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  1. DrEvil

    Edit Function - [WC3] Tags

    When you edit a post with tags, all the formatting is lost. It then looks ugly and is hard to reformat without the use of a tab either...
  2. DrEvil

    Option to report...

    Someone remind me why we have the option to report our own posts? :D Is it for certain Dr.Jekyll and Mr Hyde situations, where your split personality finds what you posted offensive? Edit: If anyone is curious... yes I did actually report a post of mine... For some weird reason. o_O
  3. DrEvil

    [C++] Creating a class for any type of variable?

    So I created a linked list class for 'Enemy' class, and while this works, I would like to expand the 'LinkedList' class to be able to work for any type of variable: class EnemyList{ private: class Node{ public: Node* _next; Enemy...
  4. DrEvil

    Best way to extend a class?

    So I have a base class: class Enemy{ int minDmg,maxDmg; // other stuff.... } say I want special enemies with certain different attacks or behaviours, what would be the best approach, which could let me still group the extended classes together as an 'enemy list' if possible? class...
  5. DrEvil

    Override-able functions? :s

    Like I don't know if I'm just being stupid or just having a mind block... But I have this function in a separate file: fileB.cpp , the function is called 'doSomething' ( very unoriginal.... I blame WC3 for the func name...) I want the function to do nothing on its own, but have it override-able...
  6. DrEvil

    Weird margin due to Lists? :s

    So... I am currently making a website for a project and have my design setup. Let me show the code first before I describe the problem... and an image... The header is the first blue gradient, the gradient is then displayed again with a decreased width to fit the navigation bar. The problem...
  7. DrEvil

    Changing output text colour in a console window?

    I've been working on a text based game in c++ (Console) And well.... All the text is white. I've read up ways of being able to change the output text colour through: 'SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole, k);' where hConsole is the handle of the window and k is a hex number (0-255,0xFF) (the first...
  8. DrEvil

    c++0x won't let me use 'putenv'?

    So lately I have been including various c++0x methods in my code. Yet I try and use putenv and apparently "was not declared in this scope" although I have included both "iostream" and "cstdlib". Which when the compiler flags don't have c++0x language standard it doesn't provide an error and...
  9. DrEvil

    dynamic onMouseover ? ...

    Ok so I didn't really know what to call the thread, but more to the point! I have a load function that sets the default values on 5 fields, and adds an onmouseover event but the event everytime has the same parameter... while(i<=5){ id='P'+i.toString()...
  10. DrEvil

    I can see each post's actual post count (like the nth post in the db)

    Add reputation box shows that post's id... useless? bug? Say you go to rep a person, and how over the rep box which has the 'I approve' 'I disapprove' it shows what post count it is just wondering is this intentional ? (vB bug? ) it doesn't seem right showing it although its kind of useless...
  11. DrEvil

    I de-iced my nail by accident

    Well... We was in the car and the screen was frozen inside and out so my dad sprayed some de ice on the outside and inside of the window. It was starting to melt and I had an idea id used my nail to quickly get rid of the de-icing ice on the window. My nail was ok, didn't feel any different but...
  12. DrEvil

    [C#] Open With - Target file... >_<

    I have created an 'editor' in C# and it has functions as 'new map' 'save map' 'load map' They all work... but you know when you right click any file and press 'open with' and it opens that program and the file you selected. I was wondering how I would go about doing this in C# to further...
  13. DrEvil

    all windows unselect...

    So I recently had a bug with google chrome which won't run... and had to switch browsers... But just randomly an open window say internet will unselect itself and gets really annoying like when i'm trying to type this... it happens with all programs... and they just randomly 'unfocus' and...
  14. DrEvil

    How to get a database for a game ?

    Well... I want a database for a game .. but not for a site.. All suggestions would help , thanks :)
  15. DrEvil

    [C#]Flickering screen when Drawing

    Hey i've been working on something in C# And when I use Graphic.DrawImage(...) it starts to flicker XD Do you know what causes it to flicker ? And a fix of any sort ? Thanks :D
  16. DrEvil

    Can a .dll have an 'init' ?

    Well.. I've made a few .dll's for some stuff I've been doing , but I have to manually initialize each one : using Stuff; Content1.Load(); .e.t.c. using Stuff; // When run , loads up the .dll 'init' method... So... Can .dll's have init's ? :D ( C# - If that helps anyhow... )
  17. DrEvil

    Amount of entered records ?

    Well... I have a table ( within the database ) And I want to check how many records have been entered: Name | Text XXX | Hello YYY | Wussap ZZZ | Lolz Is there any way to find out that 3 have been set ?
  18. DrEvil

    Menu 'Dropbox' ?

    Well... I'l try to explain what I'm looking for :) ( I've seen it on other sites so... ) You put your cursor over the 'menu box' and a list pops down with other 'boxes' ... If you don't get what I mean , look at the picture : ( Well ... It's not hard to... ) Anyone know about this ? or what...
  19. DrEvil

    [C#] Array problem...

    Ok... *sigh* I have a string array : s[0] = "Hello"; s[1] = "People"; e.t.c I'm trying to add up all the strings from that array but I always get 'Index was out of array bounds' , so ... how do I find the array limit ? ( in my example it was 2) because most of the time , I will...
  20. DrEvil

    Hide gold-mine display in loading screen ?

    My map has ... lots of Gold mines , and it looks awful .. Is there any way to remove the display in loading screen ? Thanks..:)