Search results

  1. Amfidamant

    Doing a Bit of a Research - Your Help Needed!

    Haven't been at home country for few months, but that should be about right: Average product prices (from cheapest to highest, excluding extra pricey imported stuff) Country: Lithuania Loaf of bread: 0.228 EUR to 1.155 EUR 0.9 Liter of milk: from 0.319 EUR to about 0.5 EUR Package of...
  2. Amfidamant

    My Story/A Story/Being Sentimental

    It's quite cool how I randomly strolled into few days ago and realized that I've registered at the site in August 2005. (oddly enough, there's still a lot of the same people round here) Then, yesterday night noticed this thread of yours, Andrewgosu, and just tought - hey, someone...
  3. Amfidamant

    Largest in array?

    For each (Integer A) from 1 to <Your array size>, do (Actions) Loop - Actions If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions) If - Conditions Array[Array_num] Less than or equal to Array[(Integer A)] Then -...
  4. Amfidamant

    How to make Damage Area not to affect you alies, youself and buildings?

    Pick every unit in area around caster, with condition "matching unit belongs to an enemy of (owner of (Triggering unit)). Then, a "Pick every unit in <this temp group> and Do" loop, with an action "Unit - Cause (Triggering unit) to damage (Picked Unit), dealing (((Real((Level of Air Support...
  5. Amfidamant

    System Right-Click Conversations

    Adding a downloadable map might be a good idea - people would appreciate it!
  6. Amfidamant

    Tutorial Custom Hero Creation Unveiled

    Perhaps because when there are two systems that do the same, only one of them gets to the resources ?
  7. Amfidamant

    Tutorial DotA Power Treads System

    Please provide your triggers/code on your first post. Also, add instructions on how to implement your system to map (even if it is just copy/paste) Oh, and a description would be nice too.
  8. Amfidamant

    System Reputation system

    You should try posting your triggers in your original post.
  9. Amfidamant

    How do I stop auto attacking on sight?

    If I remember correctly, adding and then removing worker classification via trigger works well too, so you don't have that nasty icon. Haven't used WE for awhile thou, might be wrong.
  10. Amfidamant

    System Virtual Equipment

    Bringing this back from graveyard, as it is being updated. As far as I remember, graveyard was meant for projects that did not get aprroved and were not updated for a while.
  11. Amfidamant

    HP Firebird 800 series lighting problem.

    Actually, it is your graphic driver that's causing problems... Download and install this: Then, try installing "HP Firebird ESA System Tools Application Update", which gave you error...
  12. Amfidamant

    Burnt Computer

    "If I'm going to replace my processor, do I have to format my hardisk(C and D)?" No. "If I'm going to replace my motherboard, do I have to format my hardisk too? (C and D)" No. "Will I lost all my precious data in the hardisk for repairing the pc?" Only if you format it. "Can I...
  13. Amfidamant

    Set an integer to a random integer?

    Set <Integer variable> = ((Random integer number between Y and X) / (Random integer number between Y and X))
  14. Amfidamant

    Affiliate down seems to be down... Or is it just to me? There is an affiliate site banner on the left side.
  15. Amfidamant

    AoE stat based damage

    ...May be further edited to suit MUI needs.
  16. Amfidamant

    AoE stat based damage

    Very well, Bladestorm version: Begin Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to Bladestorm Actions Unit Group - Add (Triggering unit) to castGroup Countdown Timer - Start CastTimer[(Player...
  17. Amfidamant

    AoE stat based damage

    Base your spell of Besrserk AOE register Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to Berserk Actions Unit Group - Add (Triggering unit) to castGroup Periodic damage Events Time -...
  18. Amfidamant

    would u hack your warcraft with RtC to play an rpg?

    Is this supported by Blizzard? I don't think so. Do you think supports it? Debatable...
  19. Amfidamant

    Other Peasant Smackup

    What, upgrades ain't enough? :P
  20. Amfidamant

    Multiple Unit Placement as part of an Ability

    Trigger only creates 1 unit if unit-variable (ZAB_HydraLevel) is used, yet, it works good if you use create unit with a specific one? Could you show the trigger that sets up unit-variables?