System Advanced Unit Transfer System


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Advanced Unit Moving System

Hello, this is my first system as its title says it moves units in the 3D Wacraft world.

JassHelper 0.A.2.B

How to implement:
--Copy the code below to a trigger you just created and set it to custom text, from edit catalog on the trigger menu above.
--Change the period of T32 if you don't download the map to 0.025 to make the movement realistic.
--And you're done !

Any Feedback or Question will be recommended, oh and this system is updated regularly, so checkout once a while

Here is the code:

library AUMS initializer Init requires T32, AutoFly, TerrainPathability
//    System Name: Advanced Unit Moving System  (in brief AUMS)
//      Version: 2.3.D
//  *===============================================================================================================*
//  *~What does it do:                                                                                              *
//  *        It moves units, like knockback, jump, homing missile, slide and so on...                               *
//  *        Can be used on special effect models attached to dummies, like simulating a better handled stampede    *
//  *        I can't tell you everything you can do with that, as this system is the base of any movement type      *
//  *===============================================================================================================*
//  *===============================================================================================================*
//  *~Charateristics:                                                                                               *
//  *   Advanced Mode:                                                                                              *
//  *       This mode handles basically straight line movement tasks. Takes the unit that will move and apply a     *
//  *       a moving task towards the point you need using polar offset. With this mode you can simulate a simple   *
//  *       knockback, a jump and creating abilities like shockwave where the wave is a dummy and much more.        *
//  *   Homing Mode:                                                                                                *
//  *       This mode helps you cover homing movement issues through a simple way. It takes the unit that is moved  *
//  *       and the unit target and it terminates when the first unit reaches the other in radius given.            *
//  *       It's helpful for creating homing missiles or attack projectiles.                                        *
//  *===============================================================================================================*
//  *===============================================================================================================*
//  *~How to use:                                                                                                   *
//  *   Advanced Mode:                                                                                              *
//  *       If you don't want to do anything special with this mode there is a function wrapper called:             *
//  * function StartMovingTaskAdvanced takes whichUnit, distance, baseheight, height, angle, duration, checkPathing *
//  *       It starts a general moving task based on Advanced mode                                                  *
//  *       Now if you want to do anything special create a struct, extend it to AUMS_Interface and implement       *
//  *       AUMS_Advanced.                                                                                          *
//  *       Add to struct any method you need, any variable you want and use the static method start(variables)     *
//  *       The variables it takes are exactly the same with the function above                                     *
//  *   Homing Mode:                                                                                                *
//  *       If you don't want to do anything special with this mode there is a function wrapper called:             *
//  * function StartMovingTaskHoming takes unit whichUnit, unit target, real baseheight, real speed, real radius    *
//  *       It starts a general moving task based on Homing mode                                                    *
//  *       Add to struct any method you need, any variable you want and use the static method start(variables)     *
//  *       The variables it takes are exactly the same with the function above                                     *
//  *===============================================================================================================*
//  *===============================================================================================================*
//  *~Interface methods:                                                                                            *
//  *       These methods are your helpful ones, as you need them to use any other method made by you               *
//  *       You don't have to use all of them if you don't need them                                                *
//  *                                                                                                               *
//  *   method onCreate takes nothing returns nothing                                                               *
//  *       Is called when a successfully struct is created with no errors, for anything you want to initialize use *
//  *       method, as you can't use the create() method.                                                           *
//  *                                                                                                               *
//  *   method onPeriodic takes nothing returns nothing                                                             *
//  *       Is called every T32 Period, this runs after onCollide() and onMapEnd() methods                          *
//  *                                                                                                               *
//  *   method onMapEnd takes nothing returns nothing                                                               *
//  *       Is called when your unit meets the map's max boundaries                                                 *
//  *                                                                                                               *
//  *   method onCollide takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing                                             *
//  *       Is called when your unit is on unwalkable terrain, if the task makes your unit fly, this method         *
//  *       is never called                                                                                         *
//  *                                                                                                               *
//  *   method onPredestroy takes nothing returns nothing                                                           *
//  *       Is called when the moving task is done, it is executed right before destroy method, use this instead    *
//  *===============================================================================================================*
//  *===============================================================================================================*
//  *~Features:                                                                                                     *
//  *       Features are the optional methods called right after the task start to make these modes more unique     *
//  *                                                                                                               *
//  *    Acceleration: Used only in homing mode. It increases moving unit's speed over second.                      *
//  *    Calling method (structname).setAcceleration(percent) will increase unit's speed by the amount given over   *
//  *    every second.                                                                                              *
//  *                                                                                                               *
//  *===============================================================================================================*
//  *=========================================*
//  *~Pros:                                   *
//  *   Safest movement without any bugs.     *
//  *   Can be twisted using variables with   *
//  *   /*Safe*/ tags                         *
//  *=========================================*
//  *~Cons:                                   *
//  *   Ugly struct setup                     *
//  *=========================================*
//   <Bonus Functions Names>
//         [Reminder] --> All angle functions return values in degrees format.
//                    --> Points Are in [x,y] format.
//                    --> Distance from Unit to Point and Point to Unit are same.
//         GetUnitAngleFromUnitToUnit:  Takes Unit  A and Unit  B, returns the angle from the first to second unit.
//         GetUnitAngleFromUnitToPoint: Takes Unit  A and Point B, returns the angle from the unit to the point inputed.
//         GetUnitAngleFromPointToUnit: Takes Point A and Unit  B, returns the angle from the point to the unit inputed.
//         GetUnitDistanceFromUnitToUnit:  Takes Unit A and Unit  B, returns the distance between them.
//         GetUnitDistanceFromUnitToPoint: Takes Unit A and Point B, returns the distance between them.
//         valueConvert: takes real value and move task duration and attaches it to Timer32 standards,for onMove method.

    function GetAngleFromUnitToUnit takes unit a, unit b returns real
        local real x1 = GetWidgetX(a)
        local real y1 = GetWidgetY(a)
        local real x2 = GetWidgetX(b)
        local real y2 = GetWidgetY(b)

        return Atan2(y2-y1,x2-x1)
    function GetAngleFromUnitToPoint takes unit u, real x2, real y2 returns real
        local real x1 = GetWidgetX(u)
        local real y1 = GetWidgetY(u)
        return Atan2(y2-y1,x2-x1)
    function GetAngleFromPointToUnit takes real x1, real y1, unit ut returns real
        local real x2 = GetWidgetX(ut)
        local real y2 = GetWidgetY(ut)
        return Atan2(y2-y1,x2-x1)
    function GetDistanceFromUnitToUnit takes unit a, unit b returns real
        local real x1 = GetWidgetX(a)
        local real y1 = GetWidgetY(a)
        local real x2 = GetWidgetX(b)
        local real y2 = GetWidgetY(b)

        return SquareRoot((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2))
    function GetDistanceFromUnitToPoint takes unit a1, real x2, real y2 returns real
        local real x1 = GetWidgetX(a1)
        local real y1 = GetWidgetY(a1)

        return SquareRoot((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2))
    function valueConvert takes real x, real duration returns real
            return x*T32_PERIOD/duration

// Don't touch anything below, unless you know what are you doing
        private rect World
        private region MapArea
        private integer stop = 851972 //stop order
//The Main Interface
interface AUMS_Interface
    method onCreate         takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing
    method onDelayPeriodic  takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing
    method onStart          takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing
    method onPeriodic       takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing
    method onMapEnd         takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing
    method onCollide        takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing
    method onPredestroy     takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing

//Your struct's setup, takes struct name and module implement, use "Advanced" and "Homing"
//That's done like this because we can't have anonymous structs in vJass

//! textmacro AUMS_struct takes name
struct $name$ extends AUMS_Interface
    AUMS_Delay_$name$ delayNode
//! endtextmacro

//! textmacro AUMS_endstruct takes name, module
    implement AUMS_$module$
    struct AUMS_Delay_$name$
        $name$ callback
        method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
            call callback.startPeriodic()
            call callback.onStart()
            call this.stopPeriodic()
            call this.deallocate()
        method periodic takes nothing returns nothing
            if T32_Tick <= callback.delayTick then
                call callback.onDelayPeriodic()
                call this.destroy()
        implement T32x
        static method create takes $name$ node returns thistype
            local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
            set callback = node
            call this.startPeriodic()
            return this
//! endtextmacro

//! textmacro AUMSLinkNodeList
    exitwhen i == thistype.counter
    set i = i + 1
    if prime<i>.affected == whichUnit then
        set base = prime<i>
            exitwhen == 0
            set base =
        set = this
        set this.prev = base
        set = 0
        set this.index = 0
        set find = true
if not find then
    set thistype.counter = thistype.counter + 1
    set prime[thistype.counter] = this
    set = 0
    set this.prev = 0
    set this.index = thistype.counter
//! endtextmacro

//! textmacro AUMSDeleteNodeMethods
private method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
    call .stopPeriodic()
    call .onPredestroy()
    if .index == 0 then
        set = this.prev
        set =
        if != 0 then
            set = this.index
            set prime[.index] =
            set = 0
            if .index != thistype.counter then
                set prime[.index] = prime[thistype.counter]
            set thistype.counter = thistype.counter - 1
            call IssueImmediateOrderById(this.affected, stop)
    set this.affected = null
    call this.deallocate()
static method DeleteEachNode takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
    local integer i = 0
    local thistype node
        set i = i + 1
    exitwhen i &gt; thistype.counter
        if prime<i>.affected == whichUnit then
            set node = prime<i>
                exitwhen == 0
            call node.destroy()
debug call BJDebugMsg(&quot;AUMS: No unit found for node destruction&quot;)
//! endtextmacro

//==================================================Advanced Mode==================================================//
   module AUMS_Advanced
        static integer counter = 0
        static thistype array prime //Prime nodes
        private integer index //Number if it&#039;s a prime struct, 0 if not
        readonly thistype next //next node
        readonly thistype prev //previous node
        private  thistype base //base node for fly height check
        readonly unit affected  //currently moving unit
        //Current positions
        /*Safe*/ real x
        /*Safe*/ real y
        readonly real z
        readonly real step //distance moved per T32 period seconds
        /*Safe*/ real angle      //current angle for movement direction
        /*Safe*/ real height     //the parabola height modifier, it represents the max height
        readonly real baseheight //the height the unit will have at start of moving task
        /*Safe*/ real distance   //the overall distance the unit will do
        /*Safe*/ real currentdistance //the current distance done from starting point
        readonly real delayTick
        private  boolean IsFlyTask    //Pathing checker modifier, used on movement task initialization
        /*Safe*/ boolean CheckPathing //Variable that checks if unit&#039;s current location is walkable
        //Parabola function, takes currentdistance from start point and returns height.
        method getZ takes real x returns real
            return (4*.height*x/.distance)*(1-x/.distance) + .baseheight
    //! runtextmacro AUMSDeleteNodeMethods()
        //Moving task, executed every T32 period, and moves unit a &quot;step&quot; forwards current angle given
        method periodic takes nothing returns nothing
            if .currentdistance &gt;= .distance then
                call .destroy()
            set .currentdistance = .currentdistance + .step //Distance counter
            set .x = GetWidgetX(.affected) + .step * Cos(.angle) //Is coded like this
            set .y = GetWidgetY(.affected) + .step * Sin(.angle) //to prevent bugs
            if .IsFlyTask then //Check if our task is a flying one, else prevent these not nessesary actions
                set .z = .getZ(.currentdistance)
                //Check if this fly height is less from another instance, to replace it
                //Because greater fly height overrides lower one.
                set base = this
                    set base =
                exitwhen base == 0
                    if .z &lt; base.z then
                        set .z = base.z
                call SetUnitFlyHeight(.affected, .z, 0)
            //Safe point checkings
            if IsPointInRegion(MapArea, .x, .y) then
                if .CheckPathing and not .IsFlyTask then
                    if IsTerrainWalkable(.x, .y) then
                        call SetUnitX(.affected, .x)
                        call SetUnitY(.affected, .y)
                        call .onCollide()
                    call SetUnitX(.affected, .x)
                    call SetUnitY(.affected, .y)
                call .onMapEnd()
            call .onPeriodic()
        implement T32x
        static method create takes unit whichUnit, real distance, real baseheight, real height, real angle, real duration, real delay, boolean checkPathing returns thistype
            local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
            local boolean find = false
            local integer i = 0
            if GetWidgetLife(whichUnit) &lt; 0.405 or whichUnit == null then
                call BJDebugMsg(&quot;|cFFFF0000Error:|r |cFFC6E2FFThe unit you want to move is dead or doesn&#039;t exist|r&quot;)
            elseif duration &lt; 0 or delay &lt; 0 then
                call BJDebugMsg(&quot;|cFFFF0000Error:|r |cFFC6E2FFDuration/Delay has negative value on this unit|r&quot;)
                call SelectUnit(.affected, true)
            elseif distance &lt;= 0 then
                call BJDebugMsg(&quot;|cFFFF0000Error:|r |cFFC6E2FFDistance has negative or zero value on this unit|r&quot;)
                call SelectUnit(.affected, true)
            elseif baseheight + height &lt; 0 then
                call BJDebugMsg(&quot;|cFFFF0000Error:|r |cFFC6E2FFThis unit&#039;s negative height is more than baseheight|r&quot;)
                call SelectUnit(.affected, true)
            //! runtextmacro AUMSLinkNodeList()
                set this.affected = whichUnit
                set this.distance = distance
                set this.angle = angle
                set this.baseheight = baseheight
                set this.height = height
                call SetUnitFlyHeight(this.affected, baseheight, 0)
                set this.step = (distance/duration) * T32_PERIOD
                set this.currentdistance = this.step
                set this.z = 0
                set this.IsFlyTask = (this.height != 0)
                set this.CheckPathing = checkPathing
                call this.onCreate()
                if delay == 0 then
                    call .startPeriodic()
                    set this.delayTick = T32_Tick + R2I(delay*T32_FPS)
                    call delayNode.create(this)
                return this
            call this.deallocate()
            return 0
//==================================================Advanced Mode==================================================//

//===================================================Homing Mode===================================================//

    module AUMS_Homing
        static integer counter = 0
        static thistype array prime //Prime nodes
        private integer index //Number if it&#039;s a prime struct, 0 if not
        readonly thistype next //next node
        readonly thistype prev //previous node
        private  thistype base //base node for fly height check
        readonly unit affected  //currently moving unit
        readonly unit target  //moving&#039;s target
        //current positions
        //Moving Unit
        /*Safe*/ real x1
        /*Safe*/ real y1
        //Target Unit
        /*Safe*/ real x2
        /*Safe*/ real y2
        readonly real radius       //radius check
        readonly real step         //distance per T32_Period
        readonly real stepCurr
        /*Safe*/ real acceleration //movement increase per second
        readonly real accelerationCurr
        readonly real angle        //current angle for movement direction
        /*Safe*/ real currentdistance //the current distance done from starting point
        readonly real delayTick
        //Acceleration feature
        method setAcceleration takes real increasePercent returns thistype
            set acceleration = (increasePercent*T32_PERIOD)/100
            return this
    //! runtextmacro AUMSDeleteNodeMethods()
        method periodic takes nothing returns nothing
            set .x2  = GetWidgetX(.target)
            set .y2  = GetWidgetY(.target)
            set .angle = Atan2(y2-y1,x2-x1)
            set .x1  = GetWidgetX(.affected) + .stepCurr * Cos(.angle)
            set .y1  = GetWidgetY(.affected) + .stepCurr * Sin(.angle)
            set .currentdistance = SquareRoot((.x1-.x2)*(.x1-.x2) + (.y1-.y2)*(.y1-.y2))
            set .accelerationCurr = .accelerationCurr + .acceleration
            set .stepCurr = .step * (1+.accelerationCurr)
            if .currentdistance &gt; .radius then
                //Safe point check
                if IsPointInRegion(MapArea, .x1, .y1) then
                    call SetUnitX(.affected, .x1)
                    call SetUnitY(.affected, .y1)
                    call .onPeriodic()
                    call .onMapEnd()
                call .destroy()
        implement T32x
        static method create takes unit whichUnit, unit target, real baseheight, real speed, real delay, real radius returns thistype
            local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
            local boolean find = false
            local integer i = 0
            if GetWidgetLife(whichUnit) &lt; 0.405 or whichUnit == null then
         debug  call BJDebugMsg(&quot;|cFFFF0000Error:|r |cFFC6E2FFThe unit you want to move is dead or doesn&#039;t exist|r&quot;)
            elseif baseheight&lt; 0 then
         debug  call BJDebugMsg(&quot;|cFFFF0000Error:|r |cFFC6E2FFBaseheight has negative value on this unit|r&quot;)
         debug  call SelectUnit(.affected, true)
            //! runtextmacro AUMSLinkNodeList()
                set this.affected = whichUnit
                set = target
                call SetUnitFlyHeight(whichUnit, baseheight, 0)
                set this.step = speed * T32_PERIOD
                set this.stepCurr = step
                set this.radius = radius
                set this.x1 = GetWidgetX(whichUnit)
                set this.y1 = GetWidgetY(whichUnit)
                set this.acceleration = 0
                set this.accelerationCurr = 0
                call SetUnitFlyHeight(.affected, baseheight, 0)
                call this.onCreate()
                if delay == 0 then
                    call .startPeriodic()
                    set this.delayTick = T32_Tick + R2I(delay*T32_FPS)
                    call delayNode.create(this)
                return this
            call this.destroy()
            return 0
//===================================================Homing Mode===================================================//

//Initialize Map Bounds
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        set World = GetWorldBounds()
        set MapArea = CreateRegion()
        call RegionAddRect(MapArea, World)

Example: Double Jump
scope jump initializer init

        private constant real mdistance = 700
        private constant real baseheight = 0
        private constant real height = 250
        private constant real duration = 0.7
        private constant integer id = &#039;AHds&#039;
        private string attach = &quot;chest&quot;
        private string stringSFX = &quot;Abilities\\Weapons\\IllidanMissile\\IllidanMissile.mdl&quot;
    //! runtextmacro AUMS_struct(&quot;jump&quot;)
        effect sfx
        method onCreate takes nothing returns nothing
            if this.prev == 0 then //Check if previous created struct exists
                set sfx = AddSpecialEffectTarget(stringSFX, .affected, attach)
                call PauseUnit(.affected, true)
        method onPredestroy takes nothing returns nothing
            if == 0 then
                call DestroyEffect(.sfx)
                call PauseUnit(.affected, false)
                set .sfx = null
                set = .sfx
    //! runtextmacro AUMS_endstruct(&quot;jump&quot;, &quot;Advanced&quot;)

    private function action takes nothing returns nothing
        local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
        local real angle = GetUnitFacing(u) * bj_DEGTORAD
        if GetSpellAbilityId() == id then
            call jump.create(u, mdistance, baseheight, height, angle, duration, 0, true)
            //Just to see the override (you may delete this)
            call jump.create(u, mdistance, baseheight, height+150, angle, duration, 0.6, true)
        set u = null

    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger tt = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerAddAction(tt, function action)
        call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(tt, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
        set tt = null

v1.0: Initial release
v1.1.A: Optimised code a bit
v1.2.A: Respresent of a more normal system
v1.3.A: Reworked system to use textmacro and documentation
v1.4.A: Replaced duration in variables field for single line mode with speed, reworked documentation, replaced jump example with knockback one, because the first was too simple
v1.4.B: Changed system's set up from using textmacro's to modules, set .move() method private
v1.5.A: Added safety conditions, new method onCollide() runs when next point is not a safe one
v1.6.A: Implemented TerrainPathability Library
v1.6.B: Only IsPointInMap and IsTerrainWalkable now trigger on collide function.
v1.6.C: Point is in map area triggers onError function, and IsTerrainWalkable triggers onCollideFunction.
v1.6.D: Documentation rework, coding rework
v2.0.A: Major improvements, implement of homing module
v2.0.B: Trigger evaluations removed
v2.1.A: Improved documentation, delete of simple mode
v2.1.B: Reimplement of delay feature, implement of acceleration feature in homing mode
v2.1.C: Removed a,b parabola parameters and replaced with the original max height and max distance variables. Changed their scope type to safe so you can use the parabola dynamically without concequences.
v2.2.A: Changed stuct link type for better performance,accessibility and complexibility of node handling in advanced mode.
v2.3.A: Major improvements, once again sacrificing a tiny amount of speed for enchancing the AUMS system, implement of unit nodes delete.
v2.3.B: Complete of the delay feature, uglier but dynamic struct setup.
v2.3.C: Documentation update.
v2.5.A: Todo: Turn parabola method into feature.
v3.0.A: Todo: Fuse Advanced+Homing movement systems into one node link. Finish system. Change name.

Parabola Helping Examples:



Visitor (Welcome to the Jungle, Baby!)
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Pausing unit is not an good idea.
You may face some bugs especially during channeling.


You can change this now in User CP.
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can you explain me better?
if you want you pause, it is not standard, it depends your choice

EDIT:Hmmm....should I leave it on Status System???


You can change this now in User CP.
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thank you very much !

A moderator please remove the -inject from title, and make us edit the thread title.


vJass errors are legion
Reaction score
Your global names are really bad.

JASS convention capitalizes all constants.

"life" and "mana" are often local variable names so you really should just stick with UNIT_STATE_LIFE/MANA/etc to prevent bugs.


Super Moderator
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Could you write some clear documentation?


You can change this now in User CP.
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If you don't forget I've got Troll Avatar :p

I'll do it in a while, wait I haven't finished my system yet.


You can change this now in User CP.
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means that you change his position, as a car do...But this also interferes Z axis

You may know it as knockback, as jump, but this is the main thing and the others I said are its categories.

You can accomplish everything you can imagine...You can create with that a table tennis game, a rally championship that you can control the vehicles by arrows, when I finish the projectile it will be easier to accomplish "turning" movements, in-dota skills: kunkka's wreck ship, torrent, tiny's throw, mirana's jump.


Super Moderator
Reaction score
I decided to review this.

First of all, let's look at these function names...
// after the module:
    function AUU takes unit a, unit b returns real
    function AUP takes unit u, real x2, real y2 returns real
    function APU takes real x1, real y1, unit ut returns real
    function DUU takes unit a, unit b returns real
    function DUP takes unit a1, real x2, real y2 returns real

These names are absolutely horrible. You should have just given them names like [LJASS]GetUnitAngleFromUnit[/LJASS] (ugly) but more verbose. What if you write a spell using this, abandon your map, someone else starts to develop, and has no idea what to do? [LJASS]GetUnitAngleFromUnit[/LJASS] may take longer to type, but goes a long way. But none of this matters, because... These shouldn't even be here in the first place. This is a case of functions unrelated inside the same library.

I don't get why I would ever use this library. And the knockback-from-two-directions idea is just stupid. I'd prefer something... better. I thought at first this was more like a knockback overloading method, which I thought would be cool.

Then, your documentation is horrible. Really, just plain horrible. Documentation is not a good place to have fake conversations or write nonsense. Really, make it into something readable. An example of some of the best documentation ever written is Earth-fury's, or Jesus4Lyf's, which was sometimes written by Romek.

>means that you change his position, as a car do...But this also interferes Z axis
"transfer" isn't used in that way in Modern English, really.


Minecraft. :D
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>means that you change his position, as a car do...But this also interferes Z axis
"transfer" isn't used in that way in Modern English, really.

This is what throws me off. I have no idea what you mean by "transferring". Do you mean moving!?

Also, the documentation could use a lot of work. Like tooltiperror said, don't use it to create a fake conversation. Just include the necessary details: What it does, how to use it, etc. With a couple of simple examples.


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@tommerbob yes
I remade it to be more normal, the previous version was a kind of joke.

It is "knockback" overload how you said, but now this is at 40% of total development, wait and you will see something more interesting.

my native language is Hellenic (Greek for most of you) and transfer and move are synonyms so don't get confused.
Transfer is metathesis --> (meta = after/change, thesis = position)
Movement is a "category" of transfer and is done by feet or tail->(fish) or wings->(bird)
You may confuse yourself with the meaning of a transfer of food in a wagon, but you see its the same because transfer has a starting point, an ending point and a mean. The mean in that system is the way of "moving" -for you to understand- through air and stopping at the position you need.


Super Moderator
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>I remade it to be more normal, the previous version was a kind of joke.
...? You seem to have remade the documentation but still kept it as horrible as it was.

>It is "knockback" overload how you said, but now this is at 40% of total development, wait and you will see something more interesting.
If it's not in a finished state this should not be submitted here.

>Movement is a "category" of transfer and is done by feet or tail->(fish) or wings->(bird)

I'm not questioning the meaning of the word "transfer". I'm questioning how you use it, because native English users don't talk like that.

I vote for graveyarding this.
  1. Serves no apparent use
  2. Knockback is better handled by knockback specific scripts
  3. Uses strange 2way knockback to move things up
  4. Documentation still bad
  5. Bad naming of things
  6. Messy and confusing interface
  7. Serves no apparent use


You can change this now in User CP.
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thank you very much tooltiperror, but be a little more welcome to starters, don't kill their hopes in a flash

with this system
To move units up use SetUnitFlyHeight function

My documentation was not informing you in depth, my bad, but its better than other systems, that's why I made it

Any MOD rename the title of thread as Advanced Unit Moving System

EDIT: Now I am facing a problem with Single Line mode, when about 2 or more instances of system interfere a unit
I want to set unit's fly height the highest value of every single line system is applied on him.
Or to get the system instances applied to unit.
Can anyone help me with this?


Super Moderator
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It appears that you made the interface worse by turning it into a textmacro, you use really hard to understand ancronyms, and... I still don't see the point of this system.

Knockback already exists, and it's much better than this snippet.


You can change this now in User CP.
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Its not obviously only for knockback, you will see.
I'll upload a video with what you can do.

(buff struct and spell struct don't use textmacro's ? :))


Super Moderator
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No, SpellStruct doesn't use a textmacro.

BuffStruct does because it does actual low level working with WC3. There's no reason this needs a textmacro.


You can change this now in User CP.
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The problem with you is that you say something and don't explain can you help me like this??
There's no reason this needs a textmacro.
Why?? Should I tell them to do the extend, to implement T32?? textmacro does is much simplier...
Knockback already exists, and it's much better than this snippet.
Why?? Does it have more things than this?? And if it has what are they??
And if my code is a snippet, a knockback is a system ?


Super Moderator
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>Why?? Should I tell them to do the extend, to implement T32?? textmacro does is much simplier...
And you ruin the look of all of their code... JASSHelper gave us structs, so you should use them.

>Why?? Does it have more things than this?? And if it has what are they??
Knockback has safer checking with an item, which you don't use. And a knockback snippet has a clear cut function: knockback units.

There are plenty of knockback snippets. Why should I use this one, when better ones are out there?
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