Spell Lightning Blast Ball


hook DoNothing MakeGUIUsersCrash
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vJass: Yes.
MUI: Yes.
Laggless: Yes.
Leakless: Yes
Requires: NewGen Editor

Description: (Is copied from tooltip)
Summons a lightning ball that moves towards a target point enlarging and moves upwards.
When the ball reaches its target it crashes down and deals damage in an AoE

The damage increases the further from the caster the target is.

struct LightningBlastBall // Requires TimerUtils 
//              Implementing Instructions:
//  1: Create a trigger named LightningBlastBall and copy all this code into that trigger.
//  2: Import TimerUtils if you haven't them already imported into your map already.
//  3: Create the dummy unit and the ability
//  4: Set the SPELL_ID and DUMMY_ID to the ID's of your created dummy and ability.
//  5: Configure the spell the way you want it.
//  WARNING: If you see that the handle amount goes up in the handle counter that is NOT because this spell leaks.
//           It is because I do not remove the units, I kill them and then lets WC3 take care of them as they should be taken care of
// Configuration vars:
    private static constant integer SPELL_ID = 'A000' //the ID of the spell.   
    private static constant integer DUMMY_ID = 'h001' // the dummys ID
    private static constant real TIMER_PERIOD = 0.025      // How often the timer runs, increasing this will lower the speed of the balls.
    private static constant real SPEED = 10                // The speed of the lightning ball.
    private static constant real DAMAGE_INCREASE = 1.6     // This value is used to calculate the damage, the damage is calculated this way
                                                           // lvl*DAMAGE_INCREASE
    private static constant real HEIGHT_INCREASE = 7       // How much the dummy's height increases per interval.
    private static constant real DROP_SPEED_INCREASE = 7   // How much the drop speed increases per interval

    private static constant real START_SCALING = 0.40      // The size of the unit when the spell starts
    private static constant real SCALE_INCREASE = 0.03     // How much the units size increases every interval  
    private static constant real NOVA_RADIUS = 300         // The size of the nova that units gets damaged inside.
    private static constant integer NOVA_DUMMY_AMOUNT = 20 // The amount of dummies used in the Nova.
    private static constant real NOVA_SPEED = 15           // The speed of the units in the nova.
    private static constant real DAMAGE_RADIUS = 30        // The radius around the nova units that get damaged.
    private static constant real NOVA_DUMMY_SIZE = 8       // The size of the dummies used in the nova.
    private static constant string SOUND_PATH = "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\StormBolt\\ThunderBoltMissileDeath.wav"
                                                           // The sound you want this spell to use.
// The damage filter, Edit this to make it target the types of units you want to
    private static constant method DamageFilter takes unit caster, unit target returns boolean
        return (IsUnitEnemy(target, GetOwningPlayer(caster))) and (IsUnitType(target, UNIT_TYPE_GROUND)) and (GetUnitState(target, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) > 0.405)
// The Damage amount this spell deas, edit this to configure the damage you want it to deal.
    private static constant method DamageAmount takes integer lvl returns real
        return lvl*.DAMAGE_INCREASE

// Don't edit below this line if you don't know what you're doing.
        private static boolexpr RETURN_TRUE
        private static location globalLoc = Location(0,0)
        private static LightningBlastBall array LBB
        private real currX
        private real currY
        private real distdone = 0
        private real totaldist
        private real cos
        private real sin
        private real angle
        private real currheight = 0
        private real totaldrop
        private unit whichUnit
        private real currscale = .START_SCALING
        private real dropspeed = .DROP_SPEED_INCREASE
        private unit damager
        private real currdamage = 0
        private unit array novaUnits[.NOVA_DUMMY_AMOUNT]
        private real array novasin[.NOVA_DUMMY_AMOUNT]
        private real array novacos[.NOVA_DUMMY_AMOUNT]
        private real array novaUnitsX[.NOVA_DUMMY_AMOUNT]
        private real array novaUnitsY[.NOVA_DUMMY_AMOUNT]
        private boolean novaStarted = false
        private group damagedUnits
        private timer t
    private static method H2I takes handle h returns integer i
        return h
        return 0
    private static method create takes nothing returns LightningBlastBall
        local LightningBlastBall LBBT = .allocate()
        set LBBT.damagedUnits = CreateGroup()
        return LBBT
    private method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = 0
            exitwhen i >= .NOVA_DUMMY_AMOUNT
            call ShowUnit(.novaUnits<i>, false)
            call KillUnit(.novaUnits<i>)
            set .novaUnits<i> = null
            set i = i+1
        call DestroyGroup(.damagedUnits)
        set .damagedUnits = null
        set .whichUnit = null
        set .damager = null
        call ReleaseTimer(.t)

    private static method Nova takes nothing returns nothing
        local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
        local LightningBlastBall l = .LBB[.H2I(t)-0x100000]
        local real totalAngle = 0
        local real between
        local integer i = 0
        local real scale = (l.currscale/.NOVA_DUMMY_AMOUNT)*.NOVA_DUMMY_SIZE
        local group unitsInRange = CreateGroup()
        local unit u
        if l.novaStarted == false then
            set between = 360/.NOVA_DUMMY_AMOUNT
                exitwhen totalAngle &gt;= 360
                set l.novacos<i> = .NOVA_SPEED * Cos(bj_DEGTORAD * totalAngle)
                set l.novasin<i> = .NOVA_SPEED * Sin(bj_DEGTORAD * totalAngle)
                set l.novaUnits<i> = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(l.damager), .DUMMY_ID, l.currX, l.currY, totalAngle)
                set l.novaUnitsX<i> = GetUnitX(l.novaUnits<i>)
                set l.novaUnitsY<i> = GetUnitY(l.novaUnits<i>)
                call SetUnitScale(l.novaUnits<i>, scale,scale,scale)
                set totalAngle = totalAngle+between
                set i = i+1
            set i = 1
            set l.novaStarted = true
        if l.distdone &gt;= .NOVA_RADIUS then                
            call l.destroy()
                exitwhen i &gt;= .NOVA_DUMMY_AMOUNT
                set l.novaUnitsX<i> = l.novaUnitsX<i> + l.novacos<i>
                set l.novaUnitsY<i> = l.novaUnitsY<i> + l.novasin<i>
                call SetUnitX(l.novaUnits<i>, l.novaUnitsX<i>)
                call SetUnitY(l.novaUnits<i>, l.novaUnitsY<i>)
                call GroupClear(unitsInRange)
                call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(unitsInRange, l.novaUnitsX<i>, l.novaUnitsY<i>, .DAMAGE_RADIUS, .RETURN_TRUE)
                    set u = FirstOfGroup(unitsInRange)
                    exitwhen u == null
                    if .DamageFilter(l.damager, u) == true and IsUnitInGroup(u, l.damagedUnits) == false then
                        call UnitDamageTarget(l.damager, u, l.currdamage , false, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL, null)
                    call GroupRemoveUnit(unitsInRange, u)
                    call GroupAddUnit(l.damagedUnits, u)
                    set u = null
                set i = i+1
            set l.distdone = l.distdone + .NOVA_SPEED
        set unitsInRange = null
        set u = null
        set t = null
    private static method Drop takes nothing returns nothing
        local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
        local sound s
        local LightningBlastBall l = .LBB[.H2I(t)-0x100000]
        if l.currheight &gt;= l.totaldrop-.DROP_SPEED_INCREASE then
            set l.distdone = 0
            call PauseTimer(l.t)
            call TimerStart(l.t, .TIMER_PERIOD, true, function LightningBlastBall.Nova)
            call ShowUnit(l.whichUnit, false)
            call KillUnit(l.whichUnit)
            set s = CreateSound(.SOUND_PATH, false, true, true, 0,0,&quot;a&quot;)
            call SetSoundPosition(s, l.currX, l.currY, 0)
            call SetSoundVolume(s, 110)
            if (s != null) then
                call StartSound(s)
            call KillSoundWhenDone(s)
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(l.whichUnit, l.totaldrop-l.currheight, 0)
            set l.currheight = l.currheight + l.dropspeed
            set l.dropspeed = l.dropspeed + .DROP_SPEED_INCREASE
        set t = null
        set s = null
    private static method TimerAct takes nothing returns nothing
        local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
        local LightningBlastBall l = .LBB[.H2I(t)-0x100000]
        if l.distdone &gt;= l.totaldist then
            set l.totaldrop = l.currheight
            set l.currheight = 0
            call PauseTimer(l.t)
            call TimerStart(l.t, .TIMER_PERIOD, true, function LightningBlastBall.Drop)
            set l.currX = l.currX + l.cos
            set l.currY = l.currY + l.sin
            call SetUnitX(l.whichUnit, l.currX)
            call SetUnitY(l.whichUnit, l.currY)
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(l.whichUnit, l.currheight, 0)
            call SetUnitScale(l.whichUnit, l.currscale , l.currscale , l.currscale)
            set l.currscale = l.currscale + .SCALE_INCREASE
            set l.distdone = l.distdone + .SPEED
            set l.currheight = l.currheight + .HEIGHT_INCREASE
            set l.currdamage = l.currdamage + .DamageAmount(GetUnitAbilityLevel(l.damager, .SPELL_ID))
        set t = null
    private static method Actions takes nothing returns nothing
        local real tarx 
        local real tary
        local LightningBlastBall l = .create()
        local unit caster = GetSpellAbilityUnit()
        set l.t = NewTimer()
        set l.damager = caster
        set .globalLoc = GetSpellTargetLoc()
        set tarx = GetLocationX(.globalLoc)
        set tary = GetLocationY(.globalLoc)
        set l.currX = GetUnitX(caster)
        set l.currY = GetUnitY(caster)
        set l.angle = Atan2((tary - l.currY), (tarx - l.currX))
        set l.totaldist = SquareRoot((tarx-l.currX)*(tarx-l.currX) + (tary-l.currY)*(tary-l.currY))
        set l.sin = .SPEED * Sin(l.angle)
        set l.cos = .SPEED * Cos(l.angle)
        set l.whichUnit = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(caster), .DUMMY_ID, l.currX, l.currY, l.angle*bj_RADTODEG)
        call SetUnitScale(l.whichUnit, .START_SCALING , .START_SCALING , .START_SCALING)
        set .LBB[.H2I(l.t)-0x100000] = l
        call TimerStart(l.t, .TIMER_PERIOD, true, function LightningBlastBall.TimerAct)
        set caster = null
        call RemoveLocation(.globalLoc)
        set .globalLoc = null
    private static method Cond takes nothing returns boolean
        return GetSpellAbilityId() == .SPELL_ID
    private static method BoolexprReturnTrue takes nothing returns boolean
        return true
    private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger Trig = CreateTrigger()
        local integer i = 0
        set .RETURN_TRUE=Condition(function LightningBlastBall.BoolexprReturnTrue)
            call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(Trig, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT, null)
            set i = i+1
            exitwhen i == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
        call TriggerAddCondition(Trig, Condition(function LightningBlastBall.Cond))
        call TriggerAddAction(Trig, function LightningBlastBall.Actions)



  • LightningBlastBall.w3x
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Stops copies me!
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Hmm, that's alot of code... I think I'll just wait for the screenshot :D

One thing that I noticed from the code though
            call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(Trig, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT, null)
            set i = i+1
            exitwhen i == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS

Why bother doing all that if you're still going to pass a null argument for the filter in TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent? Not exactly a huge deal, but it's excessive work when you're just doing what the BJ is doing (and to be perfectly honest, the AnyUnitEventBJ isn't very bad)


hook DoNothing MakeGUIUsersCrash
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I didn't feel like using the BJ, that would be the only BJ if I did :D
And I just copy pasted only changed "index" to "i" and added the event :p

Edit - Uploaded screenshots.


Super Moderator
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I found a problem with the spell. After I cast it a lot of times repeatedly, for some reason, all the units that were made got re-created and they just stayed there. I got a screenshot below:



hook DoNothing MakeGUIUsersCrash
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Fuck I must have uploaded wrong version..

They stay because the map recreates enemys for testing purpose lol. But somehow the dummies also got recreated.

Edit - In the uploaded version the if statement that should make the dummys not being recreated used a or instead of a and.. how nice.



Super Moderator
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Yes, that would probably explain it.


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Haven't tested it yet, but personally I think that using methods for spells s pretty dumb, (no offense) like textmacros in spells, aye?


hook DoNothing MakeGUIUsersCrash
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Now when I tried it I actully liked it more then the usual way. It feels more ordered and I don't need to declare a extra struct :p


Stops copies me!
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There's nothing wrong with using methods for it (apart from the long prefixes for stuff) but it looks awesome :D And there's nothing really bad about using textmacros in spells, especially if you want to quickly make a long list of similar things (like a series of elseif's that check a destructable type, for example), unless of course you're doing something stupid (like using a textmacro within a function, and said textmacro creates a new function)

call TimerStart(t, [B]0.025[/B], true, function LightningBlastBall.TimerAct)
Should be configurable, same applies in your TimerAct method - some people may need the timers to run at a higher frequency to avoid lag (not sure how much of a difference 0.5-1 sec will make)


hook DoNothing MakeGUIUsersCrash
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Ok I'll add that.

And I found out yesterday that you do not need to prefix static members inside a struct... All my copy and paste of the struct name was useless. :(

The only time static members needs to be prefixed inside a struct is: Timers, Conditions/Actions and when you create objects of the type of course. (This is what I found out in this spell.)

I will upload the edited version when more feedback comes.


hook DoNothing MakeGUIUsersCrash
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Added a onInit method to the struct so it doesn't need to be placed in a trigger named exactly the right name.


Hopes to get back into Mapmaking with SC2 :)
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could it be that your dummies have the worker classifcation?


hook DoNothing MakeGUIUsersCrash
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I'm pretty sure that the user that uses this spell creates his own dummies.
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