Hero Ideas for a defense of Khaz Modan


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I need hero ideas for my map, spells names tooltips etc.

names - unit name and proper name
spells - if possible
stats - if you want
tooltips - dun really need this

+rep if you submit, though i probably might not use it exactly as is, i just need ideas
Story: The undead have destroyed most of lordaeron and quelthalas, they forces are moving onto the last alliance kingdom of Khaz Modan ready to destroy the capital (also i want to know the name of Khaz Modan's capital, i'm not knowledgable of the whole warcraft world shit)


This is the way it was meant to be.
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I've decided to group together all of my hero ideas, I have quite a bit.


Skill 1: Grab
Grabs a target enemy unit and holds it in his hand. The grabbed unit takes 20/30/40/50% of the damage Hulk deals when attacking or using Hulk Smash. After 10 seconds, the Hulk hurls it a range of 2500 minus (damage dealt to units). If the damage dealt is 2500 or more, the unit is just dropped next to the Hulk.

Skill 2: Enrage
"The madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets."
When Hulk is attacked, he becomes angrier and angrier, dealing 2/4/6/8 more damage every time he is attacked, stacking up to 20/40/60/80 damage. If he gets the full amount of damage, he becomes even stronger, his attack type turning into Chaos and crushing the armor of everyone. Damage bonuses last 5 seconds each if not stacked.

Skill 3: Indestructable Skin
The Hulk is able to regenerate his damages very quickly when he is at a low point of health. (Gives 5/10/15/20 HP regeneration for 20 seconds when his health falls below 50/100/150/200)

Skill 4: Hulk Smash!
The Hulk builds up a tremendous amount of power, smashing the ground 5 times, dealing 80/120/160 damage per smash. Units directly under the Hulk's fists when he slams the ground are crushed into the ground and cannot move, but take half of the damage.


-Battle Cry
Stops all enemy units in an area from attacking.

Use Silence, but change Attacks Prevented to Melee and Ranged.

Or use Cloud and make it channeling.

-Fallen Legends
Calls upon numerous ghostly souls to aid you in combat. They release energy bombs every 5 seconds, stunning the one whom they hit and dealing 25 damage to it.

Locust Swarm, change the Locust model to a Shade or something, change Attack Type to Chaos and give it a 100% Bash.

-Blast Strike
Clicks a point and creates an explosion if there are any nearby enemy units, dealing damage in an area.

Change Sentry Ward to have the abilities of a Goblin Land Mine, only set the Setup time to 0.01 and the duration time to 0.02.


1. Common Cold
Infects a target with a common virus. The symptoms are quite harsh, however. For 15 seconds the target has a sore throat and takes 20% more damage (Use Berserk to simplify these matters). After that, it gets a whooping cough, dealing 10/20/30/40 damage per second for 5 seconds. It then gets a runny nose for 20 seconds, infecting anyone it touches with the same disease. Finally, it loses the energy to fight, and has 5/10/15/20% reduced attack and movement speeds for 5 seconds.

2. Natural Selection
Weeds out the weak from the hero's sight. Anyone in a 400 Area of Effect with 25/50/75/100 health remaining instantly is killed. Passive ability.

3. Double Helix
*This one seems like it'd be hard to trigger*
Sends a double helix wave of energy at a target location, dealing 75/150/225/300 damage. (A double helix is essentialy the shape of DNA.)

4. Adaptation
The hero adapts to the threats made on it. When it is the target of a spell, it gains benefits.
Level 1: You take 30% less damage if the same spell is casted on you.
Level 2: You take 30% less damage if the same spell is casted on you, and if it is, you get the ability for 10 seconds.
Level 3: You take 30% less damage if the same spell is casted on you, and you gain the ability for 10 seconds.


1. Hero's Journey
Sends a target hero on a Hero's Journey. It must reach a random place for it to complete its journey. There will be different incentives for it to reach its target destination.

Level 1: 80% chance the target takes its level x 3 damage per second until it reaches the destination. 8% chance it loses 1 level until it reaches the destination. 8% chance it cannot attack until it reaches the destination. 3% chance its enemies are healed for their level x 5 per second until it reaches its destination. If you are playing Team Mode, a 1% chance one of its allies is held captive until it reaches the destination. In Free For All, a 1% chance it cannot gain any experience or cast spells until it reaches the destination.
Level 2: 70% chance the target takes its level x 3 damage per second until it reaches the destination. 11% chance it loses 1 level until it reaches the destination. 11% chance it cannot attack until it reaches the destination. 6% chance its enemies are healed for their level x 5 per second until it reaches its destination. If you are playing Team Mode, a 2% chance one of its allies is held captive until it reaches the destination. In Free For All, a 2% chance it cannot gain any experience or cast spells until it reaches the destination.
Level 3: 60% chance the target takes its level x 3 damage per second until it reaches the destination. 14% chance it loses 1 level until it reaches the destination. 14% chance it cannot attack until it reaches the destination. 9% chance its enemies are healed for their level x 5 per second until it reaches its destination. If you are playing Team Mode, a 3% chance one of its allies is held captive until it reaches the destination. In Free For All, a 3% chance it cannot gain any experience or cast spells until it reaches the destination.
Level 4: 50% chance the target takes its level x 3 damage per second until it reaches the destination. 17% chance it loses 1 level until it reaches the destination. 17% chance it cannot attack until it reaches the destination. 12% chance its enemies are healed for their level x 5 per second until it reaches its destination. If you are playing Team Mode, a 4% chance one of its allies is held captive until it reaches the destination. In Free For All, a 4% chance it cannot gain any experience or cast spells until it reaches the destination.
2. Threshold
As long as the hero is in a 500 range near the target of the Journey, the target has a reduced ability to complete its task.
Level 1: It loses 5% movement speed.
Level 2: It loses 10% movement speed.
Level 3: It loses 15% movement speed.
Level 4: It loses 20% movement speed.
3. Trail of Challenges
Adds a bigger incentive for the target to reach its destination. After a period of some seconds a Challenge comes its way. 20% chance it takes 10 x its level damage, 20% chance a random enemy hero is teleported to its location for 3 seconds, 20% chance it is slowed by 15% for 3 seconds, 35% chance nothing happens, and a 5% chance for Team Mode for the captive hero to take 20 x its level damage, and for Free For All a 5% chance for it to lose 15 x its level mana and experience.
Level 1: Every 25 seconds a challenge comes up.
Level 2: Every 20 seconds a challenge comes up.
Level 3: Every 15 seconds a challenge comes up.
Level 4: Every 10 seconds a challenge comes up.
4. Abyss
Pulls out a final attempt for the target not to complete its journey. Brings a great challenge upon it.
Level 1: Stuns it for 2 seconds when it gets 500 range near the Journey destination.
Level 2: Stuns it for 2 seconds and deals 300 damage to it.
Level 3: Stuns it for 2 seconds, deals 300 damage to it, and teleports every alive enemy hero to its position and orders all of them to attack it. Hero teleportation lasts for 5 seconds.


Batu, the Night Ranger
Shandris Model

Spell 1: Poison Arrow (Completely unoriginal)
Fires a poisonous arrow at a target unit, dealing 100/175/250/325/400 damage and lowering movement speed by 4/8/12/16/20% and armor by 1/2/3/4/5.

Non-triggered. Use Acid Bomb, change the initial damage to the damage I listed, make the interval 999999999 (So the initial damage doesn't go over and over again), and then set the rest of the fields.

Spell 2: Rapid Fire
Emits a barrage of arrows at rapid speed, increasing attack speed by 20/40/60/80/100% for 20 seconds.

Use Berserk. It's that simple.

Spell 3: Healing Wisps
Calls upon a huge group of Wisps to aid you and your allies in combat. These Wisps heal allied units. The less units around, the more they heal for.

This can be made non-triggered. Use Locust Swarm, change the Locust to a Wisp, give it Heal as an Innate Ability. It should autocast, and when you're alone, they will all focus their heals on you, but when more people show up, the Wisps will divert their attention and split the heals. Use an Area of Effect of 0 for it, the Wisps flying around don't look all that good. I have no idea how to make this spell balanced, try experimenting.

Spell 4: Shout
Batu emits a loud shout, intimidating enemies in an area and preventing them from attacking for 3/4/5 seconds.

This spell is easy, copy Silence and change the Attacks Prevented from Spells to Melee and Ranged.


50 Cent, the Rapper
I believe there is a 50 Cent model somewhere. It is a skin for the Peon.

Skill 1: Block
50 Cent puts up his fists, increasing his defenses by 5/10/15/20 but decreasing his sight range by 100/200/300/400. Can be deactivated.

Skill 2: Force Drink
50 Cent forces a few drinks down a target's stomach at melee range, lowering its movement speed by 5/10/15/20% and causing it to miss 5/10/15/20% of the time. There is also a 20% chance the target gets alcohol poisoning and takes 20/40/60/80 damage per second. Lasts 4 seconds.

Skill 3: Gunshot
50 Cent can stand taking a few bullets. Reduces nearby enemy ranged unit's attack damage by 8/16/24/32%. (Negative Trueshot Aura) 50 Cent also takes reduced damage from bullets and cannon-based attacks.

Skill 4: Steriod Overdose
50 Cent injects himself with some barely legal substances, sending him into a maddened fury. 50 Cent deals 10/20/30 more damage, gains a 15% chance to critical strike for 2x damage, and attacks 10/20/30% faster. Lasts 15 seconds.


Hero Name: Funic
Proper Name: Bandit Lord
Model: Lord Garithos

A former lord of bandits, feared for his versatile skills in melee combat. Taken captive by the Alliance and taught the ways of light, his trusty axe now fights for them, and if you look up at him, it may be the last thing you ever see.

Skill 1: Bottled Poison
Taking some trusty poison from a sacred vial, Funic spreads some on a target at melee range, slowing it by 20/40/60/80% and dealing 20/40/60/80 damage per second. Lasts 4 seconds.

Skill 2: Blame Game
Funic known how to get the blame on a target enemy. Any unit that is ordered to attack him attacks the blamed target. Blamed targets cannot attack themselves; instead, they just run around in circles. Lasts 4/5/6/7 seconds.

Skill 3: Searing Light
Funic summons beams of light in an area around him, in the symbol of his old bandit gang. It deals damage in that area.

Skill 4: Trample
Funic charges valiantly at a target unit. His mighty horse is ready to crush any enemy who gets in his path, dealing 100/200/300 damage and stunning it for 2 seconds if he gets near it. Upon reaching his target, he bashes it with his shield, dealing 100/200/300 damage and stunning for 1/2/3 seconds. If Funic charges someone who has higher strength than him, he is also stunned for 1.5 seconds.


Hero name: Squap
Proper Name: Sludge Creature
Model: Sludge Flinger/Dalaran Reject

Previously a revenant of all sounds, Squap had the ability to make any sound, whether it be an empowering drumbeat or a ferocious roar, he could imitate it. One group of fearless Acolytes, though, took Squap hostage and tortured him, making him forget all of his past ways and deforming him into a hideous beast. Learning from now-extinct venomous creatures, he obtained the ability to create sludge and poison at will, drowning his foes and growing bigger and bigger with each new victim.

Skill 1: Infestation
Infects a target unit with a parasite, dealing 1 damage every 0.2 seconds and slowing it by 20%. Lasts 16 seconds. (Basing off of Shadow Strike is cool)

Skill 2: Ocean of Sludge
Squap emits a huge blast of sludge everywhere, spraying enemy units in acid and damaging them. (Fan of Knives with Sludge Flinger missile)

Skill 3: Growth
With each new victim, Squap can consume their venomous corpse and grow bigger. Every time he stands on a corpse he killed, the corpse is removed, he recovers 20/40/60/80 mana, has 1/2/3/4 extra damage, and grows bigger. Bonuses stack until death. Squap also deals his extra damage in a 300 AoE upon death.

Skill 4: Can't come up with anything yet, but you might be able to use Viral Infection.


Groups all units in an area together. Any unit that tries to move out of the specified AoE move slower due to the fact that the dragger has to drag everyone else in there. Any non-strength hero who is dragging loses 3/5/7% movement speed for every unit in there, as well as an extra 2/3.5/5% for every strength hero. Strength heroes dragging the pack lose only 1/3/5% movement for every unit, and 1/3/5% for every strength hero.
If the hero is actually able to move anywhere, all units in the pack come with it.

Falling Down
When used on top of a ledge, the caster falls down it, taking 50/30/10 damage but allowing it to go down without the use of a ramp.

A male hero with this ability gains an Infatuation buff. Any female heroes attacking him lose 10/20/30 attack damage and 10/20/30% attack speed. Interchangable (Female heroes with the buff affect male attackers)

Unbreakable Frenzy
The attacking unit has a 3/5/7% chance to go into a maddened frenzy while attacking, giving it a 2x Critical Strike for 10/15/20 seconds.

Blinds a target unit, hindering its vision and only allowing it to see in front of it. (Set its sight range to 0, and use periodic invisible dummies to give you sight in a line)


Mad Biochemist (An odd idea, my Biology class is a bit boring and it just came to me) Use any of the following ideas; mix and match.

Double Helix-Sends a wave forwards in the shape of a strand of DNA. Each beam deals damage, and both can hit a unit at the same time.

Electron Field-Randomly creates Electrons in an AoE. If a unit touches one, it will be propelled backwards and take damage.

Diffusion-Places all units evenly in an AoE. If it's a 900 AoE and there are 3 units nearby, they wre placed 300 range apart. If there's a 1200 AoE with 12 units, they're each placed 100 range apart. Etc.

Lipid Shield-Makes the Mad Biochemist more resistant to liquid-based attacks and spells.

Mitosis-Copys a target unit into an exact copy of itself. Alternately, you can use Meiosis.

Meiosis-Splits a target unit into two parts. Their power is halved, but if they come back together they reform with the origional power.

Cell Function-A Spellbook-based spell. The powers can be chosen from:
Nucleus-A Channeling form of Charm.
Nucleolus-Summons Ribosomes.
Ribosomes-Create proteins. If an ally comes near a protein, it is healed for a small amount of damage and the protein is consumed.
Vacuole-Encloses a barrier on a target unit. The barrier has a certain amount of life, and deals damage over time. It lasts indefinitely until destroyed.
Lysosomes-Transports weak enemies to the nearest Vacuole.
Cell Wall-Creates an impenetrable wall around the Mad Biochemist that forces all around him out.
Mitochondria-Increases the movement speed, attack speed, and attack damage of a target. (Use a negative-fielded Cripple.)

*Gasp... gasp*...
I hope you can get at least something out of this.



The Impaler

The strongest wielder of magic within the Blood Elf race, a disturbing man who takes pride in slaughtering weak foes standing in his way. A mage whos magic isnt the worst of his abilities.


Blood Soaked
Drenched with the blood of countless foes, Skallabaster's strength grows.
Killing 3 Enemy Units will give Skallabaster a temporary boost of strength

Original Warcraft ability

Grasping Fear
Skallabaster shoots fear into many of his victim's heart. But can only 1 out of 5 of them will die from it.

Many Blood, Little Time
Skallabaster swings a chain of daggers. (Just like Blade Master's Blade Storm").


You can change this now in User CP.
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1. Hero's Journey
Sends a target hero on a Hero's Journey. It must reach a random place for it to complete its journey. There will be different incentives for it to reach its target destination.

Level 1: 80% chance the target takes its level x 3 damage per second until it reaches the destination. 8% chance it loses 1 level until it reaches the destination. 8% chance it cannot attack until it reaches the destination. 3% chance its enemies are healed for their level x 5 per second until it reaches its destination. If you are playing Team Mode, a 1% chance one of its allies is held captive until it reaches the destination. In Free For All, a 1% chance it cannot gain any experience or cast spells until it reaches the destination.
Level 2: 70% chance the target takes its level x 3 damage per second until it reaches the destination. 11% chance it loses 1 level until it reaches the destination. 11% chance it cannot attack until it reaches the destination. 6% chance its enemies are healed for their level x 5 per second until it reaches its destination. If you are playing Team Mode, a 2% chance one of its allies is held captive until it reaches the destination. In Free For All, a 2% chance it cannot gain any experience or cast spells until it reaches the destination.
Level 3: 60% chance the target takes its level x 3 damage per second until it reaches the destination. 14% chance it loses 1 level until it reaches the destination. 14% chance it cannot attack until it reaches the destination. 9% chance its enemies are healed for their level x 5 per second until it reaches its destination. If you are playing Team Mode, a 3% chance one of its allies is held captive until it reaches the destination. In Free For All, a 3% chance it cannot gain any experience or cast spells until it reaches the destination.
Level 4: 50% chance the target takes its level x 3 damage per second until it reaches the destination. 17% chance it loses 1 level until it reaches the destination. 17% chance it cannot attack until it reaches the destination. 12% chance its enemies are healed for their level x 5 per second until it reaches its destination. If you are playing Team Mode, a 4% chance one of its allies is held captive until it reaches the destination. In Free For All, a 4% chance it cannot gain any experience or cast spells until it reaches the destination.

2. Threshold
As long as the hero is in a 500 range near the target of the Journey, the target has a reduced ability to complete its task.
Level 1: It loses 5% movement speed.
Level 2: It loses 10% movement speed.
Level 3: It loses 15% movement speed.
Level 4: It loses 20% movement speed.

3. Trail of Challenges
Adds a bigger incentive for the target to reach its destination. After a period of some seconds a Challenge comes its way. 20% chance it takes 10 x its level damage, 20% chance a random enemy hero is teleported to its location for 3 seconds, 20% chance it is slowed by 15% for 3 seconds, 35% chance nothing happens, and a 5% chance for Team Mode for the captive hero to take 20 x its level damage, and for Free For All a 5% chance for it to lose 15 x its level mana and experience.
Level 1: Every 25 seconds a challenge comes up.
Level 2: Every 20 seconds a challenge comes up.
Level 3: Every 15 seconds a challenge comes up.
Level 4: Every 10 seconds a challenge comes up.

4. Abyss
Pulls out a final attempt for the target not to complete its journey. Brings a great challenge upon it.
Level 1: Stuns it for 2 seconds when it gets 500 range near the Journey destination.
Level 2: Stuns it for 2 seconds and deals 300 damage to it.
Level 3: Stuns it for 2 seconds, deals 300 damage to it, and teleports every alive enemy hero to its position and orders all of them to attack it. Hero teleportation lasts for 5 seconds.

Aw, if he uses this skill set, I'll just remove my own then..

PS: This Hero has simple triggering and is used to my map.. and bleh...
Proper Name: Nagarayus
Name: Flameseeker
Model: Any Fiery based unit (Preferably Kael'thas Sunstrider's)

Spell 1: Flame Stomp
Stomps the ground that creates a pillar of flames under the feet of Nagarayus that burns and stuns all units that touches the fire than Nagarayus and allies, but the allies will burn.

Spell 2: Massive Macropyre
Sends out pillar of flames at every side of Nagarayus that stuns and deals damage to every enemy unit being afflicted.

PS: This is not meant to be continuous damage. If you want to then do it..

PS: 3/4 because I lack 1 spell for the set.
Spell 3/4: Rain of Fire
Sends down fiery rays that clashes on the ground dealing massive damage to those afflicted and creates pillar of flames that deals continuous damage to those who touch the flames.


I have a extreamly primitive hero Idea but I thought this would be a good time to try to see if the hero can come alive! So here is some information

Proper Name: Hades

Name - Undertaker

Model - I thought of the zombie model

Main stat - Strength/melee

Skill 1 - Raise: raise a unit to fight for you. Ghoul models... number of units and power increases with level

Skill 2 - Aura of death: An aura that shreds the enemies when near by

Skill 3 - Soul burn: Begin to break them enemy for passage to the underworld, increases the power of the aura and the ultimate when actived or cast or whatever idea you have.

Ultimate - Down under: The force of the underworld trys to take the enemy, holds the enemy, mainly damage dealing spell


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Guardian of Khaz Modan
Model : Arthas ( wielding frostmourne )

Spell 1 - Morale , gives nearby allies a boost of dmg / spd / hp / mp. ( your choice )

Spell 2 - Purification , Sends a purifying light onto the enemies , dealing xx damage . If the enemy dies , a purified soul is released . this soul can revive any nearby dead allied unit ( non - hero )

Spell 3 - Sword Buster , Strikes a target unit with tremendous force , causing it to be stunned for xx seconds , and pushed back by 150 range .

Ultimate - Final Resort , the guardian calls down multiple beams of light , which blinds nearby enemy units , and moves around the battlefield quickly , slashing all enemies in his wake .

Hope you like it .


Heavy is credit to team!
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Dwarf captain:

1. thunderstomp: creates a crater around the hero and all nearby (enemy) units slide into the crater

2. Bashing strike: Hits the unit with enormous strenght. deals X damage and if the unit is attacked there's a Y chance to get a critical strike and deal X% extra damage.

3. Iron hammer(passiv): Every Xth attack the dwarfen captain does the target of the next hit gets a X reductet armor.

Ultimate: When activate this spell the dwarf gets in rage and for every damage he takes and for every attack he does he gets X bonus dmg. After X seconds he doesn't get any bonus damage and he slowly gets weaker (-X dmg/sec) till he reaches normal dmg.

oO that's wierd! I got a such cool hero idea! I have to take this in my own map xD


New Member
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Hm, nice tread, i get some ideas fr my map too.
and i would not do this, but im nice...

Shillien Elder

Mana Leak - Stoles mana of a target unit

Emergency Return - Teleports you instantly for a random place at map (and cooldown should be high)

Might of Heavens - Punishes a target enemy with power of sky, dealing a high damage (Like starfall)

Superiority (ULT) - Casts your self a powerfull profecy of wind, giving you a high damage increase, attack speed, mana, hp(also heals hp).

thats my idea, if u can help me with itens, go to my post in this section.
:p :p


So many apples
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2 Heros [ Compared them with DotA for some Reasons ]

~Story:~ Born out of the ashes of the fallen in the Royal Crypt of the Scourge, Greel is linked with the memories of the numerous Kings/Queens that laid there. Greel is a Creature of mesmeric plaques, he fights against himself, but seems to control the inner madness he carries. Although this evil creature posses great powers, he is kept like a caged creature. Greel desperately wants to increase his might in the coming war against the Sentinel.

~ Scourge Disabler/Nuker intelligence based Hero ~

Name: Greel Hatebreeder ; Bottom title: Carnomancer
Class: Intelligence
Move Speed: 285
Model: Kael, Bloodmage
Attack statistics: 49-52, Range: 127 [Meele]
Stats: Int: 23 , Str: 19 , Agi: 16, Starting Life: 467 Starting Mana: 264 ( This should be the Total of the statistics... hopefully this resolves )
Stats Gain per level: Int: 23 + 1.9, Str: 19 + 1.6, Agi: 21 + 1.4

~Skill 1:~ Mind [R]ot [Active] : Greel seizures the mental state of a target enemy unit, Breaking down their Will. The Unit that suffers Mind Rot has a chance of 5% that he/she forgets a random skill for the next 15 Seconds ( The forgotten skill cant be learned as long as the effect takes place ).
Level 1: 100 damage, 2 Seconds Slow. (18% Slow)
Level 2: 150 damage, 2 Seconds Slow. (18% Slow)
Level 3: 200 damage , 2.5 Seconds slow. (18% Slow)
Level 4: 250 damage , 2.5 Seconds slow. (18% Slow)
Animation: A Simple Black tainted Slow effect with a tiny blitz effect when casting.
~Cool down: 25/24/23/22 Seconds~ ~mana Cost: 140/140/140/140~

~Skill 2:~ Carnophag[E] [Passiv] : Greel attacks the vital parts of the mind. With every cast he has a chance of making an enemy hero forget a random skill for the next 15 Seconds. The forgotten skill cant be learned as long the effect takes place. Also gives an increase of Magic Power.
Level 1: 5% chance that the unit forgets a skill, increases spell damage by 10%.
Level 2: 8% chance that the unit forgets a skill, increases spell damage by 13%
Level 3: 12% chance that the unit forgets a skill, increases spell damage by 16%.
Level 4: 15% chance that the unit forgets a skill, increases spell damage by 19%.
Animation: The Vampire-Potion, used as an Aura animation, or no animation at all.

~ Skill 3:~ Necrosa[D]izm [Active] : Greel Channels Mana in a nearby corpse and lets it burst. nearby enemies take damage from the explosion.
Level 1: Corpse must be in an Area of Effect of 800, 110 damage in an area of effect of 300.
Level 2: Corpse must be in an Area of Effect of 800, 185 damage in an area of effect of 325.
Level 3: Corpse must be in an Area of Effect of 800, 265 damage in an area of effect of 350.
Level 4: Corpse must be in an Area of Effect of 800, 325 damage in an area of effect of 375.
Animation: Simple resolving Flamestrike on the Corpse.
~Cool down: 15/13/11/9~ ~Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100

~Skill 4, Ultimate:~ True [C]arnage OR memorial Exe[C]ution [Active] : Greel forces his subminal verses in his mind to split in madness. Greel then lets it free. It searches (a) nearby visible enemy hero/s in a range of 2000 and sets it under great pain. Greel´s Body needs 1.65 Seconds to regain its normal State ( Sort of a stun after he/she used this skill ).
Level 1: deals 445 damage, forgets a random skill for the next 20 Seconds and can hit up to 1 enemy hero. Level 2: deals 550 damage, forgets a random skill for the next 20 Seconds and can hit up to 2 enemy hero´s.
Level 3: deals 670 damage, forgets a random skill for the next 20 Seconds and can hit up to 3 enemy hero´s.
Animation: A transperent Banshee that it surging towards the enemy unit.
~Cool down: 185/180/175~ ~Mana Cost: 200/245/290~
Quick Note:All Abilities that are mentioned Stack with the [Passive] "Carnophage"( Ex. Carnophage +Mind Rot )
Need some Icons... Anyone have some icons matching for the skills?
Greel has an advantage towards nearly all of the hero´s. Even though he can disable all kinds of classes, it depends on whether he makes a hero lose a skill for 15 seconds, or not. Its kinda like Ogre magi. If he hits properly, he has an immense advantage towards that hero. Anyways, it doesnt really only depend on the hit rate of the "forget" abillity. Carnophage gives him a slightly increase in damage, which could be useful and also makes him balanced during the whole game, he doesnt really get "Imba". I´ve decided to make him a middle-long range meele. I also gave him a move speed of 285, because he still belongs to a mage type class.

~Mind Rot~ + ~Carnophage~ = Good combination in the beginning
~Necrosadizm~ + ~Carnophage~ = Cash, Cash, Cash $$$ nice for farming
~True Carnage OR Memorial Execution~ + Mind Rot/+Necrosadizm = old fashioned nuke

Roughly, Greel is a good supporter, he can slow, make enemies "forget" Skills temporary and can damage multiple enemies with "necrosadizm" or "True Carnage Or Memorial Execution". Anyways, he has a disadvantage towards gangs or "hero killers", because of his low move speed.


~Story~: As the Sentinel was researching on Biochemical DNA Data, they found interesting facts about how to make artificial life. Sentinel researchers have decided not to use this Technology, as the matter of fact that they could not play the role of God. Anyways, a Researcher refused to believe this, and secretly started his own researches. Some day the head Master of the research works found out about his little "secret", he was found guilty of betraying the Sentinel, and would soon be Executed. As a part of his Execution, he should be buried with his Experiments. As for him, as he came in contact with the chemicals, he began to mutate. He was no longer a Human, he was a Monster. Although his outside changed, his mind was still in tact. He himself was now known as the BioHazard Wepon of the Sentinel.

Name: Genocide ; Bottom Title: BioHazard 5
Class: Strength
Model: Not sure yet, Help me come up with an Idea ( like a Green Slop or so )
Attack statistics: 35-45, Range: 150 ( Meele)
Starting Statistics: 550 Life, 195 Mana.
-------------------> Str: 21 ; Agi: 18 ; Int: 12
Stats Gain per Level: 21 + 1.9 ; 18 + 1.75 ; 12 + 1.55
~Skill 1~: Bio Breed [Passive]: Genocide Posses the Ability to Split his Cells and Create Dublicates of himself, he can only use this ability, when he is becoming attacked, its a sort of Defence Mechanism. The Copies Last until the Original dies, and each copy does the Original damage, and dont take additional damage.

Level 1: 7% Chance to Create a Copy of himself, as he is becoming attacked. Copies capped to 1.
Level 2: 9% Chance to Create a Copy of himself, as he is becoming attacked. Copies capped to 1.
Level 3: 11% Chance to Create a Copy of himself, as he is becoming attacked. Copies capped to 2.
Level 4: 13% Chance to Create a Copy of himself, as he is becoming attacked. Copies capped to 2.
~NOTE~: The Copies do NOT posses the Active Abilities of the Original.
~Skill 2~: Bio Cannon [Active]: Genocide can use its body like a Wepon. He throws a Part of himself to a destinated Area, and damages all units caught in the sludge. Sludge lasts 5 Second on the destinated Area
and slows all enemy Units that dare to enter the area. If a copy Of himself is near the Original [ 325 range ], he throws him to the targeted area.

Level 1: 75 impact damage, 600 Range. 10% Slow, lasts 1.5 Seconds
Level 2: 150 impact damage, 700 Range. 15% Slow, lasts 1.5 Seconds
Level 3: 225 impact damage, 800 Range. 20% Slow, lasts 1.5 Seconds
Level 4: 300 impact damage, 900 Range. 25% Slow, lasts 1.5 Seconds

Mana Cost: 80/110/135/155 Cool Down: 15/14/13/12 Seconds
~Skill 3~: BioHazard [Passive]: Genocide built up a Acidic membrane that protects him from harm. At collision, he does minor damage and slow an enemy.

Level 1: 7% Slow at Collision, 5 damage per Second.
Level 2: 14% Slow at Collision, 10 damage per Second.
Level 3: 21% Slow at Collision, 15 damage per Second.
Level 4: 28% Slow at Collision, 20 Damage per Second.

Note: Doesnt ONLY work when attacked, also works if the enemy Unit comes in contact.
~Skill 4: ULTIMATE~: Instable DNA structure [Passive/Activateable]: Genocide Eats the rests of the Dead creeps and stores them inside of him. When Genocide feels like it, he can use the stored creeps and let a a acidic Wave free, that damages all units within a range of 490 around Genocide. He also has a chance of a 100 damage wave as he is attacked ( This does not use up the absorbed Corpses ).

Level 1: Can store up to 5 Creeps. Every Creep inhabits 75 points of damage ( Max. 450 ). 10% chance that Genocide will Burst for 100 Damage.
Level 2: Can Store up to 7 Creeps. Every Creep inhabits 75 points of damage ( Max. 600 ). 15% chance that Genocide will Burst for 100 Damage.
Level 3: Can Store up to 9 Creeps. Every Creeps inhabits 75 points of damage ( Max. 750 ). 20% chance that Genocide will Burst for 100 Damage.

Mana Cost: 150/200/250 Cool Down: 75/75/75 Seconds

I have Compared and Adjusted these 2 Heros to DotA, so its a bit balanced and so that i could use it as a Template for my Stories. I hope my Ideas will inspire you.


So many apples
Reaction score

Max do you play Lineage 2 o_O These are skills from the shillien Elder ( Dark Elf buffer ) :D


Captain of Stromguarde
Proper Name- Bob
Model- Captain
(he's help from Stromguarde to the North)

Spell One- Holy Blast- Causes a holy light explosion that heals all friendly units around him, healing 150/300/450 hp, and cost 100 mana.

spell two- Resurection Aura- Gives a 10%/20%/30% chance to resurect a corspe in an 900 AOE around the hero, (only friendly units) - passive

spell three- Reinforcements- Summons 2 footmen/2knights/ 5 knights to fight for you, cost 80/10/150 mana

spell four- Steroid- (ultimate)- gives the hero 1000+ hp, and 250 bonus attk dmg for 45 seconds, 300 mana, 180 second cool down.

BTW the capital of Khaz Modan is IronForge.

goodluck in your map


New Member
Reaction score
i'm kinda looking for medieval/fantasy kind of heroes, not 50 cent (i loath rap). please omit heroes referencing the modern day


Dragon Titan
Skill 1-Dragon beam
Skill 2-Fly
Skill 3-Breath Fire
Skill 4-(high power skill) Summon Dragons

Dark Elf
Skill 1-Dark Beam
Skill 2-Shadow Summon
Skill 3-Shadow Walk
Skill 4-Black Tornado
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