What would you like in the Trigger Editor?



Hey Dota-crime, slow down a bit.
I suggest you don't use those gc arrays. Store in handlevars instead, or just plain in the gc.

A GUI interface??? That sounds nice... Give it a try!

And, finally, instead of implementing in the mod, save all data into SEPARATE text files for each function set, zip it up, and send it to me...


ya ok i will do it, btw this GUi interface is just like an aplicative and all store in one file called exe :) i mean i can attach files to one.
but i will need some time to learn how to excute without erros beacuse there's a lot of language hotkeys to if i put a hotkey in "NEXT" like
"!n" and the user is chinessse w/e . and for his keyboard "!d" will be quit so we gonna have problems but dont worry. :)
and by the way u guys know why my loops wont work in custom script :/
until now my loops is given errors like i try to optimze the player(index) /
just to optimize all the players name but it seems that script code is ignoring my loop :/ dunno.
give me 1 weak or less i will be making the excutable :)
and persen how did u make your excutable? i will check your way and add my GUI interface and an icon.

edited: you want it already done. or u want to update like you want and remove spaces and comments.
beacuse im using spaces and comment to dont get confuse at all.
i will be sending the files for you and 56k for all three be updated.


Could you do something to make it easier to change unit's sounds (when you click on them)? I mean without using triggers.


i would like it to have when u have a unit learns an ability, your custom abilities should show up there


Those unit sounds are not possible to do with this mod, i think.
The unit learns an ability... You can already select your custom.

DotA-Crime, the executable is a mpqdraft patch... Ill make it.


oh , understand. I can make the GUI interface like find the wc3 folder, make it have bottons Next and make all files in one with an iicon :) first lets finsih the wc3 mod and them lets make it. :)


Scopion, what are you talking about? They DO show up. Just be careful if you are using channel as a base. And if you are talking about order strings, they are fixed. Just figure out which order string your ability is based on and issue that order.


ok, now i m gonna add some features check all ant bug than creat the GUI
and send to you, u finish the executable, send to me i attach your executable with my executable with GUI and icon and i add path, comand unistal.
tell me if we gonna use our own Image when openning the World Editor.
and where we gonna post the exe?
before putting to dl send to 56k to see if he wants make some changes.

Edited: hmm , wear im using handle vars but it seems not working. im using my method to test the values and always is null or 0....
any ideas why is that happends?


yes, and by the way update it.
function InitAdvanced takes nothing returns nothing
    if ( udg_zz_cache == null ) then
        call FlushGameCache(InitGameCache("handlevars.w3v"))
    set udg_zz_cache = InitGameCache( "handlevars.w3v" )
and im thinking if we can add vex table, dunno your call.
and i dont know but u too got this bug?
local integer i

     exitwhen i >= 5
     call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), I2S(i) )
     set i = i + 1
doesnt show nothing. if i add = 0 to the local integer it works:
and like a week ago i could do that. :(
there's a folder in save that i cant delete called: "NOASEAeasdab"
now i have to use
local integer i = 0


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DotA-Crime said:
yes, and by the way update it.
function InitAdvanced takes nothing returns nothing
    if ( udg_zz_cache == null ) then
        call FlushGameCache(InitGameCache("handlevars.w3v"))
    set udg_zz_cache = InitGameCache( "handlevars.w3v" )
Only reason to have the if is if you call InitAdvanced more than once... and if you call it twice it will leak.
The FlushGameCache is good to have, without it you may bug things in single player maps.

DotA-Crime said:
and im thinking if we can add vex table, dunno your call.
If vex agrees: Do that, the tables is much better that the original handle varables.

DotA-Crime said:
and i dont know but u too got this bug?
local integer i

     exitwhen i >= 5
     call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), I2S(i) )
     set i = i + 1
doesnt show nothing. if i add = 0 to the local integer it works:
This is how it always has been. You cant use a varaible without a vaule. The only action you can do with "empty" varaibles is to set it to something (like null or 0).


thats the point man i used local integer (name) always.
but i start using game cache and dunno wont work.
trust me it works without declare a value.... at least a week go worked just fine;
u know why.. beacuse al my script the locals dont have values :O
now i run the script in map none work.
how about that?
ya i will ask vex ;)
local vars have a limit righ? even if u flush. right?
its kinda hard to make a multiboard with handlevars, i need to update the kills and deaths with store integers will be a problem.
lets think in another solution shall we?


I'm sorry, but i dont really agree with you about the multiboard thing. I think we should skip it. My intention with this mod was not to help the newbs, but to implement stuff i'd like to have in the editor.

If you really want it, let's just make it use some variables not needed for the other ones... We can make a manpage for it, explaining it further, which vars you need, and how to set it up, and so on.

And DotA or 56K, could you make a license text of some kind???
I'm not very good at stuff like that.

EDIT: What's that "Vex tables"???
I'm not very experienced with his stuff. Mainly because i don't like stuff made by others. (Another reason could be <look at page 4>)


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Persen said:
EDIT: What's that "Vex tables"???


A part of a part of the caster system. Actualy the only part that I use.

Tecnical stuff:
What all 'handle vars' (return bug and gamecache) system does is to trick the system to use the X* byte pointer as a X* byte integer insteed, then convert that integer to a string and use that string as the category.

To do this we use the H2I function, I2S and a gamecache native function.

I2S is slow the first time you use it on a unic integer.
Gamecache is always slow, well compared with other natives.

But H2I is sloooooooow. So if you someway could remove the H2I when we wanted the category? Simple just use a string as argument insteed of the object you want to attach info to. Then we can use I2S(H2I(x)) only once per function/group of functions, insteed of everytime we want to attach things.

Thats what the tables is for. They also has some extra functions as 'copy table' and the function to create new tables witout having objects to attach to, it returns a unic integer and the integers are recycled when not used anymore.



Change can be a good thing
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I am a little confused wit hthis, the only extra triggers I see are teh ones at the bottom of actions labeled advanced, which are only like 4 special effect ones and 1 trigger one

then all the other triggers are changed when comparing to == nad !=, what does that mean?

is there a read me which has all the extra things and explanations of all changes and extra things in it

btw what is blast effect?


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emjlr3 said:
then all the other triggers are changed when comparing to == nad !=, what does that mean?

== equal to
!= not equal to
> bigger than
< smaller
>= bigger or equal
<= smaller or equal

Dunno why it is like that in the gui, isnt the meaning of gui that it should be as easy as possible to understand?


Those ==/!=/<=/whatever are programming stuff, which i changed for testing.
They are changed in the latest version, which i suggest you get. (Atleast i think they are in this version, if not they will be in the next)

The "Blast" are an anti-leak function, which creates an effect and removes it. I use this alot.


Change can be a good thing
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I could not find of the make unit drop item on death. inc dec item charges, the extra icons/ models, nor dummy casters....is there something I am missing?


Persen , hehe not for newbies man just for people who want life easier.
like i stay a good time in forum and always read problems with that and sekin is too much loop and useless lines.
but im making more stuf like a lot of conditions that doesnt have in game , im trying to avoid event beacuse we cant create a new event. but im still trying some.

edited: im finishin some new adding GUI to some jass codes usefull.
by the way. when u done with the updating all give me and i will make the excutable. and which icon should we put?


I could not find of the make unit drop item on death. inc dec item charges, the extra icons/ models, nor dummy casters....is there something I am missing?
Maybe you've got an old version???

by the way. when u done with the updating all give me and i will make the excutable. and which icon should we put?
What executable are you making???
A mpq patch???
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