Mystica ORPG Returns!


I am the Conduit of Change
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I got some ideas for this and I also tested it.

1. Make items show up on your hero. Find some models and add them to the items as abilities so if you are able to hold a staff, the staff model shows up on your guy.

2. I only saw 5 abilities for summoners and I was playing fire. Here are some ideas.

1. Make a spell to increase a stat of your pet. Heck maybe even make 5 different types of this spell.

2. Make a spell so like if your really low on hp that you drain channel hp from your pet into you.

Here are my ideas so far for the summoner.

2. Make the aggro range shorter.... wow I mean I was playing by myself and 1 pull made 5 more come after me. I had to use the god cheat just to kill them :p

3. About pvp I didn't test it on bnet so I don't know if it's in or not. Make it so you type a command like /pvp on that you get flagged for pvp combat at which anyone from a different tribe can attack you or maybe a duel system where you type /duel and the first person who feels like attacking you from your own tribe gets locked in combat with you.

4. You already figured it out but if you need boss ideas then just ask me for some. I am pretty much a pro when it comes to bosses.


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i will be one of ur big fan! i really whant to see how this game ends out to be!


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All right guys, after a break of mapping, I've decided to re-pickup this project.

Battlemapsta, all of your ideas are great. The only thing I am confused about is what you mean by the summoner having only 5 spells. What would you suggest I do to make it possible to have more than 5 spells? I've tried everything to get around it, and people didn't like the idea of spellbooks..

The best thing I can think of is to have spellbooks, except every 1-3 levels all your abilities that you know so far level up. Also, at the same increment of levels you may learn a new ability.

Thanks for the support and ideas,


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Nice work and idea, but this map is at the moment far from being playable ;)

It needs a lot more testing.

Here's a list of my comments:

  • 2 taverns are empty at the beginning.
  • When I pick-up an item I cannot wear yet, it is sent to my bank. Problems with this are the following: I cannot drop any item I currently hold (How can I replace my gear then?) and I cannot even see what I picked, since I am not allowed vision of the bank unless I'm there.
  • Seems to me a lot of quests, except the "kills" quests, aren't made yet. Such as this "Daisy flower" quest which I never found the flower, nor the "big guy with an axe" that I was supposed to kill!
  • Too many tooltips that don't match or aren't enough descriptive. The most common example is that of the mountain king when it starts ;) Some spell said it only hit Players, and it did hit mobs.
  • The gold cost to rest should be based on your level, not precisely 100 gold. At level 1 you can't afford that, but later on any high level character can easily - every mob gives a lot more money.
  • Base Blizzard spells? Barely modified? Nothing triggered or original? I'm not for that, at all, and it greatly diminished my "excitement" when I started playing the map.
  • The teleports with the bank are very, very messy. First 3 of them don't even work, and if they do, they send you to Nature's place. Only the Nature one works, and it sends you at the right spot. Add some Floating Text that mentions where you are going since at first I just went into a random teleporter and oops, it was Nature's! It would have been a kill-on-sight for me, since I was Fire!
  • Monsters level 1 through 4 have 300 hit points and then, at level 5, *pop* 1100 hp? It should raise slowly, not suddenly.
  • Why is it so the mobs in your starting area are resistant to your element? It is deceiving. They should, at least, not be of the same element. If possible, not the one that is 50% effective for you!
  • For a caster items are a bit messy. If you only buy caster stuff you end up with 25 hp. That is, because every caster stuff reduces your strength -_-
  • Monsters have a large, very large "camp-aggro" range but a small, very small "acquisition" range. Fix that. When you attack a monster every monster within like 1000 range come. But if you walk very close to them they stand still. You have to be pretty much in their melee range before they dare attack.
  • Why is it so NPCs from the Nature faction were friendly to me when I chose Fire?
  • The monsters on the map really need some variance. It's like... they're all clustered there, monsters level 1. Suddenly, Pop! Monsters level 2. Then, those level 3, and so on. It should be more scattered around the area, honestly.
  • The hero, when you choose fire, spawns behind some flying rock. It's just not practical, since you don't see your "new" hero. Also, some flying rock to the south-east blocks the way to the door leading to the Imps, from the left.
  • You shouldn't be able to just level up one ability every level and screw the others. Put some level skip requirements on your abilities.
  • Quests need a bit more descriptions.

On a side note, I could solo quite easily with a caster, as opposed to with a "warrior".

I'll maybe edit with more comments :)


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Very nice points, except I should have removed that map long's changed so much since then.

I only put it up to give a general idea of how the map will run. It was nowhere near complete, that's why some of the taverns were empty and all those bugs happened.

Thanks a lot for the buglist, as some of them still have not been fixed.

The gold cost to rest should be based on your level, not precisely 100 gold. At level 1 you can't afford that, but later on any high level character can easily - every mob gives a lot more money.

I took a small break from mapping, but as far as I remember, I cannot edit the amount of gold of an item for only one player based on his player level. For now 100 gold is fine, as a level one can simply use the church and mansion to gain health/mana over time.

The max monster level is 20, that is the reason at level 5 the mobs gain so much more HP. I expected people to take on level 5 mobs at level 7-10ish, or with a party. I once played a game where 3 of us partied up, I healed, the caster did high damage, and the warrior tanked the mob, and we were able to gain great exp that way. So that simply adds strategy. You may say at level 7 why kill a level 5 mob, the exp isn't as good, but all of the exp gained in my game is edited by triggers to make it as if you were killing a mob your level.

The only mob who will be level 20 is going to be bosses. For the first release there will only be one boss and one dungeon, and it's going to be really hard, so for ideally a party of level 50s.

I'm totally re-doing all the characters. There was previously going to be 60 heroes. I find making 60 "crap" heroes isn't as effective as creating, say, 10 amazing heroes.

My ideas for heroes are Pyromancer, Ice Mage, Druid, Priest, Assassin, Shadow Mage, Warrior, and Holy Warrior.

So far, I have the Pyromancer fully planned and am working on his 11 spells currently. I have decided to take a very long time on each hero type to make sure they are perfected. To start, I will have simple Blizzard-based spells, like Fireball, etc. BUT, as ideas come to me, from you guys or my brain (I know its pretty dull ;)), I will change the Blizzard spells into cool spells which I shall trigger or simply make cool with GFX.

The way it will work, is each hero has a spellbook, and every few levels they gain a new spell, and every few levels the spells they have already level-up, so they do not get weak and useless.

I wanted to start a new project, but this one just cannot leave my mind, it was so good at a certain point, but I lost it due to a computer crash. I was able to gain back an older version which I backed up on my iPod, but it will never be the same. BUT, it can be better.. :)

Thanks for the support, and please consider what I said about ideas..:)

Ideas needed:

Spells for all the classes
Ideas for classes
Ideas for the boss
Just general ideas about the game

Please don't play the map on my original post expecting something amazing, it is simply a general idea of the map. I expect a lot of things to change before the first release, which will be .01.

Again, thanks for the continuing support,


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Alright, I thought that map up there was the newest around.

I see now :p

I still think that monsters' hit points should raise slowly, not once every 5 levels. Say, 200 hp per level?

Some class ideas, take them or leave them :)

Eldritch Knight (Combining warrior and mage)
A Psy mage - needs a name. (Some guy who has psychic powers)
Marksman (Only good from afar) aka Sharpshooter.
Enchanter (Support hero who buffs others)
Blackguard (Some dark paladin/warrior)
Thunder Mage
Warlord (Some guy with lots of auras, he is good at leading).

If you need ideas regarding spells... Browse this site! There's no shame in getting inspired.

On a side note, I noticed that none of your imported icons had a DISBTN version. You might want to fix that :)


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Wow, Daxtreme your mind is never-ending! I couldn't barely think of seven classes, yet you came up with nine more.. :p

Thanks. I shall use the following classes you suggested:
Blackguard (Gonna call him Black Knight if thats okay :p)
Thunder Mage

Thanks for the great ideas :)

On a side note, I noticed that none of your imported icons had a DISBTN version. You might want to fix that
The only reason they didn't have DISBTNs is because a lot of them were made by the same person and that person did not make DISBTNs for them.. I figured it would be most sensible for them all to show up as green icons than have some of them show up properly yet some show green.

Thanks again,

EDIT: I have a small dillemma. For classes like Pyromancer, they would be fire based. But for a warrior, which tavern should they go to..Earth? All of them? I need your answer guys! :)

EDIT2: Another question. I could make it so there's only one or two tavern's, convert all the other "noob" islands into higher level islands, and if there was two taverns have them have different models for the same class, for example a human mage or a blood elf mage. So one of the taverns would have all humans, like warriors, mages, etc, and the other would have another race, maybe blood elf, mages, warriors etc. That way there is no problem with .. this units not fire yet hes in the fire tavern? Odd.. Could be..this unit is a human pyromancer, makes sense that hes in the human tavern.. :p I need your opinion though. Keep 4 taverns of element? Keep 4 taverns of different races? Make 2 taverns of different races? Make 1 tavern? Answers please! :)


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It depends, but I'm guessing by the end of the summer. (Thats a month) It may be faster or slower, depending on how good I want to make the first release.

I have a small dillemma. For classes like Pyromancer, they would be fire based. But for a warrior, which tavern should they go to..Earth? All of them? I need your answer guys! :)

Another question. I could make it so there's only one or two tavern's, convert all the other "noob" islands into higher level islands, and if there was two taverns have them have different models for the same class, for example a human mage or a blood elf mage. So one of the taverns would have all humans, like warriors, mages, etc, and the other would have another race, maybe blood elf, mages, warriors etc. That way there is no problem with .. this units not fire yet hes in the fire tavern? Odd.. Could be..this unit is a human pyromancer, makes sense that hes in the human tavern.. I need your opinion though. Keep 4 taverns of element? Keep 4 taverns of different races? Make 2 taverns of different races? Make 1 tavern? Answers please! :)

Answer those questions, and supply ideas please! ;),


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Can you guys please answer the questions? :(

Any odd comment/question/idea is also welcome..


EDIT: Updated first post.


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> I figured it would be most sensible for them all to show up as green icons than have some of them show up properly yet some show green.

You can't have buggy icons in such a serious map. It is called "polishing" ;)

Replace them or have someone get a DISBTN version of them too is what I suggest, strongly.

> For classes like Pyromancer, they would be fire based. But for a warrior, which tavern should they go to..Earth? All of them? I need your answer guys!

Well either a nature, fire, earth or water warrior is possible, but it would have to vary. They all represent the direct "strength" of their element, thus not only Earth should have warriors.

> Another question. I could make it so there's only one or two tavern's, conve...

I don't understand this whole paragraph. Explain better please :p


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You can't have buggy icons in such a serious map. It is called "polishing"

Replace them or have someone get a DISBTN version of them too is what I suggest, strongly.

Until somone complains in game about them, I'm not going to worry about them.

As for the rest of it, I've decided to totally redo the map, as stated in my update in the first post. There is only one tavern now, one starting spot, and the game is going to entirely change, from terrain up to quests.



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I would like to bump this thread.

I will post a recent version of the map in my first post. Please tell me what you think.

Also, I need ideas for priest spells, ranger spells, and druid spells.



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Have you considered using knockback spells for any of the classes?

For example...

Ranger Spell:

Brute Shot: A large flat headed, long bullet that will hit the enemy with enough force to blast him back, up to several feet depending on the distance from the sharpshooter and the armor of the target.

This would be an auto-cast ability of course, and I think it would be excellent for complementing the "pwning from afar" attribute of the ranger. Although you can imagine the bugs...

Priest Spell:

Curse: This can be used against several targets. When used against ground units, it has the normal effects, reduced armor, and some other stuff. When used against air units or other heroes, there is an additional effect, steady HP loss. When used against items, they can turn into...

1. Mine like things (Charges depend on how good the item is)
2. Grenade like things (Charges depend on how good the item is)
3. Special Tomes (Charges depend on how good the item is) (These tomes would increase strength by two, and decrease intelligence by one, or something along those lines. An over-all benefit, but you still lose some attributes)


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Brute Shot: A large flat headed, long bullet that will hit the enemy with enough force to blast him back, up to several feet depending on the distance from the sharpshooter and the armor of the target.

Although you can imagine the bugs...

Yeah, not sure how to trigger that so if the unit is, say, near a wall, if you knocked him back he would go over the wall, not sure how to stop that..

Curse: This can be used against several targets. When used against ground units, it has the normal effects, reduced armor, and some other stuff. When used against air units or other heroes, there is an additional effect, steady HP loss. When used against items, they can turn into...

Interesting..I like the Curse Idea, except being able to cast it on items. I think that the item part should be a profession, like Engineering. So, Engineering can make Mines, Bombs, Grenades, as well as other gadgets.

I like the tome idea, except again, not with the curse ability. It would be cool to have a store to increase your stats, because that would vary all max level characters, and PvP between max level characters would be a lot more fun, as well as playing on your character to make him better.

Thanks for the ideas,


Liberty, Simply said; a lie.
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I've played Mystica orpg, and know reading this these are my suggestiongs, Blacksmith, Tailorer, Weaponsmith. I dont see a tailorer making a staff, perhaps a blacksmith Weps + armor, Tailorer cloth +kits/threads, And magic worker Staves, esssences, magical powerup, enchants you know.
Next the races, well seeing as how each element has a ranger perhaps make the names a bit different than just Natures Ranger to Swift-Eye Runner.. etc. and or make each Class (ranger, mage, warrior, special,) have a guild, like
"Saviors Justice Hall" A guild hall for Warriors, maybe add random Inns in the middle of no were, like Blue Boar inn etc.. and add some sense of adventure haha.. These are my ideas, I dont really care if you add them, im just saying it would be kool.


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Very nice ideas Xapphire. The element thing is gone, there are no longer elemental taverns, or the same class but different elements. There is one tavern, one starting place, and any element you want.

Good idea about the professions.

Not sure exactly what you mean by the inns, but I think it pretty much is already that way. You may have played Mystica ORPG before, but you have never played the NEW Mystica ORPG.. :)

It has changed drasically, and still has many more changes to come.

More ideas are welcome, and needed! :),

EDIT: I am going to create a new post for this map, because I am practically re-doing the whole thing. So, please comment and what-not in the new thread.
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