RPG ideas


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If you want to make RPG, the most important thing of the game is to have a not good, but great story.
Same is with warcraft 3 the game is great but the story in of the game is even better. That is what makes game even more interesting.
I think lots of little movies so that player can not wait to see what will hapend next.
I played few RPG maps, and I hate the most when story starts like: “He was good and he wanted to fight with evil” it does not make any sense.
So: good interesting story lots of movies and average game play and you will have great RPG.


Previously known as giv_me_rep
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Psiblade94122: agreed. weapons and abilities make a good map. also, all rpg makers have to keep in mind that super fast attack speeds ruin the game if over exadurated. infact, anything over exadurated ruins an rpg.
i believe rpg's have to be realistic in most aspects to let the gamer relate to the game.
you dont sit their thinking wow, i can relate to this game! i love it!
but your brain thinks that without you even realizing. you are looking for that sence of realism and you also want to be totally involved in every aspect. if the character can choose to do a quest or not you want to be able to make that choice.
also; cinematics: many short scened cinematics add a whole new field of gameplay to contestants. they forget about the battles outside and become absorbed in the current 24 frames per second that they are watching. it is realy quite amazing what a simple cinematic can do.

Story line meens everything. it is important to realise that without a story line your game doesnt have a back bone. if it falls (you lose interest) you wont be able to get back up (into the game) i urdge you all... if making a role playing game; please make a half decent storyline ;p

thank you all for your posts!
(this is not a conclusion, just recognising the efforts these people have put into displaying these posts)


Gone but not forgotten
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A general idea about quests - make them have more than one way to complete successfully. If you played Black and White you should know what I'm talking about, in it you generally had the "good" and the "evil" way of completing tasks. However make sure the "evil" way also has a good reward as games usually make it so that completing this way doesn't pay off. Might be a good idea to, for example, make the "evil" method give you a greater reward instantly, while the good one gives you something better on the long term.
For example a questgiver tells you to locate some ring for him and he will reward you with 200 gold. Now you can take the ring for yourself and lose the questgiver's reward, but if you give it back to him then, apart from 200 gold, he gives you another reward afterwards or allows you to continue a longer quest chain.


Previously known as giv_me_rep
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yeah, like on Fable you can choose different paths and at the end you get to make the deicsion to go good or bad permanently although you can go good again by donating at the temple of avo...
anyway, that is what makes that game so playable because even more decisions are able to be made by you so you can effect the game play more and more!
Questing is indeed needed to be skillfully done and not just an order. it has to be a choice for the hero.


I am working on a Rpg too, and I think one good idea to have is to be able to really improve the battle system, I don't mean like FF style (not that it is bad), but maybe more dynamic. For example, in my rpg, whenever u kill the lsat creep within a certain range, the last hit would be in slow-mo, and some simple effects to.
also, I think options for players to tweak the map is good too. Like maybe able to skip cut scenes, turn on and off some functions in the map (for exmaple, the slow mo in my map), because that might annoy someone who like fast pace game play and wanted to move on. About the Jass and GUI thing, it doesnt really matter, unless the map LEAKS with GUI, then of course use jass instead.

And dont give every hero a simple nuke spell, like;
"hero" call down a lightning, striking the enemy for 200 hit points.

Not that it is a bad thing but don't give it to most heros, a nuke like that are not that important. talking about spells, I think synergy between spells are important too, if u have a vampire kind of hero for example, maybe he has a life steal ability, then he can also have a spell that would improve his ias or ms by a certain amount depends on how many health he drain last 20 sec, and the effect last 30sec. So spells should work with others, instead of some lame stun, bash slow combo. (like MK in melee).


Previously known as giv_me_rep
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lol, lots of people are working on RPG's ey? lol

umm yeah, i love the idea of slow motion! that like the sickest idea i have ever heard lol...
defidently. the ability to control every aspect of the gameplay is crucial to RPG's and not many people realise it...

i am not a person for character classes and then they limit you to everything.

what i love in RPG's is for everyone to start of the same and its the items and spells they collect that seperate them from the others.
i have spells that you can aquire through quests and items that you get from kills and quests and all that crap...
i just think it exercises more skill and evens the game.

truth is; alot of pussies are out their and they are like: its not fair... i'm only a nuklear elemental summoner and your an arcain fire mage! how am i supposed to beat you?!
if you work your maps like i have everyone is equal and it also gives the player more freedom just like i have been talking about for most of this thread... lol :p
if everyone starts the same then you determine the future of your character


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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My Tips...

Ok it was too much to read so i skipped like evertything on what others said. However, here our some of my own tips and.. stuff...

1. Heroes
No heroes should start in a basis of being like Strong Attack/Slow or Weak Attack/Fast depending on how strong the enemies are. For example, if the basic melee level one creep has 500 health, 20 dmg, all the heroes in the beginning shouldn't be like one with 1000 health, 70 dmg, but a 4 sec a.s. or one with 300 health, 10 dmg, .5 attack speed. Depending on the creeps, heroes should start out relatively weak.

2. Comparison of Agility, Strength, and Intelligence
You see in many games not only RPGs that the dif atr can be rigged sometimes. In my opinion, Agility is the best, Strength close at second, and Intelligence the weakest. Therefore, agi and str items shuld cost more than int and also, int heroes skills should be stronger than the basis of the others.

3. Items and Shops
Items' costs should be a relatively high to changing low price. Items also shouldn't be rigged like in DotA where money wins (most of the time). In a balanced RPG (my opinion) items should actually be weak but just a minor - ok increase. I agree with someone who said that prices should fluctuate. If you can, you should add an Auction House (AH) like in WoW. In the AH, players should be able to bid their items in and others buy.

4. Quests
Quests! Me Hate Tem When Tey Boring! YOu should make quests actually fun and interactive with your hero instead of quests like "kill 20 of <creep> and return to me". Make them have those plus extras like "after you kill the 20 <creeps?, take the ship to <place> and trade them in using your bargaining skill (should add a skill where when you upgrade, things have a chance to cost less), then return the items from the trader to me". Just an example.
Also, you should have party quests and boss raids. Das cool.

I just saw one of the replies and added this. Yes yes yes like in Fable (me have game) yo should be able to choose good or bad. In this RPG from WC3 called Dark Invasion, you play as the bad guys for the first time. Because of that new view, that game PWNS with the sick items and effects and the... *cough* ok so as i was saying, you should be able to choose good or bad at ANY time. For example, if you are a good guy, you can suddenly like type (for example) -turn <team (bad guy)> and you can suddenly attack the good guy guards and stuff. You can then type -turn <team (good guy)> but then like in WoW, you have an alliance bar, and if it isnt high enough... U DEAD MAN!

YES CINEMATICS ARE COOL I LOVE WATCHING THEM WHEN THEY ARE GOOD! but dont make them if u suk at it. Cinematics do add to the story and 1) improves it and 2) lets people understand the story better and 3) its cool! So you should add cinematics and stuff to the main quests, into, end, etc.

These are all i can think of for now. GL with your map!
cmon and read this post already i want response


Previously known as giv_me_rep
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thanks for the advice and thanks for the encouragement.
i to agree with the fact of most quests are boring!!!
ever played rappelz epic 4? awsome game! totally wicked! and its free! except the quests are weak...
kill 20 dudes
20 dudes need to die
can you bring death to 20 guys?

its boring as hell... this lead to me quiting... as well as the game didnt support my abnormally large screen :p

anyway... the point is quests should be engaging and challenging so that people want to do thwem instead of have to do them.

agility and strength and intelligence dont have to be rigged as you can change the bonus' it gives you so wih some strategic planing you can even them out to your wishing


I am sorry if this is a bit off topic, but what kind of rpg does everyone look for?

RPGs that can be played with friends? Single player ones? Because I notice a single player RPG can have a much better storyline, detail compare to muitiplayer, due to lag, internet speed loading and such. I personally prefer single player RPGs, since when RPGs are meant to be Multiplayer, like FF, or other, but in terms of Wc3 RPGs, I can never seem to find the answer...:(


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This rpg we're working on doesn't really have "good"/ "evil", it's more like WOW with the two factions, orc and human. We might make it so that you can change factions (trans species operations and/or betrayal? lol).

> what rpg's are people looking for

single player rpg's definately allow for more features, but it's so much more fun to play with friends and strangers; a single player rpg could never become widespread in battle.net anyhow (if that is your goal).


Why GUI when you can Jass?
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hate to post something that has to do with a post so far back but... dont use WEU.. its NOT the user...well it can be.. but with WEU it doesnt have to be, WEU corrupts things at random. If you save the game you got a 50/50 chance to have it succesful... theres nothing professional about it.


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well, I use WEU, but with great caution; I only use the program for terrain, and, I always save a backup version.


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giv_me_rep said:
To Geoff. L: yes, i would love to view your map. immersing people in your role playing game is what makes it successful, how do you think world of warcraft become so popular. in the end the game is completlly pointless but the quests make the player adicted to the game making it extremelly successful.

thats completely true lol, after im done my homework, ill sned over the files over yousendit.com and ill post the download link here

heres the link

BTW: thanks Daxtreme for fixing up the Quote thing lol


thats completely true lol, after im done my homework, ill sned over the files over yousendit.com and ill post the download link here

heres the link

BTW: thanks Daxtreme for fixing up the Quote thing lol

Wow Geoff, i've played ur map a little bit and i think its great even tho its in not finished yet, keep up the good work! about the stats leveling up system, its funny cuz thats the same system im using lol. except i tweaked around it a little bit. :p
And i am using a custom view too, but im wonder do u have any idea how to make it less annoying? like maybe make it so that the cliffs, trees and stuff r not in the way when the hero is in front of it? Because thats a problem i have.


New Member
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Wow Geoff, i've played ur map a little bit and i think its great even tho its in not finished yet, keep up the good work! about the stats leveling up system, its funny cuz thats the same system im using lol. except i tweaked around it a little bit. :p
And i am using a custom view too, but im wonder do u have any idea how to make it less annoying? like maybe make it so that the cliffs, trees and stuff r not in the way when the hero is in front of it? Because thats a problem i have.

Allow for camera rotation
rotate right
        Player - Player 1 (Red) Presses the Right Arrow key
        Player - Player 2 (Blue) Presses the Right Arrow key
        Player - Player 3 (Teal) Presses the Right Arrow key
        Player - Player 4 (Purple) Presses the Right Arrow key
        Player - Player 5 (Yellow) Presses the Right Arrow key
        Player - Player 6 (Orange) Presses the Right Arrow key
        Player - Player 7 (Green) Presses the Right Arrow key
        Player - Player 8 (Pink) Presses the Right Arrow key
        Player - Player 9 (Gray) Presses the Right Arrow key
        Player - Player 10 (Light Blue) Presses the Right Arrow key
        Player - Player 11 (Dark Green) Presses the Right Arrow key
        Player - Player 12 (Brown) Presses the Right Arrow key
        Set CameraXY[(Player number of (Triggering player))] = (CameraXY[(Player number of (Triggering player))] + 15.00)
        If (CameraXY[(Player number of (Triggering player))] Greater than or equal to 105.00) then do (Set CameraXY[(Player number of (Triggering player))] = 105.00) else do (Do nothing)

rotate left
        Player - Player 1 (Red) Presses the Left Arrow key
        Player - Player 2 (Blue) Presses the Left Arrow key
        Player - Player 3 (Teal) Presses the Left Arrow key
        Player - Player 4 (Purple) Presses the Left Arrow key
        Player - Player 5 (Yellow) Presses the Left Arrow key
        Player - Player 6 (Orange) Presses the Left Arrow key
        Player - Player 7 (Green) Presses the Left Arrow key
        Player - Player 8 (Pink) Presses the Left Arrow key
        Player - Player 9 (Gray) Presses the Left Arrow key
        Player - Player 10 (Light Blue) Presses the Left Arrow key
        Player - Player 11 (Dark Green) Presses the Left Arrow key
        Player - Player 12 (Brown) Presses the Left Arrow key
        Set CameraXY[(Player number of (Triggering player))] = (CameraXY[(Player number of (Triggering player))] - 15.00)
        If (CameraXY[(Player number of (Triggering player))] Less than or equal to -105.00) then do (Set CameraXY[(Player number of (Triggering player))] = -105.00) else do (Do nothing)

rotate up
        Player - Player 1 (Red) Presses the Up Arrow key
        Player - Player 2 (Blue) Presses the Up Arrow key
        Player - Player 3 (Teal) Presses the Up Arrow key
        Player - Player 4 (Purple) Presses the Up Arrow key
        Player - Player 5 (Yellow) Presses the Up Arrow key
        Player - Player 6 (Orange) Presses the Up Arrow key
        Player - Player 7 (Green) Presses the Up Arrow key
        Player - Player 8 (Pink) Presses the Up Arrow key
        Player - Player 9 (Gray) Presses the Up Arrow key
        Player - Player 10 (Light Blue) Presses the Up Arrow key
        Player - Player 11 (Dark Green) Presses the Up Arrow key
        Player - Player 12 (Brown) Presses the Up Arrow key
        Set CameraZ[(Player number of (Triggering player))] = (CameraZ[(Player number of (Triggering player))] - 5.00)
        If (CameraZ[(Player number of (Triggering player))] Less than or equal to 300.00) then do (Set CameraZ[(Player number of (Triggering player))] = 300.00) else do (Do nothing)

rotate down
        Player - Player 1 (Red) Presses the Down Arrow key
        Player - Player 2 (Blue) Presses the Down Arrow key
        Player - Player 3 (Teal) Presses the Down Arrow key
        Player - Player 4 (Purple) Presses the Down Arrow key
        Player - Player 5 (Yellow) Presses the Down Arrow key
        Player - Player 6 (Orange) Presses the Down Arrow key
        Player - Player 7 (Green) Presses the Down Arrow key
        Player - Player 8 (Pink) Presses the Down Arrow key
        Player - Player 9 (Gray) Presses the Down Arrow key
        Player - Player 10 (Light Blue) Presses the Down Arrow key
        Player - Player 11 (Dark Green) Presses the Down Arrow key
        Player - Player 12 (Brown) Presses the Down Arrow key
        Set CameraZ[(Player number of (Triggering player))] = (CameraZ[(Player number of (Triggering player))] + 5.00)
        If (CameraZ[(Player number of (Triggering player))] Greater than or equal to 360.00) then do (Set CameraZ[(Player number of (Triggering player))] = 360.00) else do (Do nothing)
        Time - Every 0.03 seconds of game time
        Custom script: set bj_wantDestroyGroup=true
        Player Group - Pick every player in (All players) and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Camera - Lock camera target for (Picked player) to Unit_Camera_Lock[(Player number of (Picked player))], offset by (0.00, 0.00) using Default rotation
                Set Unit_Pan_Location[(Player number of (Picked player))] = (Position of Unit_Camera_Lock[(Player number of (Picked player))])
                Camera - Pan camera for Player_Camera_Bond[(Player number of (Picked player))] to Unit_Pan_Location[(Player number of (Picked player))] over 0.10 seconds
                [B]Camera - Set (Picked player)'s camera Rotation to (CameraXY[(Player number of (Picked player))] + (Facing of Unit_Camera_Lock[(Player number of (Picked player))])) over 1.00 seconds[/B]
                Camera - Set Player_Camera_Bond[(Player number of (Picked player))]'s camera Distance to target to 300.00 over 0.10 seconds
                [B]Camera - Set Player_Camera_Bond[(Player number of (Picked player))]'s camera Angle of attack to CameraZ[(Player number of (Picked player))] over 0.40 seconds[/B]
                Camera - Set Player_Camera_Bond[(Player number of (Picked player))]'s camera Field of view to 200.00 over 0.40 seconds
                Custom script: set udg_cliffhieght[1] = GetLocationZ(udg_Unit_Pan_Location[1])
                Set camerahieght[(Player number of (Picked player))] = (Target Z of current camera view)
                Camera - Set Player_Camera_Bond[(Player number of (Picked player))]'s camera Height Offset to (((cliffhieght[(Player number of (Picked player))] - camerahieght[(Player number of (Picked player))]) x 25.00) + 300.00) over 5.00 seconds
                Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Unit_Pan_Location[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetEnumPlayer())])

The Camera trigger only works for one player at the moment though, I have another thread to ask about that.


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lol AWESOME! people like it!
im implementing a way in which you use the arrow keys to change the distance, target, angle of attack and etc of the camera, much like the trigger Idontknowyou wrote
as for the doodads in the way.... uh... lol :p i have no idea, i have an idea though...
make all trees and high things a unit, then make the unit invis to the player if the camera is looking at it...
don't know HOW yet... but maybe later ill add it

oh, btw, for those playing the map, theres liek a boss thingy, talk to the guy at the end of the dark forest beside the cave, the graveyard in the city before the desert or the crypt in the undead village and you can initiate a party quest lol

hey, if you look at my map, you would understand by... 'alive'... make it realistic and don't just mash rocks together and call it a mountain, plan a route first, shape it using logs, rocks, shrubs, the occasional tree, then build it from there, rotate your camera and make sure that from every angle, the scenery is flawless

you could borrow the stat addition thingy if you want to

i also made a system for adding abilities through items, so you can fully customize your character, heres the system thread:

make upgradable items, legendary items that only appear once every so and so games, special creeps, quests, bosses, combination items... anything!
also, another good idea, make some things availible only if there is a fullhouse or 6 players or 3... etc, that way, you're map would be hosted and hosters would let the most amount of people to play with them.


Hard in the Paint.
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RPG Idea's hmmm.................. etc....

1: Make creep arena's where every 7 minutes you spawn in an arena depending on your level and amount of players.
2: Try making flying mounts, been done in maps other than RPG's.
3: Enchantments for completing quests. (When you complete a quest, the giver will enchant you with a spell of your choice).
4: Have one huge city, and little citiies, but the large city provides almost everything on the map, except the special quest, boss items/spells.
5: Your own god worship. (A god statue to worship for an enchantment).
6: Special events every (X) seconds of game time.

Do the idea's ever stop coming? Sheesh :shades: RPG's are easy for ideas :p


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lol Mr.Tutorial, ever played Defiance or TBR much?
anyways, to add another point, make sure that the player would be travelling alot, not stay in one place to level up 20 times and then move on to the next area. make it moderately fast, not so fast that you would easily get to lvl 30 in a game, but enough to make the player move around the map.
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