Recent content by Lghtofthmoon

  1. L

    Frozen Meditation

    @Iron Trout: Thanks for the demo map! It just needs to be targeted and have some kind of animation. I'll tweak it myself, just hope I can find a way to make it MUI. But thank you all for the help! :D
  2. L

    Frozen Meditation

    I don't use Jass, but thanks. No it is not a singleplayer map, but it doesn't matter because it doesn't work! :-P And I can't use pause... tried but caused a whole mess of problems (not uncommon with pause function) which is why I resorted to the dummy. Maybe I should just scrap this...:banghead:
  3. L

    Frozen Meditation

    Sorry let me be clearer, nothing in this spell seems to work right. The dummy unit has a 100% stun on attack (bash), which is what is supposed to immobilize the unit.
  4. L

    Frozen Meditation

    Sure, I tried it myself. And I want it to work on allied AND enemy units. Prepare to not be amazed... Frozen Meditation Effect Copy Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to Frozen Solitude Actions Unit -...
  5. L

    Frozen Meditation

    Hey there, so I'm working on this new spell (using default WE) that basically freezes a unit in place, then heals it for 60% of it's health/mana over 8 seconds. After 8 seconds, the unit unfreezes and goes on his merry way. Tried basing the ability off purge and used dummy casters and what not...
  6. L

    Black Mask All the Time

    Exactly what I needed. Cheers, mate! :thup:
  7. L

    Timed Item Life

    I found a solution that worked. For all others who read this thread later, here it is: Remove Items Events Time - Every 10.00 seconds of game time Conditions Actions Item - Pick every item in (Playable map area) and do (Actions) Loop - Actions...
  8. L

    Black Mask All the Time

    But then nothing will be revealed... I only want the player to see what the unit sees. No explored terrain or anything.
  9. L

    Timed Item Life

    I'll give it a try. Thanks so much! Edit: Tried and failed : / Any other ideas?
  10. L

    Black Mask All the Time

    Another question, while I'm at it. I'm looking for 0 visibility for each player whenever a unit is not nearby. What I mean is, I want the player to see nothing (no explored terrain, nothing) unless there is a unit there to see for them, even if they have been there before. I've tried messing...
  11. L

    Timed Item Life

    This is getting us nowhere. Haven't you used item tables? There is a chance that a NH unit, when slain, will drop several different items (each with a 5% chance). So, every NH unit has the potential to drop an item, but it is very unlikely.
  12. L

    Timed Item Life

    The creep has an item drop table. Hero kills creep, item drops on ground. (Creep never carries item). No triggers involved.
  13. L

    Not Too Hard Trigger Help

    This should work perfectly. Thanks for the quick replies! +rep to all.