How do I change the Damage on here?


Reaction score
Hello im looking at this jass spell and i was wondering... How do you change the damage of this spell? I dont know jass so i would like to know how to change the damage. Someone please help and thx in advance!

//! zinc
    library DyMotionMain
        constant integer FPS = 30;
        public constant integer dm_DUMMY_ID = 'Wizx';
        public constant integer dm_UNTOUCHABLE = 'Aloc';
        public constant integer dm_FLYING = 'Amrf';
        public constant integer dm_TREE_DETECTION = 'Aeat';
        public constant real dm_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 1.0 / FPS;
        public constant real dm_Pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
        public constant real dm_2Pi = 2 * dm_Pi;
        public constant real dm_PiOVER2 = dm_Pi / 2;
        public constant real dm_3OVER2Pi = 3 / 2 * dm_Pi;
        public function GetDistance( real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 ) -> real
        { real dx = x2 - x1, dy = y2 - y1; return Pow( dx * dx + dy * dy, 0.5 ); }
//! endzinc

//! zinc
    library DyMotionMotion requires DyMotionMain, DyMotionProjectile
        //               *****Globals*****
        constant real dm_DEFAULT_MAX_SPEED = 1800.;
        constant real dm_DEFAULT_LIFE_TIME = 6.;
        //             *****Globals End*****
        interface MotionEvents
        { method onMotion( ) = null; }
        public struct dmMotion extends MotionEvents
            real LifeTime = dm_DEFAULT_LIFE_TIME;
            static method create( real x, real y, real angle ) -> dmMotion
                dmMotion m = dmMotion.allocate( );
                dmMotion.Indexing( m );
                m.msl = dmProjectile.create( x, y );
                m.Angle = angle;
                return m;
            static method createWithUnit( unit u, real angle ) -> dmMotion
                dmMotion m = dmMotion.allocate( );
                dmMotion.Indexing( m );
                m.msl = dmProjectile.createWithUnit( u );
                m.Angle = angle;
                return m;
            method operator Angle ( ) -> real
            { return Atan2( spd * sin, spd * cos ); }
            method operator Angle= ( real value )
            { cos = Cos( value ); sin = Sin( value ); msl.XYangle = value; }
            method operator Speed ( ) -> real
            { return spd / dm_UPDATE_INTERVAL; }
            method operator Speed= ( real value )
            { spd = value * dm_UPDATE_INTERVAL; }
            method operator Acceleration ( ) -> real
            { return acc / dm_UPDATE_INTERVAL; }
            method operator Acceleration= ( real value )
            { acc =  value * dm_UPDATE_INTERVAL; }
            method operator AngleSpeed ( ) -> real
            { return angspd / dm_UPDATE_INTERVAL; }
            method operator AngleSpeed= ( real value )
            { angspd = value * dm_UPDATE_INTERVAL; }
            method operator MaxSpeed ( ) -> real
            { return maxspd / dm_UPDATE_INTERVAL; }
            method operator MaxSpeed= ( real value )
            { maxspd =  value * dm_UPDATE_INTERVAL; }
            method operator MinSpeed ( ) -> real
            { return minspd / dm_UPDATE_INTERVAL; }
            method operator MinSpeed= ( real value )
            { minspd =  value * dm_UPDATE_INTERVAL; }
                        *****Operators End*****
            method SetHomingPosition( real x, real y )
            { hmX = x; hmY = y; homing = true; }
            method SetHomingUnit( unit t )
            { hmUnit = t; homing = true; }
            method StopHoming( )
            { hmUnit = null; homing = false; }
                       *****Internal Stuff*****
            private real maxspd = dm_DEFAULT_MAX_SPEED * dm_UPDATE_INTERVAL;
            private real minspd = 0.;
            private real spd = 0.; //speed
            private real acc = 0.; //acceleration
            private real angspd = 0.; //angle speed
            private real cos = 0., sin = 0.;
            private boolean homing = false; //homing flag
            private unit hmUnit = null; //homing unit
            private real hmX, hmY; //homing coordinates
            private delegate dmProjectile msl;
            private integer id;
            private static timer Timer;
            private static integer N = 0;
            private static dmMotion M[];
            private static code update;
            static group tempGroup = CreateGroup( );
            private static method Update( )
                dmMotion m;
                integer i;
                real a;
                for ( 0 <= i < dmMotion.N )
                    m = dmMotion.M<i>;
                    if ( m.homing )
                        if ( m.hmUnit != null )
                        { m.hmX = GetUnitX( m.hmUnit ); m.hmY = GetUnitY( m.hmUnit ); }
                        a = Atan2( m.hmY - m.Y, m.hmX - m.X );
                        m.cos = Cos( a ); m.sin = Sin( a );
                    if ( m.angspd != 0.0 )
                        m.Angle = m.Angle + m.angspd;
                    m.X = m.X + m.spd * m.cos;
                    m.Y = m.Y + m.spd * m.sin;
                    if ( m.spd &lt; m.maxspd &amp;&amp; m.spd &gt;= m.minspd )
                        m.spd += m.acc;
                    if ( m.onMotion.exists ) { m.onMotion( ); }
                    if ( m.LifeTime &gt; 0. )
                        m.LifeTime -= dm_UPDATE_INTERVAL;
                        m.destroy( );
            private static method Indexing( dmMotion m )
                if ( dmMotion.N == 0 ) TimerStart( dmMotion.Timer, dm_UPDATE_INTERVAL, true, dmMotion.update );
       = dmMotion.N;
                dmMotion.M[dmMotion.N] = m;
                dmMotion.N += 1;
            method onDestroy( )
                msl.destroy( );
                dmMotion.N -= 1;
                dmMotion.M[id] = dmMotion.M[dmMotion.N];
                dmMotion.M[id].id = id;
                if ( dmMotion.N == 0 ) PauseTimer( dmMotion.Timer );
            private static method onInit( )
            { dmMotion.Timer = CreateTimer( ); dmMotion.update = function dmMotion.Update; }
//! endzinc</i>

//! zinc
    library DyMotionProjectile requires DyMotionMain
        //               *****Globals*****
        //             *****Globals End*****
        public struct dmProjectile
            unit object;
            effect fx = null;
            private boolean IsDummy = true;
            static method create( real x, real y ) -&gt; dmProjectile
                dmProjectile msl = dmProjectile.allocate( );
                msl.object = Recycle.NewDummy( );
                msl.X = x;
                msl.Y = y;
                return msl;
            static method createWithUnit( unit u ) -&gt; dmProjectile
                dmProjectile msl = dmProjectile.allocate( );
                msl.object = u;
                msl.IsDummy = false;
                return msl;
            method operator FXPath= ( string value )
                if ( fx != null ) DestroyEffect( fx ); fx = null;
                if ( value == &quot;&quot; ) fx = null;
                else fx = AddSpecialEffectTarget( value, object, &quot;origin&quot; );
            method operator Owner ( ) -&gt; player
            { return GetOwningPlayer( object ); }
            method operator Owner= ( player value )
            { SetUnitOwner( object, value, true ); }
            method operator Size= ( real value )
            { SetUnitScale( object, value, value, value ); }
            method operator X ( ) -&gt; real
            { return GetUnitX( object ); }
            method operator X= ( real value )
            { SetUnitX( object, value ); }
            method operator Y ( ) -&gt; real
            { return GetUnitY( object ); }
            method operator Y= ( real value )
            { SetUnitY( object, value ); }
            method operator Z ( ) -&gt; real
            { return GetUnitFlyHeight( object ); }
            method operator Z= ( real value )
                SetUnitFlyHeight( object, value, 0.0 );
                /*location tz = Location( X, Y );
                if ( GetLocationZ( tz ) - value &gt;= 0 ) SetUnitFlyHeight( object, GetLocationZ( tz ) - value, 0.0 ); 
                else SetUnitFlyHeight( object, GetLocationZ( tz ), 0.0 );
                RemoveLocation( tz );*/
            method operator XYangle ( ) -&gt; real
            { return GetUnitFacing( object ) * bj_DEGTORAD; }
            method operator XYangle= ( real value )
            { SetUnitFacing( object, value * bj_RADTODEG ); }
            method onDestroy( )
                DestroyEffect( fx );
                if ( IsDummy )
                    Recycle.KillDummy( object );
        struct Recycle
            private static group DeadDummies;
            private static unit u;
            static method NewDummy( ) -&gt; unit
                u = FirstOfGroup( DeadDummies );
                if ( u == null )
                    u =  CreateUnit( Player( 15 ), dm_DUMMY_ID, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
                    UnitAddAbility( u, dm_UNTOUCHABLE );
                    UnitAddAbility( u, dm_FLYING );
                    UnitRemoveAbility( u, dm_FLYING );
                    PauseUnit( u, true );
                    GroupRemoveUnit( DeadDummies, u );
                return u;
            static method KillDummy( unit d )
            { GroupAddUnit( DeadDummies, d ); }
            private static method onInit( )
                integer i;
                DeadDummies = CreateGroup( );
                for ( 1 &lt;= i &lt;= 200 )
                    u =  CreateUnit( Player( 15 ), dm_DUMMY_ID, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
                    UnitAddAbility( u, dm_UNTOUCHABLE );
                    UnitAddAbility( u, dm_FLYING );
                    UnitRemoveAbility( u, dm_FLYING );
                    PauseUnit( u, true );
                    GroupAddUnit( DeadDummies, u );
//! endzinc

//! zinc
    library DyMotionCollision requires DyMotionMain, DyMotionProjectile
        //               *****Globals*****
        constant real dm_DEFAULT_COLLISION_RADIUS = 90.;
        //             *****Globals End*****
        public struct dmCollision
            player Owner = Player( 15 );
            real Radius = dm_DEFAULT_COLLISION_RADIUS; //the collision radius
            boolean Alive = true;
            boolean HeroesOnly = false;
            method operator EnemiesOnly= ( boolean value )
            { enemiesOnly = value; alliesOnly = false; }
            method operator AlliesOnly= ( boolean value )
            { alliesOnly = value; enemiesOnly = false; }
            private boolean enemiesOnly = true;
            private boolean alliesOnly = false;
            method CheckCollisions( real X, real Y ) -&gt; boolean
                p = Owner;
                c = this;
                GroupEnumUnitsInRange( g, X, Y, Radius, function( ) -&gt; boolean
                    unit f = GetFilterUnit( );
                    return IsUnitEnemy( f, p ) == c.enemiesOnly &amp;&amp; IsUnitAlly( f, p ) == c.alliesOnly &amp;&amp; ( GetWidgetLife( f ) &gt; 0.405 ) == c.Alive;
                } );
                b = false;
                if ( FirstOfGroup( g ) != null )
                    b = true;
                GroupClear( g );
                p = null;
                c = 0;
                /*f1.destroy( );
                f2.destroy( );
                f3.destroy( );*/
                return b;
            private static group g = CreateGroup( );
            private static group g2 = CreateGroup( );
            private static unit u;
            private static player p;
            private static dmCollision c;
            private static boolean b;
//! endzinc

//! zinc
    library Beam requires DyMotionMain, DyMotionMotion, DyMotionCollision
        constant integer SPELL_ID = &#039;A000&#039;;
        constant string MISSILE_FX = &quot;Abilities\\Weapons\\WingedSerpentMissile\\WingedSerpentMissile.mdl&quot;;
        constant string EXPLOSION_FX1 = &quot;DirtExplosion.mdl&quot;;
        constant string EXPLOSION_FX2 = &quot;EMPBomb.mdl&quot;;
        constant string EXPLOSION_FX3 = &quot;Fireworksblue.mdl&quot;;
        constant string EXPLOSION_FX4 = &quot;FreezingRing.mdl&quot;;
        constant string EXPLOSION_FX5 = &quot;PlasmaGrenade.mdl&quot;;
        constant string EXPLOSION_FX6 = &quot;Shiva&#039;sWrath.mdl&quot;;
        constant string TRAIL_FX = &quot;Abilities\\Weapons\\SpiritOfVengeanceMissile\\SpiritOfVengeanceMissile.mdl&quot;;
        constant real MISSILE_SPEED  = 1100.; //speed per second
        constant real MISSILE_DEVIATION = 22.5; //deviation of the secondary missiles
        constant real MISSILE_MAX_DISTANCE = 1800.;
        constant real EXPLOSION_RADIUS = 400.;
        constant integer EYECANDY_PROJECTILE_NUMBER = 8;
        constant real EYECANDY_PROJECTILE_SPEED = 800.;
        constant real EYECANDY_PROJECTILE_ANGLE_SPEED = dm_2Pi * 2.;
        constant string EYECANDY_PROJECTILE_FX = &quot;Abilities\\Weapons\\FrostWyrmMissile\\FrostWyrmMissile.mdl&quot;;
        function ExplosionDamage( integer lvl ) -&gt; real
        { return 80. + 100. * lvl; }
        function Actions( )
            unit c = GetTriggerUnit( );
            player p = GetOwningPlayer( c );
            integer lvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel( c, SPELL_ID );
            integer i;
            real cx = GetUnitX( c ), cy = GetUnitY( c );
            real a = Atan2( GetSpellTargetY( ) - cy, GetSpellTargetX( ) - cx );
            real a2 = 360. / EYECANDY_PROJECTILE_NUMBER * bj_DEGTORAD;
            real a3 = 0.;
            Beam bm;
            dmMotion m;
            for ( 1 &lt;= i &lt;= EYECANDY_PROJECTILE_NUMBER )
                a3 = a2 * i;
                m = dmMotion.create( cx, cy, a3 );
                m.FXPath = EYECANDY_PROJECTILE_FX;
                m.Speed = EYECANDY_PROJECTILE_SPEED;
                m.AngleSpeed = EYECANDY_PROJECTILE_ANGLE_SPEED;
                m.Size = .3;
                m.LifeTime = 1.2;
            DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffect( EXPLOSION_FX6, cx, cy ) );
            DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffect( EXPLOSION_FX6, cx, cy ) );
            bm = Beam.create( cx, cy, a );
            bm.FXPath = MISSILE_FX;
            bm.Speed = MISSILE_SPEED;
            bm.Z = 60.;
            bm.Size = 1.8;
            bm.Caster = c;
            bm.Damage = ExplosionDamage( lvl );
            bm.collider.Owner = p;
            bm = Beam.create( cx, cy, a );
            bm.FXPath = MISSILE_FX;
            bm.Speed = MISSILE_SPEED;
            bm.AngleSpeed = MISSILE_DEVIATION * bj_DEGTORAD;
            bm.Z = 60.;
            bm.Size = 1.4;
            bm.Caster = c;
            bm.Damage = ExplosionDamage( lvl );
            bm.collider.Owner = p;
            bm = Beam.create( cx, cy, a );
            bm.FXPath = MISSILE_FX;
            bm.Speed = MISSILE_SPEED;
            bm.AngleSpeed = -MISSILE_DEVIATION * bj_DEGTORAD;
            bm.Z = 60.;
            bm.Size = 1.4;
            bm.Caster = c;
            bm.Damage = ExplosionDamage( lvl );
            bm.collider.Owner = p;
            c = null; p = null;
        struct Beam extends dmMotion
            dmCollision collider = dmCollision.create( );
            unit Caster = null;
            real Damage = 0.;
            private real maxdis = 0.;
            method onMotion( )
                DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffect( TRAIL_FX, X, Y ) );
                maxdis += Speed * dm_UPDATE_INTERVAL;
                if ( !IsTerrainWalkable( X, Y, 10. ) || collider.CheckCollisions( X, Y ) || maxdis &gt;= MISSILE_MAX_DISTANCE )
                    destroy( );
            method onDestroy( )
                DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffect( EXPLOSION_FX1, X, Y ) );
                DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffect( EXPLOSION_FX2, X, Y ) );
                DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffect( EXPLOSION_FX3, X, Y ) );
                DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffect( EXPLOSION_FX4, X, Y ) );
                DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffect( EXPLOSION_FX5, X, Y ) );
                DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffect( EXPLOSION_FX6, X, Y ) );
                p = GetOwningPlayer( Caster );
                GroupEnumUnitsInRange( tempGroup, X, Y, EXPLOSION_RADIUS, function( ) -&gt; boolean {
                    u = GetFilterUnit( );
                    return GetUnitTypeId( u ) != dm_DUMMY_ID &amp;&amp; GetWidgetLife( u ) &gt;= 0.405 &amp;&amp; IsUnitEnemy( u, p ); } );
                u = FirstOfGroup( tempGroup );
                while ( u != null )
                    UnitDamageTarget( Caster, u, Damage, true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, null );
                    GroupRemoveUnit( tempGroup, u );
                    u = FirstOfGroup( tempGroup );
                u = null;
                p = null;
            private static unit u;
            private static player p;
        function onInit( )
            trigger t = CreateTrigger( );
            integer i;
            for ( 0 &lt;= i &lt; bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS ) TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent( t, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT, null );
            TriggerAddCondition( t, function( ) -&gt; boolean { return GetSpellAbilityId( ) == SPELL_ID; } );
            TriggerAddAction( t, function Actions );
            PreloadEnd( 0.5 );
            Preload( MISSILE_FX );
            Preload( EXPLOSION_FX1 );
            Preload( EXPLOSION_FX2 );
            Preload( EXPLOSION_FX3 );
            Preload( EXPLOSION_FX4 );
            Preload( EXPLOSION_FX5 );
            Preload( EXPLOSION_FX6 );
            Preload( TRAIL_FX );
            Preload( EYECANDY_PROJECTILE_FX );
            t = null;
//! endzinc


user title
Reaction score
I don't know any JASS, but I bet this is it:
function ExplosionDamage( integer lvl ) -> real { return 80. + 100. * lvl; }

Right now it's dealing 80 damage + 100 more for every level of the skill you have.


Reaction score
I don't know any JASS, but I bet this is it:
function ExplosionDamage( integer lvl ) -> real { return 80. + 100. * lvl; }

Right now it's dealing 80 damage + 100 more for every level of the skill you have.

thank you soooo much! Lol i couldnt find it for some reason x_x Lol

But now how would i change this damage to stat based damage? for example to make this do 25 damage plus the casters str times the level?
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