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  1. Ulla_t

    Damage System [Question]

    I Remember when i last worked in World Editor, that a damage system was mentioned in this forum. When doing a damage trigger (A unit is attacked) The actual trigger activates before the unit has taken the damage, i found several bugs in my map with these kind of things. Is there such a system...
  2. Ulla_t

    Channel [Spell]

    Hey guys. I have been working on a single-target spell witch is supposed to do around double damage from the Heroes basic damage + stats ofcause. I dont want to use spells as Stormbolt as the spell, but want's to use channel this time, i have just never fingured out how that spell worked...
  3. Ulla_t

    Increase Movementspeed and attackspeed in Water

    How do i make a unit have increased attackspeed and movementspeed when they are in water?
  4. Ulla_t

    [Project] -Looking for a partner.

    Currently i'm looking for a partner/s. I'm looking for co-operating people, who can come with a great idea, or a hundred. My project, is build up on the idea of Players(6) Vs. Computer, and hopefully it is finished within the next harf year. Working with triggers Creating ability's, Heroes...
  5. Ulla_t

    Buff Stacking.

    Why does buffs, not stack with eachother, if they are based on the same ability?
  6. Ulla_t

    If you fail at a boss [Every Hero in Region is gone] Then Reset.

    I have the whole reset trigger set up, but, how do i create a reseting effect; [When every Hero in region is gone/Dead] - DO THIS. Thanks!
  7. Ulla_t


    I know this is simple, but it doesent work at all. SlimesKillSpawn Events Destructible - A destructible within SlimeRegion <gen> dies Conditions (Destructible-type of (Dying destructible)) Equal to Demon Egg (Destructible-type of (Dying destructible)) Equal to Demon Egg Actions Unit - Create...
  8. Ulla_t

    The [Engineer] Spell Idea Threat.

    Well i'm working on my new hero [Engineer], it totaly went wrong for me when i created his first skill (Turret) Witch is a normal summoningspell, without a timeout, that he can disarm himself. But i will need ideas for 4 more spells, witch will be 2 basic skills. 1 Ultimate skill, and 1 passive...
  9. Ulla_t

    [MAP] Unable for other to open.

    How do i make my map, unable to be opened in other world editors?
  10. Ulla_t

    Cleave ability [Hard]

    I have a alot of problems making this skill. Based on thunderclap, a spell were you cannot choose a target, but have to face the target(s) that you wanna hit in a 90* angel. Please help, with this Diffecult cleave ability. Here is my spell ideér;
  11. Ulla_t

    Line of sight unit Shockwave.

    I was thinking about making a line of sight shockwave, based on impale, using erathquick as animation but how do i place my dummy's infront of my Unit, facing the same direction as he does? -Thanks
  12. Ulla_t

    Reduce damage [Trigger]

    tutorial for reduce damage taken with a trigger? Or help? -Thanks Skill1 Events Conditions Actions Unit - Set life of (Attacked unit) to ((Life of (Attacked unit)) + (0.03 x (Damage taken)))% Lava Events Unit - A unit Is attacked Conditions ((Attacked unit) has buff...
  13. Ulla_t

    RPG Look for a Partner [Project]

    Item, Ability, Hero Idea Player vs. Computer, Raid, Dungeon, Quests. Regulation: I'm currently working on a PvE, raid, dungeon, quest map called "The Desolate Desert" Its like going through a raid, and to reach the different bosses, you’ll have to complete quest's, and make quest, to...
  14. Ulla_t

    Holy and Stone [Hero Ideérs]

    Item, Ability, Hero Idea Player vs. Computer, Raid, Dungeon, Quests. Regulation: I'm currently working on a Pve, raid, dungeon, quest map called "The Desolate Desert" Its like going through a raid, and to reach the difrent bosses, you'l have to complete quest's, and make quest, to recieve...
  15. Ulla_t

    Was it wrong with this trigger? [Dragon Knight-Dota]

    Made of Stone Activate Events Unit - A unit Learns a skill Conditions (Learned Hero Skill) Equal to Made of Stone Actions Unit - Add Made of Stone (reg) to (Learning Hero) Unit - Set level of Made of Stone (reg) for (Learning Hero) to (Level of Made...
  16. Ulla_t

    Player --> Unable to attack --> Player

    How do i make players unable to attack eachother? :banghead: Ulla_T
  17. Ulla_t

    AoE damage [difficulty: hard!!]

    I want a AoE damage infront of a unit: I will give you a drawing here of what i mean. So the whole ideer is that i want to make a trigger, were the damage is reduced by the numbers of players that is in the damageing area. Phase4 Events Conditions Actions Unit - Cause...
  18. Ulla_t

    How to link a Trigger

    How do i link a trigger, in my threats and posts?
  19. Ulla_t

    Fleeing Units

    I'm working on a boss fight its totaly based on movement, the bad thing is, that if you kite the boss, and get to far away from the place were you pull it from, it will go back to its current standplace.. Help me out please! :-):thup:
  20. Ulla_t

    Patroling Visible Dummy

    I have bin working on a Axemaster, using rexax Axe missels i figured out to make a flying dummy, and i added Imolation Aura to the dummy unit, making is giving damage to near standing enemies but! I want it to cirkel around the Axemaster, any ideérs? I want a dummy to circulate around a Unit...