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  1. S

    Snippet GUI-Friendly Damage Detection

    Excellent Job. Thanks for this snippet of code! So useful! I had a spell that was castable damage reduction on a target, but after casting it a few times on the same unit (the events were building up in the trigger restoring the lost health) and the unit would effectively start gaining...
  2. S

    trigger malfunctions after waiting over 60 seconds

    weird... Well you get that "JASS" trigger if you simply select your trigger, right click it, and do CONVERT TO CUSTOM TEXT. Your trigger would then look very similar to the one I posted there. Basically the best way to fix your problem (and the leaks you're creating by picking all the units in...
  3. S

    trigger malfunctions after waiting over 60 seconds

    Your creep revive trigger isn't multi-instancable. This is the revive trigger ripped straight from the downloadable DotA Template map (which you should DL and check out if you wanna see more usefull easy map-setup triggers): function Trig_Revive_Creeps_Actions takes nothing returns nothing...
  4. S

    Gain Victory points after timer elapsed (Trigger help)

    Yeah, the trigger you have setting the group "BScarrier" isn't gonna work. You need a trigger that checks the unit's inventory to see if they are carrying the flag. Checking if "BattleStandard" is owned will be returned TRUE as long as it is held by any unit on the entire map, regardless of...
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    GroupPointOrder Help

    lol oops see edit^^^^^ And thx :)
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    GroupPointOrder Help

    how bout something more like this: function Trig_Pathing1_Actions takes nothing returns nothing set udg_tempgroup1 = GetUnitsInRectOfPlayer(gg_rct_bad_guys_spawn, Player(11)) call GroupPointOrder( udg_tempgroup1, "attack", -2442, 239 ) call DestroyGroup(udg_tempgroup1) where...
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    GroupPointOrder Help

    Is there a better way of doing this, and does this leak at all? I'm new to Jass editing, but the trigger seems to be working fine. function Trig_Pathing1_Actions takes nothing returns nothing local group pathers = GetUnitsInRectOfPlayer(gg_rct_Somewhere, Player(11)) call...
  8. S

    Creeps get stuck on their path

    In other words you're saying, you can't "pick every unit" in anything but a variable? How could you add units to a tempGroup from a region if you can't call the function that picks all those units in the region adds them to your group variable? Why would this function leak? EDIT...
  9. S

    Creeps get stuck on their path

    Why would anything leak, I'm not setting any variables in my code, just giving orders. And you don't have to have that trigger in place to fix the other trigger, you could use that repeating time trigger as all your pathing needs... unless you had some reason for giving all the units in a...
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    Creeps get stuck on their path

    Well I haven't done much with TD's, but I'm making a Hero Defense type map with creep spawns. I use the same event trigger (unit entering a region), but instead of checking the custom value of the unit, I have it check whether or not the unit is an enemy of one of my human-controlled players...
  11. S

    What-is (and how to avoid) Crashes/Memory-Leaks

    Just to clarify, One time i got the common "Fatal Error" crash out of WCIII. But i rewrote that trigger a while ago and it's working fine now. Another time I got a crash out of WCIII with no explanation, no "Fatal Error" message or anything. The game just turned off. But I rewrote the...
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    What-is (and how to avoid) Crashes/Memory-Leaks

    Does anyone have any tips on avoiding game crashes while making your own triggers? I've had a couple of really random game crashes while testing my map without knowing for sure the cause. Also - what is a memory leak? Just a lost bit of memory that can't be overwritten or re-used? Two...
  13. S

    kill reward?

    Ah this helped me out a bunch! The Action command is: Player - Turn Player Flag On/Off the GUI. : )
  14. S

    Simple JASS question, multiple instances

    To anyone who might have cared, I got something to work, REALLY roughly done in JASS, but i figured out how local variables allow for stacking of the spell, and it seems to be working! This is the action taken after the trigger pops: function Trig_TESTREJUV_Actions takes nothing returns...
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    Move position of Learn Skill Button?

    apologies I see, sorry I don't know of any way to change that :(
  16. S

    Move position of Learn Skill Button?

    Moving Hero Skill Button Yeah that's easy. Open your object editor, click the "Abilities" tab, find the desired ability, and change the "Art - Button Position - Normal(X)" or "Art - Button Position - Research(X)" or the "(Y)" fields that correspond to your desires. The "Normal" position is...
  17. S

    Simple JASS question, multiple instances

    I'm brand new here, and new to map making, so my dilemma is relatively basic. I've got a very simple spell i want to have castable on multiple units who's effects can stack. It simply does: set life of target unit of ability being cast = life of target unit + healed amount every 1...