I need heroes and items for my map


Death is Not the End
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Here are some heroes that I'm going to use when my RPG map is completed after a few weeks to a few months:

Dragoon Specialist
Name: Zatherim
Stats: Strength (Primary Attribute)
Strength: 21
Agility: 17
Intellegence: 19
Range: Melee (124)
Spells: Heart of the Dragoon, Bloodluster's Rage, Psionic Shocker, Dragoon's Avatar.

Heart of the Dragoon Mana Cost: Passive

As a Dragoon, Zatherim's lifeforces regenerate quickly and improve his vital organs. Learning from this skill improves the body for Zatherim allowing a longer life.

Lvl 1: 75 bonus hit points and a +0.75 hit point regeneration.
Lvl 2: 150 bonus hit points and a +1.50 hit point regeneration.
Lvl 3: 225 bonus hit points and a +2.25 hit point regeneration.

Bloodluster's Rage Mana Cost: 50, +50 every level. Cooldown is 120 seconds.

Zatherim holds a cursed seal embedded on the skin of his chest showing vast amounts of glowing runes when in this rage. In this form, Zatherim's veins and arteries bulge and pump quicker, blood circulates in the body quicker, and improves his abilites. The end result is, after the muscles tear themselves apart, Zatherim suffers from a -movement rate, -attack rate, -10 hit points every second for 5 seconds, and drains 5 mana per second for 20 seconds. This aftermath varies in time.

Lvl 1: Gives a +80% attack speed, +120% movement speed, and a +15% damage increase for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, he loses a -80% attack rate, -120% movement speed, and a -15% damage decrease for 60 seconds.
Lvl 2: Gives a +160% attack speed, +240% movement speed, and a +30% damage increase for 45 seconds. After 45 seconds, he loses a -160% attack rate, -240% movement speed, and a -30% damage decrease for 75 seconds.
Lvl 3: Gives a +240% attack speed, +360% movement speed, and a +45% damage increase for 60 seconds. After 60 seconds, he loses a -240% attack rate, -360% movement speed, and a -45% damage decrease for 90 seconds.

Psionic Shocker Mana Cost: 135, +15 each level. Cooldown is 9 seconds.

By concentrating on the power of mana, Zatherim can do major damage in a area of effect by combusting his own mana into a complete mind-eating electric.

Lvl 1: Drains 100 mana in a area of 400 dealing 20 damage per second. Lasts 5 seconds.
Lvl 2: Drains 200 mana in a area of 600 dealing 40 damage per second. Lasts 6 seconds.
Lvl 3: Drains 300 mana in a area of 800 dealing 60 damage per second. Lasts 7 seconds.

Dragoon's Avatar Mana Cost: 175. Cooldown is 180 seconds.

All Dragoons are blessed by the Dragonic gods of Azeroth. Dragoons call upon their powers to strike fear into their enemy. Zatherim gets 750 bonus hit points, +10 armor, +50 damage, and Spell Immunity.

Dragoon Guardian
Name: Matzar
Stats: Agility (Primary Attribute)
Strength: 18
Agility: 24
Range: Melee (115)
Spells: Defend, Divine Intervention, Adamantine Plates, Omega Defender.

Defend Mana Cost: 100, -15 each level. No cooldown.

As a Dragoon guardian learning to fight, Matzar can defend his own ally at the cost of his life, a symbol of a True Warrior. While Defending, he is in front of his ally and defends the unit until canceled. He is a living shield while in this stance so when the unit turns or moves, he turns and moves too.

Lvl 1: Raises 20 defense to Matzar and anything that attacks him will get 15% damage returned.
Lvl 2: Raises 35 defense to Matzar and anything that attacks him will get 20% damage returned.
Lvl 3: Raises 50 defense to Matzar and anything that attacks him will get 25% damage returned.

Divine Intervention Mana Cost: 175, -25 each level. No cooldown. Can be Autocasted.

Using the powers of both the Dragoon and the Holy Spirit, Matzar can give a friendly hero a Command Aura, an Endurance Aura, and a Devotion Aura. Lasts 75 seconds.

Lvl 1: Gives all 3 auras that have: +15% damage, 15% movement and attack speed, and 1 bonus armor to all in a radius of 1000.
Lvl 2: Gives all 3 auras that have: +30% damage, 30% movement and attack speed, and 3 bonus armor to all in a radius of 1250.
Lvl 3: Gives all 3 auras that have: +45% damage, 45% movement and attack speed, and 5 bonus armor to all in a radius of 1500.

Adamantine Plates Mana Cost: Passive

Secretly, instead of being only a guardian, Matzar has massively superior skills in blacksmithing and able to forge from the lowest mineral into an reseblence and strength of Adamantine.

Lvl 1: Adds 4 armor and ignores 3 damage.
Lvl 2: Adds 6 armor and ignores 9 damage.
Lvl 3: Adds 8 armor and ignores 15 damage.

Omega Defender Mana Cost: 300. Cooldown is 240 seconds.

By focusing the Arcane powers, the Dragoon Powers and Holy powers, Matzar can create a mass amount of armor and Spell Immunity to all friendly units in a area of 1200. Gives 500 armor for 60 seconds.

Hellslayer Elite Guardian
Name: Azrath
Stats: Strength (Primary Attribute)
Strength: 29
Agility: 16
Range: Melee (128)
Spells: Critical Strike, Intimidation Aura, Howl of Terror, Warp Striker.

Critical Strike Mana Cost: Passive

With such a heavy and razorsharp sword, Azrath's devastaing attacks are sure to land a critical blow more often than the skinny blades of the Blademasters'. It is said to cut through 8 inches deep in adamantine and steel combine!

Lvl 1: Gives Azrath a 30% chance to do 2.5 times the damage.
Lvl 2: Gives Azrath a 30% chance to do 3.5 times the damage.
Lvl 3: Gives Azrath a 30% chance to do 4.5 times the damage.

Intimidation Aura Mana Cost: Passive

Azrath is the most feared warrior of the Hellslayer clan that even Dragons and Dragoons avoid him. Even the Lord of the Hellslayer clan his warriors are intimidated by Azrath's evil looks, that's how much he's feared.

Lvl 1: Gives a 5% chance to make an enemy run for his life and decreases enemy damage by 10% within a radius of 1000. Unit can only flee when on the aura. Every 6 seconds, units have a chance to flee.
Lvl 2: Gives a 10% chance to make an enemy run for his life and decreases enemy damage by 20% within a radius 1250. Unit can only flee when on the aura. Every 4 seconds, units have a chance to flee.
Lvl 3: Gives a 15% chance to make an enemy run for his life and decreases enemy damage by 30% within a radius 1500. Unit can only flee when on the aura. Every 2 seconds, units have a chance to flee.

Howl of Terror Mana Cost: 85, +15 each level. Cooldown is 15 seconds.

When Azrath has already learned the Intimidation Aura, Azrath is to be feared by all! Azrath can turn the tide of battle into his favor by roaring at his enemies.

Lvl 1: The howl reduces enemy damage by 35% at a radius of 500.
Lvl 2: The howl reduces enemy damage by 45% at a radius of 600.
Lvl 3: The howl reduces enemy damage by 55% at a radius of 700.

Warp Striker Mana Cost: 200. Cooldown is 240 seconds.

Though not as fast you think Azrath is, he can disappear in a blink of an eye at a speed of 93,000.00 MPH! He teleports and strikes several units with several combos. Azrath can strike 5 units with 8 attacks eack. But the payoff is that it reduces 50% movement speed from Azrath for 120 seconds. This is a forbidden move so it destroys parts of the body.

Dragoon Elite Ranger
Name: Seramin
Stats: Agility (Primary Attribute)
Strength: 13
Agility: 20
Intelligence: 18
Range: 650
Spells: Multiple Shot, Impaling Shot, Malicious Arrow, Volley.

Multiple Shot Mana Cost: Passive

With the archery skills she has, Seramin can hold more arrows and shoot more enemies but arrow damage is weaker.

Lvl 1: Shoots 2 arrows and distibution of the arrow deals 50% to an enemy.
Lvl 2: Shoots 3 arrows and distribution of the arrows deal 33% to 2 enemies.
Lvl 3: Shoots 4 arrows and distribution of the arrows deal 25% to 3 enemies.

Impaling Arrow Mana Cost: 125, add 15 each level. Cooldown is 11 seconds.

Seramin has a strong specialty for arrows and can impale (pierce) enemies in a line.

Lvl 1: Deals 100 damage in a line and stuns for 2 seconds.
Lvl 2: Deals 150 damage in a line and stuns for 3 seconds.
Lvl 3: Deals 200 damage in a line and stuns for 4 seconds.

Malicious Shot Mana Cost: 8, +1 each level. Can be Autocasted.

As a ranger, Seramin is also an alchemist in poisons. She can collect the weakest poison and turn it deadly weapon. She dips each arrow with the poison and is ready for battle. Each arrow has a chance of paralyzing a enemy for a few seconds for each arrow shot.

Lvl 1: Each arrow deals 5 bonus damage, a poison effect, and a 5% chance of paralyzing the enemy for 3 seconds.
Lvl 2: Each arrow deals 10 bonus damage, a major poison effect, and a 10% chance of paralyzing the enemy for 4 seconds.
Lvl 3: Each arrow deals 15 bonus damage, a deadly poison effect, and a 15% chance of paralyzing the enemy for 5 seconds.

Poison: Deals 3 damage a second for 20 seconds.
Major Poison: Deals 9 damage a second for 35 seconds.
Deadly Poison: Deals 15 damage a second for 50 seconds.

Volley Mana Cost: 250. Cooldown is 180 seconds.

Seramin is granted a stack of unlimited arrows and releases them by shooting rapidly. Since the spell is channeled, units must defend her. Each arrow deals 75 damage and 25 damage to buildings. Lasts 45 seconds in a radius of 1200.

Zerg Devouring One
Name: Devouring One
Stats: Agility (Primary Attribute)
Strength: 18
Agility: 23
Intellegence: 16
Range: Melee (122)
Spells: Devour, Biological Synthesis, Adrenal Glands, Metabolic Boost.

Devour Mana Cost: 25. Cooldown is 1 second.

As it suits its name, Devouring Ones can swallow their enemies whole. Deals damage to the enemy unit once inside the Devouring One. If the Devouring One dies while digesting, the unit(s) will return on the field.

Lvl 1: Deals 5 damage per second. Capacity is 1 unit.
Lvl 2: Deals 10 damage per second. Capacity is 2 units.
Lvl 3: Deals 15 damage per second. Capacity is 3 units.

Biological Synthesis Mana Cost: Passive

As with all Zerg, they have fast regenerative flesh that can help the Devouring One return to battle more quickly.

Lvl 1: Increases regeneration rate by 75%.
Lvl 2: Increases regeneration rate by 150%.
Lvl 3: Increases regeneration rate by 225%.

Adrenal Glands Mana Cost: 75, +5 each level. Cooldown is 2 seconds. Can be Autocasted.

As part Zergling and Devourer, they have to ability to attack at lightspeed rate.

Lvl 1: Increases attack rate by 25% for 60 seconds.
Lvl 2: Increases attack rate by 50% for 75 seconds.
Lvl 3: Increases attack rate by 75% for 90 seconds.

Metabolic Boost Mana Cost: 125. No cooldown. Can be Autocasted.

As part Zergling, the Devouring One has another ability. He can make allied units more faster and attack more effectively. Increases movement and attack speed by 130% for 120 seconds.

Zerg Hunter Killer
Name: Hunter Killer
Stats: Agility (Primary Attribute)
Strength: 19
Agility: 24
Intellegence: 18
Range: 325
Spells: Grooved Spines, Poison Spines, Biological Synthesis, Muscular Augaments.

Grooved Spines Mana Cost: Passive.

As a Hydralisk, Hunter Killers have the ability to aim more distant targets.

Lvl 1: +100 Range. Total: +100
Lvl 2: +125 Range. Total: +225
Lvl 3: +150 Range. Total: +375

Biological Synthesis Mana Cost: Passive

As with all Zerg, they have fast regenerative flesh that can help the Hunter Killer return to battle more quickly.

Lvl 1: Increases regeneration rate by 85%.
Lvl 2: Increases regeneration rate by 170%.
Lvl 3: Increases regeneration rate by 255%.

Poison Spines Mana Cost: 10, -2 each level. No cooldown. Can be Autocasted.

Hunter Killer have venom sacs hooked to their shoulder's spinal cords that Hydralisks don't have. Each attack the Hunter Killer does leaves behind a special posion onto its target.

Lvl 1: Deals 7 bonus damage leaving a slight burning poison that deals 5 damage per second and lasts 10 seconds.
Lvl 2: Deals 14 bonus damage leaving a slight burning poison that deals 10 damage per second and lasts 15 seconds.
Lvl 3: Deals 21 bonus damage leaving a slight burning poison that deals 15 damage per second and lasts 20 seconds.

Muscular Augaments Mana Cost: 135. No cooldown. Can be Autocasted.

As a Hydralisk, a Hunter Killers can make other units more faster and attack at lightspeed. Gives a 150% boost to speed and attack rate for 90 seconds.


Ah. I see that your hero ideas are getting more balanced. XD

No offense, Bloodluster's Rage is similar to one of the skills of the Murloc hero I suggested.

Hmm... So the Dragoon will be with the Human Alliance?


Death is Not the End
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grimtooth said:
Ah. I see that your hero ideas are getting more balanced. XD

No offense, Bloodluster's Rage is similar to one of the skills of the Murloc hero I suggested.

Hmm... So the Dragoon will be with the Human Alliance?

Sorry grimtooth, I seem to not be reading much :D . Well, the Dragoons can be on the Alliance since their models are like a Human or Elf.


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gourry's back in the bussines

i'm back after 2 weeks of vacation, and i have a question, i want to put an aura that quits 5 defense to enemies around but i can't put "-5" on the value of the devotion aura, if anybody knows how, post me plz


Avoid, if at all possible.
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Well, I writed a hero long ago for some "give me a hero" thread. But I dont think someone used it, anyway, here it is.

Most of his skills are untriggered so he is easy to make.

A strength hero. The warrior priest.
Abilities: Purge the inpure, Crush the weak, Divine Protection, Zealotry faith.
Purge the impure: Deals bonus damage on the evil beings (undead, demons and such, whatever evils you have in your map)
Crush the weak: Sends a crushing blow upon an enemy. If the enemy has under an amount of hp, it will deal high extra damage.
Godly Protection: When activated, the target will recieve a great amount of extra armor.
Zealotry Faith: When the warrior priest dies, it will stand up and fight for their god one last time. He become invurnable for an amount of seconds. when the time ends, he dies.

History: The warrior priest lives in the great monastery high in empty harsh places, such as mountains or in deep forests. Their Zealotry faith in their great gods is their highest priority. Nothing can stop them, and they obey their gods whatever they want them to do. They and their god hates the weak. It said that they can sense weakness in a foes soul. Warrior priests are ferious fighters and those who doesnt follow their belivies are wrong people. The warrior priests have strict rules, such as it's forbidden to love someone, then you are no true warrior, and you will die. If you wish to join these zealotry warriors, you have to past the so called month test. You have to travel to the greatest mountain in the world. You have to reach the top which is almost impossible. Then on the way down, you have to slay a great mountain bear, the most dangerous animal in the known world. Then you have to carry his pelt back to the monasteries.


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gourry_G said:
i'm back after 2 weeks of vacation, and i have a question, i want to put an aura that quits 5 defense to enemies around but i can't put "-5" on the value of the devotion aura, if anybody knows how, post me plz

Go to Preferences and look for "Allow Negative Values". You should also Shift+Clic the defense values to set them as negatives.
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