Civilization IV Warcraft Edition Project



Civilization IV Warcraft Edition Project

Hello and Welcome, My friend and I are putting together a mapping team to emulate to the best of our ablility, the much loved game Civilization IV.

Unfortunately, the amount fo work is far two great for even the two of us, we are lacking all but the basic skills for creating a map of this type. This is not a modding project just a single map that we are creating.

We have decided that is would be very interesting to put together a map on this scale, but we cannot do it alone, we need your help.

There are several key skills sets we are looking for and this will not be an easy task by any means, it will be alot of work. I just need to let you know that.

We have completely most of the resource gathering already, and have completed most of the basic concepts of what we want to see, we are now near the stage were we can start producing the actual map, which is why we need you.

We are looking for person(s) who have a vast knowledge of triggers, objects and advanced map making. We also may require a few model experst in case we need to create our own.

Also there will be roles for voice acting to create sounds that we cannot find through other means.

Producers - chrisciscoioio (me) and Tornad0 on USEAST
Project Manager - chrisciscoioio (me)
Lead Tester - Tornad0
Map Makers -
Triggers -
Objects -
Model Creator's -
Voice Actors -



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Producers - chrisciscoioio (me) and Tornad0 on USEAST
Project Manager - chrisciscoioio (me)
Lead Tester - Tornad0
2 people for the 3 most 'important' roles?

Map Makers - (Let's see, there goes terrain)
Triggers - (And triggers)
Objects - (and units/heroes/spells)
Model Creator's - (imports)
Voice Actors - (more imports/sounds)
Do any of you actually do any of the work?!

So what are you guys planning on doing? The role of credit takers? Anyone can do that role actually, I'm quite an expert in stealing credit.
So I am much better suited for your position of 'Producer/Project Manager' after all, I highly doubt any of you (chrisciscoioio and tornad0 have any leadership training/experience) have dealt with leadership and maintaining people. So please forfeit your positions to me, since I am better at stealing credit and (likely) have more leadership experience.

You two will tell people what to you, and you will take all the credit. Unless I'm wrong, which I'm sure you 2 have a greatly over-dramatized and oversize and very stressful role to play, don't you?


No actually,

You are completely wrong and out of line, that seems like a flame to me, from were I come from.

Apparently youm missed the concept completely, I nor my friend will be 100%of the credit, we will not be taking much credit at all, the credit will be fair to the work that is done, and will be properly noted both in the game as a victory video and the website I am putting together for the game.

Now I was assured by many people that this was a good place to recruit members to assist me, am I wrong in that respect, I surely hope not.

How can anyone know what I stand for after reading just one post, and making a judgement on that. Hoe does anyone know what kind of leadership training I have had, there is not one thing in my profile here that would lean ethier way.

Just so you know the reason why we are the producers is this was our idea, we came up with trying to start this, any money involved for hosting is coming out of my pocket, not anyone elses. O and on work, I have a alot of research to do, finding all the resources in terms of models we can use, managing the project, making the website, but my friend has asked to be no more than an idea man and do testing, he cannot lead, but he is not leading.

So please before you continue your flame, maybe you should do some thinking.


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I agree completely to WindexGlow harsh truth comments. And I'm sure that many people will also agree with him. Well. At least the basic meaning of it.


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If you ever gets started. I doubt anyone will help him. He's kind of missing everything that needs to make a map and asking other people to do all of them.


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Agreed, I try not to ask for help unless I still plan to do the bulk of the work... chriscisco my suggestion would be to not worry about new models or sounds and focus more on triggering and terrain, those are what make the map.

Model and sounds are just bell and whistles.... so focus on getting the city upgrading and movement down... before you worry about anything else

after all you need to be sure that it is possible to emulate the system in civ4

BTW.... i liked civ3 better


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Another Models and Sounds take a whole lot of space. Very useless if you ask me. Unless they are needed.


There is no spoon
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No, no... don't go there. Civilization is way out the the league of anything you can do with Warcraft.


Start the project and if you still feel like it when it's half done THEN you should start asking for a team, oh by the way, put models and sounds at the end of all that stuff, I'd say its the less important.. Oh and Civilisation IV has a so long gameplay most people would just drop or get bored before game finishes, I wouldn't make such a project :(. And how your post was wrote, it seem like you just want to recruit skilled ppl achieve wut you can't do yourself?


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Now, i think it would be possible... but it would not be completed for about a year, and it would have to no longer be turn based, and you would have to get creative with the resources

It would have to be simplified a lot and would end up very different than the original civ4... but hey this is warcraft not civilization.


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recruit skilled ppl achieve wut you can't do yourself?
The point in having a team is
A: Getting things done faster
B: Getting things done better
C: Getting Things Done Nicer

Though, you have a problem when the leaders, or people in charge, that have no clue on how to do any of it.

06 encampment for Civil Air Patrol learned a nice reminder of this. One flight commander didn't know how to drill properly. Caused a major problem, since we didn't have any replacements, so the logistics officer (senior) had to step in and take control of the flight while a replacement was found (Flight sergeant was given commander, and a cadet was given sergeant) Which is a big no-no for encampments, I'm not sure but I believe that's against the rules.

Civil Air Patrol: Air force axerually, 12-19(cadets) 19-(till your dead, people 19 and over are called seniors and are officers) We fly 4/5 of the air force homeland missing person searches. We respond to natural disaster (tornadoes, ect) We provide color guard for our small town (color guard=people who raise the flag/lower it, we do more than that, it's the basic meaning of it)


......and you are?
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Even those these words might seem harsh, to find a good team people want to know that you are going to follow through with stuff, and Civ 4 would be a major undertaking. No one really knows you here so when you only put yourself down as a producer and project manager everyone wants to know what you are going to do. Last look at the section where you are supposed to post this stuff, and include a little more information. What type of game will it be, units, stuff you can do, items, creeps, story etc.


Well I am certainly wrong about this site, forgive me for doing things the way the real world does things.

You know you have a guy who manages and then other people take on various tasks in the project. You know how they develop real games.

But I guess that is to much to ask is to form a real life team the way it is done, were everyone has there special talents.

I was hoping to get a good reponse and I haerd great things about this web site, but I will not be giving any and it does not matter if anyone thinks that this will not make any difference.

I am looking for skilled people who can do things I can not, if I could do it myself why would I come looking for a team of people to help me and work with me.

This post was never about adveristing the prject this was simily about getting people to join up.

This is not about idea's I am fully aware that it will not be turn based and I solving out methods to reduce game time, that is the one of the things i am working on.

WindexGlow I noticed that the site refers to you as being somewhat helpful, I cannot see this as being true in any way considering you came in here and judged me before even knowning anything about me, you read right through to what you wanted to see. That is wrong, not methion the flaming.

The point of a team is to create a group of people who with all their combined skills can work together as one to complete a project that they cannot do alone.

Also I never judged your leadership ever, but I did say that you cannot judge me.

How I make this map is not up for disscussion I have a vision and you only get input if you join a team, otherwise you will be ignored, considered that you have nothing good to say.

Let me explain again what I have to do, I am not going to explain Tornad0 because he has asked to be given limited roles so he wil recieve limited credit as would be fair.

Problem solving

All of those are valid jobs in creating a game.

Maybe this will help, let me explain about myself, since that seems to be in doubt.

My Name is Chris Harshman, I am 20 years old and I live in Ontario Canada, in a city called Oshawa, I currently in college for computer programming and game design and management, my email address is [email protected], my phone number is 905-728-8875 (its real). I attend church at St. Joesph the Worker Parish. I have had two jobs and am starting a third soon, my first job was managing kids 6-12 at Eastview Boys and Girls Club Canada, little kids are harder than adults if you have never tryed you cannot understand. My second job was calling for the Liberal party of Canada during the last election and my third up coming job is working at OnStar. I really do not know what else I can tell you, I am completely honest here, and you people are a bunch of vultures hiding behind computer screens, I have only one person that shows any kind of support. All the rest should be very disappointed in themselves, you vultures.

I am no longer being nice now, you people are real jerks, would you ever treat real people this way, ever? if you would you have problems.

Btw, were is the real forum to post this in, just in case you know people relize they are being jerks and decide to help, I am sorry for putting this in the wrong area, but could not find the right area.

Now begon vultures, you heard me, leave me in peace you jerks.


Someone posted between this being posted and me starting it.

Well I only came here, because many people said this was a great place to recruit masters in the different fields, and if anyone actually signed up I can show them what I have but I am no were near ready to post it, I have alot of work left in laying out all the concepts.

Why should it matter if I am new here, forst impressions are the most important, and this was not a good first impression, I have some hope, two out of like 9 thats pretty poor.


Kisses Cats
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The rightful place for this is in Member's Projects. (It is mostly maps.) I would gladly help with this but I'm afraid that is too much for me to help with. About the turn-based game. I believe somewhere, someone made a turn-based game and posted it and information about it on this site. You might try to search for it. If I wasn't mistaken on that, that would very beneficiary and the gameplay from the original Civilization game wouldn't have to be altered as much. Good Luck man.


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Sorry for being kind of a jerk. But your first post really made me do it. For one thing you listed all the jobs that is needed for making a map. And then you listed yourself as producer. Usually producer's main job is to make something well-known. And the only way to make a map well-known is to host it. Which has nothing to do with making the map. Which made it sound like you are going to take credit for it. I saw some people try to do this here. Or some other well-known forum. So to tell you the truth. You gave a hell of a bad first impression. But you should look up some things about the things you're asking for. I would help you. But from what people say here. It's going to be very hard and requires high level of skills. Something I lack.

Also usually the real world I consider it more of a trade. You need money. So you work and you get money.


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Well I am certainly wrong about this site, forgive me for doing things the way the real world does things.
You give up so easily. I say your project (if ever started) would last 3 days with that kind of attitude.

You know you have a guy who manages and then other people take on various tasks in the project. You know how they develop real games.
Those people have training and actually have spent time creating (not managing) games in order to get to the position to where they are.

But I guess that is to much to ask is to form a real life team the way it is done, were everyone has there special talents.
These people on this website are hobbiest. Creating warcraft3 maps are not their actual life and job (might be their life for some of them). There is a massive difference from a hobby, and a job.

I was hoping to get a good reponse and I haerd great things about this web site, but I will not be giving any and it does not matter if anyone thinks that this will not make any difference.
Once again, your project will crash and burn with that kind of easy-to-give-in attitude.

I am looking for skilled people who can do things I can not, if I could do it myself why would I come looking for a team of people to help me and work with me.
Learn it yourself than.

This post was never about adveristing the prject this was simily about getting people to join up.
It was advertising your game in hopes for people to join up. People would not sign up for a game they do not know exists. The only way for people to know if something exists, is for it to be advertised (and advertisement comes in many ways)

This is not about idea's I am fully aware that it will not be turn based and I solving out methods to reduce game time, that is the one of the things i am working on.
2 minds are better than one.

WindexGlow I noticed that the site refers to you as being somewhat helpful, I cannot see this as being true in any way considering you came in here and judged me before even knowning anything about me, you read right through to what you wanted to see. That is wrong, not methion the flaming.
I was mentioned ^_^
I can't ****ing believe you go and make **** post about my morales, which you can't ****ing grade after 1 ****ing post.
Haha, I can be just like you! :D

The point of a team is to create a group of people who with all their combined skills can work together as one to complete a project that they cannot do alone.
Thanks for the history lesson.

Also I never judged your leadership ever, but I did say that you cannot judge me.
Let's go back to one of your quotes
being somewhat helpful, I cannot see this as being true in any way considering
You are right there, judging my leadership and intergrity in being helpful and helping others.
How I make this map is not up for disscussion I have a vision and you only get input if you join a team, otherwise you will be ignored, considered that you have nothing good to say.
Another reason why your project is going to crash and burn. 20 heads are better than 5 heads.

Let me explain again what I have to do, I am not going to explain Tornad0 because he has asked to be given limited roles so he wil recieve limited credit as would be fair.
Sure. Why not. Yup. I'm sure he did. Honestly! I do!

Problem solving

Research can be done in a few hours.
Problem solving: So you're doing all the problem solving on your own, not giving anyone a chance.
Website: Only difficult one there.
Management: Give a person a list of things to do, and proper explanation on how you want it, and chew him out if he does it wrong. ooo, managment.
Testing: Your map will have so many bugs in it if you are in charge of 'testing' and not letting people do their own things, like normal people would(catching the most common bugs).
Planning: So now you're not putting any of the people's own motives/interests/thoughts into this project.

'I'm going to go over to some friends'

All of those are valid jobs in creating a game.
Once again, the people on this site use warcarft3 as a hobby. While those jobs do exist in a real game development, warcraft3 does not have fancy computers, we do not have to make all our models from scratch, we are not developing a commercial game for a due date. We have no punishment for not doing our part.

I really do not know what else I can tell you, I am completely honest here, and you people are a bunch of vultures hiding behind computer screens, I have only one person that shows any kind of support. All the rest should be very disappointed in themselves, you vultures.
So now you're questioning our integrity and how nice we actually are. After what, 2 posts?

I am no longer being nice now, you people are real jerks, would you ever treat real people this way, ever? if you would you have problems.
See above.

Btw, were is the real forum to post this in, just in case you know people relize they are being jerks and decide to help, I am sorry for putting this in the wrong area, but could not find the right area.
Likely in member's projects.
But be aware, that I look in that forum also. =]
Now, if you let people actually submit ideas, than I'd gladly help as a person who gives a few ideas (not being part of the actual team, just a poster interested in your game and improving it's ideas)

Now begon vultures, you heard me, leave me in peace you jerks.
You know what, I'm getting really sick and tired of you THINKING that you know what we're actually like.

Thanks for reading my long post :D
Btw topic maker (Your name confused me :() expect people like me all your life. Yup. If that doesn't make you go insane, no clue what will.


First off, that was a rant I came to a site that I heard great things about and people go all out to make my idea fail.

You give up so easily. I say your project (if ever started) would last 3 days with that kind of attitude.

I am not giving up, just considering giving up here.

Those people have training and actually have spent time creating (not managing) games in order to get to the position to where they are.

I have spent time creating many games, not really for WCIII, but most other RTS games with Map Editor's I have done some small mod's for Civ III I have written games and programs in VB 6.0 and .net,,, as well as played around with various scripts including ruby and action script for flash and flash in general.

I have done more than enough to be able to manage something like this.

These people on this website are hobbiest. Creating warcraft3 maps are not their actual life and job (might be their life for some of them). There is a massive difference from a hobby, and a job.

I am not asking for this to be a job, just emulating real life.

Once again, your project will crash and burn with that kind of easy-to-give-in attitude.

Read Top.

Learn it yourself than.

If I was not balancing school a job guild management, and Real Life, then maybe If Had the hours during a day I could.

It was advertising your game in hopes for people to join up. People would not sign up for a game they do not know exists. The only way for people to know if something exists, is for it to be advertised (and advertisement comes in many ways)

Think of the state as concept boards, nothing is ready to be viewed by the public, when it is I will be happy to, but I need the team of people so they can correct were I have maybe over stepped WCIII abilities or for their idea's

2 minds are better than one.

Read Above, again I was looking for people with skills nothing more yet.

I was mentioned ^_^
I can't ****ing believe you go and make **** post about my morales, which you can't ****ing grade after 1 ****ing post.
Haha, I can be just like you! :D

You did read to what you wanted to see, you already said that, I said nothing more about you that what you said.

Thanks for the history lesson.

How is that history it is no more correct than your view?

Let's go back to one of your quotes
being somewhat helpful, I cannot see this as being true in any way considering
You are right there, judging my leadership and intergrity in being helpful and helping others.

That was taking off what the forums said, and you cut out that part and took my words out of context and in my mind you are only being helpful by showing me how you treat people through your words.

Another reason why your project is going to crash and burn. 20 heads are better than 5 heads.

Read up, once I get the team their input is important, another thing that is implied with team you miss read.

Sure. Why not. Yup. I'm sure he did. Honestly! I do!

You are blaming him for asking me what role he wanted to play.

Research can be done in a few hours.
Problem solving: So you're doing all the problem solving on your own, not giving anyone a chance.
Website: Only difficult one there.
Management: Give a person a list of things to do, and proper explanation on how you want it, and chew him out if he does it wrong. ooo, managment.
Testing: Your map will have so many bugs in it if you are in charge of 'testing' and not letting people do their own things, like normal people would(catching the most common bugs).
Planning: So now you're not putting any of the people's own motives/interests/thoughts into this project.

I have spent over 50 hours on researching various bits and pieces.

Problem solving, that is something the whole group does, again I never said that those were mine and mine alone to handle, your reading to what you want to see, it is wrong.

Manage is much more than that, you have to deal with everyone's headaches, even with group tention.

I would be testing with the team, why do you think me and me alone is testing.

Planning invloves taking everyon'es ideas' and putting them together, I do have the general vision, but even in those plans there is a disclaimer.

'I'm going to go over to some friends'

I have to even go check what you are refering to, that makes no sense.

That is nothing like what would happen.

Once again, the people on this site use warcarft3 as a hobby. While those jobs do exist in a real game development, warcraft3 does not have fancy computers, we do not have to make all our models from scratch, we are not developing a commercial game for a due date. We have no punishment for not doing our part.

It still is a job or task to complete, but not as in getting paided for it or deadlines, there is no deadline for this game and there never will be.

So now you're questioning our integrity and how nice we actually are. After what, 2 posts?

Your right I am, after what you have written in your posts,

See above.

You acting like jerks to me, and the second part is a general statment, that people treat people differently when they do not me face to face, It is a proven fact.

Likely in member's projects.
But be aware, that I look in that forum also. =]
Now, if you let people actually submit ideas, than I'd gladly help as a person who gives a few ideas (not being part of the actual team, just a poster interested in your game and improving it's ideas)

Is that a threat first off, and when the game is ready to be posted about, if every thanks to here, then I willl open it up for sugegstions.

You know what, I'm getting really sick and tired of you THINKING that you know what we're actually like.

I am reading out from my first impression, and first impressions are important, if you read my post count it is 4 and all 4 are in here.

Thanks for reading my long post :D
Btw topic maker (Your name confused me :() expect people like me all your life. Yup. If that doesn't make you go insane, no clue what will.

I am not going insane.

My name is my first name plus cisco for my cisco system training I took in both management and problem solving and the ioio are for binary, I know it should be 1010, but the first time I made the name no numbers so i used letters and it stuck.

I expect to run into people like you and thats what ignore features are for, but I am giving you a few more chances, my fingers are liking all the exercise they are getting.


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Well I only came here, because many people said this was a great place to recruit masters in the different fields, and if anyone actually signed up I can show them what I have but I am no were near ready to post it, I have alot of work left in laying out all the concepts.

People don't take kindly to harsh words... if anybody had considered helping you they will no longer entertain the idea. Besides, most people here, as windexglow said, are hobbiests and thus take great pride in their work which will only be done in their spare time if they want to.

Whether or not your intention, you have given us a first impression of you... as LAZY... this is not game development, this is map-making, I would not want to take orders from somebody that just wants worker bees to do his bidding and then takes all the credit.

You have a funny idea of how the real world works... "What's in it for me?" is the first question anybody has. In this case, nobody will be paid or even appear to be given credit for their work.

Problem solving

Uh all of this is easy, i have to agree with windexglow again. All of it is easy, and frankly the fact that it has half of it has not already been done is dissapointing. How hard is Website (i have one), problem solving (you currently have no problems to solve), Research
(please), Testing (you haven't even started apparently), Planning (WTF, that's your job), Management (yeah tell your little worker bees what to do)

BTW... if you have a real vision then use it... then realize it... if its not worth doing yourself then its not worth doing. In business, you need a business plan and you do not have one at all other than to tell others to figure it out for you.

If I was not balancing school a job guild management, and Real Life, then maybe If Had the hours during a day I could.

Why did you decide to do it?

I have spent over 50 hours on researching various bits and pieces.

Yeah, i'd just look at the game and decide what to do, WHY DON'T YOU!

First off, that was a rant I came to a site that I heard great things about and people go all out to make my idea fail.

You're coming off as a real jerk that doesn't respect that people have LIVES and resent being bossed around.

Heck, my first post i at least did my own work...

So in summary, if you want this map to happen you'll need to do most of the work yourself and i, along with others, will be happy to help you.


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Like I said before. I lack the skills to help you from what I'm hearing. If you need something simple and basic done then I could help you. But it's better if you leave it off to someone with more experience then me. Second, I'm sorry for acting like a jerk but like Mr. Fire said above me. You really did give a bad first impression. (yeah but I'm guilty to. Also It's a bad habit of mine) You're time is limited. Something I don't really understand because I'm still only 14. Go to the tutorial site for like 30 minutes a day and then read some other tutorials in the tutoral section. Once you get the basics. Everything else kind of makes more sense and then it's only up to experience. Of course you will have some hard times and that's when these forums become very very helpful.
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