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  1. N-a-z-g-u-l

    What can crash Warcraft III without an error notification?

    function ExitWarcraft takes nothing returns nothing loop call ExecuteFunc("ExitWarcraft") endloop endfunction function FreezeWarcraft takes nothing returns nothing loop call TriggerSyncReady() call ExecuteFunc("FreezeWarcraft") endloop endfunction function BreakThread...
  2. N-a-z-g-u-l

    Attack/Move - Stop From Retreating

    is there a function to stop creeps from walking back to their original position after the use of "attack" to a point? they attack everything in the way, but when they reach the target and theres no enemy left, they all walk back to their base EDIT: native RemoveGuardPosition takes unit hUnit...
  3. N-a-z-g-u-l

    Do you have to nullify a "handle" variable, too?

    i was just wondering if you have to nullify a variable of type "handle", too... or if you have to do it only with all types extending handle... because if you have to nullify them, then you could create a quite safe system, but not specific for only one handle type...
  4. N-a-z-g-u-l

    ForGroup() vs Looping through Groups

    so, how much faster is ForGroup()? (dont know why nobody wants to answer this question in other threads where both possibilites are discussed) is it right, that the functions inside the ForGroup()-callback or the loop will be equally fast, so with very long callbacks there is no big difference?
  5. N-a-z-g-u-l

    Camera Control

    The warcraft III camera system changes the camera's height on higher terrain levels, but for a 3rd-person-camera system it would be better to be able to control the camera's height on your own... is there any script written for that? or does anybody at least know how warcraft sets the camera...
  6. N-a-z-g-u-l

    Anti GUI - Jass

    well, you know the functions func001002004.... :P and VERY simple BJs like GetKillingUnitBJ() instead of GetKillingUnit() or DestroyEffectBJ() instead of DestroyEffect()... i had some older maps and wanted to convert them to Jass and then fix the leaks and optimize them, and it seemed...
  7. N-a-z-g-u-l

    JASS Benchmark 1.0 i made a jass benchmark map to check how long a script needs to be executed... what do you say, does this work correctly? and please do not answer "hm, no, dont believe that this works", test it ;) and read the code if you want to, any feedback...
  8. N-a-z-g-u-l

    Conditions for ALT+ENTER (Spectators)

    Hi, I want the players in my map to enter a password in the chat, which cannot be seen by other players. My first solution was to add a numpad, but later i thought it could be possible to let the players type their password to spectators only. In Pictionary (
  9. N-a-z-g-u-l

    Constant Flying Height

    I want to create a tossing and bouncing system, but when the projectiles come near cliff-levels, they don't stay on their height... I currently use that every 0.01 seconds: call SetUnitPosition( TossU, MoveX, MoveY ) call MoveLocation(PositionLoc, MoveX, MoveY) set PositionZ =...
  10. N-a-z-g-u-l

    Black border around images, how to fix?

    With Warcraft III you can create Images on the ground, all the building ground textures and so on, but as soon as the image does not stop with an invisible border, the last color is taken and spread to the sides, with bordered icons it is black. So my question is, how can I remove this border...
  11. N-a-z-g-u-l

    Disable Sharing Unit Control

    I want to disable sharing a player's unit control. How can i do this? It would also be okay to disable the whole allies-menu, if possible... (but only disabling the share control option would be better)
  12. N-a-z-g-u-l

    GetLocalPlayer() - set variables

    set Var1 = GetCameraTargetPositionLoc() this way Var1 would have different values for all players, does this create desyncs? should i use an array instead?: set Var1[GetPlayerId(GetLocalPlayer())] = GetCameraTargetPositionLoc()
  13. N-a-z-g-u-l

    Building teleports units for gold

    I want a building teleport units to another position for gold, and i dont want to trigger the gold-costs, if possible... i used the neutral ability to make regions visible and it works with pointing at the target etc, but i cant get the target in the trigger editor, i use the normal target of...
  14. N-a-z-g-u-l

    Resetting item-sell cooldown in marketplaces

    First, i will explain what i meant by resetting: setting to zero, so that you will instantly be able to buy the item... I want an item to be sold to all players having one of the two specified units from a marketplace... it does not have to use the real marketplace, but its a neutral building...
  15. N-a-z-g-u-l

    Fishing like in Empire Earth

    i need help with fishing in my empire earth map... they should give the players GOLD, is it possible, to use trees??? i think this would be the best, because they will go to the next fish all the time... i tried a goldmine, but then the unit disappears, when it goes fishing... like in a mine...
  16. N-a-z-g-u-l

    A tree with a stone-modell, but it doesn't display (texture)

    I want a tree to look like a stone, so you can go there for earning wood, in this case i will edit it to another ressource, but thats the basic... I copied a tree and changed the model to a stone, which is also there in the Ashenvale Rock, but it doesn't display... If you edit trees there is an...
  17. N-a-z-g-u-l

    "Wait until..." lagg?

    Is the function "Wait untill ... check every 0.10 seconds" slow??? Because I want a respawn-trigger and if i wait 10 seconds and the timer is 10 seconds, the timer will expire earlier... I used "wait until countdown time is smaller than 0.10, checking every 0.10 seconds" it works, but now my...
  18. N-a-z-g-u-l

    Color Codes

    Can somebody give me exact color codes for every player wich are same as the warcraft colors? need them because i created a trigger that gives money to a player when u type "-give 1 700". it displays everything in white but i want the people think they get the money normal... so it has to look...