Under standing Dobrp and its varitons(tutorial)


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=will try to add screen shots later=

So you ever heard of any of the following?
Well these are all the varitons of dobrp.

[The first Mrp/erp/cotm/dobrp]
Alright before we begin lets find out the first of mrp/erp/cotm/dobrp it all started with miyog who made mrp which is for RoC heres the graph
Mrp(RoC)>Dobrp(TFT)>Cotm or Erp.
If you want the Origanal ask me.This is a game where you Role play.

[Understanding the basic commands]
Alright lets learn a basic command all the players should know well heres a list of command templates and commands that ar equite basic

•spawn <# if its a 1 digit number you need a 0> <name> what it does it spawns that many at your spawner in which we will talk about later

•setname<symbol to use as command so dont use - and dont forget to test><name>Then use the symbol and use it like this <symbol><text>

•.<text>makes an ooc message (highly advised)For example my username is lordneptune lets say I want to say hi to joe heres how I would do it
.Hi Bob!
what happens if you done correctly looks like this lordneptuneOOC:Hi Bob!

•'fs use this for building/unit/object to face your spawner

•item <name>

[Your Spawner]
Alright this little fella is your key to the game .Give it a move command,It immeditly goes there( :D )
•Picking up(it wont do immedite speed hint:first move close to your target)
•Adding effects like a doom sleep ensnare on your own units.

[What to do in the begging of the game]
Alright at the loading screen it is most likely going to be a wait longer that some other games so what I do is maybe read a book or whatever you might do while waiting at other games.If your host once game I advise you do the following remember first click obs chat and use the . system to talk .
•Say the rules(best if said in all so they can refernce back to it)
•do obs

N00bs and Newbs(yes they are differnt)
Alright a newb is someone is simply new to anything specific or general for example im a newb to sfx commands.(glad we have newb takin care of.)A
N00B are another way of being an idoit or dim-witted to something you should have learned about all ready can be a newb/noob sometimes.The list of what a noob is
•not switching to obs chat
•massing(if your newb your likely to do this so first get the hang of it with someone who understands or on your own)
.Massing type 2:this is even worse you mass enemy on someone else(most of the time they use archimondes cause they are over powerd)
•On a level=age type thing they like to make old people and kill everybody(or at least say there really old and abuse it)
•GodModing(yes it is possible on this in other words bad rpers)

[But I didnt launch an arrow I did play thing]Alright lets learn about the "play"commands they are animations that dont actully affect the game like play attackin you really arnt attacking anything
•Play attack(looks like its attacking but not really attacking)(use loop for contunious)

•Play dead(looks like guys dead but not really for it looks like its keep on dieing use play death loop)

•Play spell(not all units have it just like the above too it does the animation for when its casting a spell for contunious do play spell loop)

[The End]
Alright first things first before you leave use ur start button and do the lose on it then it`ll open up it agian click the leave , click the close thing agisn(for my windows)
a good site is www.freewebs.com/dobrpcustoms
I did not give everything away but I gave you a lot of the meat now before you try this game out,dont forget to look at quests and becareful its sa hard world out there.

This game is highly misunderstanded

[Oh I forgot the themes]
I almost forgot a theme is well, a theme i`ll list some themes

No theme

The last dragon theme(basicly someone plays as a dragon and gets raised by some1 else)

Tribe theme(survive theme)

City Theme (some makes a city and everybody can live in it)

[Before I go,]
Heres some ideas for your game
•making a house or a shop and pick a destination for its waygate for the inside and add stuff
•For a pool pause it and use the tidal guard.
•Reminder:read quests!
the maps are N/A the attacxhment thing wont let me do them


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DoBRP Customs

The santa custom h083 does not work with all DoBRP/ CoTM Maps! Be aware.

For these customs to work they must have spawn 01 custom_ before the code, example:
"spawn 01 custom_e00G" With out the brackets.

E00T - Admiral Ent
o00Y - Ahnki Calling Tower
o00T - Ahnki Conjurer
o00W - Ahnki Great Hall
o00X - Ahnki House
o00P - Ahnki Peasant
o00S - Ahkni Rider
o00U - Ahnki Scourge
o00Z - Ahnki Tower
h02G - Ahnki Trinity
o00Q - Ahnki Zealot
H040 - Alchemistress
h03U - Altar of Seas
n009 - Ancient Spawn
n00A - Ancient Spawn
n00B - Ancient spawn
h03V - Aquadeck Barracks
n01E - Aquadeck Dock
h03P - Aquadeck Gunner
h030 - Aquadeck Probe
h03Q - Aquadeck Sage
H03Z - Arcane Warrior
U00H - Arch Banshee
U014 - Archimonde
H01C - Arch Priest
h01W - Armor
H034 - Askari

U00E - Baalrog
e00V - Ballista
H02T - Bandit Captain
H03Y - Bandit Lord
h023 - Barrel
H00W - Bartender
N00S - Bear Form (Druid of Nature)
O01D - Blizzard Warlock
h03R - blue Mage
o001 - Boat Yard Builder
h010 - Bookshelf
n00J - Bookshelf
h037 - Boom
o00J - Builder of Many Things

h01A - Camp Fire
H020 - Captain
o00G - Carpenter
u00R - Carrion Fury
o01L - Catapult
H02B - Cavalier
e00Q - Celestial Druid
e00R - Celestial Guard
e00S - Celestial Sniper
u00Y - Celestial Spirit
u00W - Celestial Star Warrior
h02p - Chief Rifleman
H02V - Child
o00F - City Builder
o009 - City Builder
U00T - Cktar Emgrantus
o00O - Cktar Fire Carapace
o00V - Cktar Dominion
o00L - Cktar Drone
o0011 - Cktar Hive
o00M - Cktar Shock Infantry
o00R - Cktar Zealot
n00Y - Chair
H02P - Chief Rifleman
h02L - Church
H01E - Commoner
e004 - Corrupted Wisp
n004 - Corrupt Soul
u00Z - Crystal of Life

h03C - Dark Priest
U00I - Dark Rider
h02I - Defender of the Light
e005 - Demon
O018 - Desert Barbarian
n007 - Docks
h04D - Doodad Builder
U00N - Doom Prophet
H02N - Dragoon
E008 - Dragon (Flight level 1)
O01 - Dragon Guardian
o01B - Dragon Roost
o01A - Dragon Spawn
n006 - Dragonspawn Apprentice
n002 - Dragonspawn Meddler
e006 - Dragon Totem
n00F - Dragon Turtle
h03G - Drake Hatchery
h03F - Drake Rune
H03M - Dream Magician
E00M - Dream Magician (Dream Form)
E00F - Druid
E00P - Druid Master
N00T - Druid of Nature
e003 - Druid of the winds (Bird Form) (Stormcrow Form)
E00N - Druid Summoner (Without Stag)
E00U - Dryad
h02H - Dwarf Gold Cart
o01m - Dwarven Axeman

E00O - Efur (Shaman)
h03D - Elite Guard
h03S - Elven Horseman
o002 - Extra Special Buildings Builder
E00E - Ewar (Faerie Dragon Queen)

U00C - Faceless Ancient
e00B - Faer
e00A - Faerant
H02R - Faer Admiral
n00W - Faer Battleship
n00X - Faer Fighter
E00I - Faer Mother
e00C - Farmland
O01J - Felguard Commander
u001 - Ferenzic Doctor
H031 - Feumort
n00P - Fire Guardian
h03X - Fire pit of Skulls
n00I - Flag
n00O - Flag
n00H - Flag
h012 - Flowers
n014 - Flood
u00X - Fly
h04G - Flying target
E00K - Forest Guardian
e00D - Forest Monolith
h00Z - Fountain
H02D - Footman Captain

H035 - Gens
n00Z - Glowing Eye
u005 - Gnoll Pathfinder
h02C - Goblin Blaster
O01N - Goblin Trio
O01N - Goblin Trio
U00J - Golden Nerubian
O00E - Grunt Batle Chief
O014 - Grunt Captain
o00K - Guild Master
h04J - Gyrocopter

O019 - Headhunter
o00H - High Elf Architect
o00A - High Elf Builder
O015 - Hive Imperius
U011 - Holy Knight
o000 - House Accessory Builder

O013 - Infernal Captain


H042 - Knight in Training
H036 - Knight Captain
O01H - Kodo Master
H03I - Kylinx Lord
U00K - Kylinx Warrior

h01T - Level
n00L - Light
H03B - Liolleon
u00V - Locust
H030 - Lord
E009 - Lost Being
n015 - Luxory Well

n00N - Magic
H02S - Magi Knight
o001 - Mason
N008 - Master of The Unholy Fire
H01D - Mercenary
n00R - Mercenary Camp
N01F - Murloc Spell Caster
h04L - Metal-Target
n01D - Meteorite Fiend
h03N - Militia
U000 - Molten Infernal
H04N - Mountain King
O00B - Mutant Assassin

O01F - Naga Blademistress
H03L - Naga Sea Witch
U012 - Necromancer Master
o003 - Night elf Fishing Village Builder
H02Z - Nomad Wizard

U00O - Obsidian Gargoyle
U00P - Obsidian Gargoyle (SF)
O017 - Orc Conjurer
H01O - Orcish Crossbowman
O012 - Ogre Lord

U013 - Paladin Horserider
h04E - Priest
h03E - Pirate
H03K - Pirate Captain
o01E - Pirate Ship
u002 - Pitlord
n00M - Plant
n013 - Port
h022 - Props Manager
H02U - Psychic Chancellor


h01L - Rainstorm
H033 - Red Mage
h03T - Reef Hideout
h00V - Refrigerator
E00H - Riene Dryad
E00J - Rift Druid
H02W - Rock Golem
H03A - Rogue
H039 - Rogue
O01G - Royal Guard Captian
n01G - Rug (Large)
n010 - Rug (Large)

O00B - Samurai
H02X - Sasquatch Chief
H038 - Satyr Piach
n00G - sea Drake
H041 - Sea Mage
E00L - Sensi
u004 - servant of the fire
h04C - Set Doodad
n00E - Shadow Dragon (level 3)
H043 - Shandris
E00G - Shadow Wizard
O006 - Shaman Magic Master
E001 - Shiaris
h04H - Siege Engine
U00D - Skeleton Captain
U01O - Skeletal Dementor
H083 - Santa
n00Q - Sleep
n000 - Snowy Owl
u00S - Soul Dealer
n00D - Soul Dragon (level 2)
u00B - Soul Hut
n005 - soul Keeper
u006 - soul Stealer
h02J - Spirit
n00C - Spirit Dragon (level 1)
h01R - Spirit of Intelligance
h01s - Spirit of Power
N00U - Staff Fighter
h04F - Sorceress
h02F - Suspended Cage

n012 - Table
h00Y - Table
h01Y - Target
O01I - Tauren Warrior
o007 - Tents Builder
o008 - Tents Builder 2
O005 - Thunder Mage
U00M - Tidal Dragon
U00Q - Tidal Dragon (Submerged)
E002 - Tharikifa
n001 - Thief
h024 - TNT
H032 - Todrank
E007 - Tojara (Transformed)
h011 - Torch
H02Y - Trader
n00K - Treasure
o00D - Trebuchet
U00U - Turaka'thi Archmage
u00A - Turaka'thi Female
u008 - Turaka'thi Female (In flight)
h03H - Turaka'thi Hall
u009 - Turaka'thi Male
h03K - Turaka'thie Spirit Golem

U00L - Uber Ghoul

O00C - Vampire
u003 - Vampire
N00V - Vampiress

h00X - Waiter
h041 - Water
E000 - Warden Apprentice
h02M - Well
U00F - Vieille Summoner
h02K - Windmill
U00G - Wind Serpent
u007 - Witch
O01k - Witch Doctor
H02Q - Wolf
n011 - Wood Bench Straight


n003 - Yuan-ti

Some of the following codes may or may not work, RolePlay@Lordaeron is not responsible if they do not work.

Ps- I have tested most of them and most of them work, if they dont work simply delete them from where ever you keep this list.

heres the custom list


Ver 6 CREATE energy AS SELECT * FROM u.energy
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Alright before we begin

Monty Python-isque said:
Oh, the ACA would like to AP an IPF to the MoFB and the FCR with SOR involved with DEOR.

Before we begin, tell us what the hell those abbreviations mean.


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When you discuss a map like that they always have an abberivation for some odd reson...like dota everybody calls it dota but you have to dig a little deeper.
Mrp=miyogs roleplay
-2 almost related questions-
1.what do you think?
2.How do I post a screen shot...i know how to capture the screen but how do I acess it?
(answering both will help)


I will work hard tomorrow
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Holy penguin! Now I know what type of game you're talking about. Those games where you fly around as little circle and you can spawn all kinds of stuff, to make your own RPG... at least I guess so. I never gave it a chance because I don't like the concept.


So you're using all these abbreviations without knowing what they mean? lol

>"2.How do I post a screen shot...i know how to capture the screen but how do I acess it?"

Upload your screenshot to imageshack.us or some other site and link to them.


All Along the Watchtower
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DoBRP = Demise of the Brotherhood Roleplay
CotMRP = Curse of the Magi Roleplay

No Idea about ERP, I think I've only ever played 1 ERP.

P.S Thanks for the custom spawn list, been looking for one for ages.


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Nox mortus your a fan of this arnt you?I did this cause the games highly unknown or ignored or misunderstanded


Hi everyone,

Speaking of roleplaying, I am the creator of the CotM series. :)

I'll correct a few things: All RP maps are not based on DoBRP.

Anything before RoC was based on Adv. RP by Miyog
LoF and WoD were not,
pRP is not
eRP is not (though it's just stolen CotM anyways)

In any case, I'll mention my new pet RP map, pRP (prophecy RP). We've all pitched in around http://s7.invisionfree.com/roleplayers_hall/ to make the map, though the official site is at http://prophecyrp.com/.

Feel free to drop any of us a line.


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Can I have your autograph?I mean they all have the same idea is what im saying ( I cant belive I met u)By the by the first one (or probaly)is MRP.And mister.cotm creator can you tell me if my walk-through of that type is good?Here what I mean by varitons is that they are all the same, basic idea like Dota.


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Well I've played some of DoBRP maps and somewhat liked it but I can only play it myself..could I play it with others?:eek:..
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