Mystica ORPG (Clean Thread)


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Mystica ORPG
The Epic ORPG You've Been Waiting For!

Mystica ORPG is a 256x256 map, in which you create your own hero, master your own stat, achive high ranks of your skills, and just generally have fun.

The world was once at peace, until a dark mystical spirit came and cursed the king. The king turned into a Mystica Spirit, and turned all the peacful animals into evil beasts.

Level up your character, make his stat points really high with tomes, and get the best gear possible for your class.

Things to do at max level:
-Do max level dungeons
-Duel friends
-Farm for Money
-Buy Good Gear and Tomes
-Level up professions to get good items

-Max level 50
-Many, many quests.
-Unique cinimatics and stories behind each quest
-Monsters up to level 50
-The Mystica Spirit (level 50 boss)
-Unique Partying System
-Every character has a Teleport book, so at level 50, you don't always spawn at the starting town and have to walk to your place, you can simply teleport there.

Classes (So far):

Classes (To come):
Holy Warrior
Ice/Lightning Mage

Ironwell City:

Evergreen Forest


Igloo Town

Furbolg Forest

Jungle Village

Wildkin Forest

Once, beautiful creatures roamed this land. Birds sang, roosters woke us up in the morning, trolls conversed with us, skinks stunk, and hermit crabs hid in their shells. The times have turned. An evil spirit has come and corrupted them. They all beleived the spirit. It told them that they would be all powerful if they followed his orders. He told them that they would be rich if they did what he said. He told them lies. His true plan was to slay them all, and be the leader of the world by himself. But of course, he kept that to himself. You, young adventurer, are our only hope. I beleive the prophecy is true. I beleive you will save us. I beleive you can save us. I. Beleive. In. You.

I remember the days when I used to farm. When I used to fend off skinks from my cottage, and laugh with my wife about the crabs hiding from us in their shells, which we could easily crush. Nowadays, if we laughed, they would slay us, or let us suffer a painful death.

But you. You are special. You have powers none of us have. You alone will not fulfill the prophecy. Your friends will help you. But, I beleive.

Fireball - Hurls a fireball at the enemy, dealing damage.
Pyrobolt - Hurls a bolt of fire at the enemy, stunning him and dealing high damage to him.
Rain of Fire - Conjours down rain. Not just normal rain, but rain of fire. Each ball of fire deals damage to units below.
Burn - Wreaths the enemy target in flames, dealing damage over the time he is on fire.
Flame Tornado - Conjours a torado of flame at the feet of the caster. The tornado deals damage to all units it is on top of.
Fire Shield - Calls forth a shield of fire to convert mana into life for the caster.
Wave of Fire - Burns all targets in front of the wave for high damage.
Fire Spin - Conjours spinning flames around the caster, dealing damage to all nearby units.

Minor Heal - Brings down light upon the target, healing him for a small amount of life.
Shadowbolt - Conjours shadows into a bolt of darkness and throws it at the target, dealing damage.
Healing Wave- A wave of light goes through all nearby allies, healing them for a small amount of life.
Healing Waters - Conjours waters of healing in the target area, healing all units being splashed by them.
Shadow Strike - Throws a bolt of darkness at the enemy, dealing instant damage, and damage over time.
Rejuvination - Heals the target over time
Rain of Chaos - Calls down balls of raging shadow, bringing with them infernoes.

Slam - Slams the ground, slowing and dealing damage to nearby units.
Hammer of Death - Throws a hammer at the target, stunning it and dealing damage.
Taunt- Causes nearby units to attack the warrior.
Battle Roar- Roars feircly, pumping adrenilin to nearby units, increasing damage.
Power Strike - Powered single blow, deals high damage to a single unit.
Bash - A chance to deal extra damage and stun the unit for 1 second.
Avatar - Pumps the warrior with strength, increasing his armor, life, and damage for a minute.

Searing Arrows - Imbues the arrow with fire, dealing high damage to the target unit.
Frost Arrows - Adds ice to the arrows strength, freezing the target unit, and slowing him for a time.
Arrow Nova - A nova of arrows shoots out of the caster, dealing damage to all nearby units.
Rain of Arrows - Conjours arrows to fall from the sky, dealing damage to all units underneath them.
Evasion - Gives the ranger extra swifness, increasing chance to dodge.
Life Drain- The ranger focuses all of his efforts into stealing life from the target foe.

Bolt of Nature - Focuses all nature energy nearby the druid into a bolt, and fires it at the targeted foe.
Natural Light - Heals targeted unit for HP.
Rejuvination - Heals targeted unit for HP over time.
Entangling Roots- Roots the target in place, dealing damage to him while he is stuck.
Hibernate - Puts targeted unit to sleep for 20 seconds. Attacking it will wake it.

This will drop the item in that slot, and also every item after that slot.
This will clear the screen of all messages.
Unsticks your character if he is stuck.
This kills your character, if he is stuck somewhere this is perfect.
Shows a questlog of your quests.

There is an arena for duels. If you wish to duel a character, you type -duel (color). If he accepts, he types -duel, and you begin the duel. You wait 10 seconds for the gates to open, then begin the fight. After somone wins, the loser waits for his character to respawn, and the winner is teleported to Ironwell town.

There is a demo of the map attached to the post. Please play it, but keep in mind there may be bugs, and some unfinished areas, as well as only 4 classes, 2 of them being unfinished, and some of the unique features not working, or yet created. **

Comments? Questions? Ideas? Critizism? It's all welcome.


**No demo as of yet, the forum max size of upload is 1.91 MB, mines 1.98MB... I'll see if I can get them to set it a little higher..


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Hmm. I hope I don't sound too mean, but why do you need another thread on this? Why can't you use the one you have?


Liberty, Simply said; a lie.
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Hmm, It's fine, what I meant by Inns are like acual Taverns around the world, making it seem as though, the "Yo, the whole world ain't fighting, there are those drunk and drinking who live in peace... Yo..." I just think any RPG "should" have a bunch of places to rest, you know little accessible buildings where its neutral, were you can talk to people, buy things, have your own room etc.. but this should be around the world, not in a city, like a part village you know?

Second, I'd like to see something else than basically constantly running around and killing things and doing quests, perhaps you get to buy a farm as well, make a living, earn money and respect from the people, get a job, own a farm, get a horse, get a lumbermill, get servants, when I personally think of a Knight, you dont just become one ey? You need respect from a Master to promote you to a knight, Why are you called a ranger..? What is it about you making you a druid other than the fact that you have Druid like spells and abilities and looks. How come a holy warrior gets to start out Holy and not have to go through all that crap being a villager? Perhaps you start out in a life of someone, maybe you choose not only a hero, but a life, and yes from there on forth you should become a grand master, you should host arenas, you should be champion of them, you should have a job with a local trading outpost, maybe you should go to the dungeons for killing an innocent, but wait, a loyal ally of your attempts to get you out, yes, that would be helpful, but your stupid now we are wanted criminals, and both your houses are circled (not touched) by Royal guards of the Main city.. Maybe I can talk to the king, haha, the palace is being raided.. I bet the king took the secret passage. Maybe you can acually hire another player for money, maybe you can get custom guards for your Blacksmithing place which does get minerals from the lands fr a fee daily...

I'm trying to say, there got to be a sense of who your character is, why he is here, like "wtf" am I doing in this island to begin with, maybe you got to pay taxes, maybe you constantly move from place to place cuz you adventure, no maybe your a robber! Perhaps after you select a character you should choose traits about him/her and have a custom story written, so everyone can read it. Ive never seen this gameplay b4, I'm really looking forward to it in any rpg, and it seems your progress is going fine so make sure to implement some sense of this. Yours, Xapphire <3


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Xapphire. Those ideas are all great. I've done the thing where you start as a "nobody" and advance your way up through ranks, but the players disliked the beginning. They found it dull that you were "weak" and had very few spells..

The room thing, I like that, with the inns and stuff. There will be plenty of places where you can talk to people who will tell you interesting stuff, and you can do something in response to what they say that will trigger some sort of "secret".

Hmm. I hope I don't sound too mean, but why do you need another thread on this? Why can't you use the one you have?
Well, I felt that nobody was reading my initial post, people were asking questions and giving ideas on the old game, but I'd made so many changes to it, it is basically a new game. So, a new thread for a new game felt good to me.

Back to xapphire. If I was to make it so you could advance your way through the world, create your own buildings, houses, hire guards, etc, how would I make it save? It just wouldn't work. People would have a lot of fun one game, as the king of a city they built, but the next game, somone loads a city right on top of theirs! :O. I just don't see that working.

I've hosted it a few times public for bug finding, and the people tend to like it. The bugs are very miniscule each time I host it, and every bug I or anyone else comes across is written down, and fixed immediatly.

Terrain - 85%
Heroes - 15%
Features - 15%
Quests - 10%

The game is easily playable to level 25 at this point. From then on, it gets very tough to level, because you either have to RM and do the old quests over, or kill level 25- monsters, which may get hard to level at level 49.

Thanks a lot for the ideas,


Liberty, Simply said; a lie.
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I was thinking perhaps this as an RPG like Roleplay so you acually roleplay, maybe you can save your reputation, and after you type -save quit, it generates everything you have but item and character into some sort of points?


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Have you considered making a trade class, as in a player that is more likely to find items, can buy things for a cheaper price, and can do jobs or have access to quests and such?

I can imagine several combat abilities for a character such as that, as well as non-combat ones.


Liberty, Simply said; a lie.
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Yeah, that would be cool too, a trade class, better at professions, more gold, more lumba, bigger reputation, but weaker


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Not necessarily weaker, just having a totally different style of combat, which, when used correctly, can equal a warrior class. Does it sound okay Knights?


Liberty, Simply said; a lie.
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Why would the trade class, which is meant to have something to do with a "trade" or a profession, be equal to a warrior and get several extra powers?


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Equal to warrior as in, in extremely late game, he would have enough gold to buy better weaponry then the warrior is one example, but thats not going to bridge the gap. One way might be mercenaries, but I will think of something if Knights doesn't like the mercenaries idea. :p.


Liberty, Simply said; a lie.
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I guess you're right I just imagined A trader a bit different lol


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Well, I don't think a trader should be a totally non-combat class, I mean, this game is filled with monsters. For you to kill. Not being able to kill stuff is like not playing the game :banghead:


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I've been on a short leave, and I am now back. Progress on Mystica will continue as planned. The trade class is interesting. I will consider it for newer releases, but for now I'd like the typical ORPG feel. To me, a playable map is a great thing to start with, from there on, I can make it better.

So far, all the islands up to level 25 are completed. So basically, it is easy to get to level 25 if you play for about 3-5 hours if you don't know what you are doing, or if you know what to do, probably in an hour. After level 25 I'm going to make the quests get harder and all the monsters get harder as well. That way it will encourage people to create games like Mystica ORPG 25+ and they will party up and do quests.

Thanks for the support and ideas,


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>Hey can I get a link to download ur map??

Unfortunatly the map is not complete at this time. I attempted to post a demo of the map on the original post, but unfortunatly it is a small amount too large to be uploaded on I do not want to upload it into the maps section because then people will think it is a release.

Yet again, I've decided to re-do some concepts of the map. This time I've decided to make the whole map co-op. So basically you choose a hero at the start, get a couple quests at the first town, then go with your allies to pursue the quest. Each time you do a quest, you are rewarded with something more than just experience and money, sometimes spells, sometimes good items.

This time it will not change. I'm sure that I am happy with what I am going to attempt to do.



Анна Ахматова
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Wow, this map sounds awesome. xD I need to keep up with you some how... PM me when the first demo/download is out. :3


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>PM me when the first demo/download is out.

Can do, soljah! :p

KnightsOfTables said:
Yet again, I've decided to re-do some concepts of the map. This time I've decided to make the whole map co-op. So basically you choose a hero at the start, get a couple quests at the first town, then go with your allies to pursue the quest. Each time you do a quest, you are rewarded with something more than just experience and money, sometimes spells, sometimes good items.

This time it will not change. I'm sure that I am happy with what I am going to attempt to do.

Meh. It's changed again. :p

This time it's basically going to stay the same except some spells are going to be quest-learned, and every class will have 2-3 spellbooks. For pyromancer, there will be Fire Spells, and Power Spells. The power Spells will be AoE, and fire ones will be damage over time or single damage to single units.

A demo of the pyromancer will be out shortly.



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Added 3 more screenies.

Progess is going well, but slower than before. This time around, I've decided to take great care and pride in all of the spells, so every single spell will be triggered damage, and a lot of spells will have cool effects.



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Edited my first post with some info about the map. Commands were added,as well as the current spells. Note: the spells are only the CURRENT ones. Mostly up to level 25 ish, but for rangers only up to level 10.

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