Recent content by TBear

  1. T

    Creeps return to spawnpoint, or keep chasing my ass !

    Thanks for quick response guys! I tried setting AI to Ignore Guard Positions, but if I'm not wrong, all it does is making the unit restrain from returning to original position after killing another unit. Anyways, if I don't change the value of Guard Distance, they just seem to return anyways...
  2. T

    Creeps return to spawnpoint, or keep chasing my ass !

    Dear brothers! I'm working on some sort of hero defence, where creeps keep spawning, and aim for the "goal" at the other end of the long road. I'm sure some of you are known to the case, where the spawned creeps(neutral hostile) returns to their original spawnpoint after leaving their...
  3. T

    Need ideas

    Perhaps an Orb Creator? You would have to bring an Empty Orb (Item) and a element of some kind. For instance, if you bring the orb and a Fire Element (Item) you could have a Fire Orb (Item), which gives the bearer the ability to summon Lava Spawns. Of course, you can also add other elements to...
  4. T

    Special Effect - Hero(Level up)

    Thanks man, but what I'm basically gonna do is replacing a unit with another one. I want this effect to appear upon replacement. Though if no one knows the name, I'll manage with the Holy Light-graphics [:
  5. T

    Special Effect - Hero(Level up)

    Long story short; I'm looking for the special effect that appears on a hero, when it increases in level =) Do anyone know the name of it? Thanks
  6. T

    Passive Ability's

    Make a custom ability out of Wind Walk, remove all the effects from it, and rename it to something like Endurance Aura (Non-Passive). After doing that, this should do the job: Events Unit - A unit Finishes casting an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to...
  7. T

    randomly moving

    Or even better, give your units the Tornado Wander-ability, as the normal Wander-ability will cause your units to stop for a while, before they set off again, and it's not as exploitable as the Tornado one. Tornado Wander, will make them move constantly towards random directions. Also, you...
  8. T

    opinions on this keyboard movement system?

    This system is pretty well done! One thing I noticed was that while walking diagonally, the unit normally walked in a 45 degree direction, but certain times it also walked in a direction of 70 degrees etc. (from 10-80). Also if holding the Left and the pressing Up, the unit often ignores the...
  9. T

    Getting Item Abilities

    I see.. If you have a unit with 15 armor and 5 agi, and pick up an item with 10 armor and 10 agi, then your unit will end up with those stats? By other means, he'll lose 5 armor, but acquire 5 agi. Is that it?
  10. T

    attack priority

    What Jayykob said, is absolutely the best way to accomplish this. Though if the tower is currently attacking a creep and a hero enters, it might want to kill the current one, before it starts shooting at the hero.
  11. T

    Does thig Trigger leak and can it be Improved

    The sounds should be added to variables. Also, if I'm not wrong, (Owner of (...)) might cause leaks. Throw in some Player-variables instead :] Edit: Even though the player-actions won't cause leak, variables will make your triggers way more lucid (;
  12. T

    How to remove the "upkeep" thingy?

    Yep, all you gotta do is changing the value called "Upkeep - Food Levels" from "50,80,10000" to "10000,10000,10000" ;] Edit: Nevermind, jwallstone's solution was better :]
  13. T

    Creep assist range

    Also, Hold Position shouldn't be used, as it will order the chosen units to not move at all, and only attack if you're close (they won't even chase you). I've tried some different things, and not even changing the Game Constants seem to work. So if I were you, I would do as Accname recommended (:
  14. T

    Looking for a monkey model

    Unless someone find your monkey-model on google somewhere, I think you'll have a hard time having someone make it for you. What you could do, is making your own monkey-texture( and apply it to the Ghoul-model, which in my opinion looks a...
  15. T

    Player Group - Player 1 (Red)

    Actions Set playerGroup = Player Group - Player 1 (Red) Game - Display to playerGroup the text: You are the United ... Custom script: call DestroyForce(udg_playerGroup) Should be something like this :]