Wheel of Time RPG



I'm making an RPG based on the series The Wheel of Time.

Please PM me if you want to be part of the development team, so far its me, myself, and I; but I would really like to get some new people (preferably with some knoledge about TWoT) to help with things such as inventory system, terrain (I fail in this area), items, and maybe abilities (non "magical" spells).

top: index
A little below that: overall view
middle: casting system
End: in depth description

Note: I may release my casting system once it is finished as a demo map (without spells)

As of 30 seconds ago, the new unofficial, official, greatest website of all time
Thank you god

instances: quests that have their own area and advance the plot, take you to a new place, and change the scenery
tasks: basic quests that have little importance except experience and gold (some can be repeated)

Basic heroes: seven basic heroes, each one corresponding to a player slot (in the screen before the game) so there is no choosing of characers
Advanced heroes: seven advanced heroes, each one corresponding to a basic hero
Becoming advanced: when you are level 100 and complete the secret quest, your save/load code will be changed to load a level 1 advanced hero
Save/Load code: only saves level and basic items (not hero specific). Everything is determined by hero, items, and level (how you spend skill points) so the save/load code should be simple

Instances: They get their own portions of the map
Towns: tiny group of buildings, some merchants/quests
cities: small group of buildings, following map of cities a tiny bit, merchants/quests/maybe an instance
countryside: connects the cities and towns, so players can go everywhere without going in instances, but they don't get the rewards of instances

Will be a highly simplified list on the aforementioned site
Will have many easter egg items
Will have many items everyone can use
Items like Mat's medallion will be only usable by him (obviously)

casting (see my last post for more info)
Elements: The five elements summoned (up to five at once), that when in the right combination allow you to cast a spell
----------Spell can be cast or held ready
----------summoning more flows will remove a spell unless it is held
----------casting a spell will remove it and if it is not a held spell, all the summoned flows
----------Can let flows dissipate (removes non held spells)
----------More flows means more mana drain
----------More held spells means much more mana drain
Spells: there will be spells that cut your flows/block you from casting/destroy your next spell/destroy the next spell cast on you
Abilities: each weapon will have 12 abilities that unlock as you specialize in the weapon
--------each character has a few abilities that unlock as you level up
--------There will be a few stances for each weapon that change attack speed/damage/defense/speed/etc.

Energy: mana is energy, energy slowly goes down, sleeping restores energy
Hunger: lumber is hunger, hunger slowly goes up, the higher the hunger the faster energy goes down, eating restores hunger

Herb/potion: (pronounced with the h thank you very much (I'm english))
Herbs: work as mediocre potions, can be made into fireworks or potions (by the illuminator or by nynaeve)
Potions: Work well and quickly and don't drain mana (like healing does)
Fireworks: made from herbs and are awesome :)

Heres the casting system so far. EDIT: edited a lot. now I have Hold flows ready and let flows dissipate as I originally planned. Dont criticize, I have a lot in the works.
Current features:
Detects the elements being cast and adds measures the element count for each of the three spellcasters.
When the right combination of elements is reached the spell is available
When the available spell is cast or an element is cast the available spell is removed
When let flows dissipate is cast it gets rid of the available spell (not held spells) and clears the elements
When hold spell is cast it makes the spell impervious to being removed except by a sever flows spell (will make it so it is removed when cast)
When a held spell is cast it is removed
There is a maximum of four held spells
and some other stuff im too lazy to add right now
To do list:
Add in all the spells that are going to be in the game
Change caster one, two, and three to hero1-7, and make them set at -new or -load
Get rid of a lot of bugs sadly
Set up a mana system:
-----Make it so mana is drained for each spell you are holding ready (exponential)
-----Make it so mana is drained for each element you have (exponential)

much, much, much more in depth section

Note: if I say (ideas?) it means: do you have any better ideas, because I'm not sure I like these
Note: personal abilities come at level 1, 25, 50, and 75 (not 100, because then you become a special character)
very low health and high speed/damage
Luck: Mat has always been lucky, granting him an extra 10% critical hit chance (He is lucky even before the dagger)
Unnatural luck: Mat now has unnatural luck that grants him an extra 10% dodge chance (after the cure, he is really lucky)
Tactics: Mat is a master of tactics and can order his allies to entrench themselves, doubling their armor and halving their movement speed (when he first gets the memories)
Command: Mat is the greatest general and can push his allies to do their best, increasing movement speed by 15% (when he starts leading the band of the red hand)
medium health and speed, high damage
Warder: Lan has an 15% increased health regeneration due to the fact that he is a warder (supposedly warders heal faster)
Blademaster: Lan is a blademaster and has a 25% increased attack damage (he is a blademaster right?)
Warder's gift: Lan's bond has manifested and he can now detect nearby shadowspawn (reveals them) (supposedly warders can sense shadowspawn)
Golden Crane: Word of Lan's kingship has gotten out and he can summon 2 knights to fight for him for 30 seconds (Nynaeve spreads the word that he must be helped)
high health, high damage, slow speed
Blacksmith: Perrin can forge basic items (hes an apprentice)
Wolf sense: Perrin can talk with wolves and sense nearby shadowspawn (him as a sniffer I guess....)
Advanced blacksmith: Perrin can upgrade better items (him when he makes the tool in the smithy)
Wolf summoning: Perrin can call two wolves to fight by his side for 30 seconds (kind of works)
low health, medium damage/speed
Ta'veren: Rand is such a strong Ta'veren that he has a 5% increased chance of dodging attacks (ideas?)
Enflame weapon: Rand can wreath his weapon in fire, doing +15% damage (dont want to make it fire sword, because people might not want to get proficient in swords)
Channel: Rand can cast a random offensive spell (he cant control his ability, so I came up with this)
Memory: Rand can cast the last random spell he cast again (he kind of learns and can "remember what he did once he does it")
medium health, damage, and speed and low mana
Light: Elayne summons light when in darkness (infravision) (it kind of sucks, but thats the first thing she learns)
Blinding light: Elayne summons light that blinds her target for 10 seconds (ideas?)
Ter'angreal copying: Can make a copy of a Ter'angreal (not saved) (kind of works)
Ter'angreal making: Can enchant basic items with a random Ter'angreal ability (not saved) (kind of works)
medium health, damage, speed, and mana
Miraculous cure: Egwene miraculously cures her target, but uses a great amount of energy (both are stunned for 20 seconds and have their energy halved) (happens in a story in the book)
Great knoledge: increases mana by 300 (when she learns as a damane)
Birgitte: Egwene has bonded Birgitte and can summon her to fight for 30 seconds (ummm... is this actually someone else? If so, say so)
Amyrlin seat: Egwene pushes the Aes Sedai to their limit, reducing mana cost of spells by 25% (couldnt think of a better effect for her)
medium health and damage, low speed, and high mana
Potion making: Creates a potion that heals and cures poison
Unblocked: Nynaeve has broken her block and has her mana increased by 500
Curclindor (ignore spelling): Nynaeve can turn basic weapons into curclindor (I think it kind of fits)

Note: Special character abilities come at 1, 25, 50, 75, and 100 (because they can't become special)
Secret characters: (only gotten with a max level load because they dont fit into the storyline, they correspond to an upper character)
Gaul: (a sort of assassin, just because aiel are like that)
low health, high damage and speed
Hide: Gaul can sit down and hide but has a 5% chance of being seen every 3 seconds
Stalk: Gaul can stalk his opponent but has a 10% chance of being seen every 2 seconds
Assassinate: When Gaul is invisible he can assassinate his opponent for an automatic critical hit (3X damage) and stunning for 3 seconds
Grapple: Gaul grapples his opponent, making them both invulnerable and draining their health by 25/sec for 10 seconds (or until one dies)
Chain reaction: Gaul slips unseen from enemy to enemy dealing a critical hit and moving on (ends when there is no new target within X)
Loial: (tree singing is his main, and he can run fast)
high health, high damage, medium speed
Sung wood: Loial can make a staff or bow from sung wood
Speed: Loial can run far and fast (increases movement speed by 15%)
Carry away: Loial can pick up a friendly unit (makes him unselectable/attackable) and carry him to safety (like when he picks up Gaul)
Tree singing: Loial can turn a tree into a tower that casts entangling roots
Nymph summoning (green man): Loial can turn a tree into a nymph of legend. Nymph can cast entangling roots and grapple
Faile: (the abilities kind of suit her as she always fights with Perrin to protect him)
Low health, high damage and very high speed
Back to Back: Faile and the target of the spell get 1.5X dodge chance as long as they don't move away from eachother
Protection: Faile protects her target, throwing a knife at any opponent that strikes the target (thorns aura basically, but for one target)
Infighting: The target misses 100% of the time. Faile misses 50% of the time and has a 75% critical hit chance. Effect is ended if Faile is hit
whoever that fireworks maker is: (abilities are damage, stun, and blind. If you have better names, say so)
low health, damage, and speed
Basic flammables: The illuminator makes either a flammable oil, knockback powder, or sparkling powder
Basic fireworks: The illuminator makes either a fireball firework, a shockwave firework, or a flare based on the herbs she has
Advanced flammables: The illuminator makes either greek fire, black powder, or flash powder based on the herbs she has
Advanced fireworks: The illuminator makes a dragonfire firework, splitter shockwave firework, or raindrop firework based on the herbs she has
Ultimate fireworks: The illuminator makes a dragonbreath firework, a cluster bomb, or a lightbolt firework based on the herbs she has
that legendary Aes Sedia whose name starts with C: (I think these abilities kind of suit her, as no one really knows much about her)
medium health, speed, damage, and mana
Air and Water knoledge: The Aes Sedai knows all the spells of air and water (lists the spells to the player)
Spirit knoledge: The Aes Sedai knows all the spells of spirit (lists the spells to the player)
Earth and Fire knoledge: The Aes Sedai knows all the spells of earth and fire (lists the spells to the player)
Great knoledge: The Aes Sedai knows all the spells using 3 or more elements (lists the spells to the player)
Ancient knoledge: The Aes Sedai knows all the spells from the Age of Legends (lists secret spells to the player)
the sea folk girl who beats Nynaeve
Medium/low health, speed, and damage and high mana
Fire and Earth: The sea folk girl can now put points into earth and fire (when you load, you can put them in immediately) (sea folk are bad with fire and earth)
Teaching: The sea folk girl has been taught to use her power better and gets +600 energy (she is powerful when she learns from Nynaeve)
Long range casting: Creates a wisp at the target location (within sight) that can cast spells like any other spellcaster (still takes mana from the caster) (sea folk can cast long range)
one of the male channelers
very low health, high damage and speed and very high mana
Power: the Asha'man has learned how to channel (+600 energy (hes a guy, they are more powerful))
Tactics: all friendly units protect eachother (spirit link) (ideas?)
Compulsion: target fights for the Asha'man for 20 seconds (there is compulsion in the book.....)
Angreal making: 15% chance of turning an item into an angreal for men, 15% chance of an angreal for women, 5% chance for an Sa'angreal for men, and a 5% chance for a Sa'angreal for women (ideas?)

Characters will start with a base of 100 health, 500 mana, 0 armor, 1-1 damage, 3 in all stats, and a 15% chance of evasion. Characters (including spellcasters) will also start out with 1 point in each fighting style (of 11) and spellcasters will get 11 points in elemental skills (women get 3 in air, 3 in water, 2 in spirit, 1 in earth, and 1 in fire (men get vice versa) along with 1 in holding flows). They do not get level upgrades at first level.

Health will be determined by strength (100+strength)
Armor will be determined by agility and armor worn (1/12(agility)+armor bonus)
Mana will be at a fixed number (goes up with levels) (500+3(energy))
Damage will be determined by weapon and agility/strength (depending on weapon) and weapon skill (1+weapon+1/25(stat)+1/50(other stat))
Attack speed will be determined by weapon, weapon skill, and agility (dont know exactly how attack speed works...... (number wise))
Evasion chance will be determined by weapon skill, armor type, and agility (15+1/2(skill)+1/12(agility)-(armor type))
Critical hit chance will be enabled with a slashing weapon and will depend on armor type, agility, and weapon skill (1/2(skill)+1/12(agility)-(armor type))
Bash chance will be enabled with a blunt weapon and will depend on strength and weapon skill (1/4(skill)+1/24(strength))
Block will be determined by weapon skill, offhand, and strength (1/2(skill)+1/12(strength)-(10 if offhand is equipped))

Leveling info:
Will give you 3 stat points to go into strength, agility, or energy (intelligence, but not really). Note: strength only directly effects health, agility only directly effects attack speed, and energy only directly effects mana.
Will give you 1 fighting style point (for spellcasters, it alternates with 1 element skill point).

Element skills: (possible 60 points total)
Fire: lowers sustaining and initial cost of casting fire. Up to 25 points.
Earth: lowers sustaining and initial cost of casting earth. Up to 25 points.
Spirit: lowers sustaining and initial cost of casing spirit. Up to 25 points.
Water: lowers sustaining and initial cost of casting water. Up to 25 points.
Air: lowers sustaining and initial cost of casting air. Up to 25 points.
Holding flows: lowers sustaining cost of holding flows ready. Up to 25 points.

Fighting style points: each point increases aforementioned stuff and adds new skills (12 skills per weapon type (levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 22, 25)) (possible 110 points (60 for spellcasters)
2-handed sword: low speed, high damage, 2 handed
Long sword: medium speed, medium damage, 1 handed (bonus for no offhand)
Short sword: high speed, low damage, 1 handed (bonus for no offhand, can be used in offhand)
Axe (includes hammer): very low speed, very high damage, 2 handed
Staff: medium/high speed, medium damage, 2 handed
Dagger (ranged and melee): very high speed, very low damage, 1 handed (bonus if using two melee or one ranged)
Long bow: low speed, high damage, high range, 2 handed
Recurve bow: medium speed, medium damage, medium range, 2 handed
Horse bow: high speed, low damage, low range, 2 handed
Crossbow: very low speed, high damage, very high range, 2 handed
Sling: high speed, medium damage, very low range, 2 handed

The spell inventory (or whatever you call it) will look like this (but not in outline form)

Embrace the True Source:
-----Current available spell (or none)
-----Hold Flows Ready
-----Let Flows Dissipate
-----Held Spell 1
-----Held Spell 2
-----Held Spell 3
-----Held Spell 4

The Flame and the Void:
(each ability depends on the weapon, and each ability is only enabled with the required weapon skill)
-----Ability 1
-----Ability 2
-----Ability 3
-----Ability 4
-----Ability 5
-----Ability 6
-----Ability 7
-----Ability 8
-----Ability 9
-----Ability 10
-----Ability 11
-----Ability 12

Innate abilities:
(1-4 depends on which character, the last four are basic innate abilities to add realism (calculated by stats, weapons, etc.))
-----Ability 1
-----Ability 2
-----Ability 3
-----Ability 4
-----Sleep: restores mana, can only be used below 90 hunger, hunger still goes up
-----Rest: stops loss of mana as long as you are immobile, can only be used below 95 hunger, hunger still goes up
-----Critical hit:

Stat Bonuses:
-----Strength (effects health)
-----Agility (effects speed (both attack and move))
-----Energy (effects mana)

Proficiency Bonuses:
(for weapon skill)
-----2-handed sword
-----Long sword
-----Short sword
-----Long bow
-----Recurve bow
-----Horse bow
(for casting skill)
-----Holding flows

Easter Eggs:
Special Heroes-Upgrade to special heroes by getting a seven player game and have each player pick up a seal (broken or whole) so that all save/load codes for max level players will be altered to be level one special heroes.
HamsterBoo-a helm that when used afflicts an enemy with a hamster that causes blindness and slowly lowers their health. The hamster jumps to a new target every 10 seconds, but will die if there isn't an available target. Can be re summoned indefinitely, but two can't be alive at once.
Traveling-for all spellcasters (except Rand) that have beaten the game, their save/load codes are effected to allow them to cast traveling. Traveling summons two portals that allow any player to walk through to the other end. Travelers can not travel into instances. Special characters must beat the game again (or for the first time if they didn't with their regular characters).
Tower of the Aelfinn/Eelfinn (does it sound like Elven to any1 else or am I just crazy?)-Not sure on the details. I think I'll make it so Perrin has to be ordered to move to it when he is sleeping, and that will take everyone nearby with him. The whole fire, music, and iron thing i'll keep in mind. Rewards will probably be the HamsterBoo helm and some other secret things like a shocklance.
and many more (as soon as I think of them)

Notice: If anyone is really bored and has some love for Jass or triggering, please PM me. I know I'm not supposed to ask for people to do my triggers for me, but think of it as recruiting help. I'll give rep points and credits to any1 who helps.

I know I put this at the bottom post as well, just making sure people will read it.

Standby for update (with info from my later posts)


New Member
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Sounds cool, i like the name too, but when you said in stanza 2, with onlt the items and level will be saved, but what about the damage, won't it save the damage?

Any way if you need help, feel free to ask!

Have FuN!


Now officially a Super Lurker
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Love the idea

To complete this image you still need:


It's a great story, but making all those models will be tricky...


New Member
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Do you know when it will be realeased? Sounds cool and i want to play it now, i can't wait...


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Making anything based on the Wheel of Time is one of the biggest challenges fantasy theme atm provides. The world is so huge, yet so detailed, and the books are so good that anything that wants to build upon the saga has to fullfill the highest expectations.

I guess this is a reason that nothing serious has been made out of WoT, like a movie or a game. (Ok, someone did the game like eight years ago? But it was no big deal.)

Hell, I would be the first one to sell my sister for a good WoT game or movie, but this has to be done by someone with a lot of wits, money and time - and to be honest: unless you're in for a monumental loads of work that would need to be done, I say go for something different, or you'll end up with something not too much worth playing.


ok, for wits I'm currently 2.5 (honors) years ahead in math at a very good school, i think that cuts it. As for time, I'm currently in English class. Ive got time.... Money, why is that a factor? I'm not going to hire people.....

About saving damage:
damage is effected by level, character, and items. So why save damage? it would just make bugs and a longer save/load code.

To models, I'm too poor (or too deprived really) to afford photoshop (wouldnt know how to use it anyway) so trollocs will just be wildkins, orcs, and trolls turned almost black. Mydraal would just be arthas (mounted) and arthas (with sword)(not mounted) both turned mostly black (kind of lame, but models dont make the game).

For Aes Sedai it will just be a villager or that girl with a staff (forget her name).

P.S. Who is elias?

P.P.S. the long tooth guy? hed just be a villager. Most people are villagers until they get weapons or armor (think master crafters, although ill need help with that).

As for release date, it depends on how complicated i want to make it. Ive got the basic map done (land and rivers) and am about halfway through mountains. The problem will be figuring out how to do the complicated stuff like potion making, quest making, skill set making, etc. I'll probably end up releasing a **** version and make it better slowly.

The nice part about this project is that the weapons and armor will be nice and simple thanks to being slightly realistic (besides invulnerable stuff).


Heavy is credit to team!
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elias, the wo/ulf man. He's the one who perrin meets and then he 'tells' him how to communicate with the wolf


Rand should have medium health, as should Mat. Nynaeve and Egwene should have less health, considering that they usually don't fight at melee range, and just blow shit up from afar.


theres going to be blocking though (effected by speed), so I dont think Rand or Mat need higher health (Mat will be very high DPS while Rand will have his spells). I want to keep the game semi-balanced.

To wolf controlling, I'll just make them have the ability to summon wolves and add in wolves that talk only to Perrin.

As to Nynaeve and Egewene, what about before they can blow shit up from afar? I dont know how to make them semi-good before they get their power.

P.S. I'm just going to ignore the fact that Nynaeve blocked herself.


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You haven't answered to what i said in post #4!

I'm just asking if you need help with quests or ideas for anything!


I've kind of said when. A long, long time unless I get a LOT of help.

If anyone can help me make a timeline for each of the five players that would help a lot (include locations).

I also want a simple complex inventory (go figure) and I have no idea how to do any of it.
It would be nice to have this....
Right Hand: main weapon (daggers, swords, staffs, slings, bows, etc.)
Left Hand: offhand item (daggers, arrows, etc.)
Head: (hats, helmets, jewelry (think Ter'angreal))
Chest: (armor, clothes)
Misc.: (jewelry, etc.)
Items: (food, herbs, potions, explosives)

And then clicking on the item you have equipped will open up a menu with the other things you can equip in that slot (only five including "nothing") and a back button.

I may just make it so if you pick up an item it replaces what is in the slot for that item. It would work, just not so well with the items section.

I dont think I will make quest items, just make them tomes and remember that the unit has the item.

The problem with these inventories is that there isnt one that I can use that fits this description, and there isnt a tutorial anywhere on how to make an inventory.....

Notice: If anyone is really bored and has some love for Jass, please PM me. I know I'm not supposed to ask for people to do my triggers for me, but think of it as recruiting help. I'll give rep points and credits to any1 who helps.

EDIT: I'VE FINALLY GOTTEN THE SPELL SYSTEM TO WORK!!!!!!! YAY!!!! It took me a long time, but now each player has variables to keep track of their 5 elements, and when the right combination is reached they get the ability (only a few in so far) and the count goes back to 0. Then casting the spell gets rid of it. I have yet to make it so you have to use an ability to gain it until use and I have yet to make it so you can set the count back to 0 manually, but the spell system works!


I mean like what major things each player goes through. That way I can make all the quests without having to read all the books again.
Like for Rand:
brings Bella and apple cider to town
runs from his house on winternight
runs to taren ferry
runs to shadar logoth
runs from shadar logoth and gets on a boat
runs from the fade at whitebridge

see how long that could take?

EDIT: lol, with my spell code my first post is almost half this thread

Blood Shaman

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God good luck, the complexity of the series will make it complicated; but so much fun!

If made right, going to be fantastic

R.I.P. Robert Jordan :(


If anyone wants to help, these are the available positions:
Time line: getting the time lines for each of the characters
Easter Eggs/secret areas: anything that would kind of relate to the books (shocklances, ter'angreal, Warders cloak, etc.)
Terrain making: i have the basic outline of the continent and rivers, but that is pretty much it (and I suck at terraining). The map should reflect the map in the books (can be found online)
Abilities: I've got the spells for the spellcasters, but I dont have the abilities for non-spellcasters.
Items: just a list of basic items and character specific items
Item system: I kind of want the items to be like in mastercrafters (where they attack), but I'm no good at that
Inventory system: any1 know of an inventory (not gui) that comes close to fitting my description?
and more, but I'm too lazy to put them.
I guess this could also be my "to do" list.

Other works that may come after this:
Black and white-dark god: this is basically dark deeds, but the players are gods like in dark deeds
Loap-Heroes: Loap based on the TV series heroes
Before Spore: you play as a cell's nucleus creating proteins to make a strong cell with the right molecules, and not the wrong ones, inside the cell.

I only would like to make these, I almost definitely wont, but other people are free to make them (it would be nice if I got credit)


Bump/new stuff

First post now has the info this post had (and has been simplified)

P.S. LOL, first post is now half the first page
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