Battle Ships Expression

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Covert Phoenixfire damage. A system based on my idea, implemented by Sooda.

srry, but i havent been keeping up with this thread, so im not shure if youve mentioned it before, can you tell me what this system dose? (or give me a link to a previous post that tells you that i have missed)
so i just finish RC3...
i agree "sea storm" its too powerful and now it is the uber cannon and cost respect,also "ozzy revenge" now do only 300dmg/per sec (its blockable with good hull)

some new interesting stuff here "captain's Diary" ,"Ingram M-11" ,"Ingram's Hull"...
so in RC3 i still dont change creeps
i am clear some space and you all can build the second row of towers now...

ummm dude, the reson why battleships games share models, is because most of those ship models come with warcraft III, it saves map space. only allows maps to be around 4mbs tops.

Conbination dosent force the player to switch though 3-6 units to see what guns they have, altho i dont like this system, i still think its more pratical then multiple decks (naval combat has it all in one area, where you can veiw all your guns in one mouse click while still haveing controle of your hero)

you know... considering that earlyer posts you have stated that this is suppost to be based on the past, like a long time in the past where they still use giant wooden ships that can hold around 30 something weps, tell me.... why the hell are there lazers in your game if this is suppost to be in the past, heck why is there even air!?

1. i actually talking about "new skin on old model of ship" -its not good (for example "Ganga Ship" from CROSSFIRE MAP,that cover itself with fog ,it has new skin but old model - and with this, ship is looking really stupid,its actually still an old ship...)

2. hahaha my map have 135guns, what should i do? just write for each one .the one COMBINING TRIGGER? if even i do it:
1. only 4 ability for each item allowed
2. (1kb for each trigger) 135*1 = [+135kb to map size]

so combining its an absolutely stupid idea ever (it reveal how stupid maybe people)

3. nice... its all easy to explain
some UFO plate just crashed on carribean islands,and we have bundle of lasers,blasters from it,and of course we have etherial ship (goblins have repaired it) (goblins are clever)
1. i actually talking about "new skin on old model of ship" -its not good (for example "Ganga Ship" from CROSSFIRE MAP,that cover itself with fog ,it has new skin but old model - and with this, ship is looking really stupid,its actually still an old ship...)

2. hahaha my map have 135guns, what should i do? just write for each one .the one COMBINING TRIGGER? if even i do it:
1. only 4 ability for each item allowed
2. (1kb for each trigger) 135*1 = [+135kb to map size]

so combining its an absolutely stupid idea ever (it reveal how stupid maybe people)

3. nice... its all easy to explain
some UFO plate just crashed on carribean islands,and we have bundle of lasers,blasters from it,and of course we have etherial ship (goblins have repaired it) (goblins are clever)

1. Lol?

2. Then you are the worst coder I've ever seen. if you need 135 triggers for the same action, and each of that needs 1000 letters - lol. I programmed a doubling trigger that has 400B and works for all items ( even if they are 100 000 - it only might take a lot of time ( 1 seconds almost for slow computers ) until the item is found )
Not only that, you can have 10000 abilities per item - if you aren't stupid.

3. Yes, of course. That sounds really awesome. Well - not really.

Well I think I have listened that long enough. I'll quit the conversation...
I don't like to play maps of people that have no knowledge about the thing they are actually making, and call some of my friends "stupid" ( Yes, B.62 and say are friends) just becouse they don't know how things are working. Really, being too stupid to make 86 abilities on a weapons is stupid. As well as Making one trigger per combinination - even say ( who is not such a good coder ) only needed one trigger for all of the combines ( repair, hull, weapons ).

Cu ( not, I hope ) and good luck with your map - after what I've seen, you will need it.
oh i found it! line of sight blockers does not work couse my dummy-decks -AIR UNITS with flying height 0

so i am gonna to fix it
As well as Making one trigger per combinination - even say ( who is not such a good coder ) only needed one trigger for all of the combines ( repair, hull, weapons ).

haha dont worry about me,couse i dont have ego-brain (like System of A Down band ,named it) and i no need to be THE BEST CODER EVER,i am just an ordinary man you know,and i can make 135triggers in one -but anyway that trigger will be huge,so you understand perfectly what i am talking about...

also about "stupid"
your friends are good men,but even they should agree - that combining idea was a fault ,i understand its hard to agree with your own faults,but it need to move forward

PS. also i dont understand this sarcasm,couse my map dont have any big faults (wrong? why i dont know about it?) ,and it based on the 3.0sked source ,so all ok with balance...
also my map as always,for pro-BS players,and if someone dont know how to get respect (read: how to kill players) its not my problems,you know

PS2. and i just continue sked's ideas,about shore leave(tower defence) you know,about two empires,about uber cannons (sked's frag-fire) ,so its all part of big game named battleships (for me this game like chess - its forever)
sadly i cant fix the line of sight problem,right now,but it possible to fix if in game will be only one GUN DECK...

for now, the last version is RC5,with new balance,90% of guns and items have new price,i think this balance is final and it is extremely nice

i just added some animation on sharks,"only sailor" mode -fixed,telescope fixed,a lot of other changes also
I played your map and.. It still needs work!
=> begin cinematic? You understand nothing at beginning! :banghead:
have you tried giveing your other decks 0 sight? (for day and night)

hmm i dont know "HOW" but problem with line of sight was fixed...
0 sight - does not work,but i just have set MOVEMENT TYPE - NONE for cargo deck and it looks like cargo deck block AIR-TYPE for previous decks... some strange things in WE...

pretty lol,need to destroy MAIN HARBOUR all know about it

So i finish the map, 1.0F - finally done.I think all bugs are killed...
I cannot find any bugs... so its final release.
well, for now the latest version is 1,9F and its totally different since 1.0F

for example now you even can choose how much inventory slots will be!
also i used more black color in design

already released:
- support of 6x6 players!
* first battle ships which support it

- new system of gold split
* so 2x4 games with leavers, its not unfair for now

hope you will love 1.9F very much
I disagree with the above flamers. I did not test this map.
The screenshots did look nice.

About the english thing. Your english is bad, but its readable. The flamers english aint that good either.

I totally agree with most things you said about the map even though many people disagreed because of the way you talked about it.

And about people complaining about the 30 invetory spaces. 30 spaces is great, I know there is other maps with more but its still a + if you got more inventory spaces.

I think it's great of you to keep releasing versions even though they flame you. Keep on doing that.

I'm sorry for any spelling or grammatic errors I did. I'm nothing but human.
I totally agree with Siretu, stop bitching this so much. This page isnt for critism or flaming. Its for helping people, positively and politely. good luck with the map. I can only say it looks stunning from the screenshots and what i have read. A new form for BattleShips :thup:
And about people complaining about the 30 invetory spaces. 30 spaces is great, I know there is other maps with more but its still a + if you got more inventory spaces.

if you mean Naval Combat map i dont think that the realisation was really good... for example you need to move camera to see your inventory... but with the decks its more logic

also i wonder why no one did't make similar system until 2007...:eek: i peronally played battle ships with 6 slots only, something like 3 years!:banghead: omfg we all lost time guys...

and finally i think that this map still is only one - which used this system now :rolleyes: dont know why! lol
its work ideal,and its not so hard to make...

anyway dont worry, i will make similar for Starcraft 2 if it is will be possible,so we will not lose our time again...
The reason he got flamed are as following

1. he flamed 6 of the originators of bships on his website.

-flamed trollkopp (bships advanced)
map for retards (puzzle cannon rocks! puzzle cannon rocks! you know)

-flamed say_no_to_war,b.62 (crossfire)
only one ability per ship,combining idea is sux! kill yourself with your stupid magic guys

-flamed breden and others (3.5b)
[pro]3.5b - its the most stupid map ever,totally disbalanced,and IPEON RUSH, 13attle....[SOMEONE],and others - personally are stupid retards!
kill yourself guys

and here is the best explanation for why he was flamed.
i am not good, i am just GOD in battle ships,you know... so what the clans we are actually talking about?

some bundle of noobs which consider what they are the best FROM THE BEST - and in reality actually nothing...
I think you, guys really do not know as masters look really,I have played 10 000 games - why no one cant defeate me in any ways?
I speak so couse - all clans for noobs or for little children... If you are proud to be in a clan - the ego has gobbled up your freedom.Its all what i can to say.

those were his own words.

Plus, he simply advanced his map from a previous version by supressor and just added a ton of crap. Check around the net, you'll see his desperate pleas for help on his map. You can see his inability to map in this thread as well.

He deserves the flames because he's a flamer himself.

CEMEH if you are really that good then why is your map hardly played on any of the 4 servers?

1. x on west
2. 3.5b, crossfire on east
3. 3.5b CE, crossfire, advanced in north
4. bships boom in asia
ahaha 6 of the originators? lol
only sked is the originator! and only he is a normal guy...

its a free country as i know,and its just my opinion about those maps
and I shall not apologize about it!

so plz keep post... because you so funny!!

and i never used the supressor's code - ALL IS MADE BY ME (since 2004)
my map is from 3.0sked and all know about it!!!!! exclude your retarded mind

where i asked for help? come on give me the link! now!
in this thread i asked about some really HARD moments... and its all

and last more thing:
if your "6 of the originators" dont know how to make 30 slot inventory - ITS NOT MY PROBLEMS

i personally want to play some advanced map with 20-40 slots but not some kind of shit like [13attle PRO 3.5b]... with 6 slots only... lol

so I MADE one - for normal guys

in my map all cannons ROX but for example in your "Advanced" - only one puzzle cannon rox! so?
yes i repeat: BS Advanced is for retards
and last more thing:
if your "6 of the originators" dont know how to make 30 slot inventory - ITS NOT MY PROBLEMS

i personally want to play some advanced map with 20-40 slots but not some kind of shit like [13attle PRO 3.5b]... with 6 slots only... lol

so I MADE one - for normal guys

Beg your pardon?
You didn't get anything, right? It was not for our incapability of creating such a system ( which is really easy and can be done in MUCH cooler* ways, just that you're too noobish to do it - that's why you allways need to flame other maps, to hide your own stupidity ) rather than for the imbaness of such a system. First of all, the stupid "spam-weapon" expoit is brought to life: As you have an ( at average** ) exponential price growth, it is better to purchase multiple small weapons than a bigger one. So your bigger weapons loose their right of existence - apart from being unpurchaseable anyway ( noone ever plays the map often enough to gather as much playing points other than you ). Your ships are halfway stolen from other Maps, the others are remakes of the same ship ( 10 interceptors that differ only in price and hitpoints - wtf? ), or absolutely imba.

It is really a shame how people like you are let loose on the internet. You have gathered the reputation you merit anyway. There is exactly 1 person on the battlenet that hosts your map more than once and plays a single Version more than once. That is exactly - YOU.

There are reasons for that. You say all your cannons rox? Then tell me why I allways won with my strategy in all the various versions I played. These tactic started in Allstars, and this is just some sort of allstars II. Really impressive.

And no, I would not like to participate in a 1 vs 1 battle on your map. If you would win, what would it prove? Just how imba your map is. And if I won, it would even be greater evidence of your incapacity. Loosing in the own, imba map. We might however play a 1 on 1 in one of the real maps, like 3.5b or Advanced. I never ever coded anything for them so we can just be assured that there is no cheating from my side. I have another good Idea, why don't we engage one or two players as judges? I for example would take that bshipper guy if he agrees.

Btw, sometimes I play a new version when you post it - I enjoy the feeling of beeing a god when I know some of the imbalancements and none of the other players does. Then I blame you for creating such an imba map, and they never play it again. This ensures that there are only 2 or 3 killing players on these maps, and that there are no newcomers. If I didn't do that, there would be perhaps 4 or 6 of the better players.

Btw, I'm the one that joins the games of your bot that spams "DONT PLAY CF or I kill you!" ( literally ) and tell all the joining players what you're doing and that you're flaming the community. 90% leave immediately, and the other 10% are afk anyway.

To speak really kind: Your map sucks. And yes, that WAS kind. For this map, it was. @ anyone reading this: Just play it and persuade yourself.

Hoping that you are intelligent enough to understand such a loooong text although it is not written in your "perfect" english.

Greetings hf and gl, Davey

*Why don't you just implement a way to allow for hulls and sails etc on the second / third deck, too? Just creating 5 invisible locust-dummies that are moved to the ships x and y values is such a boring and uninspired way to do this kind of stuff such that it is really an evidence of stupidity you're even praising yourself to be a demigod for it. It's like when I'ld paint an apple black and then say "OMFG you're all so stupid becouse you never painted an apple black. I did it first so I'm the best". Or, in your words: "OMFG your alls so stiupidd!!! just kill yoursafe alls! PS: ME enlish is prefect!!!! Your alls so sux!"

**Some weapons follow this scheme, others seem perfectly random, others completely desync with their tooltips and another group of your weapons just has a square-root based weapon pricing scheme. Really interesting. Might be an effect of your way to "create" new weapons. It is REALLY such a HAZARD that you have the same weapons and items as the older battleships pros, battleships crossfires and battleships psychos.
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