Recent content by IAmSoDoomed

  1. IAmSoDoomed

    Need Boss Fight Idea

    for necro you could like make somthing like pulling out the sould of the hero, making a nother hero of same time, and fade it, give it locust and then like everytime that unit gets damaged the hero itself gets damaged, and after sometime the sould returns to the hero. The hero aswell gets some...
  2. IAmSoDoomed

    Terrain Contest I - Voting!

    Voted: 8 I really get the feeling of summer on that pic. looks alot like The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion lol
  3. IAmSoDoomed

    random hero picking need help

    would it work like that:confused: Pick every unit in playable map checking conditons, player equals to what ever the event is and matching unit equals to hero and condition it that if the Picked unit is the same as the one randomed the unit just gets removed and a new unit gets spawned.
  4. IAmSoDoomed

    Need Boss Fight Idea

    Don't have any other ideas than what I already tolled you. You could do something like, the Hero randomly get's like 'Entangling Roots' cast on it; like undead hands holding him. I didn't mean to use them in a cinematic.
  5. IAmSoDoomed

    Need help with computers casting spells!

    1. Does it actually work with the AI editor? 2. Isn't it way easier to trigger it?
  6. IAmSoDoomed

    Need Boss Fight Idea

    wouldn't it be more like a cinematic then :confused: why don't you make the necro warp somewhere else (in a set area ofc) like every 5 seconds or something and then summon those skeletons infront of him. and when the necros life gets like smaller than 25% he uses some sort of special thing...
  7. IAmSoDoomed

    Need help with computers casting spells!

    it's in the trigger editior I guess: Unit - Order (Unit you want to cast) to Human Archmage - Blizzard (The Target Unit/Point)
  8. IAmSoDoomed

    RPG Character Selection Error

    it can happen, that if you use costum heroes and there stats are like high, more like extremly high, that the game gets extremly high lag or freezes when you summon or build them // happened to me before aswell // the only solution I had for that was reducing some of the stats. but it might be...
  9. IAmSoDoomed

    AI paving issue

    I'm not sure if this will work, but I noticed that the unit is walking into, like a corner of the cube, so you could use a Order action with PolarOffset. might work but would be extremly s**y to make lol
  10. IAmSoDoomed

    Loop problem - Healing-weaks spell

    if you just want to get the weakest unit and heal it why do you make such a big and complicated trigger..?
  11. IAmSoDoomed

    AI paving issue

    I just don't really see a problem on manually walking around the things.. xD
  12. IAmSoDoomed

    AI paving issue

    why don't you just klick your way through there ^^? Aint that a part of WC3....all those klicks lol aaand before you try to do things like that unimportand, actually it kinda is a bit, you should rather finish your project instead, right? ^^
  13. IAmSoDoomed

    AI paving issue

    okay now I get what you mean, erm well I don't really think there is a real way besides rescripting the AI or maybe asking Blizzard harhar, it's just a plain, stupid AI sometimes...
  14. IAmSoDoomed

    AI paving issue

    Sorry, but I don't really get the problem with that white line way. and on the second screenie can you destroy those small rocks?
  15. IAmSoDoomed

    AI paving issue

    then just create Regions at the corners and make a unit enters Region event then order the unit to walk to the next one and so on. Events Unit - A unit enters Rect 000 <gen> Conditions Actions Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Move To (Center of Rect 001 <gen>)