Library Making Sound Undeclared


WEHZ Helper
Reaction score
I changed the "scope" in my trigger to a "library" and now I get the error:
"Undeclared variable gg_snd_Feedback".
Here's the code I have (shortened to show the main parts);
library ArmorCrush initializer Init

    private constant sound crushSound = gg_snd_Feedback
    // Sound played by Armor Crush (NOTE: You must import the sound via Sound Editor)


I have the sound imported in the Sound Editor.
I tried changing my library back to a scope and the sound didn't give an error.
So how do I make it not error in a library?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Even in a scope, the sound doesn't play, why :( ?


Your Friendly Neighborhood Admin
Reaction score
Sound variables are globals too...

I'd put "set mySoundVar = globalSoundVar" in some trigger running on "elapsed time is 0.0 seconds".
At that point you're sure all globals are set.
(It might still not work, but that's another story :p)


WEHZ Helper
Reaction score
Is there no other way to do it besides making another trigger?

EDIT: I don't know how to set it either :confused: .
Where and how?

I'd prefer to have it all in one trigger :eek: .


Stops copies me!
Reaction score
Well, you could do
  sound SpellSoundEffect = null


function SpellActions takes nothing returns nothing
  if SpellSoundEffect == null then
    set SpellSoundEffect = gg_sound_YourSound
//more stuff

then the sound will be initialized with first spell cast

Very minor drop in efficiency (since the check is done every spellcast), but it's much more convienient than additional triggers and functions in your code. It's much more practical, and unless you're an efficiency freak, it won't make much difference - at any rate, nobody will notice it ingame


WEHZ Helper
Reaction score
Ok, I've got:
    private sound crushSnd = null

    if crushSnd == null then
        set crushSnd = gg_snd_Feedback

However, I want to declare the name of the sound in the globals section to make it easily customizable for people who download my spell.
Could I maybe set "gg_snd_Feedback" into a string variable in globals?
Like this:
    private sound crushSnd = null
    private constant string crushSound = gg_snd_Feedback

    if crushSnd == null then
        set crushSnd = crushSound

:eek: ?

EDIT: Nevermind, you can't convert a string to a sound it says...
How would I make the sound customizable in the globals still though?

EDITEDIT: I've changed my spell back to a scope.
Here's the code:
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                                                            |
// |               -=-=- Armor Crush [v1.0] -=-=-               |
// |                -=-=- By Wolfie[NoCT] -=-=-                 |
// |                    Requires Jass NewGen                    |
// |                                                            |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                                                            |
// |   Gives a 15% chance to deal a portion of your             |
// |      health back at the attacker. This blow is so          |
// |         shocking it also reduces the attackers armor.      |
// |                                                            |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                                                            |
// |   -=-=- How To Implement -=-=-                             |
// |      1. Copy this trigger into your map                    |
// |      2. Copy the buffs into your map                       |
// |      3. Copy the abilities into your map                   |
// |      4. Copy the dummies into your map                     |
// |      5. Make sure the 'Rawcodes' in the trigger match      |
// |            your buffs/abilities/units in Object Editor     |
// |      6. Customize the spell                                |
// |      7. Enjoy!                                             |
// |                                                            |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                                                            |
// |   -=-=- Credits -=-=-                                      |
// |      Credits are not needed, but appreciated               |
// |         Just don't claim this as yours                     |
// |                                                            |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+
// |   -=-=- Version History -=-=-                              |
// |                                                            |
// |      Version 1.0                                           |
// |         - Initial release                                  |
// |                                                            |
// +------------------------------------------------------------+

scope ArmorCrush initializer Init

// +-------------------------------------+
// |       -=-=- MODIFY HERE -=-=-       |
// |       -=-=- MODIFY HERE -=-=-       |
// |       -=-=- MODIFY HERE -=-=-       |
// +-------------------------------------+

    private constant integer ability_ACid = 'A001'
    // Rawcode of 'Armor Crush' ability
    private constant integer ability_ACBid = 'A002'
    // Rawcode of 'Armor Crush (Buff)' ability
    private constant integer ability_ACdid = 'A000'
    // Rawcode of 'Armor Crushed' ability
    private constant integer buff_ACid = 'B001'
    // Rawcode of 'Armor Crush' buff
    private constant integer buff_ACdid = 'B000'
    // Rawcode of 'Armor Crushed' buff
    private constant integer dummyBuffer = 'n001'
    // Rawcode of 'DummyBuffer' unit
    private constant integer dummyCaster = 'n000'
    // Rawcode of 'DummyCaster' unit
    private constant integer crushMin = 1
    // Minimum for crush chance
    private constant integer crushMax = 100
    // Maximum for crush chance
    private constant integer crushChance = 15
    // Chance to cast Armor Crush
    private constant integer crushStack = 3
    // How many times Armor Crush stacks
    private sound crushSound = gg_snd_Feedback
    // Sound played by Armor Crush (NOTE: You must import the sound via Sound Editor)
    private constant integer crushSoundVolume = 100
    // Volume of the played sound
    private constant string crushSFX = "Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\ResourceItems\\ResourceEffectTarget.mdl"
    // Path for Armor Crush SFX
    private constant string crushAttach = "overhead"
    // Attachment point of Armor Crush SFX
    private constant attacktype attackType = ATTACK_TYPE_HERO
    // Attack type Armor Crush deals
    private constant damagetype damageType = DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE
    // Damage type Armor Crush deals
    private constant real crushReturn = 0.02
    // Percentage of health Armor Crush returns (NOTE: This value is for level 1)
    // Each 0.01 is equal to 1% (So 0.05 would be 5%, 0.25 would be 25%, and so on)
    private constant real tOffset = 0
    // Floating text offset
    private constant real tSize = 10
    // Floating text font size
    private constant real tRed = 0
    // Floating text red color amount (0-100)
    private constant real tGreen = 0
    // Floating text green color amount (0-100)
    private constant real tBlue = 100
    // Floating text blue color amount (0-100)
    private constant real tTrans = 0
    // Floating text transparency (0-100)
    private constant real tLife = 3
    // Floating text life
    private constant real tAge = 2
    // Floating text age
    private constant real tVelocity = 75
    // Floating text velocity
    private constant real tDegrees = 90
    // Floating text degrees
    private constant string buffCommand = "innerfire"
    // 'Order String Use/Turn On' for 'Armor Crush (Buff)' ability
    // Don't change the following constant
    private constant group crushedGroup = CreateGroup() // Don't change this!
    // Don't change the above constant

// +---------------------------------------+
// |       -=-=- END OF MODIFY -=-=-       |
// |       -=-=- END OF MODIFY -=-=-       |
// |       -=-=- END OF MODIFY -=-=-       |
// +---------------------------------------+

// +----------------------------------------------+
// |       -=-=- NO TOUCHIE PAST HERE -=-=-       |
// |       -=-=- NO TOUCHIE PAST HERE -=-=-       |
// |       -=-=- NO TOUCHIE PAST HERE -=-=-       |
// +----------------------------------------------+

private function CGSConditions takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetLearnedSkill() == ability_ACid

private function CGSActions takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit lu = GetLearningUnit()
    local real x = GetUnitX(lu)
    local real y = GetUnitY(lu)
    local unit lc = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(lu), dummyBuffer, x, y, GetUnitFacing(lu))
    call SetUnitAbilityLevel(lc, ability_ACBid, GetUnitAbilityLevel(lu, ability_ACid))
    call IssueTargetOrder(lc, buffCommand, lu)    
    call UnitApplyTimedLife(lc, 'BTLF', 1.00)
    set lu = null
    set lc = null

private function ACConditions takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetRandomInt(crushMin, crushMax) <= crushChance and GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetTriggerUnit(), buff_ACid) > 0

private function ACActions takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit ar = GetAttacker()
    local real x = GetUnitX(ar)
    local real y = GetUnitY(ar)
    local unit ad = GetTriggerUnit()
    local integer array damageAttacker
    local texttag actt  = CreateTextTag()
    local unit u
    call AddSpecialEffectTarget(crushSFX, ar, crushAttach)
    call DestroyEffect(bj_lastCreatedEffect)
    call PlaySoundOnUnitBJ(crushSound, crushSoundVolume, ar)
    set damageAttacker[0] = R2I(GetUnitState(ar, UNIT_STATE_LIFE))    
    call UnitDamageTarget(ad, ar, (GetUnitState(ad, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) * (crushReturn * I2R(GetUnitAbilityLevel(ad, ability_ACid)))), true, true, attackType, damageType, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
    set damageAttacker[1] = R2I(GetUnitState(ar, UNIT_STATE_LIFE))
    set damageAttacker[2] = (damageAttacker[0] - damageAttacker[1])
    call CreateTextTagUnitBJ((I2S(damageAttacker[2]) + "!" ), ar, tOffset, tSize, tRed, tGreen, tBlue, tTrans)
    set actt = GetLastCreatedTextTag()
    call SetTextTagPermanentBJ(actt, false)
    call SetTextTagLifespanBJ(actt, tLife)
    call SetTextTagFadepointBJ(actt, tAge)
    call SetTextTagVelocityBJ(actt, tVelocity, tDegrees)
    if GetUnitUserData(ar) < crushStack then
        call SetUnitUserData(ar, (GetUnitUserData(ar) + 1))
        set u = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(ad), dummyCaster, x, y, GetUnitFacing(ar))
        call SetUnitAbilityLevel(u, ability_ACdid, (GetUnitUserData(ar) * GetUnitAbilityLevel(ad, buff_ACid)))
        call IssueTargetOrder(u, buffCommand, ar)
        call UnitApplyTimedLife(u, 'BTLF', 2.00)
        if (not(IsUnitInGroup(ar, crushedGroup))) then
            call GroupAddUnit(crushedGroup, ar)
    set ar = null
    set ad = null
    set u = null

private function CGRConditions takes nothing returns boolean
    return FirstOfGroup(crushedGroup) != null

private function CGRActions takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit u
    if GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetTriggerUnit(), buff_ACdid) > 0 then
            set u = FirstOfGroup(crushedGroup)
            exitwhen u == null
            call GroupRemoveUnit(crushedGroup, u)
            call SetUnitUserData(u, 0)
    set u = null

private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger trigCGS = CreateTrigger()
    local trigger trigAC = CreateTrigger()
    local trigger trigCGR = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(trigCGS, EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_SKILL)
    call TriggerAddCondition(trigCGS, Condition(function CGSConditions))
    call TriggerAddAction(trigCGS, function CGSActions)
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(trigAC, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ATTACKED)
    call TriggerAddCondition(trigAC, Condition(function ACConditions))
    call TriggerAddAction(trigAC, function ACActions)
    call TriggerRegisterTimerEventPeriodic(trigCGR, 1.50)
    call TriggerAddCondition(trigCGR, Condition(function CGRConditions))
    call TriggerAddAction(trigCGR, function CGRActions)


The spell still doesn't make the sound though.


Ultra Cool Member
Reaction score
I've had this problem before too. It will work but the editor won't let you preemptively name a variable from the the sound editor, or variable editor for that matter. I was having the problem of declaring sound variables and then not being allowed to create the sound in the sound editor. Try this, disable the trigger, create the sound then re-enable the trigger. Now the game sees the sound placed above your global deceleration line and has no issues with it.
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