Help improving this Spell


You can change this now in User CP.
Reaction score
Hmm, this is a spell that creates a cross-shaped special effect below the feet of the caster pointing towards the selected target destination.

The spell lags heavily everytime the dummys are created and destroyed.

I know that I could make it more efficient using a struct instead of all those hashtable slots, but I think that is not the problem here. Anyone has an idea what could be the problem?

PS: The spell lags even if there is no unit in range, so it's not the damage function that causes the lag.
Also, the spell doesn't lag in singleplayer or Bnet-games without other players.

library Crucify uses Damage, ZTS

    private integer system_dummyId1 = 'h00V'
    private integer system_spellId = 'A042'
    private string system_orderId = "unloadall"
    private constant group targetGroup = CreateGroup()
    private player tplayer = null
private function DamageTarget takes unit caster, unit target returns nothing
    local real dmg = (I2R(StatSpellpower[caster])) * 1.5 * (GetRandomReal(0.8, 1.2))
    if IsUnitType(target, UNIT_TYPE_UNDEAD) then
        set dmg = dmg*2
    call UnitDamageTargetEx(caster, target, dmg, true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_DIVINE, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
    call ZTS_ModifyThreat(caster, target, dmg*0.5, true)
private function GroupFilter takes nothing returns boolean
    return (GetUnitTypeId(GetFilterUnit())!=system_dummyId1) and IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), tplayer)
private function RotMatrixX takes real x, real y, real angle returns real
    return x*Cos(angle)-y*Sin(angle)
private function RotMatrixY takes real x, real y, real angle returns real
    return x*Sin(angle)+y*Cos(angle)

private function Tick takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
    local integer parentKey = GetHandleId(t)
    local integer state = LoadInteger(TimerHash, parentKey, 2)
    local integer drawMax
    local integer i = 6
    local real angle = LoadReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 5)
    local unit caster = LoadUnitHandle(TimerHash, parentKey, 0)
    local unit tempUnit
    local real tempUnitX
    local real tempUnitY
    local real length
    local real width
    local real casterX = LoadReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 3)
    local real casterY = LoadReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 4)
    local boolean channeling = false
    call RecalcStats(caster)
    if (OrderId2String(GetUnitCurrentOrder(caster))==system_orderId) then
        set channeling = true
    if(channeling) then
        call SaveInteger(TimerHash, parentKey, 2, state+1)
        if(state==0) then
            set drawMax = 135
            set length = 300
            set width = 50
        elseif(state==1) then
            set drawMax = 111
            set length = 250
            set width = 50
        elseif(state==2) then
            set drawMax = 87
            set length = 200
            set width = 50
        elseif(state==3) then
            set drawMax = 63
            set length = 150
            set width = 50
            exitwhen i>=drawMax
            call KillUnit(CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(caster), system_dummyId1, LoadReal(TimerHash, parentKey, i),LoadReal(TimerHash, parentKey, i+1), 0.0))
            set i=i+2
        set tplayer = GetOwningPlayer(caster)
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(targetGroup, casterX, casterY, 300, Condition(function GroupFilter))
        set tempUnit=FirstOfGroup(targetGroup)
        set tplayer = null
            exitwhen tempUnit==null
            set tempUnitX = RotMatrixX(GetUnitX(tempUnit)-casterX, GetUnitY(tempUnit)-casterY, angle*(-1))
            set tempUnitY = RotMatrixY(GetUnitX(tempUnit)-casterX, GetUnitY(tempUnit)-casterY, angle*(-1))
            if((((-1)*width<=tempUnitX)and(tempUnitX<=width)and((-1)*length<=tempUnitY)and(tempUnitY<=length)) or (((-1)*width<=tempUnitY)and(tempUnitY<=width)and((-1)*length<=tempUnitX)and(tempUnitX<=length))) then
                call DamageTarget(caster, tempUnit)
            call GroupRemoveUnit(targetGroup, tempUnit)
            set tempUnit=FirstOfGroup(targetGroup)
        if(state==0) then
            call TimerStart(t, 0.7, false, function Tick)
        elseif(state==1) then
            call TimerStart(t, 0.7, false, function Tick)
        elseif(state==2) then
            call TimerStart(t, 0.7, false, function Tick)
            call FlushChildHashtable(TimerHash, parentKey)
            call DestroyTimer(t)
        call FlushChildHashtable(TimerHash, parentKey)
        call DestroyTimer(t)
    set t=null
    set caster = null
    set tempUnit = null

function Crucify takes unit caster, unit target returns nothing
    local timer t = CreateTimer()
    local integer parentKey = GetHandleId(t)
    local real targetX = GetUnitX(target)
    local real targetY = GetUnitY(target)
    local real casterX = GetUnitX(caster)
    local real casterY = GetUnitY(caster)
    local real angle = Atan2(targetY-casterY,targetX-casterX)
    local integer i
    local integer childKey = 0

    call SaveUnitHandle(TimerHash, parentKey, 0, caster)
    call SaveUnitHandle(TimerHash, parentKey, 1, target)
    call SaveInteger(TimerHash, parentKey, 2, 0)
    call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 3, casterX)
    call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 4, casterY)
    call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 5, angle)
    call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 6, casterX)
    call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 7, casterY)
    call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 8, casterX+RotMatrixX(25,25,angle))
    call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 9, casterY+RotMatrixY(25,25,angle))
    call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 10, casterX+RotMatrixX(25,-25,angle))
    call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 11, casterY+RotMatrixY(25,-25,angle))
    call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 12, casterX+RotMatrixX(-25,25,angle))
    call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 13, casterY+RotMatrixY(-25,25,angle))
    call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 14, casterX+RotMatrixX(-25,-25,angle))
    call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 15, casterY+RotMatrixY(-25,-25,angle))
    set childKey=16
    set i=0
        exitwhen i==4
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(50,0,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(50,0,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        set i=i+1
    endloop //childkey == 23
    set i=0
        exitwhen i==4
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(75,25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(75,25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(75,-25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(75,-25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        set i=i+1
    endloop //childkey == 39
    set i=0
        exitwhen i==4
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(100,0,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(100,0,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        set i=i+1
    endloop //childkey == 47
    set i=0
        exitwhen i==4
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(125,25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(125,25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(125,-25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(125,-25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        set i=i+1
    endloop //childkey == 63
    set i=0
        exitwhen i==4
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(150,0,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(150,0,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        set i=i+1
    endloop //childkey == 71
    set i=0
        exitwhen i==4
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(175,25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(175,25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(175,-25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(175,-25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        set i=i+1
    endloop //childkey == 87
    set i=0
        exitwhen i==4
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(200,0,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(200,0,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        set i=i+1
    endloop //childkey == 95
    set i=0
        exitwhen i==4
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(225,25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(225,25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(225,-25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(225,-25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        set i=i+1
    endloop //childkey == 111
    set i=0
        exitwhen i==4
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(250,0,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(250,0,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        set i=i+1
    endloop //childkey == 119
    set i=0
        exitwhen i==4
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(250,40,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(250,40,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(250,-40,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(250,-40,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
        set childKey=childKey+1
        set i=i+1
    endloop //childkey == 135
    call TimerStart(t, 0.0, false, function Tick)
    set t = null



Hey Listen!!
Reaction score
don't get why you can't use just one loop for every i = i + 1

is the same thing every loop :s


You can change this now in User CP.
Reaction score
            exitwhen i>=drawMax
            call KillUnit(CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(caster), system_dummyId1, LoadReal(TimerHash, parentKey, i),LoadReal(TimerHash, parentKey, i+1), 0.0))
            set i=i+2


67 times CreateUnit, GetOwningPlayer, LoadReal, LoadReal, i+1.
And where's the problem? o_O

I agree that GetOwningPlayer(caster) should be a variable to improve performance, but I don't see how I should avoid the unit creation and the checking of the spawn coordinates?
don't get why you can't use just one loop for every i = i + 1

is the same thing every loop :s
No it's not. The coordinates are always different.


You can change this now in User CP.
Reaction score
Use DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect... instead?
Unit creation is taxing.
I can't, as the special effects do not allow Z coordinates (at least I haven't found out how). The problem with this spell is, that only units can have a certain flyHeight.


Reaction score
Hmm, this is a spell that creates a cross-shaped special effect below the feet of the caster pointing towards the selected target destination.

The spell lags heavily everytime the dummys are created and destroyed.

I know that I could make it more efficient using a struct instead of all those hashtable slots, but I think that is not the problem here. Anyone has an idea what could be the problem?

PS: The spell lags even if there is no unit in range, so it's not the damage function that causes the lag.
Also, the spell doesn't lag in singleplayer or Bnet-games without other players.

library Crucify uses Damage, ZTS

private integer system_dummyId1 = 'h00V'
private integer system_spellId = 'A042'
private string system_orderId = "unloadall"
private constant group targetGroup = CreateGroup()
private player tplayer = null
private function DamageTarget takes unit caster, unit target returns nothing
local real dmg = (I2R(StatSpellpower[caster])) * 1.5 * (GetRandomReal(0.8, 1.2))
if IsUnitType(target, UNIT_TYPE_UNDEAD) then
set dmg = dmg*2
call UnitDamageTargetEx(caster, target, dmg, true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_DIVINE, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
call ZTS_ModifyThreat(caster, target, dmg*0.5, true)
private function GroupFilter takes nothing returns boolean
return (GetUnitTypeId(GetFilterUnit())!=system_dummyId1) and IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), tplayer)
private function RotMatrixX takes real x, real y, real angle returns real
return x*Cos(angle)-y*Sin(angle)
private function RotMatrixY takes real x, real y, real angle returns real
return x*Sin(angle)+y*Cos(angle)

private function Tick takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
local integer parentKey = GetHandleId(t)
local integer state = LoadInteger(TimerHash, parentKey, 2)
local integer drawMax
local integer i = 6
local real angle = LoadReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 5)
local unit caster = LoadUnitHandle(TimerHash, parentKey, 0)
local unit tempUnit
local real tempUnitX
local real tempUnitY
local real length
local real width
local real casterX = LoadReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 3)
local real casterY = LoadReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 4)
local boolean channeling = false

call RecalcStats(caster)
if (OrderId2String(GetUnitCurrentOrder(caster))==system_orderId) then
set channeling = true
if(channeling) then
call SaveInteger(TimerHash, parentKey, 2, state+1)
if(state==0) then
set drawMax = 135
set length = 300
set width = 50
elseif(state==1) then
set drawMax = 111
set length = 250
set width = 50
elseif(state==2) then
set drawMax = 87
set length = 200
set width = 50
elseif(state==3) then
set drawMax = 63
set length = 150
set width = 50

exitwhen i>=drawMax
call KillUnit(CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(caster), system_dummyId1, LoadReal(TimerHash, parentKey, i),LoadReal(TimerHash, parentKey, i+1), 0.0))
set i=i+2
set tplayer = GetOwningPlayer(caster)
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(targetGroup, casterX, casterY, 300, Condition(function GroupFilter))
set tempUnit=FirstOfGroup(targetGroup)
set tplayer = null
exitwhen tempUnit==null
set tempUnitX = RotMatrixX(GetUnitX(tempUnit)-casterX, GetUnitY(tempUnit)-casterY, angle*(-1))
set tempUnitY = RotMatrixY(GetUnitX(tempUnit)-casterX, GetUnitY(tempUnit)-casterY, angle*(-1))
if((((-1)*width<=tempUnitX)and(tempUnitX<=width)and((-1)*length<=tempUnitY)and(tempUnitY<=length)) or (((-1)*width<=tempUnitY)and(tempUnitY<=width)and((-1)*length<=tempUnitX)and(tempUnitX<=length))) then
call DamageTarget(caster, tempUnit)
call GroupRemoveUnit(targetGroup, tempUnit)
set tempUnit=FirstOfGroup(targetGroup)

if(state==0) then
call TimerStart(t, 0.7, false, function Tick)
elseif(state==1) then
call TimerStart(t, 0.7, false, function Tick)
elseif(state==2) then
call TimerStart(t, 0.7, false, function Tick)
call FlushChildHashtable(TimerHash, parentKey)
call DestroyTimer(t)
call FlushChildHashtable(TimerHash, parentKey)
call DestroyTimer(t)
set t=null
set caster = null
set tempUnit = null

function Crucify takes unit caster, unit target returns nothing
local timer t = CreateTimer()
local integer parentKey = GetHandleId(t)
local real targetX = GetUnitX(target)
local real targetY = GetUnitY(target)
local real casterX = GetUnitX(caster)
local real casterY = GetUnitY(caster)
local real angle = Atan2(targetY-casterY,targetX-casterX)
local integer i
local integer childKey = 0

call SaveUnitHandle(TimerHash, parentKey, 0, caster)
call SaveUnitHandle(TimerHash, parentKey, 1, target)
call SaveInteger(TimerHash, parentKey, 2, 0)
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 3, casterX)
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 4, casterY)
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 5, angle)
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 6, casterX)
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 7, casterY)
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 8, casterX+RotMatrixX(25,25,angle))
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 9, casterY+RotMatrixY(25,25,angle))
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 10, casterX+RotMatrixX(25,-25,angle))
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 11, casterY+RotMatrixY(25,-25,angle))
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 12, casterX+RotMatrixX(-25,25,angle))
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 13, casterY+RotMatrixY(-25,25,angle))
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 14, casterX+RotMatrixX(-25,-25,angle))
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, 15, casterY+RotMatrixY(-25,-25,angle))
set childKey=16
set i=0
exitwhen i==4
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(50,0,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(50,0,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
set i=i+1
endloop //childkey == 23
set i=0
exitwhen i==4
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(75,25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(75,25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(75,-25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(75,-25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
set i=i+1
endloop //childkey == 39
set i=0
exitwhen i==4
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(100,0,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(100,0,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
set i=i+1
endloop //childkey == 47
set i=0
exitwhen i==4
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(125,25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(125,25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(125,-25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(125,-25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
set i=i+1
endloop //childkey == 63
set i=0
exitwhen i==4
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(150,0,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(150,0,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
set i=i+1
endloop //childkey == 71
set i=0
exitwhen i==4
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(175,25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(175,25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(175,-25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(175,-25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
set i=i+1
endloop //childkey == 87
set i=0
exitwhen i==4
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(200,0,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(200,0,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
set i=i+1
endloop //childkey == 95
set i=0
exitwhen i==4
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(225,25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(225,25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(225,-25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(225,-25,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
set i=i+1
endloop //childkey == 111
set i=0
exitwhen i==4
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(250,0,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(250,0,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
set i=i+1
endloop //childkey == 119
set i=0
exitwhen i==4
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(250,40,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(250,40,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterX+RotMatrixX(250,-40,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
call SaveReal(TimerHash, parentKey, childKey, casterY+RotMatrixY(250,-40,angle+i*bj_PI/2))
set childKey=childKey+1
set i=i+1
endloop //childkey == 135
call TimerStart(t, 0.0, false, function Tick)
set t = null

i just wanted to see it without the silly jass scrolly box.

hmm...the description of what the spell does is kindof hard to understand...
i think i sortof know what you're doing...
I would like to see the Damage and ZTS libraries...and want to know what models you're using for the dummies.

is your spell not kindof like this one?

scope SearingLight initializer I
//! textmacro searinglight takes reala, realb
set u = CreateUnit(p, SpiritWalker_SearingLightBeam, ux + 400.00 * Cos($reala$ * bj_DEGTORAD), uy + 400.00 * Sin($reala$ * bj_DEGTORAD), $realb$)
call UnitApplyTimedLife(u, 'BTLF', 3.0)
//! endtextmacro
private function fa takes nothing returns boolean
local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
local player p = GetOwningPlayer(u)
local real ux = GetUnitX(u)
local real uy = GetUnitY(u)
//! runtextmacro searinglight("45.00","270.00")
//! runtextmacro searinglight("45.00","180.00")
//! runtextmacro searinglight("45.00","225.00")
//! runtextmacro searinglight("135.00","270.00")
//! runtextmacro searinglight("135.00","0.00")
//! runtextmacro searinglight("135.00","315.00")
//! runtextmacro searinglight("225.00","90.00")
//! runtextmacro searinglight("225.00","0.00")
//! runtextmacro searinglight("225.00","45.00")
//! runtextmacro searinglight("315.00","90.00")
//! runtextmacro searinglight("315.00","180.00")
//! runtextmacro searinglight("315.00","135.00")
set u = null
return false
public function I takes nothing returns nothing
call GT_AddStartsEffectAction(function fa,SpiritWalker_SearingLight)
call XE_PreloadAbility(SpiritWalker_SearingLight)

this spell is not a cross effect...and i have no idea what color you want it to be(it's bright like healing wave or shockwave)...but it does draw a box and an ex...if you modify it, you might be able to come up with something like what you need for your spell...and i don't think it lags...

oh should probably use textmacro

yeah this spell doesn't use it's an instant effect, basically...if you need the timers then your spell is more complicated than your description implies...either you need to be more descriptive or you have some useless stuff in your trigger.


Godspeed to the sound of the pounding
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After testing this method intensively, I must recommend against it. It seems to build up lag that never goes away, which does not occur with the create/remove destructable lines omitted. :thdown:

[edit] But it's negligible unless run thousands of times.


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I would like to see the Damage and ZTS libraries...and want to know what models you're using for the dummies.
The damage and ZTS libraries are fine. Its not the damage part that is lagging the spell, as it also lags with no units affected at all.

is your spell not kindof like this one?

this spell is not a cross effect...and i have no idea what color you want it to be(it's bright like healing wave or shockwave)...but it does draw a box and an ex...if you modify it, you might be able to come up with something like what you need for your spell...and i don't think it lags...
It does exactly the same as I do. Having fixed coordinates and applying a transformation matrix to them.

oh should probably use textmacro
This has no effect on runtime. Textmacros just save lines of code, as Textmacros get replaced when compiling.

yeah this spell doesn't use it's an instant effect, basically...if you need the timers then your spell is more complicated than your description implies...either you need to be more descriptive or you have some useless stuff in your trigger.
Its a channeled spell. It has 4 pulses, creating a shrinking cross.

The model I used for the dummies is the one of the Divine Shield of the Paladin.


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Its a channeled spell. It has 4 pulses, creating a shrinking cross. that case...check this out...

not sure how similiar it is to your spell...but it does use pulses and the rings get smaller

whoever made this spell made it on a water elemental...
and they didn't put their name in comments anywhere.

constant function HR_Ring_Interval takes nothing returns real
    return 0.35      //The raw code of the ability &quot;Hydro Rings&quot;

constant function HR_Damage_Base takes nothing returns real
    return 30.0      //The base damage for the spell

constant function HR_AoE takes nothing returns real
    return 200.0      //The AoE of each explosion

constant function HR_Ring1_Explosion_Offset takes nothing returns real
    return 350.0      //The explosion offset in the 1st ring

constant function HR_Ring2_Explosion_Offset takes nothing returns real
    return 250.0      //The explosion offset in the 2nd ring

constant function HR_Ring3_Explosion_Offset takes nothing returns real
    return 150.0      //The explosion offset in the 3rd ring

constant function HR_Ring1_Explosion_Count takes nothing returns integer
    return 10         //The amount of water explosions in the 1st ring

constant function HR_Ring2_Explosion_Count takes nothing returns integer
    return 8          //The amount of water explosions in the 2nd ring

constant function HR_Ring3_Explosion_Count takes nothing returns integer
    return 6          //The amount of water explosions in the 3rd ring

constant function HR_Ability_ID takes nothing returns integer
    return &#039;A08D&#039;     //The raw code of the ability &quot;Hydro Rings&quot;

constant function HR_Dummy_Unit_ID takes nothing returns integer
    return &#039;h01D&#039;     //The raw code of the unit &quot;Hydro Rings Dummy&quot;

function HR_Filter takes nothing returns boolean
    return IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit())) and GetWidgetLife(GetFilterUnit()) &gt; 0.405

function HR_Actions takes nothing returns nothing    
    local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
    local location l = GetSpellTargetLoc()
    local real dmg = GetUnitAbilityLevel(u, HR_Ability_ID()) * HR_Damage_Base()
    local integer i = 0
    local group g = CreateGroup()
    local boolexpr b = Condition(function HR_Filter)
    local unit p
    local location ll
        exitwhen i &gt; HR_Ring1_Explosion_Count()    
        set ll = PolarProjectionBJ(l, HR_Ring1_Explosion_Offset(), 360.00/HR_Ring1_Explosion_Count() * i)
        call CreateUnitAtLoc(GetOwningPlayer(u), HR_Dummy_Unit_ID(), ll, 0)
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(g, ll, HR_AoE(), b)
            set p = FirstOfGroup(g)
            exitwhen p == null
            call GroupRemoveUnit(g, p)
            call UnitDamageTarget(u, p, dmg, false, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, null)
        call RemoveLocation(ll)
        set i = i + 1

    call PolledWait(HR_Ring_Interval())    
    set i = 0 

        exitwhen i &gt; HR_Ring2_Explosion_Count()    
        set ll = PolarProjectionBJ(l, HR_Ring2_Explosion_Offset(), 360.00/HR_Ring2_Explosion_Count() * i)
        call CreateUnitAtLoc(GetOwningPlayer(u), HR_Dummy_Unit_ID(), ll, 0)
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(g, ll, HR_AoE(), b)
            set p = FirstOfGroup(g)
            exitwhen p == null
            call GroupRemoveUnit(g, p)
            call UnitDamageTarget(u, p, dmg, false, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, null)
        call RemoveLocation(ll)
        set i = i + 1
    call PolledWait(HR_Ring_Interval())    
    set i = 0 
        exitwhen i &gt; HR_Ring3_Explosion_Count()    
        set ll = PolarProjectionBJ(l, HR_Ring3_Explosion_Offset(), 360.00/HR_Ring3_Explosion_Count() * i)
        call CreateUnitAtLoc(GetOwningPlayer(u), HR_Dummy_Unit_ID(), ll, 0)
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(g, ll, HR_AoE(), b)
            set p = FirstOfGroup(g)
            exitwhen p == null
            call GroupRemoveUnit(g, p)
            call UnitDamageTarget(u, p, dmg, false, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, null)
        call RemoveLocation(ll)
        set i = i + 1

    call RemoveLocation(l)
    call DestroyGroup(g)
    call DestroyBoolExpr(b)

    set u = null
    set l = null
    set ll = null
    set g = null
    set b = null

function HR_Cond takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetSpellAbilityId() == HR_Ability_ID()    

function InitTrig_Hydro_Rings takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_Hydro_Rings = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(gg_trg_Hydro_Rings, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
    call TriggerAddCondition(gg_trg_Hydro_Rings, Condition(function HR_Cond))
    call TriggerAddAction(gg_trg_Hydro_Rings, function HR_Actions)


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This is not really more effective considering that this spell is circular shape and circular is always easy to do as it doesnt require real polar projection and pre-form coordinates.

You miss the point of this thread.


Hey Listen!!
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use global variable instead function, more readable and fast <i think> :nuts:


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it's not my spell...
and it has pulses in it. you said you're using i just showed you a spell with pulses. if the spell is junk, fine...just say that. i'm just trying to compare what you were doing with what some other spellmaker guy was doing.


Visitor (Welcome to the Jungle, Baby!)
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Errr ... this thread is about improving my spell, not his one, though his one is awfully triggered, I agree.
For the performance improvement, use struct.


Vastly intelligent whale-like being from the stars
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You know using a custom model instead of 25 dummy units is probably the best solution.
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