on the map the place, where players, colours, etc. are selected, is blank.


Also known as azwraith_ftL.
Reaction score
> Maybe test it with ur vJass -_-
Nah, my computer is really, really, really slow and I'm gonna lose 5 minutes opening it and then another 2 until wc3/map loads. It's just that it happens 3rd time for me. I think it's some sort of NewGen malfunction on save. Dunno.
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