System Chain Link System

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Chain Link System V0.70
By Infinitegde
Requires ABC.
Written in vJass.

What Is This?: Simply, it's a lightning system, except, instead of lightning it uses units for the lightning effect. This allows you to customize the lightning effect a lot more than the regular one. Example, Alpha Gradient. (Meaning, going from most transparent to least transparent.) Flexibility, (Flexible chains)(not in this version; but coming soon). And it comes built in with a unit attacher. Also, it is a great way to make the effect of an army in a cinematics. Because the Chainlink uses units as chains, you can simply put 'hfoo' for the unit code and come up with 1000's of footmen in a straight line.

Also, for those who know how to program in another language, this is imitating a "class" by using structs. So, you can use it just like you'd use a lightning effect. If you don't know how to use structs, look at a tutorial or read the vJass documentation. They are both very helpful :D

 [B]Features: [/B]
         -3D Points
         -X&Y&Z Offsets
 [B]Upcoming Features:[/B]
         -Flexible Chain
         -Retractable Chain
         -One-by-One creation
[B] Extras:[/B]
         -Alpha Gradient

 [B]Upcoming Extras:[/B]
         -Color Gradient

And, as always, a picture can demonstrate just exactly what I mean, so here:

Unfortunately, setting the transparency to all units doesn't work as well as you'd think. Some units, like these, the transparency is hard to tell. (only the glow effect is transparent.)


Again, another one where the transparency isn't effective (most missiles are like this.)


Here is where it works, with units, now take a look at it. Simply, deanchor and deattach the anchor and heads and destroy them, (make a few more rows), apply a slightly dark black mask, tweak the camera angle a bit, and you have an army fit for display.

How to Import:
1) Make sure you have ABC installed correctly on your map.
2) Create a new trigger named ChainLinkSys and put the following code in it.
3) Use as you please.

Function List:
.destroy() takes nothing returns nothing
-Destroys the chain.
Ex. call Link.destroy()

.Deattach() && .Deanchor() takes nothing returns nothing
-Deattaches from the units its already attached/anchored to.
Ex. call Link.Deattach()
Ex2. call Link.Deanchor()

.Alpha_Gradient() takes real BeginFade,real EndFade, real MaxPercent, real MinPercent returns nothing
-Apply from beginpercent of chain to endpercent of chain. Start at Minpercent and go to MaxPercent.
Ex, call Link.Alpha_Gradient(0.00, 1.00, 0.50, 1.00)
What this does is it starts a 0% of the chain (Or the start) and goes to 100% of the chain(or all the way to the end), and evenly shifts from 50% transparency to 100% transparency.

.GetAnchoredOn() && .GetAttachedTo() takes nothing returns unit
-Gets the specified units.
Ex. set Anchor = Link.GetAnchoredOn()
Ex. set Head = Link.GetAttachedTo()

.Anchor() && .Attach() takes unit u returns boolean
-Attach or Anchor the chain to a specific unit.
Ex. set flag = Link.Attach(u)
if(flag == false)then
call BJDebugMsg("Attachment Failed.")

.SetXOffset() && .SetYOffset() && .SetZOffset() takes real (x,y, or z) returns nothing
-Preset Offsets.
Ex. call Link.SetZOffset(100)
.create() takes real X1, real Y1, real Z1, real X2, real Y2, real Z2, integer unitcode, real ChainEvery,player P returns ChainLink
-Creates the chain
Ex. local ChainLink global = ChainLink.create(0,0,0,1000,1000,1000,'u000',50,Player(0))

.MoveChain() takes real X1, real Y1, real Z1, real X2, real Y2, real Z2, real ChainEvery returns nothing
- Moves the Chain.
Ex. call Link.MoveChain(0,0,100,100,100,0,50)

.GetChains() takes nothing returns group
-Puts all the chains into a group so you can apply your own transformation to it.
Ex. call ForGroup(Link.GetChain(), ApplyTransformation)


//          ChainLink System
//           By Infinitegde
// Version: 0.70
// WhatIsThis: This is a simple system that basically makes lightning effects, without the actual "lightning."
// Meaning, it basically creates units for the lightning instead of actual lightning.
// Features: 
//         -3D Points
//         -Attachable
//         -Anchorable
//         -X&Y&Z Offsets
//         -GetChains
// Upcoming Features:
//         -Flexible Chain
//         -Retractable Chain
//         -One-by-One creation
// Extras:
//         -Alpha Gradient
// Upcoming Extras:
//         -Color Gradient
    constant integer MAXCHAINS = 200

library ChainLinkSys requires ABC
    function Trigger_Move takes nothing returns nothing
        local ChainLink t = GetTriggerStructA(GetTriggeringTrigger())
        local unit u = t.GetAnchoredOn()
        local real x1
        local real x2
        local real y1
        local real y2
        local real z1
        local real z2
        local unit Attach2 = t.GetAttachedTo()
        if( u != null) then
            set x1 = GetUnitX(u) 
            set y1 = GetUnitY(u)
            set z1 = GetUnitFlyHeight(u)
            set x1 = t.P1X
            set y1 = t.P1Y
            set z1 = t.P1Z
        if( Attach2 != null) then
            set x2 = GetUnitX(Attach2)
            set y2 = GetUnitY(Attach2)
            set z2 = GetUnitFlyHeight(Attach2) 
            set x2 = t.P2X 
            set y2 = t.P2Y 
            set z2 = t.P2Z
        call t.MoveChain(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,t.ChainEvery)
        call t.CheckStats()
        set u = null
        set Attach2 = null
    function RoundReal takes real r returns integer 
        if (r-R2I(r)>.5)then
            return R2I(r)+1
        return (R2I(r))
    struct STATS
        real AGMinPercent=0
        real AGMaxPercent=0
        real AGBeginPercent=0
        real AGEndPercent=0
        real XOffset=0
        real YOffset=0
        real ZOffset=0
    struct ChainLink
        real ChainEvery
        real P1X
        real P1Y
        real P1Z
        real P2X
        real P2Y
        real P2Z
        trigger Follow = null
        integer unitcode
        unit anchor
        private unit AttachedTo = null
        private unit Anchoredon = null
        unit head
        unit array Chains[MAXCHAINS]
        player Owner
        boolean AGon = false
        STATS Get
        method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
            set .ChainEvery = 0
            set .P1X = 0
            set .P2X = 0
            set .P1Y = 0
            set .P2Y = 0
            set .P1Z = 0
            set .P2Z = 0
            call .Deattach()
            call .Deanchor()
            set .AGon = false
            set .head = null
            set .anchor = null
            set .AttachedTo = null
            set .Anchoredon = null
            call .Get.destroy()
            call .DestroyChain()
        method Realto255 takes real percent returns integer
            return RoundReal(percent*255)
        method GetDistance takes nothing returns real
            return SquareRoot(Pow(.P1X-.P2X,2)+Pow(.P1Y-.P2Y,2)+Pow(.P1Z-.P2Z,2))
        method Deattach takes nothing returns nothing 
            set .AttachedTo = null
            if (.Anchoredon == null and .AttachedTo == null)then
                call DestroyTrigger(.Follow)
                set .Follow = null
        method CheckStats takes nothing returns nothing
            if (.AGon == true) then
                call .Apply_AG()
        method TurnOff_AG takes nothing returns nothing
            set .AGon = false
        method Apply_AG takes nothing returns nothing
            local integer i = RoundReal(.GetDistance()/.ChainEvery)+2
            local integer BeginI = RoundReal(i*.Get.AGBeginPercent)
            local integer EndI = RoundReal(i*.Get.AGEndPercent)
            local real increment = (.Get.AGMaxPercent-.Get.AGMinPercent)/(EndI-BeginI)
            local real CP = .Get.AGMinPercent
            local integer var =1
            exitwhen var > i 
                if(var>BeginI and var<EndI)then
                    call SetUnitVertexColor(.Chains[var],255,255,255,.Realto255(CP))
                    set CP = CP+increment
                set var = var +1
        method Alpha_Gradient takes real BeginFade,real EndFade, real MaxPercent, real MinPercent returns nothing
            set .AGon = true
            set .Get.AGMinPercent = MinPercent
            set .Get.AGMaxPercent = MaxPercent
            set .Get.AGBeginPercent = BeginFade
            set .Get.AGEndPercent = EndFade
            call .CheckStats()
        method Deanchor takes nothing returns nothing
            set .Anchoredon = null
            if (.Anchoredon == null and .AttachedTo == null)then
                call DestroyTrigger(.Follow)
                set .Follow = null
        method GetAnchoredOn takes nothing returns unit
           return this.Anchoredon
        method GetAttachedTo takes nothing returns unit
           return this.AttachedTo
        method Anchor takes ChainLink t, unit u returns boolean
            if .Anchoredon == null then
                set .Anchoredon = u
                if(.Follow ==null) then
                    set .Follow = CreateTrigger()
                    call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(.Follow,0.03,true)
                    call SetTriggerStructA(.Follow,this)
                    call TriggerAddAction(.Follow, function Trigger_Move)
                return true
                return false
        method SetZOffset takes real z returns nothing
            set .Get.ZOffset = z
        method SetYOffset takes real y returns nothing
            set .Get.YOffset = y
        method SetXOffset takes real x returns nothing
            set .Get.XOffset = x
        method Attach takes ChainLink t, unit u returns boolean
            if .AttachedTo == null then
                set .AttachedTo = u
                if(.Follow ==null) then
                    set .Follow = CreateTrigger()
                    call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(.Follow,0.03,true)
                    call SetTriggerStructA(.Follow,this)
                    call TriggerAddAction(.Follow, function Trigger_Move)
                return true
                return false
        static method create takes real X1, real Y1, real Z1, real X2, real Y2, real Z2, integer unitcode, real ChainEvery,player P returns ChainLink
            local ChainLink t= ChainLink.allocate()
            set t.P1X = X1
            set t.P1Y = Y1
            set t.P1Z = Z1
            set t.P2X = X2
            set t.P2Y = Y2
            set t.P2Z = Z2
            set t.unitcode = unitcode
            set t.ChainEvery = ChainEvery
            set t.Owner = P
            call t.CreateChain(t)
            set t.Get = STATS.create()
            return t
        method DestroyChain takes nothing returns nothing
            local integer i = 0
            exitwhen i > MAXCHAINS
                if(.Chains<i> != null) then 
                    call RemoveUnit(.Chains<i>)
                    set .Chains<i> = null
                set i = i +1
            set .anchor = null
            set .Anchoredon = null
            set .head = null
            set .Owner = null
        method MoveChain takes real X1, real Y1, real Z1, real X2, real Y2, real Z2, real ChainEvery returns nothing
            local real dist = SquareRoot(Pow(X1-X2,2)+Pow(Y1-Y2,2)+Pow(Z1-Z2,2))
            local integer i = RoundReal(dist/ChainEvery)
            local integer var =2
            local real phi = Acos((Z2-Z1)/dist)
            local real theta = Atan2(Y2-Y1,X2-X1)
            local real cX = X1 + .Get.XOffset
            local real cY = Y1 + .Get.YOffset
            local real cZ = Z1 + .Get.ZOffset
            local unit u
            local integer T = 0
            set .P1X = X1
            set .P1Y = Y1
            set .P1Z = Z1
            set .P2X = X2
            set .P2Y = Y2
            set .P2Z = Z2
            set .ChainEvery = ChainEvery
            if(i &gt; MAXCHAINS)then
                debug call BJDebugMsg(&quot;CHAINLINKSYS: Failure, try increasing the CHAINEVERY or MAXCHAINS.&quot;)
            exitwhen T&gt;MAXCHAINS
                        call RemoveUnit(.Chains[T])
                       set .Chains[T]=null
                set T=T+1
            if(.Chains[1] ==null)then
                set .anchor = CreateUnit(.Owner,.unitcode,.P1X,.P1Y,0)
                set .Chains[1] = .anchor
            set .anchor = .Chains[1]
            call SetUnitX(.anchor,cX)
            call SetUnitY(.anchor,cY)
            call UnitAddAbility(.anchor,&#039;Amrf&#039;)
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(.anchor,cZ,0)
            call UnitRemoveAbility(.anchor,&#039;Amrf&#039;)
            call SetUnitUserData(.anchor,this)
            exitwhen var &gt; (i)
                set cX = cX + .ChainEvery*Cos(theta)*Sin(phi)
                set cY = cY + .ChainEvery*Sin(theta)*Sin(phi)
                set cZ = cZ + .ChainEvery*Cos(phi)
                if(.Chains[var] == null)then
                    set u = CreateUnit(.Owner,.unitcode,cX,cY,0)
                    set .Chains[var] = u 
                set u = .Chains[var]
                call SetUnitX(u,cX)
                call SetUnitY(u,cY)
                call UnitAddAbility(u,&#039;Amrf&#039;)
                call SetUnitFlyHeight(u,cZ,0)
                call UnitRemoveAbility(u,&#039;Amrf&#039;)
                call SetUnitUserData(u,this)
                set var=var+1
            if(.Chains[var] ==null)then
                set .head = CreateUnit(.Owner,.unitcode,.P2X,.P2Y,0)
                set .Chains[var] = .head
            set .head = .Chains[var]
            call SetUnitX(.head,.P2X + .Get.XOffset)
            call SetUnitY(.head,.P2Y + .Get.YOffset)
            call UnitAddAbility(.head,&#039;Amrf&#039;)
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(.head,.P2Z + .Get.ZOffset,0)
            call UnitRemoveAbility(.head,&#039;Amrf&#039;)
            call SetUnitUserData(.head,this)
        private static method CreateChain takes ChainLink t returns nothing
            local real dist = SquareRoot(Pow(t.P1X-t.P2X,2)+Pow(t.P1Y-t.P2Y,2)+Pow(t.P1Z-t.P2Z,2))
            local integer i = R2I(dist/t.ChainEvery)
            local integer var =0
            local real phi = Acos((t.P2Z-t.P1Z)/dist)
            local real theta = Atan2(t.P2Y-t.P1Y,t.P2X-t.P1X)
            local real cX = t.P1X + t.Get.XOffset
            local real cY = t.P1Y + t.Get.YOffset
            local real cZ = t.P1Z + t.Get.ZOffset
            local unit u 
            if(i &gt; MAXCHAINS)then
                debug call BJDebugMsg(&quot;CHAINLINKSYS: Failure, try increasing the CHAINEVERY or MAXCHAINS.&quot;)
            set t.anchor =CreateUnit(t.Owner,t.unitcode,t.P1X,t.P1Y,0)
            call UnitAddAbility(t.anchor,&#039;Amrf&#039;)
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(t.anchor,t.P1Z,0)
            call UnitRemoveAbility(t.anchor,&#039;Amrf&#039;)
            set t.Chains[1] = t.anchor
            call SetUnitUserData(t.anchor,t)
            exitwhen var &gt; (i-1)
                set cX = cX + t.ChainEvery*Cos(theta)*Sin(phi)
                set cY = cY + t.ChainEvery*Sin(theta)*Sin(phi)
                set cZ = cZ + t.ChainEvery*Cos(phi)
                set u =CreateUnit(t.Owner,t.unitcode,cX,cY,0)
                call UnitAddAbility(u,&#039;Amrf&#039;)
                call SetUnitFlyHeight(u,cZ,0)
                call UnitRemoveAbility(u,&#039;Amrf&#039;)
                set t.Chains[var+2] = u
                call SetUnitUserData(u,t)
                set var=var+1
            set t.head = CreateUnit(t.Owner,t.unitcode,t.P2X,t.P2Y,0)
            call UnitAddAbility(t.head,&#039;Amrf&#039;)
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(t.head,t.P2Z,0)
            call UnitRemoveAbility(t.head,&#039;Amrf&#039;)
            call SetUnitUserData(t.head,t)
            set t.Chains[var+2] = t.head
            call t.CheckStats()
    function GetChains takes ChainLink t returns group
        local group g = CreateGroup()
        local integer i = 0
        exitwhen i &gt; MAXCHAINS
            if(t.Chains<i> != null) then 
                call GroupAddUnit(g,t.Chains<i>)
            set i = i +1
        if bj_lastCreatedGroup != null then
            call DestroyGroup(bj_lastCreatedGroup)
            set bj_lastCreatedGroup = CreateGroup()
        call GroupAddGroup(g,bj_lastCreatedGroup)
        call DestroyGroup(g)
        set g = null
        return bj_lastCreatedGroup

I know that some people are new to vJass and don't like using it that much, here are a few "BJ" functions you can use.

library CLSBJs requires ChainLinkSys

    function CreateChain takes real X1, real Y1, real Z1, real X2, real Y2, real Z2, integer unitcode, real ChainEvery, player P returns ChainLink
        local ChainLink new = ChainLink.create(X1,Y1,Z1,X2,Y2,Z2,unitcode,ChainEvery,P)
        return new
    function MoveChainLink takes ChainLink t, real X1, real Y1, real Z1, real X2, real Y2, real Z2, real ChainEvery returns nothing
        call t.MoveChain(X1,Y1,Z1,X2,Y2,Z2,ChainEvery)
    function MoveAnchor takes ChainLink t, real X1, real Y1, real Z1 returns nothing
        call t.MoveChain(X1,Y1,Z1,t.P2X,t.P2Y,t.P2Z,t.ChainEvery)
    function MoveHead takes ChainLink t, real X1, real Y1, real Z1 returns nothing
        call t.MoveChain(t.P1X,t.P1Y,t.P1Z,X1,Y1,Z1,t.ChainEvery)


Heres a test map: (Sorry it's so bland, running out of space o_O...)


  • ChainLinkSys.w3x
    33.4 KB · Views: 250
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Woops, my bad. No, didn't test that part, h/o I'll fix it now. Thanks for tip.

Screenshots are there, just didn't say "Screenshots." Most of the functions have extremely similar input as there Lightning counterparts. I'll add more documentation though.


Stops copies me!
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constant integer MAXCHAINS = 500
You might wanna lower that a bit, since you're limiting your system to ~16 instances at a time (whether that's achieveable or not, I don't really know, but it is extremely low :p) - it's unlikely that anyone would ever need to go above 100 links per chain and that's still very unlikely because of lag and/or movement problems (sine unit movement starts screwing up around 150-200 units, doesn't it?)

Your documentation of the methods should explain what parameters the method takes (else you will find people just doing call
var.Attach ()
and wondering why it doesn't work :p)

And I can't see where you are destroying your STATS instance, even though it's being created with each struct instance
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>You might wanna lower that a bit, sine you're limiting your system to ~16 instances at a time (whether that's achieveable or not, I don't really know, but it is extremely low )

I realized it was really high XD. Especially when it started lagging on my computer after like two instances (My computer REALLY sucks.) <FIXED>

>Your documentation of the methods should explain what parameters the method takes (else you will find people just doing call data.Attach () and wonder why it doesn't work )

Ya, I'm fixing the documentation now. <DOING NOW>

>And I can't see where you are destroying your STATS instance, even though it's being created with each struct instance
XD, STATS was the last thing I put in so I forgot to destroy it, I'll fix that too. Because I intend to make a LITE version and Full version, (Lite includes basic features, Full includes basic features and Extra features), was just using it to sort things out.<FIXED>


New Member
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This system can be used for many things.

If you improve it, it can be a wonderfull thing ^^
It can even make creating a easier Meat Hook xD
Try to make the anchor units face the running side.
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Yay! An opinion! XD I was like, "Oh no! Everyone is just saying whats wrong with it, not whats good about it o_O" Anyway, thanks :D

Improvement is coming soon! Originally flexibility and retractability would have been in the first release, but I wanted to release it before the weekend ended.

That's almost exactly what I based it on XD I combined two abilities together to make this. One was simply exactly like this, I was trying to make a "lightning" effect appear to one player (didn't know how to use GetLocalPlayer() at the time >.>) and I made something like this.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but thanks for reminding me o_O... I'm going to add functions for the facing angles of the units.
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Ok people, I know I said the next version will be out soon... I lied. Debate tourney this saturday and preparation has never led me astray before. Most likely finished by Sunday. Some functions prepared for the new release: Retractability (YAY, automatic meat hook/ChainLink!)
Flexibility(YAY, Ive been told this doesnt lag on their computers but it sure as hell lags on mine. Anyway YAY!!!! Flexibility!!!)
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Sorry 'bout that, it's been fixed in the latest function, which will be uploaded soon which is including:
-Vector Arc Projection
-Maybe RGB gradient... Maybe...
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