Warcraft 4: The Awakening - |Map of the Week #10|

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It could do low damage, and for explosion it could just effect the closest unit instead to make it a little less powerful.

Edit: Reminder, stop by Wc3shady's campaign here, he needs ideas too.


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Hey, thanks a lot for that bradleo! Yeah I do need ideas.

Anyways, captainrads thats a very good idea (for WoW players, sounds a bit like Seed of Corruption). How about, the unit affected infestation will be the Crypt Queens ability, and the nerubian caster could have a version that's called Rot, and like you said it damages enemy buildings but heals allied buildings.


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Nice ideas, the Nerubian Spellcaster has a lot of potential, i mean it's very low in tiers (just after crypt) and could have some pretty neat ability's. Visually, if i can get someone to model it for me it would look like a crypt fiend but with the front body higher up, it's skin is dark blue, and has a small circles on it's back body part that glows green, has dark green bits moving around in it, and wobbles (it pretty much shows green poison inside the body). It is really skinny and bony, and has dark pink rotting flesh hanging down from it's body and limbs. It has flaming glowing eyes that bleeds (like blood leaking from it's eyes). It holds a staff (with a human skull on the end) with both hands. For the Rot ability, rename it Rotting Leech and only make it that it can only target units but it is a bit different. When the targeted unit dies it falls to the ground and then starts swelling up, it boils and when the boils burst green liquid squirts out. The swelling meat starts curling up and starts forming an egg. The egg rests for 8 seconds then hatches into a Zombie. After the leech is done morphing the egg and the egg hatches, you will see the leech jump to the nearest enemy unit, if there are no units the leech will die. After 3 jumps the leech dies no matter what. This ability would be hard to make but interesting, when your opponent sees the egg forming they will surely retreat to save there men. If the egg dies during morphing the leech dies with it.


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Good, good, but the leech thing might be OP, and you mentioned eggs hatching zombies.... nah. For images just do a google image search for nerubian viziers.


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perhaps with the leech hatching it didn't auto hatch and it had invisiblity. Meaning you could have the egg morphing some where, undetetced and when its ready it can be ordered to open up when you want. Perfect for when like a lone unit passes by...


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If you can kill the egg while its forming, it wouldn't be OP at all imo, so good work with that.
I say undead is near completion, so you should start on the next race for ideas.
Orcs= how about a... new tauren mage (sorry about telling your idea Wc3shady, but maybe it will evolve into a new mage thats cool too.) Or some sort of beast trainer, like less powerful rexxar (have i said this before). Other ideas for orcs would be a buildable pocket factory type thing that can make a really cheap bird that lasts a short period with low damage but is massable and maybe, poisons? Another idea could be a... burrowing animal that can move slow underground? Just getting random ideas out there. Can anyone build off them to make em better?


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Yeah, I don't think that a leech spawning a zombie from an egg makes much sense. You might want to replace a zombie with either some sort of carrion beetle or just another leech.

EDIT:As for the orc units, how about...
Axemaster: Medium level melee unit, can learn the wound ability which makes units slower and take damage per second.
Voodoo Shaman: I guess sort of a mix between a witch doctor and a shaman...the name could probably be better, but the spells are pretty versatile:
Healing Spirits: Numerous spirits are summoned which seek out wounded units and heal them. (sort of like locust swarm, but it heals friendlies)
Chaotic Forces: Autocast, adds damage to a friendly unit for a short period
Voodoo Doll: Creates a mirror image which is directly tied to the original unit. When either the image or the unit takes damage, both units take damage. If either the mirror or the unit dies, they both die. The mirror is exactly like the original unit except it cannot cast spells, but it does full damage and takes normal damage.

I personally like voodoo doll myself, but its of course up to you what you want to use.


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I still dislike the story of the horde, it makes no sense, contradicts a lot in the lore, and it just plain wouldn't happen lol.


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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Try this.

library Weather initializer SetGlobals
        private integer array WeatherEffect
        private weathereffect LastCreatedWeatherEffect = null
        private boolean DeleteLastWeather = true

    private function SetGlobals takes nothing returns nothing
        set WeatherEffect[1] = 'RAhr'
        set WeatherEffect[2] = 'RAlr'
        set WeatherEffect[3] = 'MEds'
        set WeatherEffect[4] = 'FDbh'
        set WeatherEffect[5] = 'FDbl'
        set WeatherEffect[6] = 'FDgh'
        set WeatherEffect[7] = 'FDgl'
        set WeatherEffect[8] = 'FDrh'
        set WeatherEffect[9] = 'FDrl'
        set WeatherEffect[10] = 'FDwh'
        set WeatherEffect[11] = 'FDwl'
        set WeatherEffect[12] = 'RLhr'
        set WeatherEffect[13] = 'RLlr'
        set WeatherEffect[14] = 'SNbs'
        set WeatherEffect[15] = 'SNhs'
        set WeatherEffect[16] = 'SNls'
        set WeatherEffect[17] = 'WOcw'
        set WeatherEffect[18] = 'WOlw'
        set WeatherEffect[19] = 'LRaa'
        set WeatherEffect[20] = 'LRma'
        set WeatherEffect[21] = 'WNcw'
        //AshenvaleRainHeavy      = 1
        //AshenvaleRainLight      = 2
        //DalaranShield           = 3
        //DungeonBlueFogHeavy     = 4
        //DungeonBlueFogLight     = 5
        //DungeonGreenFogHeavy    = 6
        //DungeonGreenFogLight    = 7
        //DungeonRedFogHeavy      = 8
        //DungeonRedFogLight      = 9
        //DungeonWhiteFogHeavy    = 10
        //DungeonWhiteFogLight    = 11
        //LordaeronRainHeavy      = 12
        //LordaeronRainLight      = 13
        //NorthrendBlizzard       = 14
        //NorthrendSnowHeavy      = 15
        //NorthrendSnowLight      = 16
        //OutlandWindHeavy        = 17
        //OutlandWindLight        = 18
        //RaysOfLight             = 19
        //RaysOfMoonlight         = 20
        //WindHeavy               = 21 

    function CreateWeather takes integer i, rect r returns nothing
        if i > 21 or i < 1 then
            call BJDebugMsg("Number is not within range of index, defaulting to 1.")
            set i = 1
        if DeleteLastWeather == true and LastCreatedWeatherEffect != null then
            call RemoveWeatherEffect( LastCreatedWeatherEffect)
        set LastCreatedWeatherEffect = AddWeatherEffect( r, WeatherEffect<i>)
        call EnableWeatherEffect( LastCreatedWeatherEffect , true)


  • Weather
    • Events
      • Every 60 seconds
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Custom Script: call CreateWeather( GetRandomInt( 1 , 21 ), bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)


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Say, I has an idea, how about the ability to grow plants? You could use the weather, weathermakers, whatever. You could grow different kinds of trees, like trees for lumber or defensive thorn trees. You could also grow food on "gardens". In gardens, you could either grow herbs or buy them. Herbs could give bonuses to your units or release toxic chemicals at the enemy.

EDIT: How about adding more "nature" to maps too? Add like beehives and critters that do stuff and interact with stuff around them instead of just wandering aimlessly. Some water critters would be nice if you're adding a naval element. Maybe add some neutral hostile critters like sharks and bears for some extra creeps. For dungeon maps, you can add egg sacks and stuff like that, maybe add mutative acid which mutates units that touch it. Creep camps could maybe have traps that go off when units walk into them, like things that ensnare and put units in cages. I'm getting a little wacky, but I just mean make the map itself more interactive and fun so there's more to play around with, plus it would make it more aesthetically pleasing.


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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The weather system should work now. I had a stupid mistake..


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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Say, I has an idea, how about the ability to grow plants? You could use the weather, weathermakers, whatever. You could grow different kinds of trees, like trees for lumber or defensive thorn trees. You could also grow food on "gardens". In gardens, you could either grow herbs or buy them. Herbs could give bonuses to your units or release toxic chemicals at the enemy.

EDIT: How about adding more "nature" to maps too? Add like beehives and critters that do stuff and interact with stuff around them instead of just wandering aimlessly. Some water critters would be nice if you're adding a naval element. Maybe add some neutral hostile critters like sharks and bears for some extra creeps. For dungeon maps, you can add egg sacks and stuff like that, maybe add mutative acid which mutates units that touch it. Creep camps could maybe have traps that go off when units walk into them, like things that ensnare and put units in cages. I'm getting a little wacky, but I just mean make the map itself more interactive and fun so there's more to play around with, plus it would make it more aesthetically pleasing.

There will be alot of interaction in the final build, atm i am working on small things like you mentioned, like bee hives and so on.

The weather system should work now. I had a stupid mistake..

Works perfectly except when the weather changes the previous weather effects do not delete. Also I'm not sure if this can be fixed but there is a slight lag when it changes weather (enough to annoy somebody)


Just an update on what to expect to see on the front page for the humans soon. Ill first do the original unit and what it is being replaced with.

Priest: Chronician
Rifleman: Minethrower
Gryphon Rider: Night Rider
Spell Breaker: Magician
Dragonhawk Rider: Gryphon Striker
Sorceress: Name unknown (Weather controller)

New human upgrades:
Cyrobullets: An upgrade that slows down enemy units when shot. Flying Machine and Gnomish Rifleman use this upgrade.
Scoutermines: Gives Minethrowers special mines that split into 5 when latched onto a unit, the 4 other parts jump to the nearest enemys and explode after a while. Damage dealt on each part is 1/5 of a normal mine.

Just a small update nothing much.


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I still say have both the new and the old units and choose between them, but im just hanging on to a futile idea :(. Oh well, I like the herb idea, especially if you could sell them for a low income bonus. This would be great for extra cash. I like the others too. How about an equivalent of meteor that is a comet that smashes and leaves tiles that slow, and meteor tiles that burn? Don't know if you were going to put meteor, cyclone and that stuff in though.


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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There's gnomes now? Where did they come from?

Well gnomes are friends of the Dwarfs so they are in the Alliance. The Minethrower is a nice replacement of the Rifleman as the ultimate GtG unit since now there are Gnomish Rifleman in the Blacksmith which attack faster (less damage) and are cheaper. BTW Bradleo I'm making a new tavern in some places of the map where you can buy old units of your race, so if your undead and you go up to the tavern it will get replaced with an undead tavern and you can buy all the old units. Of course these taverns are protected with creeps but can be useful if you'd like some old units.

If i can get this weather system working today i will host this on DivideAndConquer, if anyone wants to come just post here and we can find a time we can play. My username on B-net is Kingbdogz of course and I'm on us west. Tell me what time it is for you atm as well, that way i can determine a time in your area. :)


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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I think I see the problem... The delete will only happen on the first one b/c of the boolean. Try this now.

library Weather initializer SetGlobals
        private integer array WeatherEffect
        private weathereffect LastCreatedWeatherEffect = null

    private function SetGlobals takes nothing returns nothing
        set WeatherEffect[1] = &#039;RAhr&#039;
        set WeatherEffect[2] = &#039;RAlr&#039;
        set WeatherEffect[3] = &#039;MEds&#039;
        set WeatherEffect[4] = &#039;FDbh&#039;
        set WeatherEffect[5] = &#039;FDbl&#039;
        set WeatherEffect[6] = &#039;FDgh&#039;
        set WeatherEffect[7] = &#039;FDgl&#039;
        set WeatherEffect[8] = &#039;FDrh&#039;
        set WeatherEffect[9] = &#039;FDrl&#039;
        set WeatherEffect[10] = &#039;FDwh&#039;
        set WeatherEffect[11] = &#039;FDwl&#039;
        set WeatherEffect[12] = &#039;RLhr&#039;
        set WeatherEffect[13] = &#039;RLlr&#039;
        set WeatherEffect[14] = &#039;SNbs&#039;
        set WeatherEffect[15] = &#039;SNhs&#039;
        set WeatherEffect[16] = &#039;SNls&#039;
        set WeatherEffect[17] = &#039;WOcw&#039;
        set WeatherEffect[18] = &#039;WOlw&#039;
        set WeatherEffect[19] = &#039;LRaa&#039;
        set WeatherEffect[20] = &#039;LRma&#039;
        set WeatherEffect[21] = &#039;WNcw&#039;
        //AshenvaleRainHeavy      = 1
        //AshenvaleRainLight      = 2
        //DalaranShield           = 3
        //DungeonBlueFogHeavy     = 4
        //DungeonBlueFogLight     = 5
        //DungeonGreenFogHeavy    = 6
        //DungeonGreenFogLight    = 7
        //DungeonRedFogHeavy      = 8
        //DungeonRedFogLight      = 9
        //DungeonWhiteFogHeavy    = 10
        //DungeonWhiteFogLight    = 11
        //LordaeronRainHeavy      = 12
        //LordaeronRainLight      = 13
        //NorthrendBlizzard       = 14
        //NorthrendSnowHeavy      = 15
        //NorthrendSnowLight      = 16
        //OutlandWindHeavy        = 17
        //OutlandWindLight        = 18
        //RaysOfLight             = 19
        //RaysOfMoonlight         = 20
        //WindHeavy               = 21 

    function CreateWeather takes integer i, rect r returns nothing
        local integer e = 0
        if i &gt; 21 or i &lt; 1 then
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Number is not within range of index, defaulting to 1.&quot;)
            set i = 1
        if e != 1 then
             set e = 1
             set LastCreatedWeatherEffect = AddWeatherEffect( r, WeatherEffect<i>)
             call EnableWeatherEffect( LastCreatedWeatherEffect , true)
            call RemoveWeatherEffect( LastCreatedWeatherEffect) 
            set LastCreatedWeatherEffect = AddWeatherEffect( r, WeatherEffect<i>)
            call EnableWeatherEffect( LastCreatedWeatherEffect , true)


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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Thank you so much Renendaru it works perfectly now! Rep+!

EDIT: Is it possible to make the time in between each weather random seconds between 150 seconds and 300?


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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Just put GetRandomInt( 150, 300).
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