Quest ideas


One Last Breath.
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Title: Last Request

Description: The town guard captain asked me to find Raynil at the Quickfall mine northeast of town. Raynil and a bunch of men went there to clear the infested mine of trolls but haven't returned for days. Find them and report back to me immediately! But beware - They might haven't cleared the mine of trolls yet. But I'm sure you could handle something like that.

Quest Requirement: Find Raynil and his men.

Person Name: Town Guard Captain

(Went inside the cave)
I have entered Quickfall mine. I should find Raynil and his men now.
(Saw a dead body in the cave)
I saw a man's body in the cave. I should investigate some more.
(Saw Raynil's Body in the cave)
I have found Raynil's body on the floor. It seems that they were attacked by someone or something.
(Saw a diary or something)
Fordas, 15E 8:34 - Night fall
We have been stuck in this cave for some time now... due to the Azklan trolls. We couldn't find any food either. The only hope left is to find another way out even if we need to pass through the marauders. We have no choice left. We are greatly outnumbered. The captain must've sent a reinforcement now. The men are exhausted, tired, hungry.
Fordas, 15F 6:15 - Sun's Dusk
No one has come from the captain. I guess he gave up on us now. It's been 2 days. We've got no sign of allies. We have to charge in to the marauders or pass through the trolls.
Fordas, 15F 6:15 - Sun Down
I've convinced them to fight now. Until the marauders found out that we were here. They killed. Martin and Borus. This is the last request -
To the finder: 
 Please tell the captain we've failed on our mission and please avenge our deat-- ...........
(Returned to the captain)
Raynil and his men...Dead!? How could this happen? 
[Give Diary]
Bandits huh.... Poor Martin, he was the best warrior we've hired for a long time now... I'll keep this diary to a safe location. At least you're safe as well. Here's your payment.

Reward: 75 gold ( For potions or skills wasted on trolls )

EXTRA: Find the marauders camping inside the mine and kill them. +25 gold in the quest.


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Atreyu i really like that quest and you put effort into it so +rep and i will start making it for my map now.

EDIT - So far ive done the following quests

Daskunk - Frienzied Pig
Koyanova - A furbogs Life
Septimus - A Trip down Bandit Lane
131ackout - Herbal Search

The names of the quests are changed a bit to fit with the Map


New Member
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Didn't like mine huh? :( Damn, I thought it'd be badass. Slay a demon and get his soul XD. Oh well, goodluck on your quests.


Faction - Alliance
Quest - Damaged Merchandise
Quest History - When your in town you see some travelling merchants walk by, one of them is badly bleeding while the others are injured, and one is practicly dead. You ask them if they need help and they say that a bandit came and did this to them. She also took all of the stuff they were selling. They think shes either somewhere on the path from this town to the town (town name here, one far away in the game your making). On your way down the long path, you find an inn. You go inside to ask people if they've seen a bandit. One person says yes. He says that she went further along the path and could be anywhere. He also says that she took all his personal belongings.
Objective - Hunt down the bandit, who could be in any town along the path or in the wilderness. (Along the way your bound to meet her a few times when you fight her and she uses magic to get away.. etc.) After You find her and knock her onconsious you go to alert the town gaurd.
Merchants Reward - 95 gold and an ancient staff of endurance, or a madallion of pure gold with a ruby on it.
Man in the Inn's Reward - 25 gold, a note (opens up another quest.) and a valuable coat (can be sold for maybe 50 gold).
(optional reward) - After succesfully knocking out the bandit you see that she wears a coat of invisiblity. (You can take it or not, taking it opens up a quest.)


If you want, I can give you a really hard long quest.

Alliance and Horde (For people who completed more than 10 quests.)
Quest Name: Dragon Diplomacy
Required: Level 45 or higher.
Talk to Start: Asuzneathis, The Dragon Master

First, talk to Asuzneathis, which is located at the town's Castle.

Asuzneathis: What are you doing here:
You: Oh, hi, I'm just passing here. I'm looking for something to kill.
Asuzneathis: Well, I have a somebody I need you to kill.
(Asuzneathis tells a story about that he fought with a baddest and largest, and strongest dragon, but Asuzneathis almost killed the dragon, and he ran away.
You: That's a saddest story.
Asuzn: Yes it is. So I want you to kill that beast.
You: Where is it?
Asuzn: I don't know, you need to investigate around the lands.

Then you need to go to the forest and find a girl that she was looking for her lost mother. Find his mother, and then the girl rewards you a Dragon Egg.

Bring it back to Asuzn, and show him the dragon egg. Asuzn accidentally drops it and finds a shard.

Asuzn tells you to go to a wizard named Theil'icous. He can be founded in a Major Black Wizard Tower.

Show the shard to the wizard. The wizard finds it that it is a map to the Draynothies, a small island filled with the dragons. The wizard transform the shard into a map for a way to the island. Return back to Asuzn.

Show Asuzn the map and he will relate you that you needs to find the 3 piece of maps. The map was only 1/4, so you need to collect 3 maps for it.

Go to the desert, and you finds another girl who's missing his teddy bear and his.. boyfriend?

Investigate for his teddy bear, which it was located in the dragon's lair. Kill the desert dragon and get his teddy bear. Get out of the lair, and around the lair, there's a dead boy that appears to be the girl's boyfriend. Return back to the girl, and she don't want it, she lets you keep it as a reward.

Go back to Asuzn, but on your middle way, you drops a teddy bear and finds ANOTHER map. Go back to Asuzn, and tape two maps. It was well to be seen, but there is no "dragon cave" on the map. He tells you to investigate more further.

In the dungeon cave, you have been trapped by a net, and one of the weird person made a potion to make you sleep. After you wake up, a weird person asks you:
WP = Weird Person
WP: What are you doing here?!
You: I'm passing here to find a map.
WP: Really? Well, we have a shard with the map in it. Heh..
You: Really? Give me it, it's - -
WP: Give it to you? No way, no way!
You: Well, is there a way to get it?
WP: Hmm.. You'll have to challenge my strongest friend!
You: Sure! If I win, you'll have to give me the map.
WP: And what if I win?
You: I'll perish, then.

You fight with a large berserker that has 3,000 HP and 100-110 damage, and have an ability named Berserker (based on the Troll's Berserker's ability), that gives him 50% damage faster, but takes 20% damage.

After you defeat him, the WP will meet to you. His name is Truholiz'ehism. He will have a little chat with you, as you're told that you are a friendly person of his village, known as Trollishuistrism. He gives you the shard, and go back to the wizard.

The wizard refuses to transform the shard, but he tells you to collect 10 magical herbs. You collect 10 same types of herbs, return it to the wizard and he will transform your shard.

Return to Asuzn and tape the third map to the unfinished map. You now have 3/4 map, needs 1 more.

you're told to go to Hidden Deep Village, which is located in the poisonious forest. Search a wizard, and you will meet her that her name is Medhivemutia. She's a girl, so what's the point? Medhivemutia have a shard but requires you to find his 5 associate workers. She tells you that they went to the Cheydinhal town, but they never came back.

Go to Cheydinhal town, look for 5 associate. The town is taken over by the orges, which have 1000 HP and 60-73 serious damage. You will see an abandoned house filled with major orges that have 2k hp and 92-109 damage.

Deep, you will find a sanctuary which you see 5 associate mages locked up. Three of em are dead, two are alive. You try to unlock em but you need a key. West of the prison, you will see a warden ogre having a key. You need to sneak him up, because he has 6,000 HP and 180-212 damage. When you sneak him, take his key and run away slowly. If he wakes up, kill him. IF you can't, have an ankh! IF not, you probably die. Then go back to the prison, and free the prisoners. now return back to the girl wizard, tell her the lives and associates. She will give you a map that she already transformed it.

Go back to Azusn, and tape the map to fourth map. You finally now have a full map! You sees a dragon cave on middle of the island!

Unfortunately, Azusn don't have a ship or flying machine to go there. He will tell you that he has a friend who is basically a ship builder.

You can either: Talk to Azusn's friend, to build your ship.
OR you can build your own ships.

To build a ship, you need:
50 nails
a hammer
15 planks (any type. the oak planks would be strongest)

There are 3 types of nails:
Iron (70% chance to break the nails)
Steel (40% chance to break the nails)
Obsidian (10% chance to break the nails)

There are 4 types of planks:
Normal - (90% chance to have your ship break down)
Oak - 60% chance to have your ship break down
Maple - 30% chance to have your ship break down.
Yew - 0% chance to have your ship break down.

The lesser chance gets, the more harder to find these.

Then, have your friend or you build the ship. (The friend builds the ship for you in no charge, but if you build your ship, you get more experience.)

After your ship is complete, you can go to the island.

When you arrive at the island, you will fight a couple of strong dragons. Go to the cave. Then go to the lair, and you will be fighting the strongest and baddest dragon. If you defeat him, RUN IMMEDIATELY BECAUSE HE WILL BE SPAWNING MANY DRAGONS! Back to ship and back to Azusn and he thanks you for helping him to defeat the dragon.

150,000 experience
100 to all stats.
The bestest weapon or bow (these items gives (your decision for damage) damage and (your ability decision)

Wow, that took me more than a hour to type all for that.

It's really a long quest, and I know it's similar to runescape, but Idc as long as this quest helps.


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i will make that quest cos it rules! If you want to help me make it then i would luv sum help cos it's gunna take me around 5 hours to make that...


Ultra Cool Member
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Maybe something like

Faction - Horde
Name - Island Troll Juju
Person u get it from - Drek 'Thul
Quest History - Drek'Thul and his family have been chased away from their island by the Island Trolls and their Leader Jo Jo Headshrinker.
Objective - Bring 20 Troll Jujus to Drek'Thul.
Objective 2 - Kill troll overlord Jo Jo Headshrinker


Here's a quest that can be 1 or 2 quests. Put cool music in when you play these ones.

Faction - Horde
Requirement - Highest level in the game, must be an Orc.
Quest Name - A Last Battle
Difficulty for #1 - Medium
Difficulty for #2 - Pretty dang hard

Quest History 1 -For many years the Orcs and Humans have been in a war, now they must finish the fight. Before we invade the castle, we must take out the nearby towns. We will start at the southern most town. After invading the marketplace we will set the buildings on fire. Then we will head for the next town, and so on, all the way to the castle.

Objective 1 - Invade the towns and kill off the people with your orc comrades. Then set the buildings on fire, and finally make sure none survive.

Quest History 2 - For many many years the Orcs and the Humans have been in a war, now they must have one to finish the fight. The grand battle will take place at the great castle of the humans. First the seige weapons will come in. They wil have to break down the doors. Then the basic troops (grunts) will come in. After them will be many like you. Now the crossbowmen (find a model for that, or use one already in wc3) will come in. Theyll attack the archers before the rest come in, like they did right before the doors came down. Finally the Orc leader will come in. The battle will be very hard and it is posibble to lose. Its up to you to decide your own fate.

Objective 2 - First attack all the knight and footman, make sure you finish them off. Now go to invade the places where the royal people live. The rest of everyone will attack the towns and stuff. You have been given the honor to destroy the great and royal knights, and cut off the kings head yourself.

Reward - Basicly, you win. (You get the best reward possible.)


Eh well, I'm not very good at triggers, so instead of making an rpg myself, I'll just give you the ideas.

Faction - Either
Quest Name - The Elements
Requirement - Level 5 - 15

Person you get it from - (for horde) Kriash Maknalivi. (for alliance) Jon Fargey
Quest History - There are more than just 4 elements. There are those that are hidden and that are used everyday. To master magic you must first master an element. And this is a special course of training, a course to fully understand magic.Choose which element you want. Fire, Earth, Ice/Frost, Water, Darkness, Holy, Nature, and a few others. Then you will be taken to a place that represents that element. (For example: Beach for water, Forest for nature...) There you will take other quests that have to do with that element in particular.

Objective - Choose which element you want. Then take quests having to do with that element in the area. Take atleast 4 quests.
Reward - 350 exp for completion, 150 exp for every quest. A new spell can be learned or a spell can be upgraded. A special master's wand or staff is given.


Faction - Horde
Quest Name - Wastland of War
Requirement - Level 7, Quest The Elements must be taken.
Person you get it from - Noone.

Quest History - You go to a place that once used to be a vast beutiful plainland. But now it is a wasteland from the death of war. Now more humans are coming to try and take it over. Fortunately you were there to stop them.

Objective - Test out your skills in Earth, Fire, or Air, and defeat 20 - All of the humans.
Reward - 1 more quest done for current quest The Elements. 200+ exp gained. Silver Dagger or Silver Sword earned or 100 Silver Arrows earned.


Nice quest, that should it.

Oh, and I'm out of quest idea.. :(

Ill post here once i have a quest idea. :D

PS: duderock, how's the quest map progress?


Faction - Alliance
Quest Name - Help Hyro (continues from Damaged Merchandise)
Person you get it from - Hyro
Regiurement - You have done quest Damaged Merchandise, atleast level 18.

Quest History - A man named Hryo thinks that someone is following him, but using magic to do it. One day when he goes home he finds that his house is on fire. And he sees someone run away in the distance. Also, earlier that day you found out that the lady you have caught some time ago has escaped.
So you beleive that the same lady is doing this. But why? Hyro just happens to be one of the merchants that she stole from... So now you must catch her again!

The next day you look through town searching everywhere for her, untill you come across a note that just appeared in your face. It says to go to an old inn outside of town (the same inn from the quest Damaged Merchandise), and go to the back room. WHen you go there you discover that a whole bunch of people are there, and they supposedly sent you that note to have you join their bandits guild. But then the lady (bandit that you know of) walks into the room and locks the door. Then you get thrown out the window onto a feild filled with ALOT of bandits. (OBJECTIVE PART) After defeating all of them you go to Hyro to tell him what happened. ANd he gives you some stuff for helping him, but he says he'll give you more if you can finally stop her.

Objective - Stop all the bandits from killing you, which is 10 normal basic ones, and 20 harder ones.

Reward - 870 exp, Dagger of Teleportation, and 20 gold. Next quest in this series opens up.


SC2 Forum MVP - TheSkunk #386
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I am looking for Allaince Quests
Still need those, then?

Quests title: Dissapearing Herds
Description: The sheep herds of the farmers have been becomming less populated through the night. The footprints are far larger then that of a wolf. Far, FAR larger. The town guard is busy with other things, and the farmers want you to kill it, whatever it is..However, you can't handle a beast like that. Gather up a group of villagers with pitchforks and place them at each of the four fenses-- hopefully you'll be able too get to the fense the beast arrives at in time to save the group of villagers on the lookout--and the sheep too!
Person Name: Farmer
Reward: 350 gold -25 gold for every sheep and villager killed, and 100 exp -10 for each villager killed.


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I am just bumping this because i am starting on the map again, work went a little shaky. I need allaince quests now. NO MORE HORDE FOR THE MOMENT. Too many horde quests already. Thanks to all those that have suggested quests.

I am not sure if i am allowed to bump this as the last post was so long ago but its probably better than creating a new thread... :eek:


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Side: Alliance/good side
Quest title: Banishing 3 Demons
Despiriction: see that undead Place..theres 3 demons...I cant kill them myself if you would kill him Genral Kra.... would giv...yo..rew..ard
Names are Kraktan Lahtan and Krontan..good luck..*dies*

Person name: Scout of Free woods
Rewards: Sword Of DemonSlaying 4000 gold and 2000 exp [set item abiltiys yourself but make demons hard]

Level Required: 40
Level That are good: 50


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test of skills

Test of skills -Knight

Title: Test of skils -Knight
Desprition: Slay Fark`Delethan One of most Cruel Beasts
Reward: 1000 exp 1000 gold, Band of knight OR Spellcasters Blade

Fark`Delethan Are lvl 30 Spider [if you can make it]

Level Required: 25
Good level: 30


New Member
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-Fulon Man with Mind of Beast-
-Quest title: Man of Nature
-Despiration: Kill Fulon Man with mind of beast

Side: Horde:
Reward: Magican Spell book / Warrior tactick book [each got 3 good spells]

Fulon Man with mind of beast casts shockwave of 100k Damage every 30 seconds to random Place of his "arena" when he do that he also turn Invulnerable for 3 second
He also summon 10 guards when hes health is 50%


Super Moderator
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I aI am not sure if i am allowed to bump this as the last post was so long ago but its probably better than creating a new thread... :eek:

It should be fine bumping a post from a while ago. It was only a couple of months ago though.

Now I gotta think of a quest to add... :p
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