Help with damage formula


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Hi,I have created a nova-type spell,im currently working on cleaning its leaks,because im not used to this types of spells(loops,arrays,etc)and im not very sure,well,the matter is im also unable to find a nice formula for the damage this spells does,and so I need some help.
Some usefull information for those of you that would help me is:
-The spell has 4 levels.
-It has 12 "lines" traversed by dummy units once(they die when reaching the maximum distance).
-The Affected units are those within 35 range from the dummies,but note that one affected unit may only be damage once by the same line.
-The maximum distance travelled by this dummies is 500.
-The damage range values im using in my map is: Typical nuke -> 200/250/300/350,for levels

Also important to note is that a unit that is closer to the caster may be in this "35 range" of multiple dummies and therefore damaged multiple time,and the furthest,probably will only be damaged by one.

If anyone finds nice formula and needs more information tell me pls.

The one im currently using,but not fully happy with, is:
(distance travelled by dummy/2)+(90+10*(level of ability ))

Thanks in advance.
+rep to all helpers.:)


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That would solve most problems,but I do want this "the closer they are the harder they get hit",but I want it in a balanced way.Im not sure but that would also not play a sfx on damaged units.


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(250-(distance travelled by dummy/2))+(90+10*(level of ability)) then?


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Uf that one does huge damage even in level one for a unit hit by 2 dummies,for eg:at100 ->300x2units=600dmg spell level 1.and very few to one at 400-450 away.But thanks for posting something:)


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I can make more guesses.. free bumps at least :p

Give some numbers and I'll think someting up ;)

75*((level of ability)+1)-(distance travelled by dummy/5)

at100 ->130x2units=260dmg spell level 1
at300 ->90x1units=90dmg spell level 1
at500 ->50x1units=50dmg spell level 1

at100 ->355x2units=710dmg spell level 4
at300 ->315x1units=315dmg spell level 4
at500 ->275x1units=275dmg spell level 4


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If you're doing it with vJASS, just set up 2 timers and a group array (global). One timer expires every 0.03-0.05 seconds for the slide effect and the other timer expires in 500 / missilespeed. Keep adding units to the group array whenever they get hit by the nova missiles so that if they're in the group they don't take damage from any of the other missiles. After the second timer expires, destroy the group.

This way there's no need for silly stuff like taking into account a unit getting hit 4-5 times.


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Sounds better but it discriminates further units(50dmg)and in higher levels at mele range(not sure how many dummies will damage) 710 can litterally blow up everything,think of a melee hero 710-1000 dmg.I need to balance the damage of this spell,nice- close to fearsome near the caster,and still usefull against ranged enemies.

Thanks yizzy I feel bad asking so much and being so retailer :eek:
you can do what you are on now and if you have some spare time and want make some numbers or come with an idea post it.
Big thanks +rep :D


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I used GUI.I did that about the groups but for one line,I dont want it that way because this is meant to be a kind of "protecting spell" making melee or low range attackers to think twice,and some more elaborated spell,i already have 2 other AOE spells for that caster.:)


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If you say how much dmg you want it to do at say, range 100 and 500 on level 1, and at range 100 and 500 at level 4, and I'll make a formula from that..


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Level 1 : 100 range 250 dmg; 500 range 200 damage
Level 4: 100 range 450 dmg; 500 range 350 damage

I hope this does not take you much of your time :D thanks
I cant +rep u again tomorrow ill do so


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I used GUI.I did that about the groups but for one line,I dont want it that way because this is meant to be a kind of "protecting spell" making melee or low range attackers to think twice,and some more elaborated spell,i already have 2 other AOE spells for that caster.:)
What's stopping you from doing, say, Damage Target for 300 - (0.2 * Distance) AFTER doing it my way? :p

You'll need custom scripts for a "local integer i" in the trigger, but it should be doable in GUI.

blah blah starts effect of an ability

ability being cast = nova

Custom script: local integer i
Set novacount = novacount + 1
Custom script: set i = udg_novacount
Set missilenovacount[missilemuicount] = novacount
Wait ??? seconds
Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_novahitgroup)

or maybe Custom script: call GroupClear(udg_novahitgroup)

in the other trigger, check

if (Picked unit) is in missilenovacount[Integer A] equal to False
Unit group - add (Picked unit) to missilenovacount[Integer A]
deal damage

Hard for me to know exactly what to add in your trigger to make it happen though, since I don't know how you're doing it.

Much cleaner than trying to account for a unit being hit by 5 missiles at point blank and maybe 2 missiles at 100 range.


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R,L distance travelled by dummy,level of ability

Level 1: 100 range 250 dmg; 500 range 200 damage
Level 4: 100 range 450 dmg; 500 range 350 damage




191.667-(distance travelled by dummy)/(8-(level of ability))+(level of ability)*70.833

This no NOT take in to account that unit can be hit twice


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Here is the trigger I am currently using for the spell,there will probaly(with 99% accuracy)be better/easier ways to do it,if you think its really worth changing it ill delete it and do it again(I will cry ,but I will do it :)).

  • Electricfield
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of ana ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Electric field
    • Actions
      • Set EF_catser = (Triggering unit)
      • Set EF_casterpos = (Position of EF_catser)
      • Special effect - Create a special effect attached to the overhead of EF_catser using Abilities\Spells\Other\Monsoon\MonsoonBoltTarget.mdl
      • Special effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
      • Special effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of EF_catser using Abilities\Spells\Orc\LightningShield\LightningShieldTarget.mdl
      • Wait 0.75 seconds
      • Special effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
      • For each (Integer EF_circleinteger) from 1 to 12, do (Actions)
        • Loop: Actions
          • Unit - Create 1 ElectricDummy for (Owner of EF_catser) at EF_casterpos facing (0.00 + ((Real(EF_circleinteger)) x 30.00)) degrees
          • Set EF_electricdummies[EF_circleinteger] = (Last created unit)
          • Set EF_dummyoffset[EF_circleinteger] = ((Position of EF_electricdummies[EF_circleinteger]) offset by 550.00 towards (0.00 + ((Real(EF_circleinteger)) x 30.00)) degrees)
      • Trigger - Turn on Electricfieldmovement <gen>

  • Electricfieldmovement
    • events
      • Time - Every 0.03 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • For each (Integer EF_circleinteger) from 1 to 12, do (Actions)
        • Loop: Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If: Conditions
              • (Distance between (Position of EF_electricdummies[EF_circleinteger]) and EF_dummyoffset[EF_circleinteger]) Mayor que o igual a 50.00
            • Then: Acitions
              • Set EF_nextdummypos[EF_circleinteger] = ((Position of EF_electricdummies[EF_circleinteger]) offset by 25.00 towards (0.00 + ((Real(EF_circleinteger)) x 30.00)) degrees)
              • Unit - Move EF_electricdummies[EF_circleinteger] instantly to EF_nextdummypos[EF_circleinteger]
              • Set EF_dummytargetgroup[EF_circleinteger] = (Units within 35.00 of (Position of EF_electricdummies[EF_circleinteger]) matching ((((Matching unit) is in EF_damagedgroup[EF_circleinteger]) Not equal to True) and (((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of EF_catser)) Equal to True)))
              • Unit group - Pick every unit in EF_dummytargetgroup[EF_circleinteger] and do (Actions)
                • Loop: Actions
                  • Unit - Cause EF_catser to damage (Picked unit), dealing (((Distance between (Position of EF_electricdummies[EF_circleinteger]) and (Position of EF_catser)) / 2.00) + (90.00 + (10.00 x (Real((Level of Electric field for EF_catser)))))) damage of attack type Magic and damage type Normal
                  • Special effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of (Picked unit) using Abilities\Weapons\Bolt\BoltImpact.mdl
                  • Unit group - Remove (Picked unit) from EF_dummytargetgroup[EF_circleinteger]
                  • Special effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
                  • Unit group - Add (Picked unit) to EF_damagedgroup[EF_circleinteger]
            • Else: Actions
              • Unit - Kill EF_electricdummies[EF_circleinteger]

I also have a doubt,do I have to use "turn trigger off" in the second one ?,if so where ?
And some tips on where exactly to put the custom scripts for leaks would be nice:p

Thank anyway for all help.


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I'm not too good on optimization, but it does what I want.. (and maybe more :p)

scope ElectricField initializer Init

    private constant integer Electric_Field = 'AOwk' //Your ability code ex. Wind Walk
    private constant string CASTER_EFFECT = "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Monsoon\\MonsoonBoltTarget.mdl"
    private constant string CASTER_EFFECT2 = "Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\LightningShield\\LightningShieldTarget.mdl"
    private constant string TARGET_EFFECT = "Abilities\\Weapons\\Bolt\\BoltImpact.mdl"
    private group array g
    private boolexpr b
    private unit c
    private real pos_c_x
    private real pos_c_y
    private integer level
    private player p
    private integer i

private function Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetSpellAbilityId() == Electric_Field

function Dist takes real dx, real dy returns real
    return SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy)

private function CheckUnit takes nothing returns boolean
    return IsPlayerEnemy(p, GetOwningPlayer(GetFilterUnit())) and Dist(pos_c_x-GetUnitX(GetFilterUnit()),pos_c_y-GetUnitY(GetFilterUnit())) > i*125.0 and GetUnitState(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_STATE_LIFE) > 0.5

private function Electrify takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit u = GetEnumUnit()
    local real range = Dist(pos_c_x-GetUnitX(u),pos_c_y-GetUnitY(u))
    call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(TARGET_EFFECT, u, "overhead"))
    call UnitDamageTarget(c, u, 191.667 + level*70.833 - range/(8-level), true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_MAGIC, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)

private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    set c = GetSpellAbilityUnit()
    set pos_c_x = GetUnitX(c)
    set pos_c_y = GetUnitY(c)
    set level = GetUnitAbilityLevel(c, Electric_Field)
    set p = GetOwningPlayer(c)
    call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(CASTER_EFFECT, c, "overhead"))
    call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(CASTER_EFFECT2, c, "origin"))
    set i = 0
        exitwhen i >= 3
        call GroupClear(g<i>)
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRange (g<i>, pos_c_x, pos_c_y, (i+1)*125.0,b)
        set i = i + 1
    set i = 0
        exitwhen i &gt;= 3
        call ForGroup(g<i>, function Electrify)
        call TriggerSleepAction(0.05) //wait, so there&#039;s time differnace as trigger damages further away
        set i = i + 1

private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
    local integer index = 0
        exitwhen index &gt;= 12
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t, Player(index), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT, null)
        set index = index + 1
    call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function Conditions))
    call TriggerAddAction(t, function Actions)
    set t = null
    //make more groups if you want..
    set index = 0
        exitwhen index &gt;= 3
        set g[index] = CreateGroup()
        set index = index + 1
    set b = Condition(function CheckUnit)


Sorry if you wanted a GUI-trigger, it's a lot easier to do almost anything in Jass, no dummy units, no variables, no arrays n' such you have to make to implement it, only change abicode and it should work.. :thup:

it uses my dmg formula from previous post, remember that it's ATTACK_TYPE_MAGIC, does 2xDmg to heavy armor units, I tested it on Timber Wolfs (lvl2), it has no trouble one-shoting 'em at lvl1..


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That would solve most problems,but I do want this "the closer they are the harder they get hit",but I want it in a balanced way.Im not sure but that would also not play a sfx on damaged units.

Is this due to being hit by multiple lines? If so shockwave will already do this, as a unit closer to the center will have more lines pass through him.
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