Other Bringing the pvp and fun to its maximum level: The Godlike pvp Project


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Hi everyone, as you can see this is my first thread, but dont worry, im no noob (or at least I think that, you will have to judge), i have been reading this forum for a time, so im not in a new stage here. Well, I like to use my creativity so I really like creating things, and worldedit is here to satisfy my need of creation; I have no limitations exept JASS, I didn't started to learn it but I will; anyway by now there are not all that much things that can be done without it, it will surely take more lines but it will work anyway.
But we are not here to talk about me, i'm here to introduce my project, so lets go to that.​

Maybe if you are here you are familiar with RPGs, maybe MMORPGs too, and if not i'll try to get you to the point anyway. I played lots of MMORPGs and I found a common thing between almost all of them: the bad and monotone pvp. Just clicking your opponent, maybe using some hotkeys for skills and then just seeing how your character does all by himself, thats what I call a "not active playing", maybe a "not playing at all" (¿Did you ever played in the past MU Online? lol), this is the path of the "games for goint to sleep".​

(*pvp= Player vs Player, or dueling)

I can't give a big list of exeptions to this, right now it only comes to my head Diablo II, helbreath and DOTA; these games wouldn't be played at all if it weren't for their good pvp; maybe you ever enjoyed whats a competitive pvp, mixing the effort of leveling with your skill with the keyboard and the mouse.

So now, If you didn't understand my thread title you can guess now what Im trying to do...​

¡Warning! ¡High chance for your keyboard or mouse to get broke!

(*Images are only thread illustrative... Lots of Thanks to image providers)

"A competitive arena, with very strategic usage skills and a rich pvp to keep your mouse moving"

Creativity for skill and character creation and balance is the main thing to archieve on this project, as well as writers to put these ideas to the game.
Anyway, every map making project is made for something, but there is something common to all of them, I can say that this project is for making a good pvp arena but the real thing is because I think that pvp is really fun to everyone, and because this and all map making projects are basically to be fun for the creators and the players of the created map.

So if you decide to join in this project remember something, our final goal is to give a fun to play map, and everything will be to acomplish this goal, coming out from the idea that a good pvp will give fun.

Now there is something really important about making a fun map, i will soon make a book of it (lol):​
How to make a Map that will not make People Sleep Theory


I'll talk about it as soon as people join my project, and its what makes a map a played one, because i am seeing lots of really good maps with imported models, a very long scripting and full of new things but not being able anyway of getting close to Dota, ill give all my knowledge to make this project a project that people will like to play.
I give you warranty that at least I will make this project goes with the right path to a good map.​

(With game i mean project, we do this also for fun, right?):

Now lets start with the first objective, and the more important one; if we succeed at this the other part will be really easy.
The more important thing, the most needed thing, is YOU, the one in front of your computer reading this willing (if you are) to be a part of this project.
You can have the smartness of using the triggers, the good eye for making a good terrain or enheacing the interface and descriptions, the creativity to come with innovative skills and characters, the touch for balance - searching for the right damage, duration, cooldown, and probability of things -, the will to play and test or just the will to help; I you want to work, even if you dont have the knowledge, i will find you something to do, don't worry.​

-Get the inner players
-Creative people.
-Wise people.
-Good taste people.
-Willfull people.

-Organize the teams

-The ideas team
-The setting team
-The practice team
-The last touch team

-Start the game


I will give a very ambitious idea, so ambitious that maybe not accomplishable, but it will guide us by the right path.


  • Make a intensive fighting arena, so players won't be able to take their hands out from the mouse.
  • Make random competitions events, to take out monothony.
  • Make very active to play characters, to take out the point-click-andjustwatch thing
  • Make a ambitious balance "a easy way to accomplish balance its to make characters a little similar", this is clearly something we won't do, we want balance, but we want way different characters, strategies and styles of playing, but still balanced.
  • Make a new item system.
...More objectives to be added​


Finally, I head a 0,00000000000000005 step forward, that means i just moved my feet a distance poorly able to be noticed, I have a map here to start off, most for coloring this thread, of course you shouldn't guide with this to think what I want the map to become, it just a small small thing to start off. I made a map, I originally writed on spanish so sorry if I missed some text translated, but they wont be much.
Anyway its a good map, just incomplete, so I'm not posting it in the database by now, just attaching it to this post​

A Guide to a good pvp

Now how will we accomplish this? There's no way to do it!
Aiming higher helps you get higher, and aiming higher that what you can accomplish is a good resource for motivation and getting things done, even if you dont get as high as you aim you will be up enough, right?
Out of blabla, how to make a good pvp:
I'll example it as it is the most easy way to show a truth, ill talk about some characters I made and why they make a good pvp in the map im attaching.

One of the characters in my map, called Fast archer is a ranger that has a 0s cooldown blink and ice arrows as well as high damage but very low hp to get to a very strategic and active play... If you are smart enough you will know what it can make whit these skills:
Imagine her fighting against a melee fighter, when the melee gets near her (it will take some time thanks to the freezing arrows) she instantly teleports away from it and shoots him again, the enemy gets near again and you teleport again. Tell me if teleporting, shooting, teleporting, shooting is not active and fun play. But this its a small piece of the big cake:
Now your enemy is smart and finds a way to get more movement speed, and you don't have enough time to shoot much arrows, you didn't killed him and you ran out of mp, you can't teleport anymore or throw ice arrows. Bad Luck.
But you are smarter and you buyed a web, that is a item used to cast web and keep him inmobile for a time, enough for you to destroy him.
So you throw the web, just to see he was even smarter too, and uses the escape robe to cast blink and get out from the web! really bad!
Then you realize there's nothing more to do than escape, so you start running. But he was even smarter! (and rich lol) and he got a web too so he throws it at you and starts pwning you, agh.
Atack, then counter-attack, then counter the counter-attack, then countering the counter of the counter attack lol. Thats something to get to an active pvp playing.
Nows lets say you choose a druid, you give him good summoning spells. So someone comes to attack you; with the low cooldown and mana cost of the maxed skill you have like 7 minions helping, so you clearly overpower him. Now he uses a dispell item and they all go to hell, lol. Anyway you maxed too the morping skill too so you can stand a good melee combat, and keep summoning while you combat him and his dispell is still recharging, then he had an AoE spell so goodbye your friends again. Anyway is good balanced, so it is not a sure to lose fight.
Now quiting the counters, you have an assasin, you are hiding in the shadows watching someone creeping and you wait for the right moment, when he is with less than the 60% of his hp you do both Damage over time skills and go running like the wind, but he wants to take you out before he dies and throws you a web and goes to kill you. Anyway you maxed invisibility so theres no much cooldown and you make invisible again. Then he dispells, ouch, then you use escape robe and get away from there, to see from distance how your gold goes up when the dot skills finishes him :shades:.
There is lots more of this in the map I made in about 3 weeks, and im only one person, so I think that with the help of more minds we can make cooler characters and still improve old ones, i have ideas, and lots of you should have too.
Being honest, I think that there lots of way to make for new characters with very active play, we only need more ideas, and more minds will get them multiplied.

A guide to a liked game
¿Now lets think, what makes a game a liked game?

For making it easier lets look at Dota, what makes it a liked game? Its pvp, but that area its covered so lets step to another game.
Lets look now Lineage, for example, what do people like of it? "Im getting my pet, yeeeessss!", "I'll change class! Yeesss", "I want to be a rogue, be stealth and dangerous", "I'll participate in a castle siegue, cool" those are common thinkings when playing this game. So we can really considerate about adding a pet system and customizable characters, because everybody likes making the characters as they like to, and trying to keep a good balance. And Events take out monothony, as you saw like castle siegues.

We now have more ideas apart from cool pvp:
-Pet system
-Customizable characters

Its not very hard to become these features a reality, we just need creative people, at least when thinking about customizable characters lots of ideas come to my mind, pet system won't be so hard (even if you want to make them have to eat its easy, you make mp his hungryness and food that take it out with triggers, and events are easy, I have lots of ideas right now, come on, Angel Arena is famous and only has a duel event lol, im talking about teleporting the heroes into prize competitions, like "Last man standing".

Now, I have lots more of how to make this but those are project matters, im only recruiting here, and as I already said, if we get more minds, more ideas, more hows. And more speed to make al these ideas a reality.

P.D. I had to put the map that version name lol, that name it has is not the game i pretend the final result to have neither, some trigger abilities like the energy rockets are still not complete.
P.D. 2 for moderators: I have this project in another forum too, that isn't a problem no? if it is do what you have to ;)

With lack of more things to at this time, but willing to add soon, the can't-be-missing...

How to contact me:
This thread
Mi mail: [email protected]
A blog for the proyect is coming soon


  • Master skills Battle Arena v0.0005.w3x
    153.7 KB · Views: 260
C'mon... Really?

You just told us a bunch of times how your project isn't boring and how it has extremely fun PvP, and how it keeps you active...

But that's it. Then you attached your map.

All I know is that you're ambitious, why would I try your map?

I don't see any examples on how it wont be boring.

Show us some of your heroes, give us some of your game play features.
I somewhat agree, I am curious what exactly will make it fun.

Now, this is just personal preference but the reason for me I find area hero maps somewhat boring is the lack of movement action. I tend to favor pvp in MMORPG's such as Wow or Warhammer, or whatever MMO it may be but those have excellent PvP because you are always moving not standing and taking turns beating each other with auto attack or point and click spell casting.

If arrow keys didnt lag so bad, it would be cool to move like you do in real MMO's which would be extremely easy to make, but for combat you would have to select the enemy unit you want to kill and beside your hero icon on the top left a flashing red icon of the enemies hero would pop up along with a blinking green selection that is very easy to identify would appear on the enemy player. From here you would be able to cast spells like you would an MMO and melee attack abilities would be very possible and work great as well as spells. If you have no enemy selected then you couldnt cast those spells or abilities unless they are aoe spells or something with an aoe target art. I personally think this would make for very intense action pvp but since arrow keys are basically gay it is pointless even with the custom targeting since it would require point and click movement.
C'mon... Really?

You just told us a bunch of times how your project isn't boring and how it has extremely fun PvP, and how it keeps you active...

But that's it. Then you attached your map.

All I know is that you're ambitious, why would I try your map?

I don't see any examples on how it wont be boring.

Show us some of your heroes, give us some of your game play features.

Good point, ill edit post right now and tell the hows I already developed to make this a Fun game (There will be others "hows" when proyect becomes active and we get other minds bringing new ideas, I have good ones for the start anyway and you will be able to test them with some characters in map)

*-next sentences are going to be added to the main post-*
A Guide to a good pvp

Now how will we accomplish this? There's no way to do it!
Aiming higher helps you get higher, and aiming higher that what you can accomplish is a good resource for motivation and getting things done, even if you dont get as high as you aim you will be up enough, right?
Out of blabla, how to make a good pvp:
I'll example it as it is the most easy way to show a truth, ill talk about some characters I made and why they make a good pvp in the map im attaching.

One of the characters in my map, called Fast archer is a ranger that has a 0s cooldown blink and ice arrows as well as high damage but very low hp to get to a very strategic and active play... If you are smart enough you will know what it can make whit these skills:
Imagine her fighting against a melee fighter, when the melee gets near her (it will take some time thanks to the freezing arrows) she instantly teleports away from it and shoots him again, the enemy gets near again and you teleport again. Tell me if teleporting, shooting, teleporting, shooting is not active and fun play. But this its a small piece of the big cake:
Now your enemy is smart and finds a way to get more movement speed, and you don't have enough time to shoot much arrows, you didn't killed him and you ran out of mp, you can't teleport anymore or throw ice arrows. Bad Luck.
But you are smarter and you buyed a web, that is a item used to cast web and keep him inmobile for a time, enough for you to destroy him.
So you throw the web, just to see he was even smarter too, and uses the escape robe to cast blink and get out from the web! really bad!
Then you realize there's nothing more to do than escape, so you start running. But he was even smarter! (and rich lol) and he got a web too so he throws it at you and starts pwning you, agh.
Atack, then counter-attack, then counter the counter-attack, then countering the counter of the counter attack lol. Thats something to get to an active pvp playing.
Nows lets say you choose a druid, you give him good summoning spells. So someone comes to attack you; with the low cooldown and mana cost of the maxed skill you have like 7 minions helping, so you clearly overpower him. Now he uses a dispell item and they all go to hell, lol. Anyway you maxed too the morping skill too so you can stand a good melee combat, and keep summoning while you combat him and his dispell is still recharging, then he had an AoE spell so goodbye your friends again. Anyway is good balanced, so it is not a sure to lose fight.
Now quiting the counters, you have an assasin, you are hiding in the shadows watching someone creeping and you wait for the right moment, when he is with less than the 60% of his hp you do both Damage over time skills and go running like the wind, but he wants to take you out before he dies and throws you a web and goes to kill you. Anyway you maxed invisibility so theres no much cooldown and you make invisible again. Then he dispells, ouch, then you use escape robe and get away from there, to see from distance how your gold goes up when the dot skills finishes him :shades:.
There is lots more of this in the map I made in about 3 weeks, and im only one person, so I think that with the help of more minds we can make cooler characters and still improve old ones, i have ideas, and lots of you should have too.
Being honest, I think that there lots of way to make for new characters with very active play, we only need more ideas, and more minds will get them multiplied

I somewhat agree, I am curious what exactly will make it fun.

Now, this is just personal preference but the reason for me I find area hero maps somewhat boring is the lack of movement action. I tend to favor pvp in MMORPG's such as Wow or Warhammer, or whatever MMO it may be but those have excellent PvP because you are always moving not standing and taking turns beating each other with auto attack or point and click spell casting.

If arrow keys didnt lag so bad, it would be cool to move like you do in real MMO's which would be extremely easy to make, but for combat you would have to select the enemy unit you want to kill and beside your hero icon on the top left a flashing red icon of the enemies hero would pop up along with a blinking green selection that is very easy to identify would appear on the enemy player. From here you would be able to cast spells like you would an MMO and melee attack abilities would be very possible and work great as well as spells. If you have no enemy selected then you couldnt cast those spells or abilities unless they are aoe spells or something with an aoe target art. I personally think this would make for very intense action pvp but since arrow keys are basically gay it is pointless even with the custom targeting since it would require point and click movement.

I hope my Quote to shady gives you some answers, maybe the ranger things gives you the hope that active pvp playing can be still made, if not you can try her =) hopefully it makes you happy.

BTW, Thank you shady very very very much for helping, criticism is always good for improving.
If arrow keys didnt lag so bad, it would be cool to move like you do in real MMO's which would be extremely easy to make, but for combat you would have to select the enemy unit you want to kill and beside your hero icon on the top left a flashing red icon of the enemies hero would pop up along with a blinking green selection that is very easy to identify would appear on the enemy player. From here you would be able to cast spells like you would an MMO and melee attack abilities would be very possible and work great as well as spells. If you have no enemy selected then you couldnt cast those spells or abilities unless they are aoe spells or something with an aoe target art. I personally think this would make for very intense action pvp but since arrow keys are basically gay it is pointless even with the custom targeting since it would require point and click movement.

I've seen key movement that doesn't have very noticable delay, and for the selected unit = spell target, I've done a library for that for a map I'm working on, all you need is a dummy spell and the real spell or a triggered spell, though at this moment I don't wish to share it.

Anyways your hero thoughts aren't exactly unique, I mean you just described every agility hero in every AoS or Arena, they are usually the ones with low HP, high damage and escape skills, be it blink, windwalk or leap/jump.
Not saying your map wont optimize this but give me something I've never seen before :)

One of the characters in my map, called Fast archer is a ranger that has a 0s cooldown blink and ice arrows as well as high damage but very low hp to get to a very strategic and active play... If you are smart enough you will know what it can make whit these skills:
Imagine her fighting against a melee fighter, when the melee gets near her (it will take some time thanks to the freezing arrows) she instantly teleports away from it and shoots him again, the enemy gets near again and you teleport again. Tell me if teleporting, shooting, teleporting, shooting is not active and fun play. But this its a small piece of the big cake:
Now your enemy is smart and finds a way to get more movement speed, and you don't have enough time to shoot much arrows, you didn't killed him and you ran out of mp, you can't teleport anymore or throw ice arrows. Bad Luck.
But you are smarter and you buyed a web, that is a item used to cast web and keep him inmobile for a time, enough for you to destroy him.
So you throw the web, just to see he was even smarter too, and uses the escape robe to cast blink and get out from the web! really bad!
Then you realize there's nothing more to do than escape, so you start running. But he was even smarter! (and rich lol) and he got a web too so he throws it at you and starts pwning you, agh.
Atack, then counter-attack, then counter the counter-attack, then countering the counter of the counter attack lol. Thats something to get to an active pvp playing.
Nows lets say you choose a druid, you give him good summoning spells. So someone comes to attack you; with the low cooldown and mana cost of the maxed skill you have like 7 minions helping, so you clearly overpower him. Now he uses a dispell item and they all go to hell, lol. Anyway you maxed too the morping skill too so you can stand a good melee combat, and keep summoning while you combat him and his dispell is still recharging, then he had an AoE spell so goodbye your friends again. Anyway is good balanced, so it is not a sure to lose fight.

Basically it begins with the archer having an early game advantage over the warrior and having a several-to-one kill ratio, and then the archer makes more money from getting more kills yet the warrior somehow magically makes enough money to keep up with the archer without being able to get any kills on the archer?
I've seen key movement that doesn't have very noticable delay, and for the selected unit = spell target, I've done a library for that for a map I'm working on, all you need is a dummy spell and the real spell or a triggered spell, though at this moment I don't wish to share it.

Anyways your hero thoughts aren't exactly unique, I mean you just described every agility hero in every AoS or Arena, they are usually the ones with low HP, high damage and escape skills, be it blink, windwalk or leap/jump.
Not saying your map wont optimize this but give me something I've never seen before :)


Anyway they all have high cooldown and are only for escape, and the "every agility hero in every AoS or Arena" is simply a point and clicking, then when hp is low escaping. For me at least is the first time I see something so simple like a blink with no cooldown and considerable mp cost, no trigger need or anything, and makes a very good job at keeping you on the keyboard teleport-attacking, something so simple to make giving us a very cool pvp, you can try it. And anyway, all hero arenas i saw focuses on finish having a 97483094320hp hero, and speed of light attack, and that, that takes out all I like to call pvp.
Now the counter-spelling thing is something I really didnt see, and I think that with more minds we can really improve it, I only made a Attack, counter, then countering the counter attack, but it can be obviously can have more counters.
Another thing I saw in most hero arenas is the lack of skill usage. Skill usage is what keeps people busy, so we want skills that will work from the start to the game to the end, not characters getting a normal attack so powerfull that deny the skill needs, and that is a big reason why we don't see very much active playing, and so is what makes Dota the most played map. Even when some skills become useless at the end there are still plenty who don't and make the game cool. And well is something easy to make, just don't making stats not go so high and cool skills. Warriors with less passives and more actives, mages with no normal attack (you can check in my map) using their spells as main way of attack.

Thanks for your comment, ill see how I add this to the main post.

Basically it begins with the archer having an early game advantage over the warrior and having a several-to-one kill ratio, and then the archer makes more money from getting more kills yet the warrior somehow magically makes enough money to keep up with the archer without being able to get any kills on the archer?

Easy, blinking takes lot because you need to use it every 2 seconds and in first levels it costs more mana and haves more cooldown than maxed so you will use it from 1 to 2 times, try my map if you want and see its balance ;). And well archer has so low hp that avoiding attack is the only way to survive, now at the beggining of the game that she will not be so capable of blinking she starts with high attack, but she doesn't gain too much with each level, so she is balanced from the beggining to the last hour, you can check it out in my map as I said already.
Yes, yes, the place where you gave an example of a battle was very good. And since you know dota, let me give you an example of 2 fights.

1 Earthshaker VS Abbadon
Both heroes enter the battle field. They start fighting. Abbadon uses shield and deathcoil. The earthshaker decides that it is time to moove. SHe uses fissure and then enchansed totem. Abbadon is stunned and can't od anything. The second he gets out of the stun, he activates his shield. The earth shaker teleports away from abbadon. Abbadon uses deathcoil and then he chases earthshaker. Earthshaker uses frissure and jumps to finish off abbadon. Abbadon however, has satanic. He activates it and while the 2 re dueling he actually regenerats a big portion of his hp. THe earthshaker trys to intersept the lifesteal with a totem enchansment. He deals serious dmg to abbadon. However the second abbadon snaps out of the stun he beatts the shit out of earthshaker. Eartcshaker is extramly lol on hitpoints, so he teleports away from abbaron, into the creepwave. Then he activates his ultimate. Abbadon blocks his ultimate with Borrowed time, and finishes Earth shaker. Quite similar to your duel isn't it? And I used a noob item set.

Battle 2: Abbadon vs Eartshaker. Eartshaker and abbadon, fight using spells untill one of them dyes, without the moving.

See? My point is that it is up to the player to play smart. YOu can't force them to make strategys.
Yes, yes, the place where you gave an example of a battle was very good. And since you know dota, let me give you an example of 2 fights.

1 Earthshaker VS Abbadon
Both heroes enter the battle field. They start fighting. Abbadon uses shield and deathcoil. The earthshaker decides that it is time to moove. SHe uses fissure and then enchansed totem. Abbadon is stunned and can't od anything. The second he gets out of the stun, he activates his shield. The earth shaker teleports away from abbadon. Abbadon uses deathcoil and then he chases earthshaker. Earthshaker uses frissure and jumps to finish off abbadon. Abbadon however, has satanic. He activates it and while the 2 re dueling he actually regenerats a big portion of his hp. THe earthshaker trys to intersept the lifesteal with a totem enchansment. He deals serious dmg to abbadon. However the second abbadon snaps out of the stun he beatts the shit out of earthshaker. Eartcshaker is extramly lol on hitpoints, so he teleports away from abbaron, into the creepwave. Then he activates his ultimate. Abbadon blocks his ultimate with Borrowed time, and finishes Earth shaker. Quite similar to your duel isn't it? And I used a noob item set.

Battle 2: Abbadon vs Eartshaker. Eartshaker and abbadon, fight using spells untill one of them dyes, without the moving.

See? My point is that it is up to the player to play smart. YOu can't force them to make strategys.

Of course we cant, and we don't want to. We only want to make a game that HAS different strategies, the big example here is Dota. That of not forcing is what makes a game have good and bad players.
this is my opinion

1 the way it sounds like is that your trying to take dota and put it into a hero arena only problem is that i dont like dota so that draws me away

2 it sounds like your makeing lots of items wich will make the game imbalenced again sounds like dota so will draw me away becuse one team will get to strong and the other team has no chance to win

well theres my ideas about this dont take this the wrong way but this is my opinion
this is my opinion

1 the way it sounds like is that your trying to take dota and put it into a hero arena only problem is that i dont like dota so that draws me away

2 it sounds like your makeing lots of items wich will make the game imbalenced again sounds like dota so will draw me away becuse one team will get to strong and the other team has no chance to win

well theres my ideas about this dont take this the wrong way but this is my opinion

There aren't teams, its all vs all. And items aren't so heavily stated; remember, we don't want stats, we want skills.
Anyway levels don't do way far too diference, that depends on initial damage and the damage you increase with each level, and that can balance the game and make it less level dependence.
And if you don't wan't people to go very far with levels we can make a easy trigger that calculates levels above and restricts his exp gaining.

Well, maybe game looks like Dota; thats because i search good pvp and it haves i, too bad you don't like it :(

Another thing; im becoming sad, no one is with me yet :( everyone just keeps telling me how they hate my project and asking me for hows, then they leave and join a very nice colouring project that im sorry, but no one is going to play, I mean I saw lots of project that sound way to cool, but anyway no one plays them! Thats because anyone worries about what people like, just in using their skill with worldedit. For last; im not trying to make anyone angry just telling a big truth, I hope no one starts hating me from now.
Another thing; im becoming sad, no one is with me yet everyone just keeps telling me how they hate my project and asking me for hows, then they leave and join a very nice colouring project that im sorry, but no one is going to play, I mean I saw lots of project that sound way to cool, but anyway no one plays them! Thats because anyone worries about what people like, just in using their skill with worldedit. For last; im not trying to make anyone angry just telling a big truth, I hope no one starts hating me from now.

I don't hate your project, but it is not unique and mostly that's what people are looking for, what has been seen and done is nothing people wish to debate on this forum, to my knowledge and experience. Arena, AoS,, TD, hero defense and RPGs, all have been done to death, so only what shows a unique function or an intriquate storyline gets comments and helpers.

If you don't want to implement such in your map you won't get any "followers" until such time as you present the map and it shows more promise than the other maps that are similar or the same.

Also, if you haven't noticed, most people here hate people presenting and then asking for people to aid them with this, that and maybe a little of all.

I do wish you good luck on the project and hope it gets as far as possible through the masses of dota.

Also to your comment about people not willing to make things they don't think the public wants, what's so off about that? All mapper wish to make something everyone can enjoy, something unique, something to be "remembered" by. In fact this is not only amongst mappers, it's the human imperative (Lets hope I used this word somewhat correctly).

Last but not least, remember that you are posting in a modding community, a very high percentage of members are busy with their own projects.

Last but not least, remember that you are posting in a modding community, a very high percentage of members are busy with their own projects.

Anyways to your Ice Archer hero -

So far, it only seems to have Frost Arrow, two already implemented abilities. The strategy works, but it's a bit simple. It also only allows for singular strategy.

It's late here, but here is a very quick sketch for a hero idea.

(Low Health, High Damage, Archer Hero)

Abilities -

Statis Dome: Creates a dome over an area. Slows everyone (even the hero) when they're in it.
Time Dagger: Throws a dagger at an enemy, slowing them, and making the Chronoseer dodge all attacks for a second.
Time Disintegration: Passive; when the Chronoseer is attacked, there is a chance the Chronoseer will teleport forward 200 degrees from the attacker.
Semi-Warp: Ultimate; For a period of time, the Chronoseer gains 50% evasion and double attack speed.
I don't hate your project, but it is not unique and mostly that's what people are looking for, what has been seen and done is nothing people wish to debate on this forum, to my knowledge and experience. Arena, AoS,, TD, hero defense and RPGs, all have been done to death, so only what shows a unique function or an intriquate storyline gets comments and helpers.

If you don't want to implement such in your map you won't get any "followers" until such time as you present the map and it shows more promise than the other maps that are similar or the same.

Also, if you haven't noticed, most people here hate people presenting and then asking for people to aid them with this, that and maybe a little of all.

I do wish you good luck on the project and hope it gets as far as possible through the masses of dota.

Also to your comment about people not willing to make things they don't think the public wants, what's so off about that? All mapper wish to make something everyone can enjoy, something unique, something to be "remembered" by. In fact this is not only amongst mappers, it's the human imperative (Lets hope I used this word somewhat correctly).

Last but not least, remember that you are posting in a modding community, a very high percentage of members are busy with their own projects.


Thank you very very much for your answer

Anyways to your Ice Archer hero -

So far, it only seems to have Frost Arrow, two already implemented abilities. The strategy works, but it's a bit simple. It also only allows for singular strategy.

It's late here, but here is a very quick sketch for a hero idea.

(Low Health, High Damage, Archer Hero)

Abilities -

Statis Dome: Creates a dome over an area. Slows everyone (even the hero) when they're in it.
Time Dagger: Throws a dagger at an enemy, slowing them, and making the Chronoseer dodge all attacks for a second.
Time Disintegration: Passive; when the Chronoseer is attacked, there is a chance the Chronoseer will teleport forward 200 degrees from the attacker.
Semi-Warp: Ultimate; For a period of time, the Chronoseer gains 50% evasion and double attack speed.

That looks very cool I like it.

I don't see very good future at this so I guess this proyect is closing, i'll maybe continue it myself or with some friends from my place.
Anyway it was fun, and educational, it helped me learn a lot of trigger using.

And I have good news =)
I was thinking and I came with a very very original and cool idea so I'm putting some it into a map, but im not telling anyone about it, i really have very good hope on it; and Like GooS said everyone is busy with their proyect so im going alone.

Good luck everyone and keep up the good work!
How long were you working on this project?

You had the thread for three days before you now decide to end it.

Next time, work on a project a bit more, until you are committed.

Good to hear this experience helped you, though.
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  • The Helper The Helper:
    News portal has been retired. Main page of site goes to Headline News forum now
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am working on getting access to the old news portal under a different URL for those that would rather use that for news before we get a different news view.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Easily done
  • The Helper The Helper:
    https://www.thehelper.net/pages/news/ is a link to the old news portal - i will integrate it into the interface somewhere when i figure it out
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Need to try something
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Hopefully this won't cause problems.
  • Ghan Ghan:
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I have converted the Headline News forum to an Article type forum. It will now show the top 20 threads with more detail of each thread.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    See how we like that.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do not see a way to go past the 1st page of posts on the forum though
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is OK though for the main page to open up on the forum in the view it was before. As long as the portal has its own URL so it can be viewed that way I do want to try it as a regular forum view for a while
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    It SHOULD be there so I think it might just be an artifact of having an older style.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I switched it to a "Standard" article forum. This will show the thread list like normal, but the threads themselves will have the first post set up above the rest of the "comments"
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I don't really get that article forum but I think it is because I have never really seen it used on a multi post thread
  • Ghan Ghan:
    RpNation makes more use of it right now as an example: https://www.rpnation.com/news/
  • The Helper The Helper:
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What do you think Tom?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    I will have to get used to this.
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    The latest news feed looks good
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I would like to see it again like Ghan had it the first time with pagination though - without the pagination that view will not work but with pagination it just might...
  • The Helper The Helper:
    This drink recipe I have had more than a few times back in the day! Mind Eraser https://www.thehelper.net/threads/cocktail-mind-eraser.194720/

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