Hero idea [+ rep]


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Well, no problem. Do you want me to change it for an easier one?

You could, or provide instructions on how-to-do-that-ulti. :p

Also i never came to such an issue and i can't open WE currently so i wanna know.. The event "unit is attacked" .. "an attack" in we means ONE HIT or CONTINUOUS HITS UNTIL YOU STOP?


You could, or provide instructions on how-to-do-that-ulti. :p

I prefer to create another one:

The Reaper

Summons the darkest side of the Undead to ally the Dark Lord. The Reaper can fly, attack enemy units and will teleport to enemy heroes every 8 seconds. Each attack of The Reaper causes 300 damage. For every unit killed, all allied heroes (including the Dark Lord) gain 30% of the dying unit max HP. The Reaper lasts for 40 seconds or until 3 enemy heroes are killed.


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This one's from my map Tides of War (not yet released), but I'm not really that picky about "my own creations". You may very well use it if you wish.

Proper Name: Reck
Name: Sun Child
Race: Gnoll
Model ( not required ): Pretty much any melee gnoll model.
Primary attribute: Str
Ranged\Meele: Meele

Skills ( With Description Please ) :

Sun Strike: Imbues the Sun Child's weapon with the heat and power of the sun, dealing massive damage to the one he strikes. Pretty much a target damage spell with short range and a big fire effect.

Sun Mark (Passive): Whenever the Sun Child strikes his enemies, he has a chance of marking that unit. The mark burns with painful intensity, damaging the market unit over time. Base spell Devo-aura, and some simple triggers using dummys and modified Shadow strike. Higher levels should increase damage and chance of mark.

Mend Wounds: The Sun Child is a veteran of many battles, and is well trained in field first aid. Heals the Sun Child during one minute. Cancels if attacked. Well basically it's that healing pot (I'm sure you recognize the effect), modified to a skill.

Eye of the Sun (Ultimate): The Sun Child calls upon the Sun itself to aid him on the battlefield. Upon activating this spell, the Sun Child is engulfed in powerful flames that burn away at anything near him. Upholding this spell is tiresome, and the Sun Child's mana is drained for every second it is activated. Basically a bigger, stronger and cooler Immolation. I made the ground under him turn to blight as well, but that's just visual effects.

Reck was in his young years a gnoll mercenary, fighting whereever he was paid to do so. He and his three brothers fought together for years, but one time his employers betrayed them. Only Reck survived the bloodshed. After the betrayal Reck fled deep into the woods, but collapsed due to his heavy wounds. He was luckily found and taken to a nearby monastery, hidden in the dark forest, where the gnoll monks taught him the way of the Sun. He now travels the land, trying to claim venegance for his fallen brothers.

There you have it. As I said, this hero is from my map but you can use it if you want to. See ya;



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Proper Name: Olof Strongaxe
Name: Cursed Being
Race: Dwarf
Model ( not required ): Mountain King
Primary attribute: Str
Ranged\Meele: Meele
Ribbons: When dark: Destroyer missile attached to hand, left + hand, right. colour is 30%. When light: Morph animation tag, faerie dragon missile attached to hand, left + hand, right.

Skills ( With Description Please ) :

Immortal Curse (Passive):Olof is cursed to bear darkness, but is salvaged on death to radiate glory and light, but this condition only lasts as long as he lives.
Switches from dark to light each time he dies, his abilities change as he does so. The change is active even though this ability hasen't been learned.
While Dark: Gives + attack and movement speed
While Light:+ armor and hp/mp regeneration.
Increases with level.

Aura Bolt:Concentrates a part of his mighty aura, good or bad, into a bolt wich he launches at an enemy.
Light: The bolt deals damage, slows, a gives a chance to miss. If cast on ally it will heal instead.
Dark: The bolt deals damage, silences, and lowers armor. If cast on ally will damage them as well (!).

Righteos Suicide:Channels for 1 second, gathering his aura around him, then thrusts his dagger trough his heart killing him and causing the massive energy to be violently released. 450 AoE.
Channeling, Kills Olof
Dark: Deals damage to enemies and has a chance to deal an additonal 1000 damage, chance is increased the lower percentage of max hp the enemy has. also slows enemies.
Light: Deals damage to enemies and heals allies. Has a % chance to make allies with hp beneath 40% invulnurable for 10 seconds.

Better Half (Ultimate):Concentrates all his energy and willpower to free his spirit from his curse, the result is that his being is split into two halves, one good and one bad. Controls two heroes (one dark and one light) for 15 seconds, each hero has 60% increased movement and attack speed.


After Olof's two brother never returned after a mission to Northrend, he learned that they were slain by Arthas. After learning that he devoted his life to fighting the undead armies with the Argent Dawn. Not after long he rised in rank into troop commander.

One day when he and 20 men were out on an assault mission in the plaugelands they unluckily enough ran across Sylvanas herself, who were out taking out her hatred for Arthas on his mindless ghouls that roams the plaugelands. Sylvanas paralized Olof and then turned on his troop, weak whitout a leader Sylvanas easily slayed them singlehanded.

Not satisfied with just killing him Sylvanas instead cursed Olof with an overwhelming thirst for living blood, leading him into fighting alongside the forsaken, not entirely mindless, not entirely consious. But not after long Olof strong mind let him partly break from his curse, fleeing from the undead army, but still mindless enough to be forced to kill anything living he lays his eyes on. Not knowing what to do Olof performed suicide, and fell dead and released.

Uther the lightbringer, having watched Olof from heaven, was moved by Olof's strong spirit and descended to grant Olof a free life.The touch of the saint ressurected Olof and purified his soul, however, Sylvanas curse was not enirely surpressed. The two opposite forces now works in a symbiosis on Olof's soul, each waiting for the opportunity of death to take overhand.

OK history turned out waaaaaaaay too long ;) guess I got carried away :p, just pick out your favourite part :cool:

Anyways thought it was a pretty neat idea for a hero concept :thup:


some fucker
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Hope this helps.

Name: Elite Paladin

Race: Human

Skills ( With Description Please ) :

SKILL 1: Hammer Wave

The Elite Paladin smashes his hammer into the ground sending a wave of energy in all directions.

SKILL 2: Weapon Switch

The Elite Paladin switches weapons from a hammer to a sword, allowing quicker attacks at the cost of lower damage.

SKILL 3: Charge Aura

All units within X distance of the Elite Paladin are given X bonus speed and X % increased attack rate.

SKILL 4 ULTIMATE: Summons X advanced soldiers to fight for the Elite Paladin

Model ( not required ) : Switch between Arthas (Hammer) and Arthas (Wielding Frostmourne)

Background Story ( not required ) : Uhm, IDK :p


Cookie Be Awesome!
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Name: Ancient One
Proper Name: An'assus
Model: Uprooted Ancient of War/Talon...any ancient would do
Range: Melee

Hide of Decades
An'assus hide is one of the secrets that kept him living for such a long time. His hide is known for being incredibly thick, not even being able to be pierced by a spear. Even magic is said to have a hard time affecting the ancient creature because of his skin.
Level 1 - Reduces damage by X and spell damage by X%
Level 2 - Reduces damage by X and spell damage by X%
Level 3 - Reduces damage by X and spell damage by X%
Level 4 - Reduces damage by X and spell damage by X%

Natures Genesis
Deep inside the ancient one, many plants and even small trees reside. In exchange for their stay, these vegitations often lend their service to their host. That way, An'assus can cause roots to burst from any point of his body at will and whip nearby enemies to death.
Level 1 - Summons 4 roots, each whipping a random nearby enemy for X damage.
Level 2 - Summons 5 roots, each whipping a random nearby enemy for X damage.
Level 3 - Summons 6 roots, each whipping a random nearby enemy for X damage.
Level 4 - Summons 7 roots, each whipping a random nearby enemy for X damage.

Tides of Mana
Ancient mana resides in An'assus. At will, he can use it rediculously powerfull mana to resemble natures force itself. First, he will use it to form a black hole, sucking nearby enemy units towards him. After a couple of seconds, he will trigger a nova, knocking nearby units away.
Level 1 - Sucks enemy units towards An'assus, dealing X damage. Creates nova after X seconds dealing X damage.
Level 2 - Sucks enemy units towards An'assus, dealing X damage. Creates nova after X seconds dealing X damage.
Level 3 - Sucks enemy units towards An'assus, dealing X damage. Creates nova after X seconds dealing X damage.
Level 4 - Sucks enemy units towards An'assus, dealing X damage. Creates nova after X seconds dealing X damage.

Core Shockwave
Using his bonds with planet earth itself, An'assus creates a huge schockwave from the inner parts of the earth to wreak havoc on his enemies in every direction.
Level 1 - Deals X damage to every unit in X range. Stuns them for X seconds and slows them for X% afterwards.
Level 2 - Deals X damage to every unit in X range. Stuns them for X seconds and slows them for X% afterwards.
Level 3 - Deals X damage to every unit in X range. Stuns them for X seconds and slows them for X% afterwards.

An'assus was once a powerfull night-elf machine of war. Over the years though, An'assus was forgotten and left behind in the ruins of a former night-elf fortress. Years, decades, centuries past as An'assus did nothing but host plants and collect dust. Now, once again, the powerfull ancient war machine rides into battle to crush those that had forgotten him back in the genenis of the world.

Its lame, I know. I had no inspiration, but I felt I just had to suggest something. I'll come up with a real suggestion in a while ok?


> I suppose FroznYoghurt tastes pineapple :D. Or at least that's my favourite frozen yoghurt taste ;)

Hmm.. I never heard of a pineapple ice cream.

Hehe, I have a Stewarts Shop close to my home, but it don't have that flavor. :rolleyes:


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Here it goes :D

Name: Ele'whisper

Race: Orc

Skills ( With Description Please ) :

Name: Invoke
Description: Invokes a random element of earth to help him in battle(mb a water element/firespwan/treant/wolf/....).
Level 1: Invokes a weak element of earth
Level 2: Invokes a normal element of earth(give him a passive).
Level 3: Invokes a powerful element of earth(mantain passive and add anothe ability(passive or not)).

Name: Meditation (Channeling)
Description: Meditating with the elements Ele'whisper finds him self calm granting him health/mana regeneration.
Level 1: Gives 20hp/sec for 5 seconds.
Level 2: Gives 20hp/sec for 10 seconds.
Level 3: Gives 20hp/sec plus 10mp/sec for 10seconds

Name: Elements Atuenement (Passive)
Description: Elements of earth are linked to Ele'whisper granting him diverses bonus.
Level 1: 5% of purging a unit on attack for 3 seconds.
Level 2: 10% of purging/entangle a unit on attack for 3 seconds.(NOTE: 5% each)
Level 3: 15% of purging/entangling/burning(somthing like soul burn - dmg over time+silence) for 3 seconds..(NOTE: 5% each)

Name: Rage
Description: Ele'whisper gets raged backing himself to the old times of him making him self almost disconnected to the elements.
Level 1: Gives +50dmg +100%attck speed but drains life, while affected by ultimate and 5 seconds after it the caster is silenced(Passive stays working

Model ( not required ) : Orc Shaman

Background Story ( not required ) : Long Ago Og'hell was banished from his tribe's kingdom for being outraged and problems maker. Nowadays he found him self calm and a cummoner with the spirits of the elements of earth.

Hope it helped....
PS: sorry for any spell mistake


I submitted two of my heroes idea into someone's thread. Feel free to have them in your map. :)

(One of them don't have spells, but I think you have no problems to make them for him. :)

Lord of Darkingen

MODEL: Anything, thats more like a dark lord OR a vampire.


Many years, the Darkingen was a human who harvested the food, such as corn, watermelon, and more. One day, he finds himself an abandoned dog, wanting to give the dog a home. He did, and when Darkingen sleeps in his bed, the dog wasn't abandoned after all. It was a vampire dog that bit the man, then ran away again and the man became a vampire forever. Now, he has developed his unique skills.

And lastly..

Lord of Cats

MODEL: Priestess of the Moon (Or a cat model )

DESCRIPTION: Many year, a girl named Shandlyia had a tree house, is really large, and Shandlyia absolutely loves cats, unfortunately she is allergic to them. One day, she was collecting herbs to produce a chemistry potion to cure cat allergication. (I know its not a word, but there's no a word for it. ) After that, Shandlyia made a potion of it, the potion didn't cure her allergic - the potion she drank forced him to go a pet shop and buy a cat, and she did. But on her way to there, Shandlyia fell into a pond without pay attention, and it got her out of the potion. Then, a cat stepped to Shandlyia, didn't sneeze or anything allergically - the pond was magical that cured his cat allergics, and it made a lot of cats to step up to her, under Shandlyia control. Now, then, Shandlyia trained her to have control of cats better and have developed the cat skills.

Spells: You can make your own spells based on cat spells, OR you can take my recommend spells:

Venom Development

Since then, Shandlyia's cats have developed poisoned fangs, which gives Shandlyia poison attacks. If a unit is attacked by the poison, the enemy unit's armor is weakened and a loss of attack speed.

Cat Roar

All of Shandlyia's cats roars in a force around Shandlyia, causing the enemy units that was roared have a chance to miss attacks.

Shandlyia Claws (PASSIVE)

Shandlyia have developed claws from his fingernails, giving him more increased attack and have a chance to double/triple/quadruple his attacks.

Cat Stampede

Shandlyia calls a wave of cats. Each wave will have 5 cats, and each enemy unit that is hit by cats will be damaged and is poisoned. Lasts X waves.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Also i never came to such an issue and i can't open WE currently so i wanna know.. The event "unit is attacked" .. "an attack" in we means ONE HIT or CONTINUOUS HITS UNTIL YOU STOP?

I think it means like 1 attack; the second it gets hit by something, that's "an attack".


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Hope my idea contributes...

Name: Soul Thief (Terrorark)

Race: Undead

Skills ( With Description Please ) :

Shadow Bind - Bind's the target so it is unable to move. Deals [insert number here] damage per second and nearby units will also be affected by damage per second. Lasts [insert number here] seconds. Each level-up gives more damage and a larger duration. Based on : Entangling Roots with a different art and Lighting Shield with a different art.

Soul Storage - Every time the Soul Thief kills a target enemy unit, he stores the soul of the dying unit to increase his attack damage by [insert number here]. If the Soul Thief dies, Soul Storage is empty. Each level up allows him to store more souls. Based on : Nothing.

Raise Soul - Raises all the souls stored by the Soul Thief. The units are the same as the units the Soul Thief killed, but act as illusions. These "illusions" raised take [insert number here]% more damage and deal [insert number here]% of the soul owner unit's original damage. Each level up gives them a longer duration and stronger damage/resistance percentage. Based on : Nothing.

Unity ULTIMATE. - Using this ability takes one soul stored by the Soul Storage spell and uses it to do more than adding attack damage. Increases attack speed [insert number here]% and all stats by [insert number here]. Each level up gives more attack speed/stats. Based on : Nothing.

Model ( not required ) : Voidwalker or Revenant [Your choice]


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I have one issue... I can't find any of the "uprooted" models of the tree buildings <_< Does anyone knows where i can find them?

ALSO: Thank You, Wrongvine.

AGAIN ALSO: Which damage or attack type when doing damage dealing in triggers ignores armor defense? Because now it's annoying due to the armor defense weakening the spell. BTW: i'm making most abilities damage depending on stats.


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Proper Name: Sechikan
Name: Soul Ripper
Race: Satyr
Model ( not required ): Brown Satyr
Primary attribute: Agility
Ranged\Meele: Meele
Ribbons: None

Skills ( With Description Please ) :

Soul Burn (Passive):Each of Sechikan's attacks has a chance of burning an amount of enemies mana. However if the targets mana is less then that amount Sechikan will instead deal 3x damage for each point of mana that is not burned.
Examples: Mana burn amount is 150
Ex 1. Targets mana is 500, 150 mana is burned
Ex 2. Targets mana is 50, 50 mana is burned, 3 x (150-50) = 300 damage is dealt
Chance to soul burn and amount burned is increased with level.

Spirit Scout:Sechikan sends out his spirit to roam ahead in front of him. If the spirit collides with an enemy Sechikan will be teleported to that enemy dealing damage AoE.
300 AoE
Range, Speed, and Damage is increased with level.

Spirit Enhancement: Charges up his spirit with sparkling energy, causing him to send out forks of green lightning on each attack for the next 3 attacks. If he casts spirit scout while Enhanced the spirit will emit lightnings while roaming.
Damage is increased while cooldown is decreased with level.

Soul Void:
Causes all enemies within 800 range to instantly have their mana as well as their mana regeneration reduced to zero. Enemies affected will not be able to recover mana while the duration is active but will retreive their mana when the duration is over.
Lasts 6 seconds.

Like all satyrs Sechikan was originally a proud night elf. He was priest with high status researching ways to extract life force out of the night elves' precious moon wells. But when he slowly started to corrupt his thirst for power increased and he started to consume life force from all living things instead of creating it for them. Now he is malicious and evil, and only lives to rip the energy out of others' souls.

No satyr hero was submitted so i thought id better do somethin about that ;)


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Name: Grover

Race: Satyr


Flute:When grover plays hes flute enemys cant help but to listen to it. Stuns enemy for X secounds

Evil way Grover is an evil person and will use every singel move he can to win. takes X hp

Acid PASSIVE Grover have covered hes body in acid. Drain X HP from nearby unit

Dead eye Grover can use hes evil to suck out all mana from an enemy with one gaze. Drain X mana and sets the enemy mana to 0


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Name: The Blood Elf Fire Mage


Skills ( With Description Please ) :
Flame Tornado
Creates one Flame Tornado that has immolation and cyclone ability. Use the Cyclone model for this.

Flame Rage
(Aura) Gives Small immolation(increases with level) and takes away 1hp per 5sec

Flame Heal
Kinda like holy light except it uses fire as model and can be used agianst enemy units to hurt them.

(Ultamite) Fire Blast *passive*
20% chance of creating a fire blast which shoot huge blast shots all around you and damaging everything.
Choice 2: (Ultamite)Fire Comet (i have model for this)
Hurls a firery comet at a point creating a huge rippling affect and damaging other units. long cooldown.(agian i have trigger for this and model)

Model ( not required ) :Spell Breaker(little bigger than normal size)

Background Story ( not required ) : The last of its kind the fire mage desires all else to be known in the world....And to desire more power!


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-Bump .. it not 24 hours but its in the second page.


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Model: Ghost (keeper of the grove one)
Night Elf
Alendar Thention

Sinister Reflection: The Illusionist creates a reflection of the target, who will keep attacking the target until it is dead.

Mental Shift: Gives a chance when attacked for the Illusionist to create a mental disturbance in the brain of the enemy, causing them to miss, after which they are stunned for 1 second. 10% chance. Duration of stun increases with level.

Mass Confusion: Confuses a small area of enemies, making them attack their allies for 10 seconds. Duration increases with level. (basically a temporary player change).

ULTIMATE: Unending Illusions: Creates 6 illusions of the Illusionist. When one dies, the illusions will all be moved around (just make them move to positions of each other, with small waits like .1 seconds) to further confuse the enemy.

Backstory: Unlike his fellow keepers, Alendar never adjusted to the works of the druid. He dutifully watched the forest, but instead he used his flawless agility to catch and defeat invaders, until Alendar met Threl. Threl was a Satyr Illusionist, and led a tribe of his kin into Ashenvale, seeking to pillage and plunder.
Threl watched them move for weeks, observed Threl in his actions. With his limited ability in magic, Alendar attempted several of Threl's spells. At first he failed, but as he continued he discovered astounding success. Finally he decided to make use of his newfound power. During one of Threl's raids on a night elf village, Alendar charged the host of Satyr, using their leader's own powers to confuse them. By the end they were killing one another or running in blind fear. Even Threl had fled, his own mastery turned against him.

The night elves announced him a hero, while his fellow keepers branded him a trator for using Satyr magic. And so, Alendar left the keepers and remained with the night elves, travelling through their cities, defending them.


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Dakho mind if i change the model? Because there's one hero already with the same model. And i don't like when there are multiple same stuff :)
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