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  1. AriesX_420

    Unplayable Map, No Slots appear, Game cannot start.

    Hello, and I have experience with the editor and am using this as a last attempt and have searched for an answer but found nothing. The map currently will not show the slots when I attempt to play the game on single player and will not even work online. Note: My previous version works...
  2. AriesX_420

    MUI Anti Cheat System (All Players Chat Message Detection)

    Anti Cheat Events Player - Player 1 (Red) types a chat message containing <Empty String> as A substring Player - Player 2 (Blue) types a chat message containing <Empty String> as A substring Player - Player 3 (Teal) types a chat message containing <Empty String>...
  3. AriesX_420

    Name Armor and Attack Types

    Hey I know you can go into game interface and change what the Armor and Attack types say... But does the actual Name of the Armor or Attack Change...? I also know what you can go into constants and change the formula. All I want is the Actual name to change.. From Chaos too Fire... or...
  4. AriesX_420

    Shop Selecting Heroes Only

    So you have under abilities for Shops..... Select Hero Select Unit Sell Item Sell Unit Shop Purchase Item Im trying to make it so i can only sell experience and tome of power to the HEROES ONLY... However I know you use select Hero... But I have a backpack with Hero...
  5. AriesX_420

    Daemonic Sword ORPG

    I dunno about advertising on this, i hope this isnt considered that.... but my ORPG map that I have created is on, east coast usually. Its in its MID Beta Testing, I keeping adding stuff to it all the time, messing things up lol. Its called the DAEMONIC SWORD ORPG Its got a Main...
  6. AriesX_420

    Floating Text Not Appearing

    how come not all of my floating texts are appearing. I have it under game time is 1sec then... makes all my floating texts along with some other triggers that require a non initialization trigger. So how come some of my text dont appear. Should I put all the floating text in a seperate...
  7. AriesX_420

    Special Effect Aftermath & Deletion

    Ok so I know there are special effects that stay around for the entire game, and then theres special effects that are cast once, like hero abilities. I understand to get rid of the special effects that stay you must set them as a variable and remove them for down the road.. IE (Talk to...
  8. AriesX_420

    Avatar Spell Immunity

    Hey, so we got Avatar.. Now im wondering on the "ability data sheet" in the "object editor in WE" you have spell damage reduction for avatar.... Now i dont want my avatar to have spell immunity. Maybe 50% or nothing at all... What number do they want in there... sometimes its decimals...
  9. AriesX_420

    Item Ownership

    Hey Im just wondering....I have an ORPG. I want my items that are in any of a players inventory to become theirs and only theirs. So no other players can pick up that item, or so they can all be selected somehow. If the item is dropped from the player, it knows whos item it is.... This is is...
  10. AriesX_420

    Adding attributes to Abilities

    Finger of Death Events Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to Finger of Death (Necromancer) 40lvls Actions Set FingerofDeath_Damage = ((Real((Intelligence of (Casting unit) (Include bonuses)))) x 2.00) Set...
  11. AriesX_420

    Leveling a Spellbook

    Hi, I have a spell book as an ability for a Hero. It has 5 Levels, and you gain 1 Level every ten levels of your Hero. (Lvl 10)When you get to the 1st spellbook it will give you 2 spells, it works! :) (lvl 20)When you get to the 2nd spellbook level it will give you an additional 2...
  12. AriesX_420

    Metamorphesis cutting out Spell Book ability

    Hey, I created a Custom Necromancer, Now every 10 levels he can spend a skill point the Ability "Necro skills" (which is based on Spell Book) This Spell book has a couple of "1 level spells" in it. Every 10 levels it adds a new ability into the book or uses a new "same" ability to...
  13. AriesX_420

    New WC3 Update wont let me use my optimized Map!!!

    updated it just now on to test my map, and when i go to pick my optimized map, its not there anymore... So i go back into the folder section and theres a new folder created (not by me) with my map in it. Now i can onyl save my optimized maps in that folder and no others. Otherwise it...