Recent content by Virus

  1. Virus

    weird model apperaing/disapeaaring help

    To set up the teams go to Scenario - Force Properties As for the missing heroes, idk.
  2. Virus

    Few questions about memory leaks

    @ dudeim: You don't need to set i=Integer A; Actions For each (Integer A) from 1 to 30, do (Actions) Loop - Actions EGUI Leak - Remove Point[(Integer A)]
  3. Virus

    model problem?

    Try and do the wall then put in some pathing blockers... should do the trick.
  4. Virus

    Trigger Fails

    Oh... well....:thdown: haha !
  5. Virus

    Trigger Fails

    And here's the random one: Actions For each (IntegerA) from 1 to (Number of units in (Units owned by Player 1 (Red))), do (Actions) Loop - Actions Set TempLoc = (Random point in (Playable map area)) Unit - Move (Picked unit)...
  6. Virus

    Trigger Fails

    Events Time - BattleTimer Expires Conditions Actions Countdown Timer - Destroy TimerWindow Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units owned by Player 1(Red)) and do (Unit - Move (Picked Unit) instantly to (YourRegion))
  7. Virus

    Im bored and want to make a skin Request

    aw that was mean:)
  8. Virus

    Change Alliance

    That's not pretty much it actually. You are the human right ? Player1 Player 2 is vampire. You die. Player 1 needs to treat Player 1 as enemy and player 2 as allied. This is quite tricky.
  9. Virus

    retrieving a building's health

    Think you've been searching for Integer values. Correct ? Unit HP is a Real value. Try this trigger on a new map. Just randomly place units with different HP's on the map (including buildings). Events Player - Player 1 (Red) Selects a unit Conditions Actions Game - Display to...
  10. Virus

    Target point effect not working

    Here's your working trigger (tested): Events Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability. (not "starts the effect of") Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to YourAbility Actions Set TempLoc46 = (Target point of ability being cast) Animation - Play (Triggering...
  11. Virus

    Change Alliance

    Is this gonna be multi or single player ?
  12. Virus

    Custom Icon Glitch

    No glitches at all when manipulating items; so i guess it's just you... Btw... the icons were a bit blurry. ( Try setting your ingame color mode to 32b. Your screenshots look 16b-ish )
  13. Virus

    Custom Icon Glitch

    It's not downloading.
  14. Virus

    Water level

    Don't use the raise tool unless you want to create islands. > When you start a new map you need to set the cliff level to at least 3. > Make sure that Advanced -> Enforce Water Height Limit is unchecked. > Now set your Apply cliff to "Deep Water". > Draw a river. > Set the cliff to "Increase...
  15. Virus

    Detecting when a unit returns gold

    Oh, you're right. Didn't tought about the bounty lol. Well if you have a gatherer, then you could use 2 regions on the main building, so it's doable if you want to detect gathers only.