Recent content by tooltiperror

  1. tooltiperror

    I've lost that loving feeling...

    I've lost that loving feeling...
  2. tooltiperror


  3. tooltiperror


  4. tooltiperror

    Crime Deadly shooting kills 26 in Newtown, CT

    A gunman killed 26 people, 20 of them children between the ages of 5 and 10, in a shooting on Friday morning at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn., about 65 miles northeast of New York City, the authorities said. A woman waited to hear about her sister, a teacher, on Friday after a mass...
  5. tooltiperror

    Recommended Languages for Web Development

    Magnetix is right: people develop tools like these for the common tasks, such as the one you are trying to accomplish. You're probably best off picking your favorite forum system, and modifying it to fit the specific needs of your website.
  6. tooltiperror

    Can I use a function to destroy leaks?

    >Handles from event response don't leak unless you assign a variable to it. Example?
  7. tooltiperror

    System IsPathBlocked

    I am sending this to The Graveyard for now. Put shortly, it quite simple does not follow Rule 2.1.8.: Your variable names are ridiculous: readonly boolean og0 readonly boolean og90 readonly boolean og180 readonly boolean og270
  8. tooltiperror

    Tutorial & Resources Rules

    Table of Contents Tutorials & Resources Section Rules 1.1. General Rules & Intellectual Integrity 1.2. Allowed Resources Systems & Snippets 2.1. Code Resource Rules 2.2. Snippets 2.3. Systems Spells 3.1. General Spell Rules 3.2. JASS Specifications Tutorials 4.1. Tutorial Rules Models &...
  9. tooltiperror

    I don't know, I've moved on from WE, sorry!

    I don't know, I've moved on from WE, sorry!
  10. tooltiperror Tutorial

    Yeah I'll remake this over the weekend.
  11. tooltiperror


  12. tooltiperror

    Scientia Potenta Est

    Scientia Potenta Est