Other Genocida v1.x


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Download links:
http://genocida.webs.com/Genocida v1.2.w3x


Please come back and leave comments after playing the map to help me make better maps. :)

1. Map Info
2. Gameplay
3. Features
4. Screenshots
5. Changelog
6. Epilogue (Lore)
7. Tips & Hints

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1. Map Info

Genre: A mix between StarCraft ZoneControl, Diablo 2, and Footman Frenzy
Map Size: 96x96
Playable Map Area: 72x84
Suggested Players: 4-12

2. Gameplay

The map is played in 4 teams of 3 players (although I’d like to make it 3 teams of 4 players, but I need a skilled terrainer for this). The game focuses more on your overall army than your Hero(es). Depending upon your race and tier, units will spawn at your main base every X seconds. You may upgrade your army at your Research Center and by ‘’tiering up.’’ Heroes are a necessity in the game, as without one, you may not tier up. Be careful with them though, as once they die, they’re dead—permanently. You may still hire another one, but it will start over at level 1. Also, when a Hero dies, all of its items (except for armors, amulets, rings, trinkets, scrolls, and potions) will drop on the ground. Controlling the center is of vital importance. To win, you must defeat all the enemies’ main base.

3. Features

- Highly strategic and offensive gameplay;
- Choose between Chaos Mode, and Normal Mode;
- String commands and a Mass Controller to control all your troops at once;
- 3 uniquely distinct races, each complete with a shitload of custom upgrades, units, and Heroes;
- Set, Crafted, and Unique items;
- 9 shops, including a Casino and a Bank!

4. Screenshots

Coming soon...

5. Changelog


----- v1.2 -----

Bugs fixed:

- Hotkeys for hiring spawned and some special units now display properly;
- Tornadoes now disappear after the storm is over;
- Added another Help topic in the Help & Info dialogue;
- Fixed hotkeys who clashed with command hotkeys;
- Fixed Idle Worker text;
- Fixed a spelling mistake.

Gameplay changes:

- After choosing a race, a squad of Tier 1 spawns will spawn at your base.

----- v1.1 -----

Bugs fixed:

- Renamed the ''Quests'' log to ''Help & Info'';
- Added more help topics in the ''Help & Info'' log;
- Changed the Idle Worker icon;
- Fixed the Idle Worker text;
- Fixed a bug that teleported the Messenger to a player's start location.

Gameplay changes:

- The return rate on Investing is now based on how much you invest.

----- v1.0 -----

Bugs fixed:

- As BETA is over, Fun Mode is now fully functional;
- Renamed ''Fun Mode'' to ''Chaos Mode'';
- Changed the model for the Slime Monster (Slime Form);
- Changed the color of Chaos Mode;
- When casting Charge, the Swordmaster now plays a real animation;
- Fixed the Victory/Defeat conditions;
- Fixed Charge tooltip;
- Fixed the cooldown on Charge;
- Fixed Escape tooltip;
- Fixed Gag tooltip;
- Fixed Cloak tooltip;
- Fixed the art for Rays of Light;
- Fixed Royal Champion sound set;
- Fixed a bug that gave Water Dragons Large armor;
- Fixed a bug that made Fireball stun Heroes too long;
- Fixed a bug regarding the Mass Controller. It should now work properly;
- Fixed a bug that made Rays of Light damage the Lightstalker;
- Fixed a bug that did nothing when casting Darkness;
- Fixed a bug that resulted in a player's Hero being sent to the Mass Controller when entering Pink's Circle of Power;
- Removed 14 leaks.

Gameplay changes:

- As BETA is over, Chaos Mode is now fully functional;
- Added a scroll which lets you make custom item mix;
- Increased Protection Aura armor bonus by 1;
- Decreased Command Aura damage bonus by 1.5;
- Decreased Snipe damage to 300/450/600;
- Decreased the life of Occupied Gold Mine to 2000;
- Decreased price of all super Heroes to 3000;
- Decreased price of Lightstalker to 4500;
- Decreased Heroes' experience rate to 70%;
- Decreased the cooldown of Darkness to 6 seconds;
- Decreased the mana cost of Darkness;
- Removed Permanent Invisibility from Slime Monster (Slime Form).

Older changelogs can be found here: http://genocida.webs.com/changelog.htm

6. Epilogue (Lore)

After Arthas merged with the Lich King, the Scourge’s power increased tenfolds, thanks to the increased mental control the ‘new’ Lich King had over his undead minions.

Now turning his attention to what Arthas considered to be the most powerful race of Azeroth—the Night Elves, he unleashes the most massive army the world has ever seen against them. Attacked from the North by the Scourge, and the South by the Orcs, the Night Elves were doomed to extermination, and for each warrior that fell in battle, the Scourge grew stronger…

The Lich King’s attention now turned not to the Horde, but to the Alliance. The Alliance knew that they stood not a hint of a chance against the now-more-powerful-than-ever Scourge. And so the Alliance’s new leader—Jaina Proudmoore—traveled to Ogrimmar to meet with Thrall—the Horde’s warchief—to make a pact...

Four years later, with no sign of victory in the horizon, Thrall and Jaina know that if they don’t manage to get rid of the Scourge within 3 years, they will slowly but surely lose. They therefore decide the Horde’s engineers and shamans must work in unison with the Alliance’s magis and scientists to develop a weapon that will get rid of the Undead…

A year passes, and the team of Orcish and Human technicians and spellcasters is on the verge of success, but something goes terribly wrong during one of the beta phase of the newly invented weapon, and the team is propelled into an alternate dimension. Each Human and Dwarf magi and scientist now blaming the Orc shamans and Goblin engineers for the failure of the project, and vice-versa, they swear to rebuild their civilization and destroy the other race once and for all… However, little do they know that this alternate dimension of Azeroth containes a danger far more dangerous than the Scourge: the ever-evolving Swarm…

7. Tips & Hints

- Press Spacebar to automatically center the camera onto the Mass Controller;
- Use string commands to control your whole army. It’s a lot faster than controlling a group of 12;
- Control the center. Controlling the center will earn you gold. If you can, hire a Miner and build an Occupied Gold Mine onto the Gold Mine to ensure only you earn gold, and a lot of it, too.

Be sure to visit http://genocida.webs.com/ for more info!

Download links:
http://genocida.webs.com/Genocida v1.2.w3x


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Is this the map that we'll be doing? Or something else.

Anyways, I'll try it out.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Oh. Forgot to save reply. But I played it.

Well I already told you about the terraining thru email so I'll skip that part. The gameplay was fun... wierd, I only played single player vsing computers that didn't even attack me. :D But it was still cool. I like how the units can upgrade abilities and things to your choice. And the races are cool and have their own speciality - Humans, Orks, and Zergs (zergs ftw!). :)

I think the hero system could be changed. Imo... or, I hate games where there's different hero costs. I mean, just choose the hero that costs the most and is the best, right? Heroes should be about the same with balance and cost. Maybe if you made some skills a little more custom, it would be cooler.

But great game. :thup:


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Oh. Forgot to save reply. But I played it.

Well I already told you about the terraining thru email so I'll skip that part. The gameplay was fun... wierd, I only played single player vsing computers that didn't even attack me. :D But it was still cool. I like how the units can upgrade abilities and things to your choice. And the races are cool and have their own speciality - Humans, Orks, and Zergs (zergs ftw!). :)

I think the hero system could be changed. Imo... or, I hate games where there's different hero costs. I mean, just choose the hero that costs the most and is the best, right? Heroes should be about the same with balance and cost. Maybe if you made some skills a little more custom, it would be cooler.

But great game. :thup:

Ya, like in most footmen wars maps there is no AI. I plan to add AI for v2.0.

Yea, higher cost heroes are more a bit more powerful. They have 10 stats points more, and 25 life more. They also gain 3 points more per level, and cost 3.5 times as much (1000 vs 3500) But at the start of the game, you don't have enough for one. So you can pretty much only buy them towards mid-game, and then, is it really worth it?

I agree with your last point; I need to add more custom spells. I only have like 5 lol. It's just that a lot of normal Blizz spells seemed to fit in fine. Any ideas though?

Btw, we should play this on bnet. What realm are you on and what time would you be able to play?


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Realm: East
Time Zone: -5 GMT
Play Time: Anywhere from 8:00 to 24:00
Depends on the day, but I'm most likely on more at the late hours.


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Oh yeah, it is. Username: thewrongvine

Where do you play? Forgot...

USEast. I'll be on tomorrow. Well, right now, it's 11pm for me, so I'll be on in the morning an d evening tomorrow.

My account name is Lightstalker. The 'l' in 'stalker' is actually a capital i because someone hacked my account so I had to make a new one...


Giving new meaning to co-op... slowly
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sounds like fun, and I think your description covered all the bases it needs to... but your lacking screenshots :p as much as they dont really matter, i think most people (like me) wont bother testing a game without seeing it first... basically because people always write uber descriptions of their maps just for you to play and find out the terrain is crap, and all the feature they talk about are the ones coming in 'the next release' (which just happens to never come). I think you should take a few snaps to accumulate some interest


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Did you play it? :D It's fun, and the terraining is pretty nice for a footman map. But it will be changed soon by some "secret forces". :)


Giving new meaning to co-op... slowly
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nah I didn't, but i'll b.net host it tonight and let you know what reactions I get. I used to be massively into footmen war games until people stopped making new ones or even doing passable updates for the old ones. It'll be nice to give a new foots a go...

EDIT - just played the map on b.net with a few others (normal mode), have to say it's looking good. Alot of nice systems and features... well actually a hell of alot of content all together. A bit overwhelming almost... which leads to my first suggestion - simply put another quest menu with basic information about the game. Things like how to get to the store, how to combine items (i thought typing -fireclaw was to use an ability, didn't realise it was to combine... im used to auto recipe combo's so it caught me by surprise) and just a little dot point on the major changes from a standard footman game. I feel as tho alot of people will quit your map upon first go just because they can't figure out how to do a simple thing (just because it is so different from the basic footman frenzy style).

Ok heres a question - Do heroes revive? or do you have to buy another hero upon death?? None of us could figure that one out. If you can't revive your hero, I totally suggest you change that. Noone would like to start from square one every time they die, it's just plain annoying.

I didn't try out the mass controller system... just didn't cross my mind while playing. Not that I'm even sure what it is... is it the wisp? if not wtf is the whisp messenger? lol... I just ported it to my team mates base then moved it into the enemies base for vision... I don't think that is working as intended.

With income, I guess you will have to do more play testing to decide if it would be balanced or not, but do you think maybe you could increase the % gain with the larger the amount? or have you trialed it at 20% and feel it should remain constant for the length of the game?

I'm sure I have alot more questions and things to cover but there is just so much content in the game I forgot what else I had to say about it at this point... and there is still alot for me to try :p but I can say these things - A few minor tweaks (and/or just some 'how to' explainations in the quest editor lol) and I'm happy to say this is the best footman style map I've played. I do want to try it full house but i think it is going to take some dedicated hosting on your part to gain interest and pull those scared puppies away from the mediocre footmen frenzy's. Very nice work though, I did enjoy snooping around the map and I hope to see it spread around b.net very soon


New Member
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nah I didn't, but i'll b.net host it tonight and let you know what reactions I get. I used to be massively into footmen war games until people stopped making new ones or even doing passable updates for the old ones. It'll be nice to give a new foots a go...

EDIT - just played the map on b.net with a few others (normal mode), have to say it's looking good. Alot of nice systems and features... well actually a hell of alot of content all together. A bit overwhelming almost... which leads to my first suggestion - simply put another quest menu with basic information about the game. Things like how to get to the store, how to combine items (i thought typing -fireclaw was to use an ability, didn't realise it was to combine... im used to auto recipe combo's so it caught me by surprise) and just a little dot point on the major changes from a standard footman game. I feel as tho alot of people will quit your map upon first go just because they can't figure out how to do a simple thing (just because it is so different from the basic footman frenzy style).

Ok heres a question - Do heroes revive? or do you have to buy another hero upon death?? None of us could figure that one out. If you can't revive your hero, I totally suggest you change that. Noone would like to start from square one every time they die, it's just plain annoying.

I didn't try out the mass controller system... just didn't cross my mind while playing. Not that I'm even sure what it is... is it the wisp? if not wtf is the whisp messenger? lol... I just ported it to my team mates base then moved it into the enemies base for vision... I don't think that is working as intended.

With income, I guess you will have to do more play testing to decide if it would be balanced or not, but do you think maybe you could increase the % gain with the larger the amount? or have you trialed it at 20% and feel it should remain constant for the length of the game?

I'm sure I have alot more questions and things to cover but there is just so much content in the game I forgot what else I had to say about it at this point... and there is still alot for me to try :p but I can say these things - A few minor tweaks (and/or just some 'how to' explainations in the quest editor lol) and I'm happy to say this is the best footman style map I've played. I do want to try it full house but i think it is going to take some dedicated hosting on your part to gain interest and pull those scared puppies away from the mediocre footmen frenzy's. Very nice work though, I did enjoy snooping around the map and I hope to see it spread around b.net very soon

thanks for the suggestions :)

As for your questions, when a Hero dies, it's dead... and you have to buy a new one. (that's the ''diablo'' part of the game :p)

The Mass Controller is controlled by the messenger (wisp). You move it into a circle and your units will attack-move to the owner of the circle's start location. For example, say you're player red, and you move your wisp into the green circle. All your units will attack move to player green's base. The circles on the right+left side makes your forces run home to your base, and the top circle makes all your units cast energy shield (if they have the ability), while the bottom one makes all your units cast berzerk (if they have the ability). If you don't like controlling your forces that way, you can always use strings. Example: -atkred, -atkblue, etc.

Income? You mean investing? I haven't tried making the amount larger with the more you invest, but that seems like a good idea.

Again, thanks for the feedback :)


Giving new meaning to co-op... slowly
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ahhh ok i get the mass system now.... but dude i was red, i moved my wisp to blue and it ported out into the game besides blues base... from there i could move it as a spy anywhere i pleased. Dunno how, dunno why, but thats a bug you have to look at i think.

With the hero rebuying... totally change that man. That's the one thing that will kill an otherwise awesome map. When ppl play any hero based game like foots the hero represents them in the game.. if that person dies ingame and has to start over from scratch it's going to seriously cripple your map. Noone will take notice of the wikid systems and items and abilities when they can just die and lose all their work in one death. Seriously consider changing that.

Yeah well the idea with the larger returns on a higher investment is just to push along the late game when generally only 2 teams remain with the other 2 just hanging on as feed. If one of those end game teams has a horder who keeps his cash he could really sway the battle into his favour with large investments.


New Member
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ahhh ok i get the mass system now.... but dude i was red, i moved my wisp to blue and it ported out into the game besides blues base... from there i could move it as a spy anywhere i pleased. Dunno how, dunno why, but thats a bug you have to look at i think.

With the hero rebuying... totally change that man. That's the one thing that will kill an otherwise awesome map. When ppl play any hero based game like foots the hero represents them in the game.. if that person dies ingame and has to start over from scratch it's going to seriously cripple your map. Noone will take notice of the wikid systems and items and abilities when they can just die and lose all their work in one death. Seriously consider changing that.

Yeah well the idea with the larger returns on a higher investment is just to push along the late game when generally only 2 teams remain with the other 2 just hanging on as feed. If one of those end game teams has a horder who keeps his cash he could really sway the battle into his favour with large investments.

Weird... anyway, I will work on fixing that wisp bug and implementing some of your suggestions.

EDIT: v1.1 is out! Wisp bug fixed, and a few other changes. Check out the changelog.
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