Capture The Flag


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Dyablo's Capture The Flag


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As I promised in one of my few posts. I have finished the 1.0 beta version of the map. It is ispired from World of Warcraft - The Battleground Warsong Gulch with sounds and other elements recorded from the game. I have been working on it for 2 months and a half.
The map has no AI yet, no random hero modes yet, and will probably suck if you play it on your own, 3v3 player match minimum recommended for a good gameplay experience.

-18 Heroes on each side: Protection Paladin, Retribution Paladin, Fire Mage, Frost Mage, Destruction Warlock, Demonology Warlock, Fury Warrior, Subtlety and Combat Rogue, Marksmanship and Beastmastery Hunter, Restoration and Elemental Shaman, Holy and Shadow Priest.
-Level 16 Maximum hero level.
-5 Spells or abilities for each hero.
-Special spells created with triggers: Redemption, Ancestral Spirit, Frost Nova, Create Health Stone, Lightning Shield, Intercept, Etc.
-Many cool Items and recipes easy to combine like in DOTA.
-Creeps on the map.
-2 Bosses on the left and right side of the middle of the map with special drop.

The gameplay is much like DOTA's with the exception of the heroes, 1 extra ability for each, and the Victory Condition which is: Capturing the enemy flag;
For a WoW player that played Warsong Gulch it feels like playing WoW and War3 at the same time, which is a very uber kewl experience.
Any suggestions or opinions you might have are welcomed on the forum:
The map is protected right now, but in the near future.. when the map will be more mature I plan to leave it unprotected, of course, that depends on the evolution of the map... I can't promise anything :).


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i suggest you to remove creeps from the map,
it is afterall a battle ground wsg? it isnt av =)


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I did thought of that but it will be very hard to level... I can increase the experience you get for killing an enemy hero... I guess. I have to add the "cash per hero kill" system too anyway.
Oh wait.. you ment the creeps :D I was thinking about the units that spawn for the 2 computer players.. yes... that is an ideea, but as I learned I will never be able to make a perfect resemblence of WSG in war3, things are not the same :). As I gather more suggestions and reports the map will definetly have big changes.. but for now.. I want players to play it and get the map into their blood. I am looking for a permanent server that can host it... anybody have any clue where I can find one?


Ultra Cool Member
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Okay I've played your map

In my opinion this is done work.. I mean it's WAY too much like DOTA

Quick Review:

Terrain: ***
Items: *** (too few)
Heroes: **** (i like the extra skill and i also like the comparision with WoW)
Triggers: ** (not many and with memory leaks (like you told us))
Orginality: *

Ow btw: I do want to mention the Loading Screen Nice job:D (Y)



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And my answer: "Hey! It's still beta!" :D, I don't have so much time to work on it... I hope I will in the near future... so yes, few items, few heroes... but that will change. Oh, and the loading screen well.. the background image is originaly created by Cristian Hunziker but the other elements like "transparent flags and the small flags on the left and right-top.. you can thank Corel Photo-Paint, Photoshop and my noob skillz :D.

In my opinion this is done work.. I mean it's WAY too much like DOTA

What do you mean by "done work"?


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By the look of the screenshots, I can already say the terrain needs some work...

But I like the idea and, yes, I would play this map (that is if I had the time...)

Well, good luck with the "debugging"...


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sounds like a cool game and besides i also love CAPTURE THE FLAG!!
By the look of the screenshots, I can already say the terrain needs some work...

But I like the idea and, yes, I would play this map (that is if I had the time...)

Well, good luck with the "debugging"...

The terrain doesn't look very natural, I know.. (looks a hell of a lot better than other maps of it's kind anyway), but if you played the map u would understand that that unrealistic look is necesary for boundary reasons of the bases, this is not dota, you can't just be able to move in and out of the base and get away easy... if you played warsong gulch in wow you know what I am talking about.. and yes.. it will be improved to look more realistic or natural, as for the debugging... I haven't even finished all the hero classes yet, or all the items I would like to implement; and believe me there are a lot more hero classes, (each with 2 different builds as you can observe "if you were playing the map"):
Warrior, Shaman, Rogue, Priest, Druid, Hunter. Multiply that by 2 and you get 12 more heroes, and I can asure you their abilities are not easy or fast to create, there are many things to consider.
So debugging is not really the issue... and as for luck involved... not really, more like time.. every map has it's bugs... only time is the cure for that.
As for the rest of your good thoughts or opinions.. I thank you.

Nice map!
Overall 4/5 for the memory leaks.
Ty. Time cures that too.


Just casually observing atm ;)
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I haven't played it yet (not at home to download it), but I like the looks of it!

I kinda hate you tho, since I'm on the verge of completing a CTF map of my own and you beat me to it :p
I guess it's not all that similar to yours tho, since it's not inspired by either Dota or Warson Gulch, but still :p


Ultra Cool Member
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What do you mean by "done work"?

I mean that it's already been done (so many times)
Look: if you like CTF and DOTA then this is a map for you, but if you have the slightest negative feeling against either of those then you must never play it..

Good Luck :)



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I haven't played it yet (not at home to download it), but I like the looks of it!

I kinda hate you tho, since I'm on the verge of completing a CTF map of my own and you beat me to it :p
I guess it's not all that similar to yours tho, since it's not inspired by either Dota or Warson Gulch, but still :p

There is no reason to hate me :p

I mean that it's already been done (so many times)
Look: if you like CTF and DOTA then this is a map for you, but if you have the slightest negative feeling against either of those then you must never play it..

Good Luck :)


I allready knew that the ideea was implemented on many other maps but none of them like mine (let's face it... many of those maps you were referring to, don't even diserve to be classified as a CTF map). I like DOTA and CTF very much. That and the fact that I felt that DOTA is kinda loosing that "old smell" made me start this project. You don't get... or at least I don't get the same adrenaline rush and experience from playing DOTA anymore... so that is why I felt like this CTF will supply both of those things with plenty of time for it to flurish in many different ways like DOTA did, especially for wow players... (and don't start insinuating that it's for only those groups), the sounds that I implemented from WoW are really kewl... for a wow player it gives you the feeling that you are playing WoW and War3 at the same time which is really kewl.


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All i'm saying, and that's my final word on this, is that the maps that are like dota are not worth playing.. and don't go aah but DOTA is soo good etc. I don't like it and i'm sure that more people agree with me when i say: "FFS Please create a map that has a new gameplay, a different objective.. Something new"

this is not personally against you.. it's just that i would like to see a project that isn't already been done..

anyways again:
Good Luck :) (and i mean it, there are a lot of people glad with your project so keep up the good work and then we will see the game on :shades: )



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All i'm saying, and that's my final word on this, is that the maps that are like dota are not worth playing.. and don't go aah but DOTA is soo good etc. I don't like it and i'm sure that more people agree with me when i say: "FFS Please create a map that has a new gameplay, a different objective.. Something new"

this is not personally against you.. it's just that i would like to see a project that isn't already been done..

anyways again:
Good Luck :) (and i mean it, there are a lot of people glad with your project so keep up the good work and then we will see the game on :shades: )


Oh, I get it... so It's personal... why didn't you say so? Just because you don't like maps like DOTA doesn't mean that everyone else feels the same as you, and my map does have a different gameplay (from DOTA anyway)... If you would have played it with some buddies you would've understood: The goal is not to infiltrate and destroy like DOTA, the goal is much more dynamic and fun... you not only have to steal the flag from the enemy base which is not an easy task, but you also have to protect your flag or not let the enemy get away with it. All these actions get rewarded with gold. I am sure you played the map alone, It's like playing DOTA alone with no AI, so therefore you don't really have a coresponding opinion to the gameplay, I suggest wormly to elaborate an opinion after playing it with at least 1 buddy (not in the same faction), but as you don't like these kind of maps.. why bother right?


Ultra Cool Member
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Oh, I get it... so It's personal... why didn't you say so? Just because you don't like maps like DOTA doesn't mean that everyone else feels the same as you, and my map does have a different gameplay (from DOTA anyway)... If you would have played it with some buddies you would've understood: The goal is not to infiltrate and destroy like DOTA, the goal is much more dynamic and fun... you not only have to steal the flag from the enemy base which is not an easy task, but you also have to protect your flag or not let the enemy get away with it. All these actions get rewarded with gold. I am sure you played the map alone, It's like playing DOTA alone with no AI, so therefore you don't really have a coresponding opinion to the gameplay, I suggest wormly to elaborate an opinion after playing it with at least 1 buddy (not in the same faction), but as you don't like these kind of maps.. why bother right?

if i say ( like i said in my first post) It's way too much like Dota then it's automaticly a personal comment, cuz i can't say if it's too much like Dota.. it was a negative comment (1 star so that's not much) then ofcourse it's personal cuz apparently i don't like "copies"

And btw are the comments placed about someone's map not always personal?

I am sure you played the map alone

Actually no I've played it with 3 others.. but besides that i know how CTF and Dota are played and (once again) i say: I don't like that, cuz there are too many of them (IMO) and sorry to say, but i don't feel like your map adds anything new to either of the mods..

but as you don't like these kind of maps.. why bother right?
cuz you want a comment? :confused:


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Allrighty than... I can see this is going nowhere... :)
then ofcourse it's personal cuz apparently i don't like "copies"
This is a very unpleasant and serious accusation, I hope you posted this comment on all the other threads that contain projects of my type because if not, that I'm gonna think it's not just a personal thing towards my kind of maps, but a personal thing with me. I started this map from scratch, and believe it or not.. I have never played any map with a CTF system, I did not copy anything but the most basic ideea of "CTF" and took inspiration from WoW, other than that... I am really starting to get tired of explaining the connection between "personal comments" and the words "subjective" and "objective". Did I mention that I didn't have any help except for the 3 threads that you can view by going to my profile? If you don't like these maps why did you bother telling me that you don't, I am trying to put myself in your situation... I would never post comments about types of maps I don't like to begin with.
And btw are the comments placed about someone's map not always personal?
No. No comment about any map is or should be personal. Any comments or critics should be subjective not objective like yours. I for one like all type of maps, ok I have an inclination towards my kind of maps but I don't say things like... "The map wasn't so good because I don't like it's type, and I'm sick of maps like that". Analize that better and I hope you realise the error of your judgement.
P.S. I still think that you played it alone or maximum with 1 more player. Judging from the fact that you don't like these maps, and my intuition.


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I havn't played this, and only reason i havn't is because i cannot host. Anyway, just a few tips from my personal experience of CTF:

1) Use CTF terms(I saw above Flag Thief, use FC(Flag Carrier)), Pm me if you want more.

2) Fast pace, The map needs to be fast paced so that it doesn't get boring, IMO if it's anything like Dota or WoW WSG then it isn't fast paced enough.

3) Make the flag carrier feel vulnerable, if you havn't done so already, make him feel vulnerable, make it so he can die very easily or can be ambushed, this promotes teamplay and will create tension on your map, which is turn will make people crave your map.

4) Balance, For #3 balancing is key, make getting the flag back hard but not impossible, make the game serious but also fun, make it so 2 heroes always beat 1 hero.

You don't have to use what i say, just some advice, if it's already like this, my apologies :), GL with your project.


Ultra Cool Member
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Allrighty than... I can see this is going nowhere... :)

This is a very unpleasant and serious accusation, I hope you posted this comment on all the other threads that contain projects of my type because if not, that I'm gonna think it's not just a personal thing towards my kind of maps, but a personal thing with me. I started this map from scratch, and believe it or not.. I have never played any map with a CTF system, I did not copy anything but the most basic ideea of "CTF" and took inspiration from WoW, other than that... I am really starting to get tired of explaining the connection between "personal comments" and the words "subjective" and "objective". Did I mention that I didn't have any help except for the 3 threads that you can view by going to my profile? If you don't like these maps why did you bother telling me that you don't, I am trying to put myself in your situation... I would never post comments about types of maps I don't like to begin with.

No. No comment about any map is or should be personal. Any comments or critics should be subjective not objective like yours. I for one like all type of maps, ok I have an inclination towards my kind of maps but I don't say things like... "The map wasn't so good because I don't like it's type, and I'm sick of maps like that". Analize that better and I hope you realise the error of your judgement.
P.S. I still think that you played it alone or maximum with 1 more player. Judging from the fact that you don't like these maps, and my intuition.

okay dude you take everything on to personally

then ofcourse it's personal cuz apparently i don't like "copies"

I hope you noticed the " in this quote of myself i know that you don't copy things (how i know? well you mentioned that in the starting post of this thread)

I still think that you played it alone or maximum with 1 more player. Judging from the fact that you don't like these maps, and my intuition.

you calling me a liar? cuz if we are talking about "unpleasant and serious accusations" then this is one as well...

if you read my first post at the "Quick Review" you see that that is totally about the map and not my opinion about that i don't like this kind of maps. I just said that in one sentence and you just kept bringing it up

and that's my final word on this

qouting myself here.. i already was through with talking about it cuz i saw that it wasn't going somewhere. I wished you good luck etc and STILL you needed to comment on it..

Dude, let it go. ow and I apoligize for posting here :(

This is my final post on this thread goodday and Good Luck


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I havn't played this, and only reason i havn't is because i cannot host. Anyway, just a few tips from my personal experience of CTF:

1) Use CTF terms(I saw above Flag Thief, use FC(Flag Carrier)), Pm me if you want more.

2) Fast pace, The map needs to be fast paced so that it doesn't get boring, IMO if it's anything like Dota or WoW WSG then it isn't fast paced enough.

3) Make the flag carrier feel vulnerable, if you havn't done so already, make him feel vulnerable, make it so he can die very easily or can be ambushed, this promotes teamplay and will create tension on your map, which is turn will make people crave your map.

4) Balance, For #3 balancing is key, make getting the flag back hard but not impossible, make the game serious but also fun, make it so 2 heroes always beat 1 hero.

You don't have to use what i say, just some advice, if it's already like this, my apologies :), GL with your project.

I really appreciate your observation about the word "thief", that word was implemented today in one of the 2 messages for "killing any flag carrier". I did originally thought about "carrier" instead of "thief", and you are right.. I will change that in the next version. Any other words or phrases won't be needed, play the map, and see for yourself.
The other observation about the flag carrier that should be feeling vulnerable, well.. I must let you know that that involves "the ballance" issue too, the flag carrier is very "killable" by 2 enemy players. It is also possible to infiltrate the base even at lvl 1 with the defense towers focused on the computer units but it's impossible to leave the base alive. At a minimum lvl 6 you may escape, but that is very hard also, maybe if you are mage with blink, all this without any enemy players to worry about. On the other hand if you play an even match with even number of players on both sides... it will all depend on the teamwork, just like any CTF game.
If you compare it with Warsong Gulch you can observe that the flag carrier is not any more vulnerable than any other player... but I did add a higher gold reward for killing the flag carrier and one for restoring the flag too so that is a very good motivation to stop the flag carrier, for now I don't see any reasons to implement something else.
Thank you for all the rest of your thoughts.

Edit: About the fast pace.... That depends only on the teamwork, not the map design because it's designed like that :p
It could be anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 or 3 hours, that is the whole ideea of true CTF... the best teamwork wins.


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I think its not originally, because its DotA + Warsong Gulch.:(
Im working on same map, but without creeps and attacking towers. Thread about my map soon everywhere.:cool:

P.S. Nice LoadingScreen...
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