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  1. J

    [Idea] Squads

    yeah i was playing dawn of war and i got the idea wouldn't it be cool if something like the squad system was in warcraft... i couldn't find one that was done so i started making one... and here is the map (note - i didn't make the terrain, obviously) :D Features: Heroes may be attached to...
  2. J

    Defense of Khaz Modan

    This is the Defense of Khaz Modan. version 1.0b DOWNLOAD HERE Description: The scourge has taken Lordaeron and now their endless armies are moving south to take the dwarven kingdom of Khaz Modan. Thus far, Alliance forces have been unable to halt the undead advance, but now the forces...
  3. J

    Test Map for Fun or Spells

    I made a really simple test map, for anybody that wants to try it. I was thinking about using it to test out my custom heroes. It's one lane AoS style so it's basically an AoS hero tester... So tell me what you think, its open and can be modified so go ahead and do that if you want... i'm not...
  4. J

    Canada: everything u didn't know

    Canada is a frozen land north of the US that has been under the communist rule of Marshal Tito for 200 years. The average canadian lives in an igloo and hunts eskimos for food, but occassionally it is overrun by the flesh-eating sasquach and robots bent on the destuction of the world. You can...
  5. J

    The Color: Short Story

    I had to write a piece of psychologal fiction for english class and this is what i wrote, i was honestly suprised at the result. I. September 27 The day began like any other. The sun had not yet risen, and the birds did not sing, all was quiet and all was still. The doctor woke up to his...
  6. J

    Hero Ideas for a defense of Khaz Modan

    I need hero ideas for my map, spells names tooltips etc. names - unit name and proper name spells - if possible stats - if you want tooltips - dun really need this +rep if you submit, though i probably might not use it exactly as is, i just need ideas Story: The undead have destroyed...
  7. J

    Creating Permanent Units with Item

    This is the trigger I used in my DotA Troops map to make units from an item. I was wondering if it leaked or if there was an easier way to create units with an item. Example -created charged item that is actively used [chargeitem] -food [#] is max food minus food needed -used this trigger...
  8. J

    DotA Troops v1.00

    DotA Troops v1.10 Yeah This Thread Is Dead, Go To Defense Of Khaz Modan.