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    vJASS Globals Question

    If i have a trigger with everything inside a scope, and there's a globals block wich variables are all private: If the trigger triggers twice at the same time, will those globals overwrite each other? Or will they work like locals for that scope?
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    Constant Function and Variable

    Whats the difference between constant functions and constant variables? In a code, what's better? : - having a bunch of constant globals with the parameters of my spell or - having a bunch of constant functions that returns the parameters of my spell
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    Variables between local Triggers

    Is there a way to use "globals" but just for an especific trigger, i mean, to create some variable that I can pass trought a local trigger into my trigger (Different than the normal globals) ?
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    How do i make this MUI?

    Several Spells that i would like to make MUI, but just dunno how :S, +rep for any good help. 1) There's a passive that makes a unit do something when his hps are under/over 30%, how to make that MUI? How to detect the "Any Unit Hps Becomes Under/Over 30%" ? 2) There's a spell that makes a...
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    Cooldown Issues

    Got 2 problems with 2 spells, +rep the one who can give me a good answer: 1) I have a "Fly" Spell based on "Crow Form", basically, it makes a unit fly, by transforming the unit into another one with the same model, but with flying animations. My problem is, that i want it to have cooldown...
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    MUI Spell Event Problem

    I made a spell that transform my unit into another one when his hitpoints are under 30%, and works fine, but it's not MUI, and i dont know how to make it MUI, i mean, i cant find a event like "Units takes damage" for Any Unit, just for specific units, it means that i must declare a global with...
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    JASS line crashing WorldEditor

    when I write this line in one of my triggers, crashes my world Editor, what's going on? set udg_effect_array[0] = AddSpecialEffectTarget( "Abilities\Weapons\AvengerMissile.mdl", udg_Unit, "weapon" )
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    Help With Transformations

    I have a unit A that has 3 different spell transformations: A can transform into B activating a spell (Methamorphosis). But Also, A transforms automatically into B, when his hitpoints are under 30% (Robogoblin/Unrobogoblin) and, while in B, he can transform into C, wich is the same B...
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    Fly Issues

    I have a model that has animations while walking, and while flying; both attacking, going around, casting spells, etc; the question is, how do you make a system, so when you activate a spell called, i dont know, maybe "Fly", makes your unit use the Fly animations instead of the walking ones, for...
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    Crash Problem for Model

    Need Help quickly :S I imported a model that aparently was damaged or something, saved the map and closed the editor, now everytime a try to open my map, the editor crashes and closes, dunno what to do, cant afford to lose all the effort into that map :S
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    Passive Skill with Cooldown

    I have a passive like the one of the Nerubian Weaver from DotA (that one that makes you attack twice), and as that one, i want mine to show graphically when it is in cooldown (you know, when the passive from the weaver trigers, you can see it goes into cooldown for 3 or 4 seconds), so, how do u...
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    Models and Spells

    Where can i find a top 10 or top 20 or top whatever with the best models for units, and top for the best spells ever made? or at least, tell me what's the best model you have ever seen? or spell...
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    Model Request and Spell Ideas

    Hello Everybody, Today I need some good ideas in how to finish a spell i've been working in. I have a hero with a samurai model, it's supposed he's "possesed by some evil spirit", so, i have a spell that makes him transform into another unit (the inner evil spirit) when his hitpoints are...
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    Warcraft Books

    If i wish to know the whole history of the game, from all the warcrafts games, including wow, about the history of the whole rol game, is there any book about it that i can read?? where do i find this information?
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    Neutral Passive Unit Patrol Problem

    I've a unit that belongs to neutral passive player, lets call it 'Roger'. I need it to patrol the whole map (in a defined route i have). Now, if it's attacked, i want it to attack back to its attacker, until the unit is dead, or flees, then going back to its patrol route. So, I'm using several...
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    Using Campaign Heroes Question

    Hello, this the problem: I want a ffa map from warcraft3, with only one difference. I want the campaign heroes there instead of the normal ones, but i can not make them unique, for example, when i begin training arthas from the Altar of Kings, the hero button doesnt dissapear, so it will let...
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    Dark Portal opening effect

    Hi everyone, Got a single question: I want a spell that creates a dark portal (Shimmering Portal). I dont want the shimering portal to just appear when i cast the spell, but first to play the "opening effect" that i've saw while playing the game, any help?
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    Stopping Trigger Help

    I'm doing a trigger in jass that creates an visual effect, it takes 20 sec creating the effect; the trigger activates when a unit channels X abilitie, i would like to know how to stop the remainings actions of the trigger if in the 15 second the unit stops channeling, dont know if u understand...
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    Problem With Timer

    I'm having problems with an effect i'm creating, i'm using this code: local unit casting_unit local location cast_loc local location n local effect array e local integer i local real m local timer t set t = CreateTimer() set i = 0 set...
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    Transformation Help

    I'm trying to make a unit transorm into another one when its hps goes under 35% of its max life; I tried using robo-goblin abilitie and a few triggers, but cant make it works, so need suggestions here... :confused: