Spell Glaive Bounce


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No... not some weird attack modifying spell.

Glaive Bounce by BlackRose v1.02b


Creates 2 transparent like guards, they then throw a glaive that bounces off them, dishing out damage between enemy units hit by the glaive.

  • It is MUI.
  • No it will not lag, even on lots of instances.
  • Quite amusing.

- JassNewGenPack
- SimError - Vexorian
- KeyTimers2 - Jesus4Lyf

Glaive Bounce by BlackRose

Version: 1.02b
Date released: 27th June 2009
Date updated: 4th July 2009

Makes a glaive that bounces between 2 spirits, it keeps deflecting, 
damage enemy units in the way.

How to import:

 - Make sure you have JassNewGenPack.

1. Copy GlaiveBounce, SimError, and KT trigger into your map.
2. Copy all objects needed.
3. Make sure to update rawcode.
4. Done!

Version history:
v1.00: 27th June 2009
 - Initial release.
v1.01: 27th June 2009
 - Made transparency customizable.
 - Guards now play Spell Animation (7) when they delflect Glaive.

v1.01b: 27th June 2009
 - Small code update.
v1.01c: 27th June 2009
 - Another small update.
v1.02: 28th June 2009
 - Code updates.
 - Made it so you can see how many bounces there are, <-- Configurable as well.
 - Made text appear on enemy units to show how much damage done.
 - Fixed something to do with map boundary.
 v1.02b: 4th July 2009
  - Code update.
  - Extra configurables.


- Blitz for suggestion playing animation when Glaive reflects.
- emjlr3 for AnimIndexs finding out, though it is not even hard to make.
- Jesus4Lyf for KeyTimers2.
- Vexorian for SimError.

- JassNewGenPack team.

- Made for TheHelper.net AND ClanMapz.com Resources forum, DO NOT REDISTRUBUTE at all. 
  Contact can be made by PMing me at TheHelper forums, Username: BlackRose

scope GlaiveBounce initializer Init

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private constant integer SPELL_ID = 'A000'  // Glaive Bounce rawcode.
        private constant integer DUMMY_ID = 'h005'  // Glaive rawcode.
        private constant integer GUARD_ID = 'e001'  // Reflector rawcode.
        // You could kill a group of units easy by placing right next to you.
        // Allow this?
        private constant string MIN_RANGE_MSG = "Target is inside minimum range."
        private constant boolean ALLOW_MIN_RANGE = true

        private constant boolean RECLICK = true     // If point is in min-range, re click?
        private constant string SPELL_HOTKEY = "B"  // Hotkey.
        private constant real TIMER_INTERVAL = 0.03 // Every 0.03 do action.
        private constant integer END_TYPE = 1 //<- Set to 0 or 1.
        // END_TYPES - How the spell ends, after certain time or after bounces/
        // 0 = Time limit.
        // 1 = Bounces limit.
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private constant attacktype ATK_TYPE = ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL   // Attack type
        private constant damagetype DMG_TYPE = DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC    // Damage type
        private constant weapontype WPN_TYPE = null                 // Weapon type
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private constant boolean SHOW_DMG_TT = true // Show damage text above target? True or false.
        private constant string DMG_TT_COLOR = "|cffff0000" // Damage text color, right now is RED.
        private constant real DMG_TT_SIZE    = 10.5 // Text size.
        private constant boolean SHOW_BOUNCE_TT = true         // Show bounces on Guard?
        private constant string BOUNCE_TT_COLOR = "|cff87ceeb" // Color of above? Right now is LIGHT BLUE
        private constant real BOUNCE_TT_SIZE    = 12 // Text size.
        private constant integer ANIMATION = 7  // Animation index of Guard, type -anim in this testmap to find out indexes. 
                                                // Credit to emjlr3.
        // Colors of Guard, can be edited here OR Object Editor. In Percentage here.
        private constant real RED          = 100.
        private constant real BLUE         = 100.
        private constant real GREEN        = 100.
        private constant real TRANSPARENCY = 50. // How much transparency Guard has. Max of 100.
        // Effects
        private constant string ATH_POINT = "chest"         // Where on targets place SFX?
        private constant string REFLECT_POINT = "origin"    // Where on Guard reflect?
        private constant string REFLECT_SFX = "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\Defend\\DefendCaster.mdx"          // Reflect SFX.
        private constant string DAMAGE_SFX = "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Stampede\\StampedeMissileDeath.mdx" // Damage targets SFX.
    // AoE of Glaive Damage, right now is 140. But you can set it up whatever.
    private function GetAoE takes integer Level returns real
        return 140 + ( Level * 0. )
    // Minimum range you can cast. 400/450/500/550.
    private function GetMinRange takes integer Level returns real
        return 350 + ( Level * 50. )
    // Damage. It is level * 20 right now, so its 20/40/60/80
    private function GetDamage takes integer Level returns real
        return Level * 20.
    // Speed of the missile moving.
    private function GetSpeed takes integer Level returns real
        return Level * 30.
    // How many bounces there are.
    private function GetBounces takes integer Level returns real
        return Level * 5.
    // Or how long will the spell last.
    private function GetTime takes integer Level returns real
        return Level * 2.5
    // Only modify below if you know how to.
function QTT takes string Message, real x, real y, real angle, real dur, real size returns nothing
    local texttag tt = CreateTextTag()
    local real vel = 90 * 0.071 / 128
    local real xvel = vel * Cos( angle )
    local real yvel = vel * Sin( angle )
    call SetTextTagText( tt, Message, size * 0.0023 )
    call SetTextTagPos( tt, x, y, 0 )
    call SetTextTagPermanent( tt, false )
    call SetTextTagVelocity( tt, xvel, yvel )
    call SetTextTagFadepoint( tt, dur - 0.50 )
    call SetTextTagLifespan( tt, dur )

    set tt = null

        private player TempPlayer
        private group TempGroup
        private group G = CreateGroup()
        private boolexpr UFilter 
// Conditions.
private function UFilt takes nothing returns boolean
    return IsUnitType( GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_DEAD ) == false and IsUnitEnemy( GetFilterUnit(), TempPlayer ) and IsUnitInGroup( GetFilterUnit(), TempGroup ) == false

private struct xxData
    boolean BounceBack = false

    unit Caster
    unit Missile
    unit Guard1
    unit Guard2
    player Owner
    group DamageGroup
    real tx
    real ty
    real MaxTime
    real MaxBounces
    real Damage
    real Speed
    real AoE
    real Time = 0.00
    integer Bounces = 0
    method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        call KillUnit( .Missile )
        call RemoveUnit( .Guard1 )
        call RemoveUnit( .Guard2 )
        call DestroyGroup( .DamageGroup )
    static method create takes nothing returns xxData
        local xxData d = xxData.allocate()
        local integer level
        local integer i = 0
        local real array x
        local real array y
        local real cx
        local real cy
        local location l = GetSpellTargetLoc()
        local real Angle
        local integer r = R2I(RED * 2.55 )
        local integer b = R2I(BLUE * 2.55 )
        local integer g = R2I(GREEN * 2.55 )
        local integer t = R2I(TRANSPARENCY * 2.55 )

        set d.DamageGroup = CreateGroup()

        set d.Caster = GetTriggerUnit()
        set d.Owner = GetOwningPlayer( d.Caster )
        set level = GetUnitAbilityLevel( d.Caster, SPELL_ID )
        // Saving func calls.
        set d.MaxBounces = GetBounces( level )
        set d.MaxTime = GetTime( level )
        set d.Damage = GetDamage( level )
        set d.Speed = GetSpeed( level )
        set d.AoE = GetAoE( level )
        set cx = GetUnitX( d.Caster )
        set cy = GetUnitY( d.Caster )
        set d.tx = GetLocationX( l )
        set d.ty = GetLocationY( l )
        set Angle = bj_RADTODEG * Atan2( d.ty - cy, d.tx - cx )
        set d.Missile = CreateUnit( d.Owner, DUMMY_ID, cx, cy, Angle )
        set d.Guard1 = CreateUnit( d.Owner, GUARD_ID, cx, cy, Angle )
        set Angle = bj_RADTODEG * Atan2( cy - d.ty, cx - d.tx )
        set d.Guard2 = CreateUnit( d.Owner, GUARD_ID, d.tx, d.ty, Angle )
        set d.tx = GetUnitX( d.Guard2 )
        set d.ty = GetUnitY( d.Guard2 )

        call SetUnitVertexColor( d.Guard1, r, b, g, t )
        call SetUnitVertexColor( d.Guard2, r, b, g, t )
        call RemoveLocation( l )
        set l = null
        return d

private function Callback takes nothing returns boolean
    local xxData d = KT_GetData()

    local real x
    local real y
    local real nx
    local real ny
    local real angle
    local real dx
    local real dy

    local unit u
    set d.Time = d.Time + TIMER_INTERVAL
    debug call BJDebugMsg(R2S( d.Time ) )

    set x = GetUnitX( d.Missile )
    set y = GetUnitY( d.Missile )
    set angle = Atan2( d.ty - y, d.tx - x )
    set nx = x + d.Speed * Cos( angle )
    set ny = y + d.Speed * Sin( angle )
    set dx = d.tx - nx
    set dy = d.ty - ny
    call SetUnitX( d.Missile, nx )
    call SetUnitY( d.Missile, ny )
    set TempPlayer = d.Owner
    set TempGroup = d.DamageGroup
    call GroupEnumUnitsInRange( G, nx, ny, d.AoE, UFilter )
        set u = FirstOfGroup( G )
        exitwhen u == null
        call GroupRemoveUnit( G, u )
        call GroupAddUnit( d.DamageGroup, u )
        if SHOW_DMG_TT then
            call QTT( DMG_TT_COLOR + I2S( R2I( d.Damage ) ) + "|r", GetUnitX( u ), GetUnitY( u ), 90, 1, DMG_TT_SIZE )
        call UnitDamageTarget( d.Caster, u, d.Damage, true, false, ATK_TYPE, DMG_TYPE, WPN_TYPE )
        call DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffectTarget( DAMAGE_SFX, u, ATH_POINT ) )
        // -------------------------
        if ( dx * dx + dy * dy ) < 8100 then
            set d.Bounces = d.Bounces + 1
            call GroupClear( d.DamageGroup )
            if SHOW_BOUNCE_TT and END_TYPE == 1 then
                // QuickTaxTag by ME
                call QTT( BOUNCE_TT_COLOR + I2S( d.Bounces ) + "|r", d.tx, d.ty, angle, 2, BOUNCE_TT_SIZE )
            if d.BounceBack then
                call SetUnitAnimationByIndex( d.Guard1, ANIMATION )
                call DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffectTarget( REFLECT_SFX, d.Guard1, REFLECT_POINT ) )
                set d.BounceBack = false
                set d.tx = GetUnitX( d.Guard2 )
                set d.ty = GetUnitY( d.Guard2 )
                call SetUnitAnimationByIndex( d.Guard2, ANIMATION )
                call DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffectTarget( REFLECT_SFX, d.Guard2, REFLECT_POINT ) )
                set d.tx = GetUnitX( d.Guard1 )
                set d.ty = GetUnitY( d.Guard1 )
                set d.BounceBack = true
        if (d.Time >= d.MaxTime and END_TYPE == 0) or (d.Bounces >= d.MaxBounces and END_TYPE == 1) then
            if END_TYPE == 0 then
                debug call BJDebugMsg( "END_TYPE = 0, timer" )
                debug call BJDebugMsg("END_TYPE = 1, bounces" )
            call d.destroy()
            return true
    return false

private function Cond takes nothing returns boolean
    if GetSpellAbilityId() == SPELL_ID then
        call KT_Add( function Callback, xxData.create(), TIMER_INTERVAL )
    return false
private function MinCond takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetSpellAbilityId() == SPELL_ID

private function StopAction takes nothing returns nothing
    local location l = GetSpellTargetLoc()
    local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
    local real dx = GetLocationX( l ) - GetUnitX( u )
    local real dy = GetLocationY( l ) - GetUnitY( u )
    if SquareRoot( dx * dx + dy * dy ) < GetMinRange( GetUnitAbilityLevel( u, SPELL_ID ) ) and ALLOW_MIN_RANGE then
        call IssueImmediateOrder( u, "stop" )
        call SimError( GetOwningPlayer( u ), MIN_RANGE_MSG )
        if GetLocalPlayer() == GetOwningPlayer( u ) then
            call ForceUIKey( SPELL_HOTKEY )
    call RemoveLocation( l )
    set l = null
    set u = null
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )
    call TriggerAddCondition( t, Condition( function Cond ) )
    set t = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CHANNEL )
    call TriggerAddCondition( t, Condition( function MinCond ) )
    call TriggerAddAction( t, function StopAction )

    set UFilter = Condition( function UFilt )


  • Glaive Bounce 1.02b.w3x
    33.9 KB · Views: 458


Reaction score
That's amazing, +rep.

One thing, when the bountyhunter get the glaive back on them, could the play spell animation?


Forum User
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One thing, when the Guard reflects the glaive, could they play the spell animation?
Proper English please :D

Ok, thanks for +REP.

I'll see to it, I actually thought of that to begin with... but didn't feel like finding Animation Indexes.

Well, I've updated:
- Transparency is now customizable.
- Guard's now play Spell Animation (7).


New Member
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        if d.Time >= d.MaxTime and END_TYPE == 0 then
            call d.destroy()
            return true
        if d.Bounces >= d.MaxBounces and END_TYPE == 1 then
            call d.destroy()
            return true

can be

        if d.Time >= d.MaxTime and END_TYPE == 0 or d.Bounces >= d.MaxBounces and END_TYPE == 1 then
            call d.destroy()
            return true

i think that would work


Forum User
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Nope, it does not work. I just tested it. Oops, fixed a small error:
set d.Time = d.Time + 0.03 --- set d.time = d.Time + TIMER_INTERVAL


WEHZ Helper
Reaction score
Your codes very messy.
Remove all the commented lines that aren't comments to the configurable's;
Then I'll read over it :) .
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C/P'd from Clan Mapz.

  • JASS:
    // Hates working with maths. Using BJ.
    Then let me do it for you :p
    local integer v = R2I(100 * I2R(255) * 0.01 // Declare this at the top.
    call SetUnitVertexColor(d.Garud1, v, v, v, TRANSPARENCY)
    call SetUnitVertexColor(d.Garud2, v, v, v, TRANSPARENCY)
  • JASS:
    private function Action takes nothing returns nothing
        local xxData d = xxData.create()
        call KT_Add( function Callback, d, TIMER_INTERVAL )

    Can be inlined to;
    private function Action takes nothing returns nothing
        call KT_Add( function Callback, xxData.create(), TIMER_INTERVAL )
  • Using only a condition thread is supposedly faster; for example instead of adding an action and a condition you could do this;

    function actions takes nothing returns boolean
        if YOUR_CONDITION then
            // do your actions
            return false
        return false
    function init takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterSomeEvent(t)
        call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function actions)
  • JASS:

    In your StopAction function you never null or destroy this.
    local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()

    Or that.
  • You may want to make int configurable whether or not to ignore pathing. (SetUnitX/Y or SetUnitPosition)


Forum User
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Your codes very messy.
Remove all the commented lines that aren't comments to the configurable's;
Then I'll read over it .
Um.. what? I only got a few comments on the non-config lines...

@ Simonake
16 seconds must be a long time then.

@ TriggerHappy

- Your transparency thing with non-BJ doesn't work, TRANSPARARENCY is a real, non-bj takes integer lol.

-Done the inlining thingy.
-Removed and nulled l and u.

You may want to make int configurable whether or not to ignore pathing. (SetUnitX/Y or SetUnitPosition)
What? What do you mean by that... why would anyone want to make SetUnitPosition with a dummy?


WEHZ Helper
Reaction score
I mean all this:
        //private constant real TIME_LIMIT = 12   // Duration of spell if END_TYPE = 0.
        //private constant real BOUNCE_LIMIT = 10 // How many bounces before it can end.
        //private constant real SPEED = 50// How fast it will move.
            // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs.

And why does it still have BJDebugMsg's?
    debug call BJDebugMsg(R2S( d.Time ) )
            debug call BJDebugMsg( "END_TYPE = 0, timer" )
            debug call BJDebugMsg( "END_TYPE = 1, bounces" )


Forum User
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private function UFilt takes nothing returns boolean
return IsUnitType( GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_DEAD ) == false and IsUnitEnemy( GetFilterUnit(), TempPlayer ) and IsUnitInGroup( GetFilterUnit(), TempGroup ) == false
Totally >.>


The Silent Pandaren Helper
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"private constant real MIN_RANGE = 500"
"private constant real AOE = 140"

You should make these globals into constant functions, as well.

In the "create" method:

"local integer r = R2I( RED * I2R(255) * 0.01 )"

It can be just "R2I(RED * 2.55)", saves you a call.

I think you can omit the square root call in the "Callback" function if you're doing just a distance check:

"SquareRoot( dx * dx + dy * dy ) < 90" can just be "dx * dx + dy * dy < 8100"

Anyway, spell approved.
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